The Overnight Report
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy PoV Comp Day! What a night in the BB9 house! Holy moly. The Overnight Report is now complete and ready for your perusal. ;) Also, there are a couple of new quickie polls for ya...
And now... the overnight report...
8:56pm BBT
Sharon & James
Adam had a plan...
Sharon: When I was on the block against Joshuah, he told me I know at some point we're gonna have to start turning on eachother, and I don't want you to think it's gonna go bam bam bam. He said, 'Sharon, I know that I cannot keep Natalie in the end...' I'm just telling you, he said that to me.
James: In confidence, like privately?
Sharon: Yeah. I was sitting out here... Monday afternoon, we were out here by ourselves.
8:56pm BBT Sharon tells James: Adam had a plan...
Adam told her things had to change
9:13pm BBT
Frilly Room
Natalie, Ryan
Natalie wants a 'good person' to win.
Natalie: If I'da been able to talk to Adam one more time, Adam woulda done the sensible thing.. But they wanted more drama.. they wanted reactions from every houseguest. Now this game better be favored towards me. That's all I can tell ya. This game better be favored towards me. I wanna set a record.. a good person wins... Matty is not gonna be a happy camper watching this nomination ceremony..
All the while, Ryan is grunting and mm hmm'ing his responses, while tapping a beat on the bed frame.
..and she wants a "good person" to win
9:32pm BBT
Spa Room
Natalie, Sheila & Adam
Natalie Prays the Evil Doers do not win...
Adam: God's gonna be mad at me now, huh?
Natalie: God is not very happy. You need to pray, big time. He's like, don't work with the evil doer.
Adam: Say it for me right now. I wanna hear it.
Natalie: I will. Please dear God, we need you now to help protect the good people in the house... We need to prevail, we need you on our side, and we need you to forgive Adam for the huge mistake he made... Please God, the devil came back with 7 of his friends, and Adam didn't know what he was doing.. Please God. He needs to be redeemed. And in order to prevail, we need to win the Veto Comp tomorrow... God, be the wind on our back, and help us get the last evil doer out...
Sheila: Amen.
Adam: The light just flickered... I swear to you.
Natalie: Ahhh.. that's great. God is present when 2 or more people pray together... God is with me in the sauna. Did it really?
Adam: It did. I swear.
Natalie: Don't swear.
Adam messes with Natalie
9:39pm BBT
Sharon & James
Karma, Christianity and Natalie
Sharon tells James about all of Natalie's lies and how it sickens her that Natalie plays the good Christian card while talking out of both sides of her mouth, plotting with James and against him...
Sharon: I don't believe her. She wants to win that PoV and get you on the block and send your ass home. She was freaking out hoping Adam wouldn't do it.. She was panicking... If you're gonna speak the word, the gospel of Jesus, then it needs to be full circle... Uch.. I can't take her. I will never vote for her. If she gets to the end, I will vote (for) someone walking in the door tomorrow over her.
10:36pm BBT
Living Room - Guineas
Sharon, Natalie, Adam, Ryan
Animal Instinct
10:54pm BBT
Sharon, Sheila, Natalie, Adam
Sharon explains her game
Natalie: (about Adam) He said if Jimmy uses the Power of Veto on her (Sharon), he's just gonna sock him dead in his eyeball and spit in his face, and he's just gonna exit...
Sheila: That doesn't scare you? That he might not use the PoV on you and send you home?
Sharon: No. That's his prerogative. He owes me nothing. Now if that was Joshuah, it's a different story...
Sheila: We just have to see how it plays out tomorrow, cause tomorrow's gonna be huge...
Natalie: It's gonna be epic.
Sharon: We just have to see how it goes.
Sheila: I know. You take it a whole lot better than me.
Sharon: Well, what can you do? Lets play the scenarios. I'm gonna freak out and bitch you out. What would that do for me?
Sheila: Nothin'.. that would make people wanna send you home faster.
Sharon: OK.. So cryin'.. What's that gonna do? Nothin'... So a,b, or c - nothing. Everyone's saying, will I be pissed if he sends me home? No. it's a game. I know I came in this game and did what i said I was gonna do. If I walk out those doors, I know that I did not disgrace my family, my friends or all of America watching.
Natalie: That's why I never talked bad about Chelsia...
Sharon: If I'm out, I'll hug all y'all and say see ya in 3 weeks. I'd rather leave on good terms than bad terms. Everything happens for a reason...
11:22pm BBT
Dining Table
James, Adam & Natalie
Game Talk
Natalie: But until it happens, it's like, I'll believe it when i see it.
James: And how do I know you guys wont use it to put me up?
Adam: Exactly.
James: I gave him (Adam) my word I wouldn't use it. I didn't give you my word on anything, and I don't want to be in a position where I have to promise you anything.. but because I don't wanna promise you anything, that puts me in a position where you take Sheila down and put me back up...
Natalie: Not necessarily... If I win, we can talk. You know I have an open door. I tell them what they wanna hear.. Adam knows...
James: I just don't wanna be in a situation where I have to trust you... I want you to have to trust me.
Natalie: I'm gonna be honest with you from here on out. I'm done with that...
Natalie says she's not playing for Matt. She just has trust issues because of all of her exes...
