The Overnight Report
Good Morning, Big Brother Lovers! Happy Sunday! If the rumors are true and April 27th is the finale date (as stated on the Win a date with Dick to the Finale Charity Auction, but not confirmed yet by anyone at CBS), as of today there are just 2 weeks left until the finale! Hard to believe, but we're almost there!
Today on the live feeds, sometime around noon BBT, the Veto Ceremony will happen, and if all goes according to plan, Natalie will become the ReNom and take her place as the target of the week.
The HGs spent most of last night together up in the HoH Room, and much of that was covered here on bb9dish as it was happening. What follows are clips and transcripts of what the HGs were up to once they left the HoH Room...
The Overnight Report is now complete.
11:38pm BBT
Trying to Communicate with the Outside World
This is a funny clip, captured by Quirkydude that's better viewed than transcribed... If you're planning on watching all of the clips, and you'd like a head start, click on Quirkydude.
The HGs are yelling and are trying to get some people nearby to yell back to them. Sheila says, "I heard someone say, 'Yes you are.' " The other HGs believe her. Moments later, Sheila steps inside alone and says, "I made that up. These people are so gullible."
After a couple minutes, Sheila and Ryan are alone in the Backyard, and she confirms with him that he's still with the program to get Natalie out of the house. She says she trusts him, but she's concerned about what Adam might do.
Sheila: It's a big threat, as far as I'm concerned.
Ryan: Oh, I know. We know.
Sheila talks about how Natalie has promised final three to everyone. Ryan concurs.
11:48pm BBT
Ryan & Sheila
Ryan says he's on board
Sheila: My whole thing is this, yeah, I earned it, but I don't know if I'll win something else again. I'm a weak player (in comps).
Ryan: Well, that's why you've got me.
Sheila: If Natalie hadn't been so verbal about this whole girl power thing...
Ryan: That's how she was with me and Adam too.
Sheila: She just tells everyone what they want to hear.
Sheila refers back to James and how the two of them were responsible for his original eviction, and they paid for their backpeddling.
Sheila: You and I paid for that. That war was between James, Matt & Natalie, and we got drawn into it...
Sharon comes out briefly and joins the chat for a moment, then tells them both good night. Sheila reiterates to Ryan how they'll be getting the biggest threat out of the house, and that the people in sequester will be thrilled and give them major credit for it.
Sheila: She could kick my ass physically. Mentally, no way. That was a fluke. Then when Adam won the numbers thing, she wanted to take credit for that... She's a backstabber.
Ryan: She'll backstab anyone in this game.
Sheila and Ryan go on to poke fun at Natalie about her focus on all the numbers in the game.
This continues on the clip...
11:59pm BBT
Ryan & Sheila
Guess what, You're almost 30.
Sheila & Ryan continue slamming Natalie. Sheila brings up that she's almost 30, and that her modeling dreams are a joke... she's too old at this point. Sheila also says Nat's irrational thinking the show will bring her fame.
Talk turns to Jen, and Sheila takes the opportunity to compliment her to Ryan, saying that as a teacher, she's a part of the cure, not the disease.
Sheila: The disease is the people running around in bikinis thinking that that's gonna make your life.
Ryan's concerned that Jen might want to do modeling for Playboy, and Sheila says if she does, send her to me and I'll talk her out of it. Some hot bikini shots, fine, but no nudity. Sheila wishes she'd had someone to guide her a bit more and talk her out of it.
Talk turns back to Natalie, and Sheila says she doesn't have any bad feelings about her, but this is a game, and Nat's a huge threat. Ryan agrees. Further, he acknowledges that a lot of the comps are designed for small women like Natalie, not him and Adam.
They compare Natalie's pending eviction and threat level to James. Nothing personal, just game. Why keep the biggest physical threats in the house?
Ryan: Sheila, trust me. I'm not gonna let him (Adam) go one and one (& split the vote). He's gonna know better. No one in this house wants her here. I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna get it done. Don't worry about it.
12:25am BBT
Adam, Nat & Ryan
Adam's Voice is rough from the backyard yelling earlier, and he's hoping it'll be better by the Veto Ceremony. The boys blow smoke up Natalie's bum and chat about random things like boob reductions and how Adam digs pregnant chicks...
