Big Brother 9 Live Show Spoiler
The Live Show will be covered here. In the event that the HoH Comp extends into the Live Feeds, a new post will be opened to cover that specifically...
Here we go... The show has begun, and they're doing the recap...
Welcome from Julie Chen. More recapping...
But first, there are tears, and then there are crocodile tears.... Showing Nomination Ceremony... Then a couple of DRs, Natalie talking to Joshuah saying she doesn't want to be a tie breaker.. Josh wondering in Dr if Natalie will keep her word. Josh: "Part of my strategy is to break down Adam and show him I'm weak and someone he should feel sorry for." Lead in to Joshuah's performance with the food for Adam... and Adam's absolute mensch moments...
Josh DR: Crying on cue is so easy for me. If anything it shows I'd be a great soap actor.
Continue with more of the performance for Adam... Then to jacuzzi scene with Natalie "If I keep Joshuah, how do I know you guys aren't gonna come after me?" Nat's DR=same.
Natalie in HoH with Sharon - rewind your minds! Natalie telling Sharon that Josh has been campaigning and how... Sharon brings Sheila up.. and we get the womens alliance meeting.
Natalie DR: If I wanna keep the girl power together, I need to go get Adam and Ryan and make sure they vote out Joshuah.
Natalie calls Ryan up. He tells her that they would be safer keeping Joshuah.. Natalie counters with the opposite and throws weakening James into the mix. Ryan says Sharon just worries him.
Cut to Sharon with Natalie... Natalie telling her that Ryan doesn't think he can trust her. Natalie gets Sharon and Ryan together, and she tells him that Josh and James are completely gunning for him, that they have it mapped out how it's gonna go down... Privately, Sharon tells Ryan she has his back 100%. Ryan pledges his allegiance to Sharon.
Natalie goes to work on Adam... Ryan goes back up to HoH, and he's on board to get Joshuah out.
Natalie DR: Now I've got everyone on board to get Joshuah out.
Cut to: James & Josh...
James: Natalie's gonna keep you. That's unreal.
Josh: I'm tired of babysitting Sharon. She's done.
Coming up - Josh's mom...
Now - what to the HGs think of the nominees.
Sheila: Sharon's basically carried Joshuah through the whole game and now he's trying to throw her under the bus.
Ryan spoke as well...
Checking in with the HGs. Very Exuberant! Sheila Question - What are your thoughts about James now? He is highly intelligent and he's playing a smart game. It was very good advice.
James: When Sheila pumped me up, it meant a lot to me. So I wanted to return the favor, but sincerely (paraphrase)
Adam - Why is there so much emotion around you, and how do you stay so calm. I get a little teary eyed too, but I just try to stay level headed.
Joshuah - you and Sharon are nominated against eachother. What kind of struggles have you had with this nom? It's been very hard. i just think of what a great person she is... Sharon says the campaigning changes nothing.. they'll be BFFs outside the house.
Josh Mom Segment... She's so young and beautiful!
She says watching it has been tough. It's not him. Sometimes when I'm watching him, I just wanna wring his neck. It's not Joshuah.. but I keep telling myself it's not him, it's just his strategy...
Coming up, the live vote, but first, Adam and James' DRs about Joshuah...
Back with Natalie up in HoH, talking to Julie... asks her about Matt. Now that Matt is gone, Natalie claims Ryan is her closest ally, and she appreciates the irony, since she voted Ryan out 3 times.
Joshuah and Sharon Plead their cases... Next up Votes.
Sheila votes to Evict Joshuah
Ryan votes to Evict Joshuah
Adam votes to Evict Joshuah :(
James votes to Evict Sharon
By a vote of
3 to 1
has been evicted from the
Big Brother 9 House.
Josh interview with Julie. He says it's a tough game and he wanted to go out well, not like Chelsia. Julie asks him about his mean side... "I'm only mean when I'm provoked... Just call me Norma Rae.. I stand up for other people's rights." Julie asks him about his mom and his acting in the house... Josh watches his goodbyes... Says Sharon and James are terrific...
HoH.. Here we go...
It's a QnA... More or Less... (i was WRONG)...
The number of things in the house... Ironic Natalie can't play...