11:29pm BBT
Kitchen Counter
Natalie, James & Adam
Natalie makes a deal with James
Natalie: You have my word, if you win PoV and don't use it, and I win HoH next week, you will not go on the block. You have my word, and my word means something.
12:19am BBT
Memory Wall
Natalie Talking to Matty & God
Natalie: I have to win the PoV tomorrow. Oh God, please. I've made it through 8, I have to make it through 4 more evictions. Matty, I'm so sorry.. I miss you so much... You were so much fun. That was a short-lived fun adventure for me n you. Thank you God... I can win this game. I can win this thing.. I know I can. Nite, nite Matty.
12:20am BBT
Adam & Sheila
Sheila Tells Adam He Did the Right Thing
Sheila: Where is everybody?
Adam: In bed, I think.
Sheila: I'm gonna look at this as a blessing in disguise... I'm not going to say this in front of all of them, though.
Adam: Will you scratch my back?
Sheila: Nooo! My ex used to always make me do that all the time.
Adam: Please?
Sheila acquiesces.
Sheila: Adam, you did the right thing. I know everyone is on your ass right now... Everyone in this house freaking hates you, except for James.
Sheila talks about her ex, and how Adam reminds her of him, as she continues rubbing his back and talking...
1:15am BBT
All of the HGs are in their beds.
Adam is up in HoH, lying in bed reading the bible and asking God to help him through this time...
That concludes the overnight report.
Happy TGIF Carolyn, and thanks again for all you do, yesterday couldnt have been easy for you. Also congrats on your 4 millionth hit, thats awesome!!!!!
PLease let James win the POV. I want to sheila out of there. Let her have her happy birthday in the jury house. LOL that would be so great!
Good morning all!!!
I'm so thankful BB gave them wine last night. Two bottles, white for Nat and red for Sheila.
Sharon doesn't drink and James wasn't interested so that will certainly give them an advantage if the PoV is endurance or physical... which I'm hoping it will be and may they do it first thing this morning.
Go Sharon Go!
A recent trend I've noticed...
• Two weeks ago: Adam wins HOH. Chelsia gets 2nd. Chelsia goes home.
• Last week: Natalie wins. Josh gets 2nd. Josh goes home.
• This week: Adam wins. James and Sharon tie for 2nd. ___??___ goes home.
Which one of the 2nd place finishers will it be??
i really hope james wins the POV or the show will be soo boring. i cannot stand listening to natalie and sheila..they both need to go fast..
and, when natalie gets evicted, matty better lock is door..the girl is obsessed with him.
Hopefully both. I can't wait 'till they send James packin'!! If its not this will be the sorry to burst everyone's bubble. He may have been LUCKY so far, but his timer's about to go off.
Am I the only one that doesn't think that Adam made a mistake? He is HoH so it was his decision. This is his strategy and I don't think any of the houseguests have a right to question that. I just prayed to counter Natalie's prayer, we will see who God loves more.
I've always liked how cheerful and positive Nat is but the more stress she's under, the more religious and nutty she becomes. I don't remember her praying and referring to God this much in the beginning - was she?
I cannot take Natalie any more. If she was such a Christian she wouldn't be judging James as an evil doer and how does she know that God isn't happy with Adam. I think that God has more important things to do than talk to a stripper on a reality show who was giving a guy oral favors on the second day that she knew him. PLEASE let James win the veto. If God is watching I hope he intervenes and sends Natalie to torment her dear Matty.
Happy Friday Carolyn! Thanks for your dedication and keeping the rest of us addicts updated :)
Nat is just too much. I am a Christian, but I don't believe that Adam sinned by putting Sheila and Sharon on the block. I am fed up with Nat saying she's a Christian then acting like she is better than others. Hopefully James will win POV and Sheila will go!
It's funny to me that out of the house of 6, 50% of them have already been evicted once! 3 of them have been evicted and still have a chance of winning the $$! (Ryan, Sharon, James)
James will win POV again and save Sharron and vote Sheila out, then they will win HOH next week and put Nat and Ryan up voting Nat out...then...I could go on, but its just a dream I had last night. lol
Well animals usually go to their own. Sharon the mole can connect to other animals. What has Sharon done in this game? She throws comps, or she can't win. She has no game play. She needs to go. She is a leech that is all she is. Plus boring as hell!
I'm gonna pull a NATALIE and PRAY for James to win POV..
I really liked Sharon last night, she said all the things we have been saying about Nat's Christian thing, and even went a step farther saying "she played the religion card well." That and how it disgusts her. She also know a lot about what it going on. She may be playing a lot better than it looks from the outside, she's doing more than just being quiet and safe.
I was also surprised at how naive James was - he had no idea Natalie was screwing with him. He's the irony, I think James is actually the "good person." He wants to play and live with honor. All I can say is - good luck with that. I know I'm a cynic, but it's a cold cruel world.
Thanks for mentioning that, "that guy"! I'd be happy if either of them go :)
You know Carolyn, and I KNOW this is gonna surprise you, I think Natalie sickens me worse than James.
Since when did God become a being at your disposal? You know I believe God is everywhere, no matter what, but He has His will, and with the way Natalie has "used" her Christianity in SUCH a negative light, as much if not MORE than Jameka last season, she is going to have ALOT to answer for. Ignorance is NO excuse. And when she tags "good" and "evil", as much of a Bible scholar as she think she is, she really needs to read Matthew 7:1, I think she skipped that one. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."
