Feeds Are Back
10:05pm BBT
Sheila's in the House.
So is Ryan... I haven't seen Adam Yet.
Ryan: So how do you think your friends and family are feelin' tonight, Sheila? You were in shock.
Sheila: I was in total shock.
Sheila: Adam Kept Me, & I got my Key Back
Sheila's talking about a premenstrual disorder...
They've yet to say who won the comp. Adam is not visible, presumably in the DR.
More Ryan & Sheila
10:15pm BBT
Ryan goes into the storage room and grabs the crafts BB left for them this morning. He's planning to make something for Jen. Sheila recommends hoop earrings.
10:20pm BBT
Adam joins the others.
Adam: That was a good DR session!
The boys go into the red room and close up Sharon's bed... stripping it of pillows and searching for detritus, in hopes of finding a hidden cigarette somewhere.
Sheila calls out to them, asking what they're doing, and Ryan responds, "making things official."
Ryan: It's like the good old days, dude. Maann, when's the last time...
Adam: Should I break it in?
Ryan: Definitely.
Adam calls out to Sheila. She responds asking what they're doing, and he tells her to come see. She comes into the room, and laughs.
Adam and Ryan recall how they all used to hang out in there in the beginning...
Adam: I'm tired.
Ryan: I'm dead tired. I could fall asleep right now.
Sheila wants to make arts n crafts. The boys follow her out to the dining table.
10:37pm BBT
Ryan wants to get a BB9 tattoo. Adam says to come to Miami and his boy at Miami Ink'll do it. Ryan says, "us 3 do have the rights. We are final 3."
We have more clips loading for you...
Sharon is gone :( Sheila just confirmed that Adam kept her
Why was she in shock...? Oh damn tomorrow's episode will not come fast enough.....I'm assuming Sharon has been shown the door.
~ Ryan ~
if ryan wanted sharon to stay he should have used the pov, ugh i dont want anyone left to win
Sharon is gone. when they were looking at the board I saw her pic in black and white. Dang it!!!! I can't believe Ryan flipped at the last second. Stupid for you big guy
I was just about to say goodnight. Now I am recharged, my girl is still there. Yippeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
i logged on to east coast feeds carolyn they said sharon was gone..but sheila is talking about her hormones!? she said she needs medication..i cant help but laugh,i just want to know what happened! im hoping to hear info on whats been going on! ahhh! :) love you bree in co
Not only are the feeds back, but Sheila is the new HoH!
Thank goodness it's over ... I can get some sleep tonight.
A huge thank you to everybody for helping to keep me going.
Carolyn ... you're amazingly awesome!
I'm just disappointed. I think Sharon got robbed in the last HOH with the hamster thing & I truly do not feel like any of the final 3 had any game play whatsoever. This whole game has seemed so... rigged.
Sheila is talking about PDD - wasn't that proven to be a marketing piece-o-crap? A created condition?
Oh dear Sheila...
(Now I've gotta look that up)
Sharon's gone! But who won... probably Adam since he may be in the DR?
This comment has been removed by the author.
SCREAM!!! All this time waiting on feeds to come back and all we get to hear for now is Sheila talking about her pre-menopausal periods.
UGH! Now that's endurance to have to listen to her talk about that.
I'm losing my late night snacks.
"Oh Lordyyyyy", I wonder if Sharon's out...?? I'm eagerly awaiting the results!!
[I had to pay a lil homage to the girl in case she did get booted! ;D]
It was quick jog, just had to clear my head! I come back and am so excited the feeds are back!!!!
Carolyn....My prayers were answered.
My feeds are still blocked! WTF! OMG! What's going on? Where's Adam? Who won endurance comp?
She said boogie board! It was beach themed...
Sounds like Adam is the other one still here. The way Sheila is talking. The guys made the better decision to keep Sheila. Since she is the weaker of the women at least mentally. I have felt Sharon's been playing on the down low and no one really knows if she really does suck on comps or has been playing us. Best the Devil you know than.....
Do not want to listen to Sheila and her feminine issues, oops she just mentioned something about being up on a boogie board. Was it a Surfin' comp? Where is Adam? DR maybe ?
I feel SOOOOO Cheated.
n2realitytv ~ You say Sheila won endurance. Please give proof! Sorry, but if she won, I'm sleeping well tonight! Im thinking Adam won since he is nowhere on the Feeds.
