Feeds Are Back
4:32 pm BBT
Feeds are back. I've seen Sharon, Sheila and Ryan...
When the feeds first came back on, Ryan said "One hour and 30 minutes till show time." Sheila says she wishes she had a hoodie like Sharons...
I haven't seen Adam yet, but Sheila has resumed her position on the couch in the Spa Room, and she doesn't look overjoyed to be there... Sheila has, however, added a sweater to the ensemble.
4:37pm BBT
Feeds go split screen between the spa room and the frilly room, revealing Adam.
All 4 HGs are still in the house.
4:44pm BBT
The feeds are still split between Adam and Sheila. Both are quietly laying there...
Sheila's restless in the Spa Room, and Adam's reading the bible in the Frilly Room.
Not a peep out of either of them.
4:49pm BBT
Adam's got the covers over his head now.
Sheila's still silent in the spa room.
4:51pm BBT
Adam gets out of bed and walks through the house to the bathroom. He comes straigh back to his room and says, "5, 10 of," presumably to Sharon, whom we do not see, as he returns to the frilly room.

Adam gets on his knees and prays. Silently.
When he gets up, he starts pacing around the room, looking in the windows to see what he can see.
4:57pm BBT
All feeds cut to Ryan and Sharon in the Red Room. Sharon is lying horizontally across her bed. Ryan's relaxed on the couch.
4:59pm BBT
Adam goes back to the frilly room.
Sheila comes in to the Red Room and lays down facing Sharon on her bed. They start talking about the movie Sharon and Ryan saw the other night.
5:03pm BBT
The ladies have transitioned from movies to relationships, and their desires within a relationship. Ryan left the room a couple minutes ago. I've yet to see he and Adam exchange a word.
5:08pm BBT
Adam & Ryan
Adam and Ryan are talking. Adam's trying to convince Ryan to let him vote Sharon out. "Sharon is due to win. Let me do this, and you don't gotta worry about nothin'."
Adam: I think it's best, but.. whatever you wanna do.
Ryan: I've thought about it too. F, dude, I eman, ya know.
Adam: I mean, that was the plan from jumpstreet... You have my word, bro, my word. Sharon could beat us f'in mentally dude.
Adam insists he's not going to try to sway Ryan's decision, but he thinks keeping Sheila is best for both of them.
5:19pm BBT
Adam sweetens the deal: As soon as she drops, I'll drop, 1st part of the final HoH is yours.
Adam and Ryan shake hands. Adam continues pushing his agenda though, so he doesn't feel it's a done deal.
***We knew this was coming... Can't help but notice the PoV necklace is still hanging on Ryan's picture, as if they haven't had the PoV Ceremony yet. Has Adam tipped his hat too soon?
5:30pm BBT
Adam advises Ryan to break in his shoes for the comp... Ryan tells Adam he trusts him to follow through with the deal.
Adam: I can't stand Sheila, dude, but f---. She needs to go home, but not right now.
Ryan: mm Hmm.
Adam makes reference to Jacob... then says he'll talk to Ryan later.
5:31pm BBT
Adam goes into the storage room, grabs something, and comes back out singing "lets get soakin wet." He goes back to Ryan in the bathroom and says, "How bout this, God forbid, if Sheila wins in tonight, I'll let you play her in the final one." Ryan says alright.
5:35pm BBT
Ryan and Adam discuss their wardrobe for the evening. Adam plans to wear jeans for Julie, then swim trunks for the comp, cause they're gonna get soaked.
Ryan: I'm glad you came to me man.
Adam: No more shady talk. Never again, bro.
They talk a little more about wardrobe choices, and Adam tells Ryan he needs to take care not to hurt his neck again.
Off camera we hear Sheila say she's not getting her hopes up.
5:40pm BBT
Sharon comes into the bathroom...
Conversation turns to getting through the first 2 weeks of the game. Sharon leaves and the boys go back to plotting for a moment.
5:42pm BBT
Adam remains in the bathroom, and all feeds are on him.
Sharon can be heard talking to the guineas off camera.
Ryan reappears in the bathroom... Talk turns to smoking.
Ryan's getting lint off himself again... then he leaves the bathroom, leaving Adam alone in there with all four feeds on him.
5:44pm BBT
Adam comes out to the dining area, and the cameras follow him. Ryan's out there as well. Adam shows Ryan some hamstring stretches... seems that's what he was doing before, not praying.
Adam: (whisper) It's like you said... she'll throw this f'in comp.
Adam wonders how cold it'll be outside.
Adam: 13 minutes.
TRIVIA on all 4 feeds @ 5:48pm BBT.
Taking 5 and opening a new post.
Ditto on the where is Adam? and they are competition clothes.
What? Please say you see Adam, too.. Gahhh, I'm panicking!
I see Adam now!
Ther's adam...yea
please get SHARON out of that house!! pleaseeeee
Bleh. I wish I could watch. Realplayer is freezing up before the feeds even open though.
Anyone have any suggestions?
at first i was like "what he put adam up and he got evicted!"
but nvm lol
So are we now thinking maybe a rush job 9 pm live show?