I'm not perfect, and have judged people, as most everyone else has, but NOT ON NATIONAL FREAKIN' TV!
Does that make me any better than she, because I haven't used a national forum to showcase my flaws, no it doesn't. But C'MON, she uses the Bible as a tool to win a GAME SHOW, when it is meant to be used as a tool of learning and redemption for your SOUL!
O.k., off of my soapbox now...
Mark Orlando - I'd love to be able to publish your comment, but we don't refer to any of the young women in the house as whores (or anything synonymous) on this blog...
Expect the unexpected! I sure didnt expect that the guineas were evil doers that would run from the love and light that is gnatalie, wow.
Similarly, comments citing James' past participation in porn have become tiresome to this blogger, and will henceforth also fall under the heading of Not Getting Published.
By this time we had already had a Fast Forward.
Do you guys think it will happen this week?
If so what senarious do you think will occur?
I am hoping it happenes this week, BUT i remember we had a power couple on the first show and they eliminated a couple right away. Not sure if that will affect the fast forward.
sorry forgot to sign my 740 post about the evil guineas
Thanks for all your hard I have a question concerning Sheila. Why does Sheila think it is ok to constantly bash James, calling him evil, the devil, homeless, punk, all the other comments she has made that I won't state here...but because he has also come back at her and said mean things...that makes him such a bad guy...and someone that has to go. And then for Natalie to say she never made comments about this more of her delusional state...Natalie has done nothing but cut others down and lie...all the while claiming to be God's "Chosen One" and one of the good people. I wasn't a big James fan when Big Brother started, but the sickening actions that these people are taking in the name of God, has made me cheer even harder for James to send them all packing!
Thanks again!
"Sock" him? Really? I'm sorry but this is Big Brother NOT "Leave It To Beaver" and Natalie may be from the Beaver state but Nat is no Beav!
Happy VETO day!!!! I think Adam knew and knows what he is doing....he put up a person who has not won anything, talks crap about everyone (boy, was she sucking up last night...and her story about James wanting her? PLEASE!) Adam would not win against Nat in the final and he knows it, so he is smart to try to rid himself of her now, using James is a smart game play right now.
Thank you Carolyn for you great updates!
I routing for Sharon or Nat to win POV. I know the odds are stacked against them. Sharon came on really strong when she answered correctly the quotes on the wall during the HOH weeks ago. I'm hoping her competitive spirit will come out today!
Natalie on the other hand has really surprised me since Matt's departure. See knows how to strategize and is very tough in the physical comps.
Adam has certainly stirred things up. This sudden turn of events has Ryan upset/ nervous most of all.
Thank you for the updates! Simply terrific job!!!
Sheila is a JOKe all she did last night was make Adam feel bad for doing what he wanted!! As soon as one of the so called good people get the HoH they are going to boot him (Adam) right out the door. When are these people going to realize this is a game you are in it to win it and if you make some lasting connections along the way then that is GREAT but in the end everyone is there for the same reason MONEY!!!!
I would love to see Sheila and Natalie go they both have the nerve to say they don't talk about other people but that is all they do.
Does anyone know if they keep the jury members in different sequester houses? Like they did with, Amanda/Alex, Jen/Parker, Jacob, and Allison?
Good Morning Carolyn,
Happy Friday to Ya'll!
Wouldnt it be sweet irony if God showed his sense of humor today and let Nat get within seconds of winning the POV with James right behind her, and then suddenly a lightening bolt came out of the sky, attracted by her bra clasp and zapped her ass, letting James win!
Dont want her dead, or even hurt seriously, just enough power to make her jump back and allow James to win.
Maybe even add a big ol' clap of thunder that sounds like a "HA!"
Come on, I know ya'll laughed ...
I know I did when the image popped into my head.
Adam said it best to James in the HoH during the cry-fest. "F*ck it. I'm blowing 500 g's right here, but f*ck it."
As for Adam using the DR "Scapegoat", lets not FORGET James said the exact same thing when got rid of Matty. And he told that to Chelsia...
Sorry for the little off topic above, but that thread is DUN
I can't figure out why Sharon told James what Adam said. The only way it makes sense to me is if she's putting in James head to get rid of Adam, because Adam told her he needs to get rid of Nat, because she a threat.
On top of that she tells James she will never Vote for Nat if she's in the final two. She just basically told James, I'd be great for you on the jury and make sure Nat is standing next to you. DUH!
The sauna praying was goofing off. People are way to anal here. Adam and Nat crack me up.
Goodness there was ALOT going on last night! Thanks so much Carolyn! GREAT job!
Chris you said regarding Nat "I don't remember her praying and referring to God this much in the beginning."
No Chris she wasn't. Her thoughts, prayers and head were all under the covers.
I'm with you Jane. Agree 100%. I am a Christian, and it embarasses me to see a non-Christian show more honesty and integrity than someone who claims to be a Christian, like Natalie. I don't think Sharon agrees with James' lifestyle, but she has shown him compassion and love because she is a Christian--and that's what we do. I'm so glad to know that Sharon sees how Natalie has played that card. The difference is--Natalie is playing it, Sharon is living it. HUGE difference.