~ Ryan ~
Adam has this game wrapped up!!!
OMG! I'm gonna go nuts! My feeds are NOT working yet! This is really bad! Serios addiction problem I have here! LMAO! Someone please help me! Where's Adam? And who won endurance comp? It sounds like Sheila did?
Crap! (I'm saying a lot worse in my head towards Adam & Ryan) Can't believe that Sharon got booted. She was the only one left that I was rooting for...couldn't care less now.
bout time
sharon sux
go ryan and shiela!!!
Wonder how long it's going to take Ryan to realize he made a big mistake allowing Adam to vote Sharon out.
Im shocked that as soon as the feeds come on its shelia talking about how psycho she is-at least shes not in denial about that...
Adam was true to Sheila? OMG
Ryan is so dumb. I predicted this earlier today (I think Carolyn did too). Now look who is kissing up to Sheila, hahaha. Rye-Bread. He hasn't said this much to Sheila since he won HOH.
I can't stand seeing Sheila this high....grr. yak yak yak yak yak
sunshine n arizona
I think Sharon should take legal action against bb for that question she should have won and she should still be there.
God Bless my honey!!! He came running in the bedroom to tell me the feeds were back!!!
YAAAAAAAAAY, Sharon gone!!! Whatever will happen to the beeebeeeeees now!!
OK cant go back to bed til I know who one the comp!!!
Well, Ryan just got so lucky with the final 4 HOH. He had no clue about the "secret relationship" and guessed wildly, but ended up winning it. Sharon was screwed, but she should have won POV.
At this point, I don't like Ryan or Adam, but I think Ryan deserves to be screwed over by Sheila and Adam.
Ryan has done a good job of playing the "nice guy", while plotting and getting others to do his dirty work. That was good game play, because Natalie and Sharon will probably be pissed at Adam and vote for Ryan, should they be the final 2.
I really want Sheila to ruin the boy's club. I think if she makes final 2, she might win the whole damn thing.
Go Sheila and Adam! Boot Ryan! He needs to be betrayed!!
So does anyone want to make a bet that Final 2 will be Sheila & Adam and none of those other idiots EVER saw it coming - including the ever so bright Ryan. Good lord.
I'm guessing Ryan didn't think that now Sharon's group is all there for the votes, and I'm sure she's not too pleased that he flipped on her. Smart move big guy. Not getting any votes in the jury house now smarty pants.
Ooops! I misunderstood Sheila ... she said she got her key back so I naturally assumed she won the comp.
She meant she got her HG key back in it's slot... why does that sound dirty?
It's late I'm exhausted, but I'm going to watch for awhile more to see if I can find out more about what happened.
Bummer that Sharon is gone, but it is what it is ... at least till we get confirmation that Adam is still in the house.
I speaketh before I knoweth!
There he is! Adam, Ryan and Sheila final 3.
So is it confirmed? Did Sheila win this one? I really hope to see Adam and sheila in final 2!!!
Thank you so much Carolyn for all you do. :)
YAY Adam's there, ok, now I'm feeling better, he said good DR session, I'm hoping he won endurance comp
OMG Did Sheila SERIOUSLY win HOH??
I know it was a better decision for the guys to dump Sharon. But..... I cannot stand to listen to Sheila anymore now she's playing all phony sweet to Ryan while beading.UGH. I so wanted to see her face being evicted, after the way she tortured everyone(especially us)I wish someone could evoke a special power to keep her from saying Frikkin, single mother, I'm telling yew for the remainder od her stay. I hope Adam blackmailed her for his vote(that she would have to be nice to them)
Oh my, those boys are wasting no time in putting the couch bed back into a couch!!!
Sheila asks what they're doing and they reply ... making it official.
I'm Sooo freakin' proud of Adam. He didn't let Ryan push him around. He has more of a chance of winning final HOH than Ryan anyway. He's smarter and in better physical shape. Maybe he realized that. He stayed loyal, and I couln't be happier!!! I guess Sharon is D-U-NNN
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Baller and shebot til the end!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for stickin around Carolyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dammit! I cannot believe Sheila is in F3.
Now I hope she wins it all just out of spite for J/C/J/S being taken out by the bro-alliance.
Never did I think I'd be cheering for Sheila!