Small talk stops 3 minutes into the clip... Ryan says tomorrow's the big day. Natalie says it's no big deal, and Ryan agrees. Natalie says she's planning a great speech for Wednesday night, "It's gonna be even better than Joshuah's. Gonna make everyone cry."
This concludes the overnight report. What mischief will the HGs get into today??
Moments later, Sheila steps inside alone and says, "I made that up. These people are so gullible."
Know that!
I don't know about the rest of you but it has been really BOREING since Joshua and James left. Josh kept us laughing early in the morning and James kept us laughing all day with his pranks. YOu never wanted to turn the feeds off in case you missed one of his little pranks. So for me it is not worth watching the feeds now. They better do something fast to peak my interest.
Carolina GREAT JOB!
GM to you. I hope your night was good. it seems that Nat is trying to take everything that anyone has won saying she did all the work.
I cant wait till it hit her that she is the one leaveing .
Good Morning Carolyn. I see you are up and at 'em early this morning... It looks like that well deserved break gave you some new rejuvination and new found energy. Good for you! It was a rough week with the endruance comp and then the all night PoV.
If my own calculations are correct, I don't think there is going to be a double eviction this week. Your thoughts?
I do hope you can find a pic of Gnat reading her Bible and see whatever that was on her face at about 12:30 AM BBT. I tried to capture it but I have major issues trying to do a RealPlayer capure, and while I think I have it, it always comes out as a totally black picture when I go back to view it. *SIGH* Some things are just beyond my ability to understand directions. This is one of the most frustrating. (What happened to the days when I could make anything work and never read the directions?)
:) Hey everyone.
Thanks for being here! Taking yesterday off was the smartest thing I've done in a while.
I'm completely rejuvenated... Attitude adjusted.. Ready to Rock and Roll these last 2 weeks of the season. :)
But first, I'm off for my cuban coffee fix before the HGs wake up! :)
See you back here in a few.
Yeah anonymous the season has been pretty dull crazy James did make the season pretty funny and more intense Joshua just made it humorous along the way. I really don't want Natalie to go home. I think she will for sure. Does she even know though? Or is she being completely back doored? Obviously she knows that Adam will use POV on himself and she'll go up but does she think that Sharon might go. I hope that she can do some campaigning and stay in the game. I'm sick of Sharon she just doesn't do anything.
Thanks so much for doing this Carolyn and everyone else for the clips. I use this site everyday.
Can anyone tell me what Adam told Sharon about Jacob that made her so mad?
Carolyn took a day off? Did you get 1000 hate mail letters saying how dare you do such a thing? :)
What are we calling the team to evict gNat ??? The Pest Control alliance?
Go Team PCA !!!
that is funny what Nat said about her speech for Wed. I will proubly laugh and said whatever. She is nothing but a lier.
If Gnat leaves on Wednesday as planned, then it would be poetic justice also maybe Gnat will see that as a sign from God, that the weakest player(Sheila), according to Gnat, is responsible for her departure.
I have to say, it's been pretty interesting watching the houseguests form a new opinion of Natalie since James stirred the pot. Of course we see so much more than them, so it's easier for us. But they are starting to say virtually the identical things we have - about Nat's overblown religious rants, her hypocrisy, her instability, constant lying, arrogance and insecurity, the irony of her hostility and negativity etc.
Sharon put it in an interesting nutshell last night talking about how Nat wants to have real girl friends and genuinely wants the girl alliance, but is so driven by attention from men that she self-destructs any real bonds with women.
They are started to see her as a very unhappy and trouble young woman; Sheila feels some empathy because she used her body as a young woman to get attention instead of building a foundation for a whole life.
They were all quite the armchair psychologists themselves, and pretty spot on. I really believe they are going to vote her out because they feel used and betrayed (each in their own way) rather than because Nat's a threat. They seem to know she wouldn't have the jury votes, but they have decided they don't like the way she played the game.
This have been a very moralistic season from all sides (people judging others on "who they are" rather than how they play, and not just the bible thumpers, James did the same). I could go on for 10 more paragraphs about what is going on in society that drives this trend - but I'll spare you guys the lecture.