I'm at a complete loss for all the "coning" that James has done to Adam/Nat/Ryan/Sheila. He has been on the block and on the line for 3 weeks in a row, only relying on himself to get him out of the situation. When did he even have the opportunity to con someone?!
It all still boils down to the Matt thing. That's the only thing that I've seen him do to double cross.
He's still in the house because he's fought to be there, and everyone says it's because he cons everyone. What the hell?!
I'm pretty sure they're all the ones trying to con him into thinking he's safe so they can pull the rug out from under him. They've been doing it for weeks. Some of these people are just so horrible.
(Not to mention they're poor winners, cause even when they're on top they think the game is stacked against them because James is still there. Whatever.)
PS.....I'm hoping we get to see the clip of Adam last night talking to Nat/Ryan about how he would take the game violation and beat up James if he used the POV. Classy. I guess threats aren't threats if the intended party isn't present to hear them?
I think the game has taken a terrific shift in power. All of a sudden, Adam (of all people! didn't we all think he was gone the first week?), comes out of this as the wild card! James, Adam and Sharon would be a powerhouse team, and I can only hope that Adam is independent thinking enough to realize that. Final two James & Adam!
I am just on the edge of my seat today for this POV! It's gonna be good! I think no matter who wins it will be exciting! Personally I think I would like to see Sharon pull this one. James and Sheila on the block together!!!! it is... I have been on constant vigil for James to win POV. I have had some serious conversations with God over the last couple of days and He has assured me that He is going to show Nasty Nasty Natty that He loves all His children and He is a huge fan of the show and has tried not to pick a favorite, but at the rate Nasty Nasty Natty is going, He finds it hard not to extend a little more favortism and Love towards James because after all, if he is that evil.... then he needs all the attention he can get so then maybe just maybe... he will get right and become Holier Than Thou.... well I know that is a bunch of crap but Natty would believe it. I LOVE JAMES....U GO BOY!!!! I dont care about the skeletons in his closet, we ALL have them.
I wish they would let ED back in the house -- I think he would blow each one of these idiots out of the water.
I used to like Natalie and now I'm starting to think she's just like Amber & Jameka from last season -- The Good People Should win? Just because you label yourself and your alliance good doesn't make it so.
I liked James and Chelsia in the beginning but they turned into high schoolers before my very eyes. Chelsia was always the first one to defend her actions by saying "It's just a game" and yet when people did the same thing to her it was wrong.
Honestly I think Sharon is probably playing best of all. You've never heard her raise her voice to anyone. When she does talk game she plants a seed it someone's head and lets it grow. Perfect way to stay off the radar. Besides, if she makes it to the end I think she will have the votes over anyone else in the house at this point.
I wish she would stop doing that high pitched "baybees....." noise. It's like the sound only dogs can hear.
Natalie said she didn't talk bad about Chelsia??? Hmmm...that must have been her evil twin-or alternate personality we saw trashing Chelsea then, huh????
Natalie having a second (or even third) personality? that would explain A LOT!!!
Natalie lied again. She made a deal with James in the kitchen. He didn't ask for a deal but she wanted to "prove" they could work together. She said if James won POV and stuck to his word and did not use it to change the nominations that she would not put him on the block if she won HOH next week. No more than 5 minutes later she told Adam if she wins HOH she is putting Jimmy on the block because SHE doesn't trust him. Adam, go to bed and dream tonight. The signs are all around you. Go to the memory wall and concentrate. Look closely at the names. It's a sign. NataLIE. Use the POV and get this girl out of the house.
Nathalie: God isn't very happy. You should pray..
I can't even beginning to say what's wrong with that...
I can't stand her.
so what happened to free speech? you don't have to be a nazi about it. let everyone say what they want, don't control what comments to or not to publish
I am glad someone finally talked to James last night like a Christian should. Sharon is the only one in that house that has a good understanding of what a Christian should be like. I always was tought that a Christian shouldn't alienate those that don't believe and should try to make them feel welcome to God. No wonder James has trouble being a Christian (he did say he was a Christian growing up) if people who are supposed to be Christian treated me the way these people have been treating him I wouldn't want anything to do with it.
I believe that faith is inside James and he could easily be turned back to God if only someone would show him the way back and not alienate him because he is the "evil doer" I prayed last night - not for anyone to win the game or do better in the game because that is not what God is for - I prayed for God to bring James back to the Lord. Because that is what Jesus would do and he wouldn't just team up with the "good" people.
Was I the only one who when Natalie was in the sauna praying (going on and on) and Adam said the light flickered that it was God - not in a nice way though - I thought it was God saying he was going to strike her down for being such a hypocrite and praying to God for the wrong reasons.
Im mates with one of gnat's exes, and he was telling me how he violated her trust.
He bought her this hot orange thong bikini for their summer trip to cozumel, when he gave it to her he explained that orange had 7 letters, god's favorite number, and he got it just for her to be closer to god. He said that she freaked out saying the bible says orange is made up of red, the sign of the devil and yellow, for cowards, and she cant believe he is trying to turn her to the devil.
he hasnt spoken to her since.