Whoa.... Balla and quick in the final two... I guess those boys got scared of Sharon. She was freakin' out and talkin' so much trash. They must of thought she had something fishy going on.
Well, Carolyn was right with the CBS info, of course. But that made NO sense Maybe they are going to run the endurance comp in sync with the end of the Tuesday show on the East Coast on the live feeds? And have them keep the hoseguests mum on the winner. They don't look too exhausted, though. Possibly it didn't happen? Shotime was wrong about the POV being on Sunday.
At least I was right about Sharon being tossed. Ryan may be a big guy but he is a mental midget. Adam didn't have to work too hard on changing his tiny mind. Adam deserves to win this, for his loyalty to Sheila and his manipulative tactics (while people thought him spineless and floating), and his ability to be clutch about winning HOH when he had to.
Does anybody else get the feeling that they aren't allowed to say who won the endurance comp yet?
I can't believe Big She made it to the end. Shows you really can win by whining and complaining. Sweet, lol. Sorry I'm a little bitter that Sharon was booted and the dumb boys are left with the whiner.
so I've been gone since my Natty left but I'm rooting for Adam and it seems like he could win it all... YAY!!!
Oy...my bed's calling out to me and I just want to know who won this damn 1st part! Maybe BB is making them not talk about it since they want it to be found out tomorrow. But then why would they show that Sharon is gone...?
~ Ryan ~
wait?? Sharon is gone? I'm sorry for being the idiot.. but haven't kept up to much with this season. It's confimed Sharon is gone now?
And Carolyn.. it would be great if you could post the schedule for the last couple shows so idiots like me with three kids running around can keep up. lol
Thanks :)
I believe Ryan won the first part, because Adam just said "Tomorrow, me and Sheila face off"
ryan won...anyone but shelia in f2 come on!
ugh ryan is stupid if he thinks either of them will take him to final 2... he better hope he wins the next 2 rounds or he is dunzo
Ryan won! Aaaaand now I am going to bed, lol. Night all! Time to see who wins Part 2 tomorrow!!
~ Ryan ~
OMG! I am so glad the feeds are back I felt like a junkie going through withdrawal all evening. It was too much pressure. What am I going to do when this is over? I am flying to Fla on the 4th for 3 weeks. but what then till BB10? Maybe I should get a life?
Based on what Adam just said... Ryan won the comp...
he and Sheila head to head tomorrow!!!
To those who think that last HOH was rigged against Sharon with the pre-existing guineas, ummmmmm, WHY? Did Ryan have some superior knowledge on this point? How was this an unlevel playground?
Sharon is out because she lost fair and square. Were James still there, I might say otherwise about him. Ryan and Sharon underestimated Adam.
Ryan just made one of the dumbest moves of his life. The 500K check should already be in Adams name.
Hey, Carolyn - I know it probably feels like tomorrow morning (after waiting all day) but it really should 10:05 p.m. for the very first time posting under "Feeds Are Back" and just above "Kitchen."
You're doing great, don't stress. If you didn't make the occasional mistake, I'd begin to wonder if you are even human. (I have never seen you in life, only a "pic" which could be of anybody, so you could be a robot. Seems like you almost have to be in order to accomplish what you do.) :)
guys, ryan did not flip. It was his plan all along to get out sharon. He was just smart enough to go through a roundabout process of securing sharon's vote by making adam tell him and sharon that adam is going to keep sharon. And obviously since adam didn't keep sharon, sharon will blame it on Adam.
brilliant! just brilliant!
STFU! I am so not happy!!!
Thanks, Ron :)
I'm a zombie at the moment.
YES!! Team pink is all out the door...LOLLLL. Go Ryan & Adam!! Sharon was shown the door. Adam is pretty smart....now that Sharon is out the door and he got Ryan to flip sides...Sharon might not even vote for Ryan in the end because he was unloyal to her.
With a 3 part final HOH comp what happens if each one of them wins 1 leg? It looks like Ryan won tonights.
Oh Yay! I'm so happy Sharon Is Gone!!!
Adam did a good thing, him and Ryan have a better shot at final 2!
Baller doesn't need to win any of the comps. Sheila will take him and so will Ryan (even though he is smarter to take Sheila, but smart doesnt't apply to Ryan). Baller can kick back and relax knowing he won this bitch.