Are there more or less than 25 table lamps in the house? Less. (all but Sheila Get POint)
Are there more or less than 30 tree trunks in the DR? Less (Sharon & James Get Point)
More or Less than 75 pillows in the BB House? More (Sharon, Sheila & Adam get a point)
more or Less than 37 picture frames? MOre (no points)
Sharon in lead with 3 points
More or less than __logs in the fireplace? Less - all right
More or less than 107 way mirrors througout the house and in the BY? MORE (119)
All but Sharon got it right.. 3 way tie now..
More or less than 115 pull out drawers...
The New HoH:
ADAM is the New HoH
Welcome back to Big Brother. Julie talks to Adam...
Adam: "What's up Baby?"
Sheila liked Joshuah's exit speech... "very classy."
Julie talks about next week, but no teaser in terms of a double eviction coming up... interesting... no teasers about next week at all, really.. just regular schedule stuff. hmph.
is anyone else hoping we get some footage of chelsia arriving at the sequester house?
i'm so excited for tonight's episode!! sadly i believe josh is going home. i hope he goes out with a bang though!!
Team James!! He needs to win HOH tonight!!
I would love to see Chelsia arriving at sequester.
Oh, and I just watched last night's show, you were right Carolyn, great editing, and I loved seeing James win and hearing his veto speech. I still love how everybody calls foul for things they've done themselves. This show is always a good study in human behavior to me.
Anywho....good luck nominees!
i have a bit of a show question.. during the opening credits.. they show people walking out... they show parker and jen together, and amanda and alex together... but jabob alone... did he and sharon walk out seperate when they left? i would have thought they walked out together like everyone else... but i cant view past episodes on cbs since i am in canada so i cant check myself.
I found it interesting that they never showed Nat running to Sharon after Josh told Natalie of his plan. (Maybe they will later on this show.)
Nevermind-they just did. :)
Go James Go!!
Nat is a freaking liar.
I hope Josh tears up Natalies letter if she gives it to him.
I counted the rings on shebots neck and she is definetly 48 not 46.
Carolyn> You really are the best!!! Thank you.
Julie sullivan-DITTO!!
I love it that they are showing the real Josh. He has lied and manipulated for the last time. I love that they showed the fake tears and the get rid of Sharon shot. So far I really feel good about this show.
Josh, what a SNAKE you are. Sharon had your back more than any other two people shared. And all along the crying episode that brought so much discussion on here, was all an ACT.
~imo ~ I have a feeling they taped that later. They never showed footage of him and Sharon leaving the least I think not...
~ Ryan ~
i hope we get some stuff from sequester as well!!! anyone think chelsia and matt will have gotten together? it iss just the two of them.. and!! i actually laughed OUT LOUD when shelia did her DR and said that sharon had carried joshuah through the game, and that he hid behind her. joshuah has not hidden from ANYTHING, he's been one of the most outspoken. if anything, he's carried her. but thats just IMHO
Everyone in the house has lied at some point. It's part of the game. You have to play your game and con others to make moves that are befitial to yourself. But attacks are hitting below the belt, and the two who have attacked the most are James and Josh.
Josh begone!
Go Ryan and Adam, get the HOH! You've got one more to remove from the house (James).
cut to cows...
I feel for Josh's mom. That's something no mom should see :(
Are they trying to tell us something by only showing a segment about Josh's family? :(
The segment with Josh's mom made me cry
Is the voting tonight going to be a tie?
Charlie cracks me up
SheTree ....
ROFLMAO--Charlie! that was soooo bad....but so funny!!!
Natalie : "When I was little god used to talk to me..." oi!
It is so interesting on the viewpoints quoted on here. Some comment about how much of a liar some are(i.e. me) and then state that is part of the game. It is stated that Nat is such a liar, but then support J/J's actions including the lying they do.
Hiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee Julieeeeeeeeeee..........O.M.G.!!!!!
Again, if James doesn't win one of the next two comps we can all butter him up and have him for breakfast - TOAST!
I vote to evict....Sharon
why are ryan and adam so lame?
Whoa. What was up with Adam's voice when he voted to evict? He sounded all... sultry!
does anyone else wonder why they don't cut the commercials and show more of the this would be a great time to show the sequester house LOL just a suggestion....
what the H E double hockey sticks is Natalie wearing??? Must be something left over from her stripper wardrobe!