I really hope that James wins POV, then he can prove to Adam he's good to his word. I think Sharon is ok if she leaves, like she said, I have been true to myself, my family and friends and America, she has nothing to be embarassed about, unlike the other two females in the conv. Do you think either of them realized her comments were might be directed at them, Gnat in particular. They are pretty clueless though, probably didn't even sink in.
Way to go Baller!! This is freakin awesome! I love watchin' them all squirm and running back n forth lying to eachother! Baller did a great job keeping it interesting and stiring it up for us this week! I am so loving him right now! I can't wait to see how this all plays out this week! It's gonna be a great week to watch! Go James Go! Win that POV tomorrow so we can see the Big-She go home! Whoooo Hoooo!
Carolyn, you are super-awesome yourself for all you do!
Love & Hugs to ya!! :0)
You know, Sheila and Nat never cease to amaze me. They are the biggest two-faced POS in the house. If James wins POV and takes Sharon down, he's a liar and apiece of garbage. If he wins POV and doesn't use it, he still doesn't get credit for keeping his word. Now he's a piece of garbage because he sent Sharon home. There is no winning with these two. It's their dream world, and everyone else is just living in it. Who put Sharon on the block again? 3 weeks in a row no less, but they are all saints if she goes home this week. Un-frikken-believable.
I dont understand why everyone hates Natalie..but whatever.. I hope Natalie wins POV! A-Baller and Natalie final 2 .. gooo !!!!
I'm going to say something a little risky here, but ...
I'm tired of hearing about Christianity from EVERYONE. I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs, but not all of us are Christian. Christians do not own this country and Christianity is not even the predominant religion in the world. There is an implication that if Natalie was truly a "good" Christian she would indeed somehow be better than James (or me for that matter).
Boy would I like to see a house full of Jews, or Buddhists, or Hindus. Though if there was such a house the issue would probably never come up, because our relationships with God are our own (and if I were a "good" Jew I would write G-d).
Yes, I'm a little offended by the whole thing, but mostly I'm bored. I really don't care what religion anyone is, which includes none. I was raised to believe that no one is “better” than someone else because of his or her religion. This has become all about hierarchy of power, not faith. It's shameful, IMHO.
Anon @ 8:20a.m.
This is HER blog, she can post whatever the heck she feels like. I'm sure there are more BB blogs out there that would welcome you.
And I'm sorry, Carolyn, knowing you as I do, anon calling you a "Nazi" was not only ridiculous, but kinda humorous.
Gosh, Natalie is a little pyscho-always talking to Matt's picture like he's still in the house. I can't believe she's still playing the game for him! I hope someone sends her to sequester soon. Between her fake and hypocritical prayer sessions and her crazy "Matty, Matty" talks, I can't stand her anymore.
I wonder what Adam will do if he or Sharon wins the veto. Will he really not nominate James?
I would think since Ryan and Natalie are pissed off at him now, he should get rid of one of them, and align himself with James and Sharon...then again, as Natalie would say, "God wouldn't want that and would be angry with him"...
The whole "James stabbed Matty in the back...James went back on his word" blah blah's getting really tiresome...and it's a rather weak arguement from a delusional Natalie and her supporters.
I think the fact that Matty LIED to James' face about being the 3rd vote to bring James back (and in the process, throwing Adam under the bus) completely voids any deal, trust or protection James committed to on that damn disco ball.
I think James' retaliation was completely justified in this case...and I personally can't stand the attack on his character for this incident.
Matty hung himself.
LOL..Charlie..Do you have beach front property in Arizona for sale?
I love this freaking game!
I can't understand why people have to give you such a hard time, and so early in the morning! You have the patience of a saint. Thank you for all you do.
i just wanted to reply on a comment that i heard nat say last night. she said that if james won pov she was gonna leave the game. is it just me or doesnt that seem like an incentive to help james. what, nat will quit? excellent! one more tough competetor down and out. BOOM, dunnn. if i were adam i would be trying to find a way to see that play through. Know That
I am sorry I am tired of Nat keep talking about her being a good person! How are you a good person when you have been seen doing sexual acts on tv! I grew up with James and he is a really nice person. In highschool if you were sad or having a bad day... dont worry James will come around and make you happy! He never really did anything bad or got in trouble. He would do crazy stunts like that show on MTV! I am sorry but I am sooo tired of Nat and her twoface self!!
anon 8:20 - HOW DARE YOU call anyone a Nazi? Do you even know what a Nazi is? Are you suggesting anyone here is trying to murder entire races of people? I'm glad Carolyn printed that so we can see what ignorant and despicable is like. Also you are a coward, print your name. Stand behind a comment like that so we can see who has the audacity to say something so grotesque to anyone, much less our generous host. If you aren't ashamed of yourself we are all ashamed for you.
Great Blog Carolyn! So current. I visit your site several times a day. It is my latest addiction.
I am very happy with Adam's decision to put Sharon and Sheila up. It shows he is making his own decisions.
Natalie's crazy Christian's judgements stating Adam made a mistake is absolutely ridiculous.
I enjoyed learning Sharon's perspective on the game. She is an amazing person with a clear insight on who she is and how she plays. This is her third week in a row on the block and she handles it with grace. I know she seems like an invisible player - but I think she is the player with the highest integrity. I hope she makes it to the final three with James and Ryan.