Morning Carolyn,
Enjoy your cup o' joe!! Thank you for all that you do! I cannot view any of the clips. There's a blank space where the videos should be. Just checking - is it just me?
Thank you!
anon@9:30 - Thanks :) I just checked and the clips seem fine from this end. Maybe try refreshing the blog or clearing your cache? Lemme know...
Shamrock - happily no.. only a couple.. it was a nice surprise. :)
Jane - Good morning. :) Loved your post.
Wow these people are so gullible. Get them each a new brain for god sakes! Poor girl Natalie is so blindsighted, she atleast deserves to know that she's going home. You are NEVER safe in that house, remember Dustin from BB8? Sheila may say Natalie is just one vote, but any vote from the jury house counts close to the 500k. She puts the dirt on the guys hands, however Natalie already feels the tension between Sheila and her. I hate how Sheila is such a backstabbing friend, its not even a game strategy, she's got more of a personal vendetta against Natalie. She bashes her constantly. I can sit here and bash Sheila for hours if I wanted to, but its so immature. The woman is 46 years old! Perhaps she should start acting her age!
As for game play, it would be in the best interest for Ryan & Adam to KEEP Natalie! (DUH). Nobody likes her in sequester. She is a threat, yes we all know that. But they have to think down the road (in which Sheila bashes Natalie for doing). If anyone makes it to final 2 with Natalie, they will win the 500k hands down. If F2 was Ryan & Adam = adam wins, if it was anyone against sharon, sharon wins. So really to me, the biggest threat would be Sharon, she came nearly close at winning veto and has thrown many HOHs. They all know that but forget to think about it. I still think that Natalie will vote for anyone besides Sheila. I will be happy if Adam or Ryan wins. I do not want Sheila or Sharon to win the 500k. Sheila has talked many ears off and sharon has been the ultimate pawn and floater. I love how Sheila used Natalie, especially when the whole entire house hated her and she had no one BUT Natalie to console/talk to her. Now that she's liked again and she holds the power of HOH, she leaves behind the person that once was her 'friend' in the house, and talks smack about her constantly. Nat, may have said things behind her back, but she never took every opportunity that she can, to make Sheila the topic of bashing! Come on people, grow the heck up.
re: anon @ 9:30
Oh Carolyn, you are not only beautiful and witty, your are wise as well. I deleted my cookies and refreshed and wham! There they were!! Thank you!! You totally Rock!!
Adam told Sharon that Jacob said he had smoked pot prior to coming out to the show. Sharon wouldn't ellaborate why it was such a big deal, but from little things I got the sense the real issue was some past history with drugs that strained their relationship and Jacob's lying about it. That he promised all kinds of change and this was evidence he wasn't changing. But that's just my take on it.
I think it was that Jacob had smoked weed just before they came to pick him up for the show.Adam mentioned it Sharon went nuts
maybe it's the lack of coffee...maybe i just need more time for this old brain to get it's jumpstart, but if nat's renom is being kept a secret, for the life of me i cannot figure out *why* she's talking about preparing/making a speech?
some merciful bb friend can help me?
the sequester bits of the show will probably be more interesting & longer. If Nat goes I know the look on Mattys face will be priceless!
No money and just she and Matty in team crisco---- I bet when she walks in Matty won't be showing her to his room like he did Chelsia!
J&C will be having wild celebratory sex and Natty will be pissed
Unless Matty relents and cashes in the only way he has left
Good Mornin Carolyn and everyone, I am off to my mom's house for my sisters birthday, we are going to have a feast. :)
I watched BBAD and Nat tried to backtrack about saying Old Timers, saying she didn't do that, just like she has with the BJ's. She really is a mess. I was thinking, she is going to have the worst time for a while when she gets out of this. She really doesn't seem to realize that ALL of her actions are recorded, somehow that part has just not sunk in.
Well, I must run. Have a wonderful day!!
Sharon has some insecurity issues. She goes psycho/ballistic when things don't go her way. There is a lot more to this girl than what she portrays herself. She basically stalked Jacob during the last few months of their relationship. I mean come on, if you are suspecting someone is cheating on you, than they probably are! And maybe you arent supposed to be together. The poor guy probably ran away from her psycho ass.