Boo hoo, almost no one left in the House to care about anymore.
I'll miss you Joshuah!! Well James needs to win HoH now...or Sharon...but more so James!
~ Ryan ~
Ryan is looking good!!!!!
has almost been evicted from the
Big Brother 9 House."
"ALMOST"??!?!? What do you mean "ALMOST"?? Get him outta there!
I have had two wonderful weeks of Big Brother. First they got rid of Chelsia and now Joshuah. It would be three in a row in next week James goes.
see ya later... why the sad face for joshuah?...
I think he was just trying to whisper
awhhhhhh JOSHUAH!!!
JOSHY!!! Classyyy!!!! Be well... A light in the house goes out :(
His whole exit speech... not very inspirational.
Classy. Pure Josh Classy.
I not a fan of Josh-but his speech was excellent. Plus it was so much better than Chelsia's!
next out Natile and Shelia!
They are all BAD, they are all GOOD. ALL. Its a GAME!!!
Josh wanted to stay on the ride, but he's ou of tickets!!!!!!!
I will miss Joshy tons :-(
Am I the only softy who cried?!?!
I guess they're not showing the pranks since Joshuah was the best one and he'll be gone. Boo!
was i the only one hoping josh was going to use his fictional neil story on his way out? i just think it would have been funny!!
so sad to see him go. the house will be totally boring now.
did they show the pranks in this episode??
oh, dbtrbl i so disagree--it's time for team Christ to loose a few members. After all, they are going to have to start turning on each other sooner or later anyway. And when that happens, then who becomes the "good" and "bad"?
I was inspired by his speech!!!
Much better then the crap Natalie spits out!
Josh comments about how tired he is of babysitting Sharon when talking to James, and then turns about face and makes the statements about how much he loves here.
all that studying Natalie did and she doesn't even get to play!! LMAO that's a little BB justice for ya!
The only reason to continue watching now is to see James kick them all out one after one. I don't really want anyone of these people to win the money though.
for the win!!! adam !!!!!!!!!!
This comp was MADE for Natalie! She must be freaking out on the sidelines! LOL!
This game is really over now.
Bye bye James....
ok so this settles it...HoH are rigged.....
just so happens the queen of numbers cant compete in the numbers hoh?? COME ON!!!
Watch Natalie and Sheila kiss major Adam booty now.
ahhh! NO! I cant take this! NOT ADAM!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! darn it... i hope james works his stuff..
Yeee Haww!!!
I Love me some A Ballah!
crap crap crap crap.....why the heck did adam win
well, I guess if it couldn't be James to win--Adam would be my second choice :) go baller!! btw Caroline, very nice interview about him!
Is it just me or was Natalie's shirt a little stripper-ish?
James --- POV is almost always physical. The next will probably be morphomatic. That should be a win for Sharon, Nat or James.
I can NOT believe that Natalie counted all of that for nothing!!! That stinks for her! Seriously.
Also, no endurance comp? Boo. I had my caffeine ready!
Yay for BALLER!!!
and there goes James and Sharon on the block yet again... when will someone one so called "good" side realize that Natalie and Sheila are running them and try to get one of them out? Maybe Adam will actually grow a pair and do it this week, but I doubt it
woohoo!!! go adam and carolyn! now on to hope that james loses POV this week
We've said bye to James for three weeks now. I wouldn't speak too soon. :)
DAMMIT!!!!! i can't believe it. ADAM????? disappointed. the only way this could be worse was if it was a double eviction. at least now james can win pov.
Sharon threw that. She deserves to go home if James can win Veto again.
YEAH ADAM!!!!!!!!!!
Hate to say it but I think James is toast.. boo hoo
Now, will Adam finally gets some backbone and put up Shiela too?
If not who else but Sharon?
I'm totally bummed...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can't believe Adam won. I'm so sad. Hopefully James will win the POV. GO TEAM PINK!!!
Sharon is in for a rude awakening. She thought she was part of 'team christ' now. Wait til she's put up with James and if James wins POV, they'll have no problem sending Sister Sharon home.
I can't wait for Team Christ to eat their own soon. ;-) Until then... I am taking a break. I hate this house. I really do.
Bring on BB10 and please give us some players and less sheep.