I will send my prayers to God.
BB is letting the HGs sleep pretty late today, huh? wonder if that means POV comp will be endurance??
Man way to go A-Baller! i thought he was gonna be the first out in the beginning but man expect the unexpected. No matter what happens, James has to win PoV again. He basically has to win every PoV until the last one no matter what. I'm getting tired of Nat and her "good people" rants. This game was starting to get boring, but now I am on the edge of my seat lol Thanks Carolyn for this because you make us feel like we have the live feeds when we really don't. (Well at least for me anyway)
Anybody else see a similarity between Nat and Sharon? They both are playing in memory of their partners. Nat (as we have known) for Matt and now Sharon for Josh. Both ar dilusional and should get a clue. Neither one of those guys could care less about their partner. They were so quick to sell either Nat or Sharon out. Its starting to look as though Sharon has some attachment issues as well. Wait until both these girls see the shows we've been watching.
I do think it was the best possible move for Adam. He needs to stop doing what his side wants him to do. His side wants him to do their dirty work. Just like Natalie wanted everyone to vote Josh out. So she would hopefully have his jury vote. They are idiots. I dont think any one of them is playing a good game at this point. It's great to have an alliance. It's NOT great to have someone telling you who to put up. They should just back off. I hope James does win and take Sharon down and put up Nat. I think she would leave. Best possible scenario!
anon@9:10 James' Childhood friend - Please email me at
And now... this "rabid" Jewish comment "nazi" (lol) is off to get some cuban coffee & flirt with the old men behind the counter who call her "Carolina la princessa, bellessa" before she becomes a PoV Comp Shut-in! ;)
Back in a flash! :*
And I promise to not make a habit of referring to myself in the 3rd person. hehe.
Nataile is making me what to puke. I am so sick of her being a hyporicte. I wish i was there. I would tell her off. God is not about winning money. He has more important things to do than help the "Good" people win.
YAY Jane!!! You are so right!
I find it funny that some of these people think their religion makes them better than someone else. Do they not realize that it's their character and not what they claim to believe in that makes them who they are?
James has to win the POV!!!
He has with out a doubt had the toughest game to play this season!
He deserves it more than the 2 faced "Good People".
Sharon is a good example of being a Christian in the house, Natialie seems to have overlooked the "he who casts the 1st stone, and that We all Have sinned and fallen short", there is no good and evil people only People!!!!
She is not held higher than enyone else!!!
I am sorry for ranting, I dont like people warping scripture for thier advantage and giving christians a bad name on national telivision. I know she is not the 1st and certainly not the last.
First off I just want to start by thanking you Carolyn for providing all off us BB addicts with our fixes through out the day, you do a wonderful job. Now on with the show.
Firstly I'm a James fan, and no I haven't always agreed with his choices of game play tactics. I can rationalize him voting out St. Matty but nobody really wants to hear it 3 weeks later. What really gets me is how Natty can sit there last night on BBAD and basically call Adam an idiot to his face for not putting James up and playing his own game for once.Then to continue on by saying "Once a cheat always a cheat, once a liar always a liar" about James. Excuse me if I've missed or forgotten something but the only person who has cheated so far this season was Natty when she was writing all her numbers down on paper towels with nail polish (BB had to call her into DR to take it from her). As for the liar thing, ok so he's lied, so has everyone in that house most more than James.
Finally I'm just wondering how long it would take the She-bot to go running to DR crying for salvation if 4 house guests threatened to punch her in the eye. Yes it wasn't just Adam who said he'd hit James. Natty, the She-bot, and Ryan all chimed in with their own violent versions. Sheila (and maybe Natty I can't remember for sure) even went so far as to say they would punch him "right in the frikkin eye" once they were out of the house at the wrap party.
Now I'm not a big devout Christian like Team Christ is but am I the only one who finds this a little less than What Jesus would do.
Go James!
I have a question......
Last night in the HT Sharon was telling James she read something on a card about "the wrong carrier....". Can anyone tell me what she was referring to???
My electricity went out last night! It was the first time I had turned the feeds on in I don't know how long, and then boom the lights went out. A-Baller is awesome, and I just started thinking that last night. I was so pissed when he won HOH, but now I'm pleased with his gameplay! Jane, you spoke my mind about the whole religion thing. Most Christians I know are just like Nat. They try to do the right thing but are all sinners anyway. Didn't Jesus tend to like to help women like Natalie? I'm just saying the holy dude liked the lady sinners. I am more agnostic than anything else, but I kinda dig Natalie's weirdo ways. Seems to work for her. Nat & James are my final two. They are the true warriors in this game. Adam's not so bad either, but I wouldn't give him warrior status just yet.
What ever happen to sticking with your decision didnt Nat Adam and Ryan call Final 3 between them self and when james called the out on it no made a comment whats wrong with adam ryan and nat forging and alliance and sticking with it and then competeing againist each other for final 2 what abunch a wimps evryone not standing by their alliance they made from one week to another and evry one so afraid of James just get out there and beat him at 4 or 5 to 1 you think you might have an advantage now he just tiooed the power of the house angain because adam is so weak
Anon @ 8:20,
Not only does your comment make you look like an ignorant f*%k but it also makes you look stupid.