It's my guess that part 1 final HOH is over and they get a break in between part 2. Most likely are under gag orders about results of part 1.
Do you think Ryan means 1 hour 30 minutes until the eviction? B/c that didn't take 1 hour and 30 minutes....
i wonder... did Ryan take Sharon down? I see Sheila and Adam all depressed... and no sign of Ryan/Sharon as of right now on the feeds... their outta sight. Hmm... oh man!
WTF is going on?
Oh my... these producers are dicking around with us... and not in an Evel kind of funny way.
Obviously nothing has happened yet. They ay be waiting for the regular show time hours at 5 or 6 PM to make Tue show more 'real'.
I really wish we knew what was going on.... ugh! I wish they would show something to indicate they had the POV ceremony or something.
Tara in TX
david b
the only way the final HoH comp part 1 would be complete...
would be with only 3 people in the house. So that's not an aption. ;-)
Was that just the POV ceremony? Carolyn, how did they look when they came back? Sheila always looks scared, but what about Sharon?
Ok, there is a 4 cam split screen and we're down to the final four. WHY waste multiple cams on snoozers! Put one cam on each person and let us be true voyeurs!
*gets down off soapbox
David B.
No they can't be on gag order about part 1 of HOH comp cause they couldn't have done the comp without having evicted someone first.
what is happening "im dying"!!!! ahhhhhh! how come they arent talking? I read someones comment that no one is in a room together! this has to be big! have they been instructed not to talk? carolyn please let me know im totally baffled? xo love you big big smiles and hugs bree in co
90 minutes til eviction....thats my prediction...here we go people! :o )
somebody say something!!!!
OK I am taking a chance that the next hour and a half will be complete silence due to some gag order as previously mentioned and getting some food.. Carolyn DO NOT LET ANYTHING HAPPEN IN THE HOUSE while I am gone ....
pretty please.
they must have done the noms ceremony and now they have 90 minutes to make a final descion :o )
david b. .. how could they do part 1 of hoh if no one has been voted out yet?
Not to change the subject, but from the afternoon post someone mentioned stuff online about Joshuah's drug use...what's his last name?
Are they despondent because Ryan took down Sharon and put up Adam? Wouldn't there be fireworks if that were the case?
Ryan and Sharon somewhere plotting?
BB this is not funny. You're messin with us. I CAN't stand it!!!WTF is going on? What happened duing trivia? It was too long for just a POV ceremony. Both ADam and Sheila look unhappy leads me to believe RyaN may have taken down Sharon and put up Adam. Esp since we don't see Ryan or Sharon.
I've never been this impatient in my life!!!
When will SOMETHING happen??
An hour and a half till what?
I wish they'd talk to each other so we'd know the heck is going on... the suspense is killing me!
Baller with his head on a floral pillow, pink blankie and reading the bible is hilarious... looks like nap time for him though. I wouldn't be surprise if he stuck his thumb in his mouth, but he's have to touch his privates first. Nope, he's up ... we may get some answers soon.
Production is reeking havoc on us feed watchers. Oy!
Me to Hank, me rootin tootin nerves here lol
This is odd.
For some reason, I think Sharon & Ryan might've went on their shopping spree? They are no where to be seen in the house???
Too bad feeders can't have more control/options as to which cameras they can see (within limits of course)
imogen....that makes more sense than my end of workday deprived brain is thinking!!
Noni- maybe there was an arguement between ryan and adam or something like that and they're trying not to let on to what happened until its on CBS. I could see them giving the guests a "gag" order to keep the mystery going. Or they could've told them the timeline for the rest of the season and they dont want us to know cause they know we're going nuts trying to guess... :o )
I'm going to have to order in delivery for dinner. I am so confused and afraid I will miss something. I don't even want to take time to cook. I need anti anxiety drugs NOW!!!!
Off topic, but at some point on this blog Ms. Grodner or whatever her name is anwered a question about BB10 saying it's a younger, but more diverse group. If the people are picked why do they ask people to apply in their area?
I guess they hav a theme and that's what they are looking for maybe...
is anyone watching replay already? it's to weird.
WTF is Baller doing? Kneeling on the floor ... praying? Too little too late dude!
I sense a lot of restless energy, ours and theirs.
Oh good grief...they could at least say something!!!!!
Nevermind I see them now!
But I still wonder when they will be going on their spree! loll. This is soo weird, what the heck is BB up too??
Adam is as nervous as a caged tiger. He must be up on the block.
alex in miami, do you ever listen to Buzz Out Loud?
Alright guys. What in god's name is going on in this house?
Is someone getting evicted tonight? But Julie said live eviction on wednesday. Right?
Sharon and Sheila are finally talking. What the hell, everything is so depressed like though.
Josh's last name is Welch.
anyone notice how sharon was dressing sexier last night on a.d.?
What's with Adam and all the praying? Is he praying for his life in house? Or is he praying Ryan (or Sheila) will forgive him for whatever he is about to do regarding eviction?
Too many questions!?!?! LOL The suspense is killing me.
