The Overnight Report
Good morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Friday! Today in the BB9 house, the HGs will be having the PoV Comp. Last night on Showtime, it was revealed (in writing at the bottom of the screen) that the PoV comp would air on the Sunday Show on CBS, so there's another hint as to the scheduling for the rest of the week... a little one, anyhow.
Today, they play, and we'll be here to fill you in, as we do every day.
Now, while visions of PoV dance in their heads, we overnight. :) The first section is ready for your perusal. Please check back for more around 7:30am BBT.
While you're waiting for more, why not go try your luck on the double date auction package with Dick & Janie for the BB9 Finale? The proceeds are going to Rock Against Diabetes, and the package is incredible. Definitely worth checking out. The auction has been moved off EBay.
Here's the new link: Dinner & The Finale with Evel Dick & Janelle
10:56pm BBT
Frilly Room
Adam & Sheila
Shackled & Getting ready for bed
Adam: So this is it? We're going to bed right now?
Sheila: Yes. It's eleven o'clock.
Adam: And you thought you were done sleepin' with me woman! We'll hang out. We'll talk. Just talk to me about things and I'll fall asleep.
Sheila: Great. I'm like Tylenol PM to you.
Adam: I wanna test out the angles here.
Sheila: This is a nightmare. Talk to you. Oh God. You are such a big friggin baby.
Adam: The biggest.
Sheila: This is the worst thing that's happened to me since walking into the BB house.
Adam: This is the worst thing that's happened to me in 3 years.
Sheila: This is the worst thing that's happened to me in 20 years.
Adam: This is bad news.
Sheila: That's what I mean..
Adam: Just when you thought it was all over..
BB: Houseguests, the lockdown is over.
Adam: (laughing) Do you wanna go party?
Sheila: I really don't want to, but do you wanna go outside?
Adam: We should have an early night.
Sharon stick her head in to report on the laundry...
Adam: We'll call it an early night.
Sheila: Well, that's if your bro doesn't come in and want you to hang with him. I so don't wanna do that.
11:25pm BBT
Ryan & Sharon
The 3rd Pre-Existing Relationship Paranoia Continues...
Sharon: She had the covers (down) like this, and when I went in, she covered up herself.
Ryan: When she was with Adam??
Sharon: Laying in bed with Adam! Just weird sh*t like that! Like she had a bra on, and she covered herself. I'm not kidding you.
Ryan: What??
Sharon: I'm telling you, something's fishy, and it makes me nervous. Seriously, watching them fight, makes me think of me an Jacob. Jacob and I have 12 years of history! I'm just saying, be careful what you say and what you do...
Ryan: I know she's an actress. Adam's so convincing. He's probably an actor too. They're probably both actors..
Sharon: I'm telling you. You don't talk to someone like that if you just met! I'm just.. I dunno.. I'm getting really weird vibes from them. It makes sense.. how they bring each other to final 4.
Ryan: Think maybe they're exes that hate each other? He lives in Florida. She lives in L.A.
Sharon: She used to live in Florida.. She has a brother who lives there. I'm just sayin', keep your eyes and ears open, cuz tomorrow is a huge deal. Tomorrow is humongous.
Ryan & Sharon Think Adam & Sheila are a Couple
Sharon & Ryan continued talking along this vein for quite a while... ever increasing the suspicion and doubt about Adam and Sheila's pre-existing relationship as well as their commitment to each other in the game, whether they knew each other before or not. Sharon's firm in her belief that if Adam wins the PoV, he will keep Sheila in the game, no matter what he says now. Quirkydude got it all on video, for those who would like to check it out. Here are the links to the clips: Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
12:30am BBT
Frilly Room
Sheila & Adam, aka The Odd Couple
Sheila: What ever's right.
Adam: Sheila, I can recall a number of conversations. At least 50 or 60.
Sheila: You know what? You wanna sit here and start debating with me? Then I'll tell you 50 or 60 things that you've told me about people in this house. You wanna start that?
Adam: (laughing) Let's start.