Adam is the unknown. Will he be swaded by Ryan or by Natalie and Sheila?
anne -- I was definitely wondering if Josh would use his pretend story or not! I was surprised.
His parents are SO Texas but not very Dallas!
OH YEAH!!! Remember Adam's family saying that he could memorize things easily and had somewhat of a photographic memory... He SHOULD have won this one!
I wouldnt be surprised to see adam put up gnat and shebot, hes conscious of the boys vs girls numbers.
So Adam earlier said that he'll nominate James and Sheila. I hope he does it. If Sharon wins POV she can save James and Team Christ better start eating... ;-)
bye bye Joshy, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Go Adam!!!!
how did James have pink hair today? i thought Natalie dyed it blonde for him last night??
As much as I like Baller, it sucked to see James not win. It's going to be a predictable week and I expect James or sharon to go home---there's really no reason to turn on the feeds at this point.
go baller!!!!!! i like him cuz he from jersey like me! he lives 10 mins away from me. but im ready for the house to change. this game is gettin very boring. i think baller should change up now. get rid of the ladies except for sharon. that's my girl! sheila got to go. she gunning for the boys anyway so he needs to take her out before she gets the opportunity to do so.
Why Adam, ugh! I can't believe. I really thought Sharon had it.
Barf! Who wants to watch another week of Twiddle Dee & Twiddle Dumb playing pool or listen to Gnat and She-Devil cackle. Just listening to these four makes me sick! Forget the live feeds no one is going to be watching the CBS show let alone the live feeds. I really feel sorry for you Carolyn that you have to watch it. You poor girl.
Ok I am beginning to think the DR did give Natalie a heads up on the HOH competition. Or is she really a psychic????
Wonder if ABaller will grow a spine this week, and see that the girls are conspiring against the guys.
Thanks Carolyn for all your hard work! I've enjoyed reading the blogs!
CBS might as well pull the show now no one is going to watch!
I so wanted one of the women to win. I don't have a clue what Adam will do. I know he will put up James again. But will the other nom be either Sharon or Sheila? I will be watching with my heart pumping way to fast to see how the next week goes. I am already fearful of what might happen. I was so looking forward to getting either James or Ryan out. I don't like either one.
Noms= Sharon & James
POV= If James wins Sharon goes home. If not James goes home.
We need Sheila to win HOH these noms are to easy to predict now.
omg wth. My cable sucks. I DVR'd BB and the whole thing is choppy & no audio :(
Thank god for this site or I would have lost my mind
My heart bleeds.
I've turned to fireball whiskey, but I don't think it's gonna help.
Oh James, you are so f*cked.
Just made this comment at another blog. Thought I might as well cut & paste it here too...
Oh man, if Adam really believes it could go girls vs guys he can flip the house. Too bad James turned on Adam since Adam told Sharon he'd never vote against her...
Jimmy better start begging. In fact everyone questions Adam's loyalty through his truthiness. maybe he'll f*ck with them all for a day or two.
Going from history wasn't this weeks comp supposed to be physical?
Do you think that BB felt Gnat was studying too hard and this was good week to do this comp to keep it fair? If it was physical this week James or Sharon would have had it hands down. Those other three losers can't win anything physical and she-devil wins nothing at all but you betcha she'll be up in the HOH most of the time. She does ride everyone elses coat tails.
josh and "classy" in the same sentence.. come on people! he's lucky if he still has a job to come home to after the crap he pulled. You go into that house knowing you are coming into a HIGHLY stressful situation and it's sick what he did to all the women, and just the person he was on this show but whatver he's gone. The crocodile tears from him jame and chelsia throughout this how are exhausting- sorry kids this show isn't on air because of you, everything isn't going to go your way, just play it and shut up... go baller!
If Adam is smart he will put the girls up! But, dont think he is. :(
I did like Josh's mom. She loves and supports her son no matter what he does. She wasn't real happy with the monster part of him. But still supported him no matter what. She did like the actor part of him, the comedian, the dancer, the over the top crazy part of him. I respect that very much.
*sigh* Adam as HOH...So Sharon and James are nominated and if James doesn't win Veto he's gone. We can all phone this coming week in. I wanted James to win but at least if Sharon had won there would be some anticipation wondering what she would do.
Does anyone know what Ryan said to Sharon right after teh comp? He had her in an embrace and was saying something to her... hhhmmmm
And Sheila will participate in a competition when?????? Adam...put her on the block!!!!!!