I don't think it can be confirmed that Sheila is new HOH.
If she was, trust me, Ryan would not be this jubilant.
I will only believe it when Carolyn confirms it...LOL
sunshine n arizona
PS: Sheila is so loving being the only female in the house. She still does not deserve to win. At this point, neither does Ryan.
GO Adam,,,,sneaky Bart...haha
Anyone takin bets on how long it is before Sheila starts in on Adam again?
Meredith - Agreed.
Ha! Shardawg should have made that deal with Adam. I think that was her downfall. Ryan won it, or Big Sheila probably dropped out first and as planned Adam went down after her.
Thank you Carolyn. Good Night and get some rest.
yay! we got some answers! thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much carolyn..this has been such a nail-biting day! i know you are so so tired...please try to get lots of rest! we love you and thank you dearly..and this has been another roller coaster season! ...xoxo its nice to get caught up in all of this and away from my health..i love this page it is my favorite BB page and i love you..:) xo bree in co ..thank you for staying up so late and feeding our desperation for info! hehehe! :)
Well I can't speak for anyone else but I personally feel the comp was rigged for Ryan to win simply due to the VERY long time it took Julie Chen to reveal the answer - seriously something is up there. CBS swayed it to try to get their ratings up.
Just got back - wow! Looks like they think they were live tonight because Ry asked Sheila how her family would be feeling right now?
Too bad BBAD doesn't woman-up and just switch over to live.
ok so i go to work feeds on and they were still keeping sharon... i come home from work 8 hours later and the feeds on trivia.. feeds come back and sharon gone WTH this sucks totally
shebot adumb and ry-bread there
so now with that said who the heck is gonna be final 2 coz none of them would get my vote at all!!!!!!!!
to meredith, i think it was rigged with sharon losing it because big brother would have seen their answers before giving what they say is the correct answer and they could have gone either way with it and we would have been none the wiser.
I can only hope that Adam throws tomorrows HOH to Sheila - then Sheila can evict Ryan and he can realize what an idiot he really is....
Last year they asked questions about what the people in sequester said - Sheila will win that hands down against either of the boys. Ry & Adam have been up each others butts too much to pay attention to getting to know people.
Go Big SHEILA!!!
I really hope Adam or Sheila kicks Ryan's ass in the final comp! (Oops, am I allowed to say that?) Anyways....hopefully Sheila wins the final, I'm pretty positive that she would take Adam!
Thank you Carolyn for sticking with it tonight!
oh and also to top it off seems ryan has won the first part of the HIH thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAWD!!!!!!!!
Ryan is not going to win against Adam or Sheila, and he may not make it to the final 2 now. He is just plain dumb. I guess it's true what they say about Ohio State students, the way to get them off of your porch is to pay for the pizza.
I'll take "zombie" instead of "robot." Six of one, half dozen of the other. Both out-perform humans with lack of sleep. I knew you had to be either SUPER-human or NOT-human. ;p
Michigan in the house?
Ryan is only playing for 50g's anyway. He will lose against Sheila and Adam. I hope neither of these guys win bc they'd probably spend it all on drugs. Atleast I know Sheila's disabled child would be taken care of.
meredith-of course Sharon lost fair and square. If Ryan had truly known about the guineas' relationship (of course there's no way he'd be able to know), then I wouldn't be so annoyed.
I'm just annoyed that Sharon really knew more about the house and houseguests than he did, and he made a lucky guess (he was thinking about people relationships, not the guineas), which cost Sharon the HOH.
It's old news now, but the question was and still is bogus. Grodner should go on slop for that one!
Of course, luck always factors in to winning competitions such as these, but I don't like Ryan and I like Sharon so I'm pissed she's out LOL!!
Anyway, I hope Adam or Sheila wins HOH and evicts Ryan's obnoxious self. Of course Ryan knew Adam would evict Sharon-they talked just moments before the "show" started. I just hope Sharon is pissed at Ryan and not Adam, but she'll probably vote for Ryan if he makes f2.
Ryan has smartly betrayed a lot of people in the game, so I hope Adam and Sheila betray him.
to Noni in NJ it is a three part competion for the final HOH. However whoever wins the first one does not play in the second one and the third the winners of the first ans second rounds go head to head to name the final HOH. I hope Adam and Ryan go to the final two at leat they hav ebeen playing the game instead of just whining
Adam offered Sharon the deal but Sharon was too smart to take it - she knew what he was up to. There is no way that Adam was serious about that.