Sheila: You wanna open up that can of worms with me? Cuz it'll get ugly. Let's do it. Seriously. You know that was Natalie's battle.. cuz after what James did to frikkin Natalie.. She felt like, Oooh, You put Matty up...You know how many times I heard this story? 20 million times Natalie came to me and said, "Uh, You know what, you know what I told James? I told James and Chelsia that the biggest mistake they made was getting rid of Matty, and you know how they were gonna pay?" I said, "No, Natalie, how?" She goes, "it was gonna cost them their game. And look around.. it cost them their game. Chelsia went out first, and James went out next." She goes, "I tried to tell both of them it was gonna cost them their game." ..and you know she said that. How could I make that sh*t up? It's too good.. She got every body else on board for that one. I'm so pissed at you. How nice you were to her. It's a joke.
Adam: I'm sorry, Sheila. I'm a nice man. I'm sorry I'm not a vicious, brutal, cold, spineless man. I am a caring individual.
Sheila: Uh.. Who're you trying to impress?
Adam: I still care for you, Sheila, even though you hate my guts.
Sheila: Wait a minute. Woah. Who're you trying to frikking impress right now?
Adam: And you hurt my feelings in the process, Sheila. I'm tired of it.
Sheila: Stop yelling. Just go to sleep. Shhh... You're extremely loud.
Adam: Really? I don't know I'm loud.
Sheila: You're extremely loud. Don't get me started on Natalie, cuz I could really ream you a butt hole right now. Bigger than you already have... You were so far up that girls ass.
Adam: Not by choice, Sheila.
Sheila: Seriously, she was always on you.
Sheila & Adam - Pillow Talk
Sheila and Adam were talking in bed until just after 4:30am. This may not bode well for them in the PoV Comp... Sheila couldn't sleep (she blames 46 year old hormones), so they talked and talked and talked. Here's a funny clip, captured by TheRealDeal:
This concludes the Overnight Report. Only 9 more days of BB9... Thanks for hanging with the dish throughout the season. :)
If Sharon wins... she sends Adam home.
If Sheila wins... she sends Sharon home. (Right? No way she votes home Adam)
If Adam wins... she sends home Sharon. (3 votes in jury already)
If Ryan wins... keeps it the same? or 'backdoors' Adam???
Thoughts everyone?? Today is HUGE!!!!
I'm thinking at this point the two boy/girl alliances are the ones that will play out, just because the boys are finally doubting and fearing each other. Yeah right, you want to go to F2 with most deserving!!!!
BTW, just LOVED Adam and Sheila in bed on BBAD. They are SO like a real old married couple.
It is laughable that Sharon thinks Adam & Sheila may be a real-life couple; it's just their tough personalities/way of talking when they speak to one another.
However, real-couple or just coupled by BB in the house, if Adam & Sheila did make it to Final 2, they should each get a bonus (more money)!
Good Morning Carolyn and friends. Happy Friday. Looking forward to the POV results today. I think if Ryan wins he will switch Sharon with Adam. Otherwise, the chance is too great that Adam would send Sharon home.
Good morning Carolyn and all BB lovers!
LOL at the continued paranoia ... the BB house does strange things to people and BB helps them get stranger whenever they can.
At least Sharon is working it to her advantage. Go Sharon Go!
I'm really hoping she wins PoV today, that would be too cool.
Sheila and Adam can be on the block AND chained together, that would be an even better scenario.
I really do not like Ryan, but if it gets Sharon the 500k ... I'm all for them going to the final 2.
I actually feel sorry for Adam being chained to Sheila, he must seriously be in hell. I am seriously hoping Sharon wins PoV. It is time for her to win something! Since my prayers were answered for having Nat kicked out I think I will pray for Sharon to win PoV.
I think that if Sharon wins Adam goes, if Sheila wins Ryan goes, If Adam wins Sharon goes if Ryan wins Adam goes.
I think if Ryan wins, he takes down Sharon and lets her vote out Adam. He's more scared of Adam than either Sheila or Sharon.
Can't WAIT for POV results - it is the key to F3 and probably winner.
I don't see Ryan winning against any of the other three should he make it to F2
good times
Shelia can't vote Ryan out! Ryan is HOH
Good Times (7:03am),
If Sheila wins POV, Ryan can't go- he's HOH and automatically safe.
I don't think Ryan will try and backdoor Adam. If he does, he will NOT get Adam's vote in the end. Sharon already has 3 guaranteed votes from Josh, James, and Chelsia, so that would be like handing $500,000 to Sharon if they are in the final two. Why would he do that? I think he'll throw the POV and let the others battle it out and be the bad guy.