It was disapointing that we did not get to see Chelsia arrive at the sequester house AND no April Fool footage...I can't believe that they didn't show it, it was hysterical.
way to go ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
anon 6:04
I will still be matter who goes. i'll be here till the end.
i would love to see adam grow a pair this week and put up sheila and natalie.
he MUST know that they are playing girls v guys. sheila has wanted that ever since partners broke up.
i wonder if she feels safe thinking that adam won't ever put her up? i expect her to be in his ear all week.
if james is smart he will bring up final 2 to adam. tell adam that he is sure to win if he brings james to F2 with him. who else can adam win against? really nobody.
james really needs to work some magic this week and adam needs to get a spine.
time for sheila to go. or nat.
Josh is out. Adam got HoH. So so close. I was really hoping for a tie-breaker with Sharon and James and wouldn't have cared much who had won.
I'm officially in mourning. I'm wearing black and after this will not type for 3 days. Yea RIGHT!. No one gets rid of me that easily. I'll be back after I hear some of the post show feeds.
Team pink is dead...why is evrybody sayin that they're done watching bb9...they've been sayin that for 3weeks now....YOU KNOW U CANT STOP WATCHING!
Anon@ 5:54....I'd have to agree...I'm surprised they let her wear that on CBS. Good thing there was no wardrobe malfunction!
the game is pretty much over know. its a whole group against james. the only interesting person left is james. all ryan and adam do is play pool and the girls just sit there and backstab people. i cant stand to listen to shelia talk anymore! i miss josh :[[ i realllly hope james wins this. hes the only one that deserves the money.
Adam has made a previous statement to Sharon, while she was seeing if he would keep her this week mind you, that he would watch out for Sharon. He said he would much rather have her there than Natalie or Sheila. So, Adam has stated that he wants her to stay with him later in this game. Could this mean that he will not put her up as a pawn against James? Let us all hope so! Maybe then Sharon can win PoV and save James and those two can stay. Then Team Christ will see what it is like to REALLY eat their own!
I guess my interview today was good luck for a ball. this game is over now. adam wins.
Omg CBS shouldn't pull the show. lol people are going to watch. That's what was said last week when Natalie won and obviously many of those people watched the show tonight ;)
Ok, getting a lil' peeved here.
Because Josh was voted out, neither James or Sharon won HoH, AUTOFREAKINMATICALLY the show is gonna suck?? Whatever, we all have our favorites and people who think this "on an island all by themselves". I can guarantee there are PLENTY of Ryan, A-Balla, Natalie, and SheBot fans out there to keep CBS afloat.
Just the WAH WAH WAH is REALLY getting on my NERVES....sore losers in my book.
As I have said before and I have said time and time again, if Ryan, who IS my favorite got voted out:
#1 I'd still watch because I love the show and the game
#2 I would not cancel my feeds.
#3 I would STILL watch BBAD
#4 I wouldn't come on a blog crying, get over it already, GEEZ!
Carolyn, Did the DR give you insider information to do an interview with Adam's friend today... lol. ;-)
-Krista from MO
this game isn't going boys v girls people, watch the feeds. Natalie is with adam and ryan(*especially ryan*) and Sharon has something good with Adam and Ryan, what would be he benefit of working with Shelia for those girls, huh?? Nothing, unless Shelia wins hoh.. Watch and learn it's pretty simple to see.
woooooooooooooohoooooooooooo Josh is finally out yipeeee and the look on James face was priceless when he didn't win HOH, I see he is back on his island. Good for Adam winning HOH hehehhheee James will be back on the block now woo hoo. I guess Josh wasn't man enough after all to do his planned speech, instead he waits to go out to Julie and say everyone in the house has no back bone except for Sharon and James, what a twit. What an embarrassment Josh was to his parents, I felt bad for his parents tonight. At least Sharon won't have to worry about babysitting him anymore, I am so glad she stayed over him. Julie hit it on the nail when she said Josh is RUTHLESS. Team Christ can turn on each other after the last herder James is gone.
One can only hope for a biblical flood that will wash Team Crisco (lard) away...
yESS! A Baller is so awesome.