Is anyone thinking that maybe Matt and Sheila are the last real couple?
I don't think that Sheila has any room to talk smack on Natalie, it looks as if though Natalie IS Sheila 20 years ago. Also, for Sheila to be saying that she deserved this comp and that she finally got a comp she could win and blah blah blah, makes her look stupid. She was about to drop, no way she would win that comp. The only reason she sleeping in HOH this week is because GNat and Rybread felt sorry for her and didn't want to hear her begging anymore. Honestly, the other HG's better see what she's doing with Natalie.... someone gives her a huge gift of HOH and Sheila gives her word that she wont send them home that it will be Sharon and what does she do? She is planning on sending Natalie home.
When they were up there the deal was that if one of the people on the block won POV (Adam) then they would send home the other person on the block no matter what since Nat/Ryan were giving up HOH for Sheila to see her pictures. I hope the other HGs see how retarded Sheila they need Nat in the final 2 to get money... no way Josh, James, Chelsia, SHaron gives the money to Ryan or Adam against Sheila but they would in a heartbeat if they were against Natalie.
Nat has known she would be the renom even before the POV was played. She doesn't know she is going to be voted out, but Adam and Ryan are considering telling her and telling her why (the lying, bible hypocracy etc. Though I have my doubts they will have the guts to warn/tear her down. They are both chicken and also basically nice guys.
And speaking of insecurity issues, who doesn't have them?
Good Morning/Afternoon All,
Glad you had a good day off yesterday Carolyn!
esco: the deal was that Sheila would put up Adam and Sharon and if one of them took themselves off, Sheila would "vote" for the one originally up there to go home.
Another reason she is pushing so hard for the boys to make it a 2-0 vote, then she doesnt break her word.
As for Nat "gifting" the HoH to Sheila, Nat doesnt seem to give anyone anything without ulterior motives, whether it was the fact she was going to drop soon on her own, or she was playing forward to next week's HoH or the way Sharon "guilted" her into it. She chose to drop, she made her deal, she didnt cover all her bases, now she can build a frikkin' bridge and get over it.
Jane: as usual I agree with your insightful assessment of the goings-on.
Anon @ 9:55: Nat's renom isnt a secret, where the votes are laying at this point in time is.
J :)
Esco: Sheila wasn't about to drop in the comp, Ryan and Nat were, both of them had their leg hanging down on many occasions and Sheila didn't. Nat didn't bother with Sheila for weeks pretending to be her friend and went on about her behind her back, now Sheila knows and I don't blame her for dissing her.
Insecurity issues to the point that a person drives an hour to their boyfriends workplace to see if they are there? Or when she drives to his friends house to spot him down, or when she goes through his phone and reads/listens to his msgs, she creeps on myspace for any evidence of him cheating, she calls him 1000 times a day? If you know someone is cheating on you and you go through all of these measures, perhaps it is just not meant to be with that person.
Go watch the video of her exploding and telling james/chelsia/josh, her relationship with Jacob. She also cheated on him, they cheated on eachother. All im saying is, if you have insecurity issues with a boyfriend, then perhaps it just is not meant to be, and she needs some sort of security in her life.
What was on Nat's face? It was so shiny at the end of the last clip.
Nat's own words are coming back to bite her in the butt:
"If I lose to Sheila, I deserve to go home"
She chose to lose to Sheila, she chose her own fate.
anon 10:48 - I'm just not going there with you. It's one thing to judge what the houseguests are doing in the context of the game (or what they use from their personal life to work the game). But a romantic relationship that went on since two kids were 12 years old - and the stupid things they have done to each other while growinp up and learning about partnership - that's territory I'm not touching. When it comes to love we all live in a glass house and I'm not throwing any stones.
I find it ironic that Shelia was making fun of Nat for Old Timers when she stood there and called Maxim, Maximum like 5 times!
Come on, Nat's a threat? Sheila doesn't have to keep her deal with Nat, because Nat was about to fall anyways. Sheila could have stayed up another hour or more for her sons sake. Or so I've read 100+ times...
And for all the sh*t that Sheila ripped Nat on, it's going to be about herself in "Her Book".
This lady takes the cake when it comes to back-stabbing. Ryan even fills uncomfortable.
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