I hope Sharon wins POV and boots Adam! You know Ry will prob throw POV as to not be put in a position to make himself look bad.
Sounds like us Adam fans will have to root for Adam or Sheila to win today.
Sharon cant win anything she sucks at all comps. Sharon has been nothing but a poser this entire game. Now she is a paranoid poser.
I hope she walks out that door very soon and please dont forget your blue woobie Sharon.
Good Times-- There is no way Ryan can go home this week. That is a perk of being HOH.:)
Sharon is losing it!
I'm rooting for Adam in the PoV... I don't want him to go yet! This chained together thing is "frikkin" hilarious!
Is it just me or does Sharon constant refrence of her and Jacob get on your nerves?? GGRRR!!!
There were parts in Sheila's imitation of Nat that sounded like Nat a little vividly... that was scary.
Does anyone know if they will be unlocking Sheila and Adam for the POV competition or will they have to compete still tethered together?
Good morning Carolyn and BB lovers. I cracked up at Adam and Sheila in the clips they are so funny together, I am still cheering the two of them on as I have been since the beginning and I do hope one of them gets POV. Have a great day and weekend coming up everyone.
If Sheila were to win POV, she might be tempted to evict Adam due to the nightmare of being chained to him!
I also think that Sharon throws lots of competitions, etc.
Why is Sheila so mad about Nat being around Adam all the time, do I smell a bit of jealousy?
It's crazy to look back at the first couple eps where she was crying about being his parter and said how much she hated him.
Nat did tell stories over and over and over but so does everyone else in the house, what else are they gonna do, Sheila's just as guilty.
If Adam wins pov, takes Sheila off who would Ryan have to put up than? When you win pov your automatically safe and so is the person you take off, if you choose to use it? No one is left to put up? Confused!! Thanks for the updates I'm on your site like 50 times a day hitting refresh!
Feeds keep cutting in and out of flames... I'm making a mad dash for the cuban coffee place while I still can...
Back soon.
I'm so excited, because mah grrl Sheila just promoted Peaches!!! :D That's some good music there, if I were in the house I would love to wake up to AA XXX! :]
I am loving Adam and Sheila! Cutest non-couple couple ever! :-)
Anon 8:23 - If Adam won POV and took Sharon off the block, it would be the same thing as him evicting Sharon!
anonymous 8:23AM
the pov can only be used to save yourself.
I am hopping that adam wins pov and votes out sheila that would be the ultimate.
Hey all! :) So, does Ryan think he will have it won if he goes to F2 with Sharon. I'm still thinking he is gauranteed 50K and nothing more since he booted Nat outta this game. Anyone else's thoughts?
~ Ryan ~
I really want Sharon to win POV today. I'm pretty sure she's gone if she doesn't win it.
I don't understand the big deal about Sharon probably having 3 secured votes -- there are 4 other votes that more than likely she WON'T get. I think Sheila or Adam would be more dangerous in the end. To some degree, everyone in the jury respects and likes each of them. Ryan is not as well liked plus he's already won money -- and while I don't think that should be a factor, you know the jury will think it is.
I'm also a bit tired of people mocking the houseguests about not figuring out the 3rd relationship is the guinea pigs. I seriously doubt any of us would have figured it out if we were in the house right now. I'd almost be willing to bet that if BB hadn't posted the answer there would be a TON of theories playing on the boards right now and none would include the guinea pigs.
Sharon this is probably your last chance! You've got to win POV! Who knows which side Ryan is on?
Adam and Sheila are going to stick together I think...(those chained up clips were so funny-thanks again Carolyn!!)
C'mon Sharon!
I don't think there is any chance Ryan will backdoor Adam.
I think Sharon has been playing a brilliant game. She's made it to the final four, despite being on the block numerous times, never winning an individual comp, and being in the wrong alliance! I think she threw many comps, and that was her gameplay, and has helped to get her where she is. I do believe she was trying to win the last two, and came second in both of them. This is the day she's going to step up and win. Go Sharon!
Carolyn (or anyone who may know)...
Does Sharon hold the record for being the BB player put up on the block the most nmber of times? Seriously, I don't see why we don't just engrave her name to the chair and post her reasons for staying right by it.