First, calling someone a nazi for not publishing your comment on a blog is despiscable and degrades all those millions of people who dies at the hand of a nazi.
Second, and try to understand this, I'll use small words for you. The first amendment ONLY applies to Government actors. Maybe your a little confused, the "Big Brother" this blog is referring to is a TV show (as in not big brother in the "1984" sense, and the woman that is not publishing your comments can do so all day long if she so chooses.
So next time you want to start throwing ideas around that you clearly have no idea what your talking about, why don't you do it on another blog!
ugh....natalie? defending you is a full time job. lol
i don't think that natalie is serious about the whole bible thing...i think that it is for show...she didn't even start that until chelsia and james had started trying to break her..i blame james for her whole bible charade...her prayer in the sauna was not serious at could tell by the look on her this season seems to try and copycat people from last season and she seems to be mimicking amber with adam as jameka..don't take her serious on this bible stuff..i think she is doing it for attention and popularity...she has really low self esteem...besides she is not the only one that talked about being a christian,praying to god ,and speaking horribly about someone in the same breath..i heard josh do it over and over again including him saying that he wanted to break a couple of the girls in mid prayer..they are locked in a house together we really shouldn't take it that serious..some people lose all control of themselves and do and say things they never would have other james talking about nat with josh,sharon,and chelsia...he even admitted that he did it because he was to into chelsia...i am rooting for james and nat to be at the final two...i don't care who wins out of the two....i don't even take the whole god is on our side from nat because she told matt that she didn't really believe that god would be involved in this game anyways..besides..she uses the bible...james uses class,his not being in vain,and education to talk trash about nat..
Running late on a thread as usual, but so be it.
Jane! Thank you for your post about anon @ 8:20 AM. You are 'spot on' and thank you Carolyn for publishing it. How can anyone say you are the monster of deletions for posters you don't agree with?
Now my comment for the overnight, actually two:
1. Did I not hear it or Carolyn did u slip up and not catch when Sharon was telling James about the Birthday Card for St. Matt from Gnat, and how she has added something like 'sorry this is late but it was the wrong delivery person' (meaning she wanted James to be the one to deliver it for her own delusional revenge.) SHAME Carolyn.. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you. You are supposed to catch EVERYTHING ;p~
2. Does anyone expect to see Gnat (any day now) set up a shrine at St. Matt's Memory Wall pic. I can see the candles and flowers now. And a portait of herself nude pasted somewhere under it so she can always be looking up in adoration and St. Matt can look down so he can remember what he will be getting when the game is over. OMFG!
Praying to God, then giving a finger kiss to his picture was too much to take. I expected her to cross herself at the end of her nightly tribute and talk with him.
I am so tired of the matty thing--he had his chance to win the POV and he didn't. Nat has kept his tired butt in this house
Natalie actually says "God is not very happy. You need to pray, big time. He's like, don't work with the evil doer."
Just...amazing. Every day she sounds more and more like Pat Robertson meets Miss Cleo. She consciously attempts to manipulate fear of God into action that will benefit her--what a shameless lowlife. Could we please, please trade her for a hostage in Iraq or something?
"Anonymous chris said...
I've always liked how cheerful and positive Nat is but the more stress she's under, the more religious and nutty she becomes. I don't remember her praying and referring to God this much in the beginning - was she?
7:02 AM"
no she was not..not until the big blow up between her,james,matt and chelsia and they constantly tried to get her spirits down and break her...i blame them for her going nutty..i believe their trying to break her james has to reap what he's just amazing how everytime she goes to read the bible she finds something to give her ammunition in how she feels..i truly feel like james broke her heart and that is why she can't trust him and calls him the evil dooer..she is too naive and trusting for her to really mean all that she says about him...i think she truly believed that james was a nice guy and when he did what he did it crushed her confidence and she took everything he and chelsia said to heart..even though she says she don't..listen to how she pretends that matt liked her...everytime she wised up he put her into the position where he used her..he said that he loved her and that was matt's mistake..she believes him so i think that she truly believe that james believes that way about her..which he does..she has every right to not like him..he really treated her horrible...ryan does not though and sharon does not..sharon should have told james how she sat and talked about him when she was up there and how she talked about how eveil he was and used the bible..but she won't do that to herself..for her not to vote for nat because of that then who is she gonna vote for she couldn't even vote for one should give her their vote either because she is just as guilty.she sat and read the bible all the time and laughed when everyone is was degrading everyone in the she don't deserve to win either.james can't say that he don't use the bible because he did that the other night to sharon talking about how he should read the bible and pray after talking about being a strong atheist...either he is lying about being atheist or he was purely lying to sharon..nobody is innocent in this game...whoever makes it to final two deserves a fair shake..because everyone else was outplayed...carolyn can you get an interview with nat's family and see what they think about her bible stuff??
What sharon talked about with james made me want to bust in that house and smack her. It's not the fact that she thought she figured out, thanks to james, what natalie has been doing in this game and got pissed over it, they compared notes (its about time someone did that in this house) sorry girl its called game play, learn it. Its perfect little Sharon being the perfect little example of christianity on the show, you know through her looks at joshuah everytime another hg leaves the room waiting for him james and chelsia to start talking $hit about their personal appearance so she can do her high pitched, ear drum busting giggle, or how about all the non-sense she talks about the hgs, so sweetie quit with the "ive never done anything wrong in my life, IM the example of a christian in this house and i would never give nat the money". I'm so sick of the christianity banter in the house from every hg, lets face it NO HG EVER on big brother will be a perfect example of christianity, its hilarious that they all think they are, play the freakin game.
here's hoping Ballers plan works...
i agree 100%anom10:28
i am so glad that i am not the only one that feels that way!!!