I think Nat's studying wasn't in vain. If any of you have watched the live feeds this season, her OCD kept the others informed like ADAM. She and Him were always running numbers, she would quiz him.
Did Ryan just tank it?
Not only was Natalie's shirt typical trailer trash stripper, but her HOH comments to Julie about her missing her "good times" with Matty? Did I miss something? Is she that clueless or hungry for any attention? Or, maybe the joke is on us and they have known each other? Who knows, I did find it strange that Mat was always in DR for long periods or time. I always thought there was some connection with him and Shelia? Who knows?
Yes, I would love to see the sequester house. It could be an episode by itself.
Adam, has been laying so low this entire game, just waiting to release it. Even though I can not understand what he says most of time , because he is either repeating what someone says, or grunting. He certainly fooled many of us.
Sharon is BORING..........
Ryan is not so exciting either. I think he is the true floater. He only rides on the coattails of others.
Shelia, is not my cup of tea, but seems that her past taught her to be shady. She is surviving.
James - ROCKS......... he is playing to win it.
Nat, is the runner-up as to the game play. Even though I think she is pitiful.
I certainly could not play this game. Oh, how I love to watch.
GO JAMES.............
I'm watching!!!
And, regarding Joshuah's exit speech -- Who voted that Natalie's speeches would be more convincing? Seriously??
Carolyn, can we please not have anymore comments of the "I am not gonna watch" or "I am canceling my live feeds" every week the same thing and you know your gonna watch. GEESH people it's only a game. If you really aren't going to watch then just do it, there is no need to say it every week!
Shew... thanks just needed to get that out of my system lol
Thank you for all you do Carolyn you are the BEST!!
Josh's exit speech:
Um hello-- do you think they're being true to other people? They're all in there for themselves!
I think he just wanted some extra talking-on-camera time.
Natalie is good at the guesses, I have to say! She would have killed on this one. I am sure we will hear about it all week over and over again.
So this is could get interesting... is it going boys vs. girls? Is it the week that James' luck will run out?
I think James might be able to sway Adam and Ryan if he can play it right. Sharon unfortunately is probably in the outs. Adam won't have a problem putting up Sheila but I think he holds on to the fact that she would keep him/protect him while it is in her best interest. Unfortunately, she can't win anything and isn't much help.
Thanks Carolyn!! :)
I can't believe we didn't get to see any of the April fools clips or, since josh was leaving a glimpse of super joshy. LMAO after all Nats studying to not be able to participate! Looks like Pinky is going on the block yet again. I pray(ha,ha) that Adam puts up Sheila with him. Nat wins POV and doesn't use it. James leaves and then with a double evict get Sheila next. Pinky is really going to be on an island now. Is Sharon going to hang tight with James for strategy or pity that he's alone?
they didn't show any april fool's pranks! boo!!!!
Well, I missed the show but now I'm more or less caught up thanks to you, Carolyn. CBS should really be paying you, because if it weren't for your work here, I'm sure lots of us would have tuned out a few weeks ago. Lately, every competition and every nomination and every eviction just makes the show more boring to watch.
A final four consisting of any of the remaining HGs except for James would make for some of the worst television ever aired--so they REALLY ought to be glad you're here.
Shiela: "Oh Adam, be a man, get a spine"
Adam: "Hey Sheila, you want to see spine-I'm nominating you with James"
ill miss Josh. he did a great speech and he said he wants James or Sharon to win. i think he was the best HG this season. By the way, i didnt like the edit for this episode.
PS Carolyn thanks for the sad face in the eviction votes. youre the best
When Jacob and Sharon were evicted - he walked out of the house before she did - she was just behind him, but he didn't wait for her because he was pissed. She was hugging all of the girls and then walked out after. You see all of the couples after they have walked down the steps and are walking toward Julie. You only see Jacob pushing the door open and walking 2 steps out - what you don't see is that Sharon is right behind him they just don't show her. Get it?
Beth & Eric @ 9:56 -
A little Texas geography. Port Neches is where Josh's parents live, and where he grew up. It's in the far SE corner of Texas in the Beaumont/Orange/Port Arthur triangle. Josh moved to Dallas after he graduated from UT. ;)
Yes, I'm already back. I'm still in mourning but my fingers still keep going.