Good Morning Carolyn & all
I am thinking that Sharon is not so dumb here. By casting doubt in Ryan's head as to whether Adam & Sheila are connected in some way, she is protecting her position with him for final 2.
Sheila was basically blackmailing Adam last night for his vote. She told him he "So did not want to vote her out" I think we all know what she meant by that. She will go to sequester and use her mouth to sway votes for 500G's for anyone but Adam. Sheila has really turned as ugly as Nat now.
She can't let dead dogs lie either. Not a good move Big Sheila
to keep rubbing Nat's face in the mud and being delusional about how you got along with all the other HG's. You are right about one thing lady, BB has it all on tape.
I don't think Ryan will get the votes he needs to win if he goes to the end. Sharon would, without a doubt. She would have Nat's too.
Would like to hear how my fellow BB posters think how sequester would vote. Let's just say for the fun of it, Big Sheila leaves..LOL. Do you think she can sway votes in Sequester?
Sunshine n arizona
I know that the POV winner and the HOH is safe. So if Adam wins the POV and pulls Sheila down, how would that work? I know that is most likely a really stupid question, but I am a newbie to BB.
Amy @ 9:02
Sorry, but as delicately as possible, I'm telling you that you are wrong. PoV can be used to save anybody you wish. Sweet Caroline @ 8:57 is correct. This is why everybody has been saying that PoV is the most important position this week. HoH protects you, but PoV effectively has the power to determine final 3.
I have to throw my hat in the ring here with those who feel there is more to Adam and Sheila than meets the eye.
Sharon's comment last night about people who just met each other don't talk to each other the way Sheila and Adam have. (I have wondered from day 1 why Adam would put up with being talked to and treated by Sheila the way he has. I'd have given her her walking papers looooonnnng ago if she were to treat me like she has treated Adam.)
Sheila's total OVER-reaction to Adam calling her "mom" just doesn't jive with her from that point on making sure everybody knows she is a "45-year-old single MOTHER." Her uncalled-for angry rants about Adam (at one point threatening to leave if Adam wasn't sent home by BB) seems to hint of overacting and the old saying, "me thinks thou protests too much."
I know BB posted the additional relationship in the house was the Guinea Pigs, but that could easily have been their way of keeping the "unexpected" a secret until the finale.
JMHO. :)
Anyone wondering what happened to Sheila 20 years ago that was worse than being shackled to Baller?
Yesterday the final 4 were having a great pre-luxcomp conversation.The boys were good naturedly chiding the girls about their ex BFs.
Sheila mentioned that she knew all the NY Mets as she had dated pitcher Ron Darling for 4 years.
She also said she worked with O.J., but that they never hooked up.
Ryan- Lucky you didn't. You'd be in a ditch somewhere or stuffed in the back of the Bronco. (LOL)
Sheila's book is starting to sound more interesting.
I think Sheila/Kim is a bit jealous of Adam and Nat. They were just having fun. Both Nat & Adam look at the upside instead getting down about what happens in the house. Sheila needs to take notes...
I'm so nervous for Adam and Sheila!! I want them to be final two, and Sharon has figured out their alliance. Crap. I wish they (Adam and Sheila) wouldn't have stayed up most of the night talking. They've got the most important POV comp today.
I think after Sharon's moley-mole talk to Ryan last night, he would use the POV to take Sharon off the block. Ryan and Sharon CAN NOT win the POV today!!!!
Please please please Ryan do not fall for that crap Sharon is trying to sell you. Your best bet is to go with Adam (who has always been faithful to the bro) and Sheila (what is she going to win?)
If Ryan takes Sharon he might as well just toss in the towel. Not only will she have the 3 votes, she will also get them from your side because you just pi**ed them off as well.
We are going to see if Ryan is easily persuaded by whoever is in his ear. If he goes with Sharon I'm sure Jen will have a few choice words for him as well.
I am still hoping to see Adam and Sheila pull it off a miracle and win this.
I want Sharon to vote out Sheila. With all her worring about Nat comming after her it would be to funny to have her voted out by the person she kept.
ron in co ~ ya to death and everything but you got it a little backwards. I think Amy's (9:02) statement was in regards to this week ONLY, and it is true. You can not save someone else WITH THE VETO this week as PoV winner. You can only save yourself with the Veto this week. ACTUALLY, RYAN is the only person who can save someone else with the veto...everyone else can only save themselves.