He wanted her to take it so he could tell Ryan he offered and she accepted. That's why he lied to Ryan about the whole thing when Sharon called him out. Either way Adam was going to make her look bad in Ryan's mind. It was a smart (too smart) move on Adam's part and is probably what sealed the game for him. The check is his.
Adam is so good at this game that I still don't know if his real alliance is with Adam or Sheila. I guess that doesn't matter because he's going to F2 with either one of them. That is unless Ryan somehow manages to pull a smart card out of his ass and takes Sheila with him to F2 if he wins HOH.
Go Blue. Ryan is just like the Ohio State Buckeye a big hairless nut.
I'm really sorry everybody ... I'm the one who started the false 'Sheila won HoH'. My bad!
I was so excited to see the live feeds return I wasn't fully paying attention. I misunderstood the part where she said she got her key back.
Sheila is NOT the new HoH!
Ryan won the 1st comp, so the next comp is Adam vs Sheila.
Ok, now that that is settled, I'm off for the night.
Goodnight Carolyn and fellow BBDish commenters.
urrrgh =(
now i feel like, why didn't i just go to bed?!?! how depressing, sharon and ryan were the only thing keepin me goin, i do believe ryan just wrote adam's name on the check himself..
At this point, never thought I'd say this, but GO Sheila!
If Adam and Ryan annoyingly make the final 2 (if so this will just continue my trend of hating the final 2 players from each season), I hope Adam wins and Ryan gets 0 votes.
I suppose no combo is worse than Dick and Daniele, but I hope Sheila and Adam win the game.
Sharon still could have won the POV competition. She did not listen to the final tie breaker question properly. The Guiena Pig question was a trick question but expect the unexpected.
Bottom line is, Sharon could have still taken it if she had listened and calculated time in the glass house properly.
No one got cheated. It's BB .. Move on.
g'nite all...
Sharon's gone! :'( I really wanted her to win and I was rooting for her since she entered and when Josh brought her back.
Damn, I don't really want any of the three to win but I guess I'd choose Sheila since she is a single mother and Ryan (and Jen) have already won things and I just don't want to see Adam win because he really doesn't have a backbone in this game and I think he really should have left this week. If he and Ryan are in the final two, Ryan's gonna lose.
Nonsense, no disrespect. My first instinct when I heard the question was "humans only"? It was the guineas. A Sharon HOH might have been more interesting bc of her bond with Sheila and relationsjip with Adam. I don't recall Julie taking awhile with the answer but that was probably a suspense thing. Plus Sharon was the Queen of the Guineas so she shoujld have known.
Carolyn thanks for keeping us posted. You're awesome!
I'm checking out this season. Sharon got screwed and I can't support Allison Grodner screwing houseguests. I hope Shiela/Adam are final 2 now, AG wish. Just so Ryan is screwed too.
As I recall, Dick admitted to making a lucky guess himself when he beat Zack to go Final two. Lucky guesses are part of the game.
I believe that question was part of the whole Busting Out of Conspiracy Theories Made by Paranoid Houseguests all season. Many involving guineas and relationships. It wrapped it up nicely.
sheila haning in there. woohoo!
Leadsfoot , thanks for the 411 on how the final comp works. G'night Carolyn you have been a Goddess to see us through tonight!
Jun and Allison were the worst final two ever. Discuss.
I like Ryan, but I know he has no chance of winning. He has already won too much. He has won many comps and I think he has played well. I think Sharon did something to show her smarts and it scared Ryan. He realized she had a good chance of making final two. It was something Adam said to him after the first Trivia session that made me think that. I think Adam might take Ryan to final if he has the choice. Simply because he has such a good chance of winning with him. Sheila could get more votes than Ryan.
Thank you again Carolyn!!!
All the supporters too!!
...and I don't have to hear that screeching voice of Sharon any longer...yay
Too bad Shiela can still be heard.
to be continued in the morning...