"Finally I'm just wondering how long it would take the She-bot to go running to DR crying for salvation if 4 house guests threatened to punch her in the eye. Yes it wasn't just Adam who said he'd hit James. Natty, the She-bot, and Ryan all chimed in with their own violent versions. Sheila (and maybe Natty I can't remember for sure) even went so far as to say they would punch him "right in the frikkin eye" once they were out of the house at the wrap party."
they were teasing adam about punching adam in the eye....james has lied about everything except the last three weeks and does not deserve any body's trust...adam was talking about if james betrayed his trust he would hit him and leave the game.i don't think he really would i just think he was expressing how angry he would be..adam really couldn't be mad at them for being upset because he would have been pissed and ready for revenge like ryan is...ryan really has no reason to want james out but he is just tagging along...nat has every right to want him out he treated her like trash until she won hoh..too little too late..sheila shouldn't be that pissed at james she caused that herself..oh wait i just remembered he treated her like trash too when he was being cocky with josh trying to break her about her son..and those four laughing about josh's antics while turning around and saying how much class they have and laughing about breaking a seventeen year old on national tv makes me more sick than hearing nat and her prayers because josh did that too..i am not going to think that it is aright for one to do it and not the other...nat wasn't serious thinking that adam had sinned she was just expressing herself about how disappointed she was and i think that adam knew that too
anom 9:10
i don't really think that nat thinks about james that way outside of the house.
GayTor -
Happy 27th Anniversary!!!
i think that nat is using the bible as a ploy too...she doesn't seem too serious about it....but it seems to be working for her and why would you stop something that is working?all her comments about james is because of the way he treated her not because she truly believes that he is an evil guy...i truly believe that if the bible thing wasn't working she would drop it...but it even works with sharon...who is not innocent either..between james ans sharon..i think sharon should go b/c at least they all know where james stands
Animals can read good vs evil. You simply can't lie to them and be fake... they are not posers like many people. This is why the GPs know a snake when they see one...
Natalie... you are evil in a bubbly natty suit.
anon 7.43
The double eviction/fast forward usually happens this week to come... if at all. Julie did not announce anything.
Go! James Go!. Go get that POV. He has played this game better than any of the self proclaimed "good' people. He has shown more integrity and self respect than Gnat and Sheila combined. Sheila needs to act her age as well. She keeps demanding respect, she needs to give it too before she can demand it. Age itself is no excuse to command respect especially when she acts the way she does.
don't think that james played this game with more integrity than anybody else in this house..they are all two faced because it is a game...nat should not have to trust james because he was too mean to her and i don't blame her for not...sharon is just as bad as the so called bible thumpers but she is on james' side and for some reason that gives her a free pass...not in my book....everyone that was evicted pryor to this week needs to go home ..followed by sheila for coat tailing leaving adam and nat at final two...james' is a liar too..he is not a is his fault bible thumping started..
I love how everyone thinks that every bad thing that happened in the BB house all comes down to its James fault. Everyone keeps saying how he lied - I don't recall him lying any more than anyone else in that house. They need to take a look at themselves first before judging others
wow I see peeps attacking other peeps here mmmmmmmm I thought that wasn't allowed
I'm also trying to figure out what Sharon talking about she saw a card that said "wrong carrier" or something to that effect - could it be a hint dropped in Adam's HOH letter from home maybe??
Thanks Carolyn for all your hard work!!
I think Adam absolutely made the right choice, I want Sheila to leave so bad - it's good to see that one of them finally woke up & realized they had to start turning on their own at some point. All of Team Christ can't go to the final 4.
All that said, I really want James to win the Veto, use it to save Sharon and force Adam to put up either Natalie or Ryan. That would totally turn this season around for the better!
Anonymous Jeannie said...
wow I see peeps attacking other peeps here mmmmmmmm I thought that wasn't allowed
2:08 PM
i agree that is why i am reluctant to say what i feel..
which is james is a liar he mistreated nat in the game..nat is naive...adam needs to figure out who to trust...ryan shouldn't be in the game...sheila needs to start playing better..and sharon needs to really look at her actions in the game and then think whether or not she deserves the money if nat doesn't bdecause she was just as bad...shoot i'll just say it one time and hope it gets on this game James is a cocky prick that has done nothing but lie and still is lying because he got caught with his pants down..He treated sheila and nat horrible and they have every right to talk about him they way they do..He is only acting the way that he is right now to save his butt but is all an act and if the other side were in power he would be laughing too.He would also be cocky..Outside this game I wish him nothing but the best but I do not blame them and this is all his undoing..If this doesn't get posted at least I got to get that off my chest and I feel better now!
Go Adam and Nat!!
Carolyn:Are you going to have a blog site for next season?
"Guineas Come to Sharon - Run from Natalie"
lol! The Guinea pigs and Matt have much in common.
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