Now, Veto winner is the ONLY VOTE in deciding who goes home, which is the reason they have all the power this week. Sweet Caroline (8:57) is correct in the sense that if Adam were to "Save Sharon off the block" (which he can't do), it is the same thing as voting out SHEILA, not Sharon.
Ron, if you said this and I just got all sorts of confused, then I apologize.
~ Ryan ~
Good morning everyone. Yes, you too Carolyn. :p
Ron in CO. The only one that would use the PoV should he win it and would still be safe is Ryan. But would he? I doubt it. under the guise of his alliance with Sharon, I think he would still go with Bros befor Hos.
Anyone else winning and using it would be putting their own fate in severe jeopardy because they would lose the power to be the single vote to oust someone. Who really knows what Sheila would do if she came down? Would she keep Sharon as the girl alliance. I think that is most likely. If Sharon wins, yes she would take herself down of course. Same with Sheila.
But last night Sharon made it very clear she wants Adam out before Sheila so ... well it's almost a sure thing that unless Ryan somehow brings her over to Sheila is more dangerous, and I doubt he could do that...
Bottom line, Whoever is not on the block decides who goes.
BB AD was hilarious last night. But I had severe problems with hearing Adam and Sheila. I had to turn on closed captioning to know what they were saying. Showtime could pick it up and get every word. I couldn't.
So, shivering in antici...pation on the PoV. I hope it's early, otherwise I have to wait until about 3 AM GCT to find out since this is a show night.
WoW Ry, we are both picking on poor Charlie, but as I said, Anyone can use the PoV to save someone else, but it would be pretty stupid to do so because if you do, that automatically puts you on the block and jeopardizes your own safety. BUT, with that said, stoooopider things have happened this season.
OOPS... did I say charlie? i meant ron of course. I haven't had my caffiene requirement yet. Sorry Charlie.
Shiela is PMSing and attached is A Bot, Karma is such the law in the house, glad she is back to reality after two hours of sleep, smile.
Anyone else notice how Sharon's tops reveal a bit more when she visits Ryan in the HOH? I remember a few weeks back when the boys were by the pool and Ryan mumbled something about Sharon and her brown bathing suit, she overheard that and that's also the one she wore in the few days prior to either her of Natalie's eviction. She's definately not stupid...she's been playing, she knows that Ryan likes looking at her.
Come on people, I don't think it is paranoia about Adam and Shelia being a real life couple! Why can't they be? Because Shelia was so rude to him in the beginning? Well who would be that rude to someone they didn't know unless she did know Adam and they wanted to keep everyone from thinking they were a couple. They have been playing it well and splitting the teams unless they had the numbers. Look at this, when Shelia had to vote out Natalie, Adam made it easier for her, giving Shelia reason after Adam and Ryan made Natalie tell everyone she was on the boys side. I mean now who could blame Shelia for voting out Natalie... I agree with Sharon and I am telling you I think everyone needs to take a closer look!!!
No one is with anyone just the gienies
Sharon is going to win the POV today. Sheila is out. Ryan is unable to win anything from here on out.
Sharon's "game-plan" has been to coreograph (who goes up - who goes out) brilliantly below the radar... and be everyone's friend... and to save her energy & other talents for the end game - all the while gathering the information she will need to know, to WIN this game.
And BB has only *shown* us the secret alliance between Ryan/Sharon... could it be that the well kept TRUE secret alliance is Sharon/Adam???
I predict Sharon & Adam in the end, with Sharon deservedly in first place!
anon @ 10:53 -- i thought the same thing! although she does wear a bikini outside a lot, inside her clothing choice used to be really conservative - big tshirts/sweatshirts and those 3/4 length black pants. but the past two days, she has been showing cleavage!!!
i've never seen her wear that white top with the low "V" before...and she went up to the HoH in her black bra to talk to ryan (he was in the shower)!!!
it may be coincidence, but i doubt it.... she's really manipulative without appearing to be so.
Ryan @ 10:23
Yeah, what you said. I was having a brain f*rt this a.m. and didn't type what my brain was trying to send to my fingers.
Although Adam can save himself, he is in effect saving one person on the block and sending the other one home, because by "saving" himself he has retained the "single" vote for eviction this week.
I apologize to Amy and to all those who were understandably confused by my mish-mash of an answer to Amy @ 9:02
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