Sharon was robbed from last HOH as much as Natalie was robbed of her final HOH comp. She hasn't done anything all game, why does she deserve it? Sheila doesn't deserve it either but at least she got HOH once.
i'm not surprised sharon is out. she kicked up her game and was playing great for the last 2 weeks...but its just too little too late, and when your in her position, u have to win something to stay in the game.
oh well...i'm a sucker for friendship so i hope adam and ryan stay good on their deal, even though its probably a better idea for both of them to take shiela F2 if they want the half mill.
I really don't get why everyone thinks Ryan can't beat Adam or Shiela.
Lets think about Ryan's game instead of just saying he hasn't done anything because everyone else says he hasn't.
Week 1: He manages to avoid being Power Couple evicted, narrowly.. I might add. Jen couldn't keep her mouth shut too long after that. So guess what, he's nominated. Manages to throw most of the blame on Jen, Parker also manages to help get them evicted.
Week 2: Has a week off because James and Chelsia want to break up the rest of the "Sexy 6".
Week 3: Manages to throw most of the blame on Allison, even trying to defend her but realizes his time is coming. Nominated again, evicted. Buzzer. Gets voted back in because Allison looks worse than him.
Week 4: Wins HoH. Free week, gets the strongest player against his alliance out of the House, James.
Week 5: James comes back through that stupid "America has a say.. maybe" vote. Nominated again when James wins HoH. 3-3 Vote, stays because James thinks Matt is against him and Ryan will work with him in the future.
Week 6+7: His alliance wins HoH, and he has a big say in who goes up and who goes home. Manages to deflect a good bit of blame that James feels towards Natalie.
Week 8: Finally gets James out of the house, AGAIN, by winning the Power of Veto.. saving himself or Natalie in the process. Pisses off James pretty bad, -1 juror.
Week 9: Shiela wins HoH, Ryan buddies up to her to avoid going on the block. Manages to keep all blame with Natalie's eviction off his hands, esp. with his goodbye message. Adam may have ruined it, who knows.
Week 10: Ryan wins HoH, and PoV, and evicts the only person he, for sure, can't win against.. Sharon. Nobody in the house knows/knew about their secret alliance at all.
Week 11: Wins first part of final 3 HoH... To be continued...
Sum: 2 HoH wins, 1 part f3 HoH
2 PoV wins
Evicted James, twice.
Matt - Yes, definitely.
Chelsia - Probably no.
Josh - Probably yes.
*(Why? - From week 4 to Week 7, Josh/Ryan have secret alliance keeping each other safe. Also he'll be against Shiela and Adam, neither of whom Josh particularly cares for.)
James - No.
Natalie - Probably yes.
*(Why? - Well, after Matt's departure Natalie seemed to bond with Ryan the most, and they did the most planning and discussing together. He also initiated the plan to "keep her" while secretly having the alliance with Sharon too. Looks good for him here.)
Sharon - Probably yes.
*(Why? - Baller just evicted her. She may vote for Shiela, but I think more likely to vote for Ryan instead. They were a lot closer than Sharon/Adam.)
Shiela/Adam - Shiela will vote for Adam if he's in F2, so no. Adam will "likely" vote for Shiela if Ryan picks Shiela over him, and vote for Ryan if Shiela picks Ryan over him.. which she won't do. So no here.
James and whoever misses the final 2 won't vote for Ryan, and probably Chelsia won't either - Even though she didn't really have anything against him I think she'll just vote what James says. 3 votes against, 4 votes for Ryan.
Summary: Also you should think about what Ryan looks like right now. The last/most crucial weeks of the game, he's won the PoV to evict James, dropped early to give an HoH to Shiela, won the next HoH, won that PoV too, and then won the first part of the final HoH. If he wins that final HoH.. He'll have won 5 meaningful competitions out of the last 7 or 8. Someone in the Jury MIGHT vote on gameplay, and if he basically runs the table on the house the last 4 weeks I don't see how you can't reward that.
I am rooting for Ryan all the way. I have not seen him be any worse than the rest. So what he has won some things that is the name of the game. If I hear Sheila complain one more time that he took the 10G's from her on a game that HE WON and she was out first, so no surprise that he got his choice in the prizes. I am so tired of hearing 45 now 46 single parent. "You know what" so am I and I have 2 kids. Adam I like him at times, but even though he has his hands down his pants most of the time he has no kiwis as they say. He is just plain nasty and gross most of the time.
I cannot believe Sharon got voted out. Ridiculous.