Sorry Carolyn. Hope I didn't give you false hope that I would take off a few days. :p~
I really hope James and Sharon get over their defeatist attitude they are on right now and start working Baller. He can be swayed and if James points out the battle of the sexes I think he could be pursueded to take out a female. Hopefully Gnat or Shrilla.
Who wonders if Shrilla cried for a trip to the DR after Julie asked her that insulting question.. can't remember what it was, but I could see by her face, Shrilla was not happy with it.
REALLY Julie... How dare you ask a 46 year old single mother with a 16 year old son watching such a question. You just can't do that. You should be evicted from hosting.
I'm so surprised they didn't have an endurance tonight! What's up with that?
Now I'm starting to wonder if they're going to have a double eviction at all.
We'll see. Expect the unexpected, but I expected to see Josh leave.
I think Adam will put up James and Shelia. James will win POV. Sharon will go up.
tammy...yes I think Ryan looks good! He's like a big teddy bear!
Darin It sure looks that way! I'll be calling you for a follow up. ;)
Krista :) THis episode brought to you by the power of the number 9... ;)
LisaInNY From your mouth to Gods ears... Nothing is more tiresome to me...
Re Sequester Footage I'd love to see some too...
bklyn THanks :)
here we again another week of James on the block and if he actually does go home this week(which would be sad) then Natalie is gonna blab on and on about how knew that he had nine lives and since the 9th week is over, he's evicted.i really hope james wins pov or adam flips the house somehow to make james stay...
The whole 9 lives - 9 weeks thing doesn't work. James was not put on the block 8 times :) If I'm counting right, he was put up 4 times and this will make the 5th? So he has 4 lives left..... teehee
And as annoying as Sheila is, why would anyone evict her at this point? She isn't a threat. With her, the house now has 5 players, 2 GPs and an airbag without a car...
I know. I'm evil :)
thank god josh is gone. karma sucks.....he was a mean spirited person, and an absolute insult to the gay community. i will give credit where credit is due, and as much as i can't stand him, i do think he left with what little class he has. as for james....god, i hope he goes home. i can't stand him. it has NOTHING to do w/ lying or game play, i just really don'y like him, or ant of them for that matter. As pathetic as it is, i hope adam or ryan win. Again, nothing to do w/ game play, they are just the least annoying....just my opinion. All i really wanted to see was Chelisa & Josh get the big boot, hopeflly with James to follow. He just grosses me out. He just looks so dirty and smelly. ick.
Anywho....i'm so very happy! good job Nat!
I am not going to watch until Friday... like last week. It worked wonders for POV and then the strategy can start.
But before I take some time out--
Why is it that those of you who complain about those who say this game to be over or dull now just call them sore losers etc. (Biskit and others... and especially those cowardly anonymous commenters)? Many of you are gleeful and spiteful to bloggers with different views.
This game of BB swings back and forth throughout the season... but let's face it... if you need to be gleeful because people complain that the House will be boring and henceforth are canceling feeds and Sho2. I mean, how much fun are these Hamsters after all? They go to bed too early. I personally canceled Showtime last week... if I want to listen to 'Jesus freaks'... there are other channels. Don't get me wrong... I don't mind people with personal faith... but everytime I hear stars/athletes and HGs believe that God and Jesus have anything to do with their win I want to puke. Seriously.
I hope some people now start to play the Game... that includes you Adam... because you have been whimping out lately. It's a good thing you are good at certain comps. :-)
It has NOTHING to do with "personal views". I never mentioned a one in my post, at all.
My point IS why can't someone enjoy the GAME for the GAME?
To me saying you're not gonna watch anymore and cancel everything is the equivalent of saying, "Well, I'll just take my ball and bat and go home."
I'll never hide behind a "anon" tag, because I believe in what I say, as you do....agree to disagree, I guess. Because I have NEVER found James all. And the ONLY time I did Josh was when he was getting pranked, BUT even when James was winning EVERYTHING, and will probably continue to win PoV, I will STILL WATCH, because of the GAME and not the "hamsters".
I'm disappointed none of the pranks were showed!
and UUUHHGGGG... Another week of Adam in HOH itching and picking... Ick!!
someone please explain what "anonymous" is talking about with the whole jacob and sharon walking out, and them not showing her thing. i guess i'm thick cuz i don't get it. Also, i doubt there will be a double eviction b/c they evicted people as couples in the beginning......
I for one am happy with the way the game is playing out thus far, I think Josh was funny but he had to go. I can't wait until they get rid of James I have laid off of BBAD but I will still watch Wednesday shows. I want Shelia to win call me crazy but they kept her this long she should win but I think they're going to get her out. Good week.
I don't understand why people come to the blog and say they're not gonna watch. Then why are you spending your time commenting on a blog?
angie, gaytor, biskit... I'll be here with ya!
(PS -- Gaytor -- I just moved to Dallas from Baltimore, MD, and I guess I was just making the point that the actual "cities" in Texas, like Dallas, are nothing like where Josh grew up! People have such a warped view of this state. ie: Steers, etc!)
I am sorry if I sounded cranky in the last comment... I am just so tired of people attacking the house guests in manners like "I hope he goes because he is dirty and probably smells", or "he's an insult to the so and so community", and other stupid comments like that. I don't say that women are stupid because of how Sheila and Nat are. Who made them the representative for a whole gender? Same goes for Josh and being gay. He's a person and a man who happens to be gay. Period. I don't have a problem with people criticizing game play or lack thereof... I keep referring to Adam to start playing his own game and not be so attached to SheNat because he has been laying back outside of comps. Adam didn't even run his last HoH.
I feel like this is becoming too 'High School' sometimes, or god forbid, a political blog where they tear supporters of one candidate to shreads for not buying into the hype of another. It's draining.
I get what you are saying and I enjoy your comments even when we do not agree... I mentioned your name because you are pretty much the one with balls around here unlike those with 'drive by insults' (not meaning you were insulting). What Game are you talking about? Most of the people in the majority don't have much game... they plan to vote for who they like, and for other Team Christ members... rather than who the most worthy player is. This year is more about emotions than most others. I think Season 6 was very much alike. For somebody who is a true fan of BB and the social study/play that goes on... this is very disappointing.
Looking at who's been good as a player or good in comps... I would, at this moment, prefer to see James and Adam in F2.
Oh yeah, and Hi Darin! Thanks again!
If you think I was being, "insulting", I apologize, that was never my intent.
I'm looking at the "RYAN EXPRESS" and A-BALLA as my F2.
Tella -- You shouldn't have to apologize! That's what comments and blogs are for!
I totally agree with: I am just so tired of people attacking the house guests in manners like "I hope he goes because he is dirty and probably smells", or "he's an insult to the so and so community", and other stupid comments like that.
Beth & Eric, I didn't mean anything negative. just showing where Port Neches is on the map.
Joshuah is living in Dallas and he is VERY VERY Dallas.
Yes everyone thinks Texas is steers and ranches. I cackled when they first opened that segment and showed the farm before the house which actually looked more like it was in a city to me. Actually the location of Port Neches isn't really suited for cattle, etc although there may be some there. It's all oil refineries and bays leading to the Gulf.
So do you like TX better than MD? Where in TX are you if you don't mind saying. Remember, I'm a native Texan and born in Dallas myself. I do know how Dallas people are. ""Believe ME"" as Shrilla would say.
actually Josh is from Groves, Texas not Port Neches. He went to high school in Port Neches. Of course they had to portray the area as the stereotypical Texas town...which it is not. It's a town of Oil refineries not farm land...I know this because I am from there and went to HS w/Josh.
I'm so tired of the Blog Hamsters attacking the Anonymous posters just because we choose to stop by once and a while instead of EVERY OTHER POST!!
Carolyn I thought there was room for all of us on your blog...
Did anyone else think Sharon's tears were waaaay over played? She wanted everybody to think she suffered a huge breakdown from Josh leaving and for that reason lost HOH. We all know she was acting and was planning to throw the HOH all along. She practically told Josh that when he was still there. I heard the conversation and knew this was coming. Ugh.
Isn't it funny that she isn't showing any emotion towards Josh tonight, now that it's all over with? hmm
A little late in commenting, but I thought that Josh came across very full of himself last night. He was so fake, and I felt he was trying to audition for that soap opera role he wants so badly. Complete with fake laugh and a fake, deeper voice, I thought he came across badly. I also am not a fan of this new trend where the evicted house guests feel the need to lecture those that are remaining. To show true class would be to accept their goodbyes and leave. It's a game...
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