Big mistake to let that happen Rye Bread.... Either one of these two has more support in sequester than you do - hope you are happy with 2nd place. I am not saying Sharon did anything wonderful to win this game - truth is - she didn't, she did warn him though and its going to be a long week......
Good morning Carolyn!
I'm up and about came back from my morning run, and with coffee, not Cuban:( in hand, I'm reading the good news!
I was watching the clips and I laughed. I'm glad Sheila is still there but she is such a knucklehead lol.
PDD is Pervasive Personality Disorder and as far as I know has nothing to do with a woman's cycle. It's a form of autism characterized by inability to socialize or be part of a community. We'd have to ask Jane, but I don't think Sheila has PDD, more like turbo hormones. :)
I said this over a month ago. Sheila, Adam & Ryan were gonna be final 3. I have Direct TV & when you click on BB9 it has their 3 names. Last year it always Had Dick, Danelle & Zac. I've been suspecious of that. I think CBS & BB knows who they want to win & they set out to make it happen. This year seems like they didn't even try & hide it. I really wanted Sharon to be final 2. Oh well....there always ALL Stars.
I don't think Ryan flipped. It was his plan, just let Adam think he was doing his bidding by getting him to make a deal. Adam told him yesterday he would throw the next HOH comp to him if he let him keep Sheila.
The weakest player (Sheila) is now left with the guys. They realize Sharon was a strong competitor if she really wanted to be. I think it was a smart move.
At this point, all they can do is work Sheila for final votes.
Yay -- my Ryan and Adam F2. Not sure which one I want to really win, but they were my pick since they went to singles!
Adam....That guy makes me so mad.I can't believe Adam sent Sharon home, is Ryan mad or not? I haven't gotten a chance to watch the videos.Well..Ryan might win this thing now. Because at the end people always look at how the person competed and not if they were best friends with them.But this season's juiry seems so immature compared to the other ones from past seasons..who do I root for now?!
Who woulda thouth Shiela would be in the final 3?!
So obviously from the convo we heard earlier when Adam was trying to convince Ryan to let hi evict Sharon, he promised Ryan that in exchange for letting him keep Sheila, that as soon as Sheila dropped out of the endurance comp, that he would drop second, letting Ryan win 1st part of HOH, so at this point, I'm sure that happened. Adam knows he has to go head to head to head with sheila now in a physical comp and he knows he's got that wrapped up, so it will be adam and ryan battling out the final mental HOH, and at that point either one could win cause it really depends on what types of questions they ask, but I'm pretty sure Adam could win it hands down, he's done really well in all the ones he played in except last week's when ryan won, and I really think he threw that one cause he didn't wanna get blood on his hands again. So I think Adam's got this and he will stick with Sheila and take her to the final 2. The 2 people I disliked the most in the beginning are the 2 people I'm rooting for now! Wow, that's crazy. An Adam and Sheila final would be cute after all the crap they've both put each other thru, but especially what adam has been thru with her and if he still stays loyal to her, that would be awesome that a "couple" made it to the end, and I think BB should increase the prize money at the end for making it as a "couple," especially the couple that hated each other, LMAO
i think ryan and adam are jerks!
i can't believe i'm saying this but i hope shelia is in the last two and she wins. cause i think ryan will let jen spend all his money then she'll divorce him and they will have no prenup. and adam will not use it for the children he said he would. he'll spend it on women.
never commented b4, so here goes.
for all those upset that sharon is gone, please note that she did loose, and totally blew the HOH tie breaker question. Even I knew right off the bat that Nat was up there for longer than Sharon's guess. She blew it, and put herself at risk.
Ryan does deserve to win. Just add his HOH and POV victories. He has pulled off some power moves in the game, destroying the opposing alliance. The same can be said about Adam, only he has one less
I started as a Ryan fan, but have flipped to an Adam fan.
Neither will beat Sheila, because she NEEDS the money, and her hands are not as bloody as Ryan's or Adam's. Both boys know this, and will not take her to the final 2.
just my opinion
I was surprised that sharon is actually gone. she did darn good for a fill in sub. who actually got evicted w/partener in quick fashion.
No more for me - I'm out! I can't believe that we are left with these three. I kind thought that would be the case since DirectTV's listing has always listed the only cast members as Adam, Shelia and Ryan.
I sure hope that Ryan wins it all but don't think that I have the stomach to continue watching Adam pick his nose and listen to Sheila complain about her hormones! How much more are we expected to endure!
Thank you so much Carolyn for such a wonderful blog! You have made this season super!!
Smiles ~ Jan
OH SNAP.....SMART move. It was choosing between the lesser of the 2 evils.....NO PUN INTENDED.
Seriously, no matter what, no one would have won against Sharon. Sharon floated by, played all nice with everyone, and really had no enemies, she would have won. VERY smart to get her out. Now depending on HOH it will be a crap shoot. I hope it's Ryan & Adam, and I wish Ryan would win, but he probably can't beat Adam. I like Adam too, truly those 2 played the best game. I don't care if they had everyone do their "dirty work" for them, they were smart enough to get all those dumb peeps to do it. Shame on them for being dumb, and KUDOS to Adam & Ryan for succeeding.
I love it.
in my opinion ryan made quite the horrible decision. had he kept sharon and booted sheila, he probably would have gone to final 2 with either of them, but now he gave adam that great position. if he doesn't win HOH thats gonna be a 500, 000 regret.
Sharon is gone?
anon@6:51am (unpub) - if you can word your comment so it's not an attack on other people, i'd be happy to publish your thoughts.
how pathetic is it when She-duhs best chance is to throw part 2 and hope that Adam wood risk losing to her over winning 500k against ryan. will she b the first BB champ to not win a single comp?
Good Grief! More excuses from Sheila about how she is 46 years old, and this is too much for someone her age...give me a break....46 ain't that old sister. Just more of her lame excuses for never being able to win anything, unless someone throws a comp and gives it to her. And she has had a child! Gosh she is a walking miracle...I can't believe it...please, enough is enough. I knew Adam would never have enough balls to evict Sheila...he is truly controlled by her...he will have to give the final comp to Ryan...because he knows he would never be able to send her packing!
I have now lost all respect for him. He will probably win if he is in the final 2 with Ryan...but I don't think now he deserves it!
Glad Sharon is out the door. It's been long overdue. Hopefully next is Sheila.
Does anyone else think if Sheila and Adam are Final 2 they will get more money for being the only "couple" left?
carolyn, can you plez tell me how this plays out now that ryan won the 1st hoh? how does the f2 happen.
woooooohooooooo Sheila stayed, I see Adam kept his word to Ryan also and threw the comp to him.
carolyn, hi its maybel again, In regards to how the game breaks down now. I just wanted to say that I only became a fan in season 8, And I do remenber zack winning the 1st comp, however I just can't remember how it was that dick and dani won, was it the 2nd winner of the second comp chooses who they want to take to the f2? and if so is the second comp an intense one as the 1st? all I can remember last season was the water comp and the question comp between dick and zack, if I am right then did dani compete on another comp and if so what was it I am very confused.
Also, I really do dislike shelia and the reason is, she just is too self ritchious, she feels she should win b/c she is a single mom of 1 and In my opinion that might mean something if she really had struggled in her life, yes I don't know her whole life story but I feel she lived in the fast lane and made some money as a single women, but she didn't ever work after her son was born, she always talks about going to the gym, working on her body, rather than her brains.
I feel she should have a real job sence the birth of her child, if she had and was still a struggling mon I would feel diferent.
Yes I am a mom 52 with 5 children, 33,31,28,24 and 18 I was divorced 17 years ago, and in that time I went to college and recieved a bacholars degree. I also became a hair dresser when I was 18..I have struggled my whole life. I can proudly say my children have college degrees and all are professionals doing great. I am still single and struggle every day. Like shealia I rent. In my single years I resorted to some quick money from 2000-2003, which I also lived at the gym but It wasen't worth my pride. Point being I reliazed working an honest hard working job was the only way. Even with a college education its tough out there and again I waited until I was 40.
I hope I stated my case without attacking, but shelia in my opinion needs to learn to make it by working or she will be forever expecting someone to do it for her.
I can't believe Ryan trusted Adam. He should have stuck with his alliance with Sharon, it was his best bet!! He needed to brake up adam and Sheila. I am sooo shocked right now. Ryan has to win HOH again to stay in the game, or it will be Sheila and Adam in the end. :( Either way, Ryan is now definitly playing for 2nd place.
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