Love the site Carolyn. Glad I found it this year. Thanks for all the hard work. :)
Something is rotten in the state of BBeth... Apart from the ladies chatting, Ryan and Adam are acting weird.
So you think Ryan took Sharon down and replaced him with Adam? What happened?!?! I'm in a panick. I don't think I can finish making the dinner now. Anyone for takeout?
This is totally off topic, but I was reading Evel Dick's latest blog and I think I know now why Sheila wanted Natalie out so bad! Apparently he promised her a date if she got natalie kicked out of the house! LMAO! This was way too funny, thought I would share with you guys.
Adam wasn't praying (or at least it didnt look that way to me). He put on a pair of shoes and sat down the floor with his feet under him like he was trying to stretch them out. He was bouncing on them when he leaned across that banister...I thought he was praying at first but he looked over to his right and was just bouncing...he got and started bouncing again on his feet...
Um I don't know what people keep talking about a show tonight, or talking about the final three hoh (when there are still 4 people in the house..) but thats not happening.
My dvr is recording BB on Tuesday, and for anyone who hasn't checked it says on my dvr that it will show the POV and an eviction tomorrow. It then says under Wednesdays recording that it will show the final HOH and final 2 on Wednesday.
I'm sticking to my prediction, nothing is happening tonight, especially not live, they probably just are siking us and the hgs out!
POV comp, ceremony, eviction and first of 3 part hoh is tomorrow on the live show.
between the live show on tues and wed I presume the speeded up second part of the hoh comp.
Then on Wednesday and recap of the endurance, part two physical comp, and then finally a live comp and final two announced.
How could it possibly be anything else.. ?
The suspense is killing me lol
-L- @ 4:59
(and others wondering about
the shopping spree)
It sounded to me, last night, when Ryan was reading about the rules and the different parts of the prize, like the shopping spree is not going to be seen because it is going to be done at or around the time of the "Premier" of the movie.
It also sounds like that is going to be the time they are going to get to "meet with" Ashton and Cameron.
I have a really bad feeling by the way they are acting that Ryan took Sharon off the block and put Adam up, and they can't talk about it, and the eviction is happening in an hour and a half or whatever Ryan said. That totally sucks if that's the case!
david~~~how do you do the replay?, I fiddled around with Real and couldn't find it.
Baller's waving his hands around frantically while talking to Ryan ... does this mean they haven't had PoV ceremony yet?
Wow ... tonight's feeds are crazy!
carolyn...want to throw my thanks into the mix for the wonderful host(ess) that you are! i am enthralled with this site and a.d.. if sharon is pulled off the block, will she be the one voting? eeks!
well Adam can stil vote so i'd sticking with my other theory and they must have told them the timeline for the season or something like that... i can understand how that would be a shell shocker for them. :o )
maybe Adam knows he is about to get backdoored
Ryan must have left nominations the same if Adam is trying to convince him to let him vote out Sharon.
That would be a smart move for Ryan. I think his only chance at winning would be with Sheila in the final 2.
sounds like all 4 of them are going to do an HOH comp
Adams trying to get to vote sharon out? so I'm guessing no POV ceromony. Maybe it was just???? I dunno, but it is stressimg me the F**** OUT!!!!! Please give us some type of hint, my research paper is suffering because I am to worried about what happened for the hourish!!!!
Ok, scratch my last post, Adam is not on the block, I don't know why he continues to ask Ryan to let him vote out Sharon! It's his frikken vote, if Ryan really wanted Sharon o stay, he could've taken her down to guarantee her safety, since he didn't, it's Adam's choice now who to vote out! Grow a spine for once Adam and just vote Sharon out, too bad if Ryan gets mad, he left it in Adam's hands anyways as the deciding vote! And besides, Adam can totally smoke Ryan in the final HOH comps and guarantee himself the final 2!
Ok Jamie, I am with you....takeout for sure..just get me what you are having. Carolyn...thank goodness for you....I don't have the feeds, I do have BBAD and I get it early because I am on direct tv. So I get it East Coast time at 9 pm instead of 12am PDT. But I live on your blog....you guys are the best...will be with you till we make sense of all this.
Spyke - Thank you! I just found the Enquirer article.
Of course, of course today has to be the day where everything happens. And of course whatever happens in an hour and a half is happening when I have to leave the house to go somewhere.
Carolyn, thank you SO much for all that you do! If it wasn't for you (and ReporterX) BB would be severely lacking...
I can't wait to read all that I missed when I get back home tonight...
damn it what did I miss
hit the watch replay button on the live feeds. you can toggle between replay and live
Carolyn, you know what that means... pov ceremony followed by immediate eviction then part 1 of HOH :o )
Let us all pray
to the BB Gods that endurance
on the feeds will play
woo hoo sounds like they are going to boot Sharon, hopefully a miracle will happen and Sheila will win part of the comp. Grrrrrrr Ryan needs to stop saying the B word.
Ryan is a total idiot if he beleives Adam. Adam will take Sheila to the end before Ryan any day.
With Sheila in F2 Adam is a guaranteed winner.
I think Adam's timing is perfect because my bet is that as soon as Ryan has shared his decision, the eviction immediately takes place. Don't forget. This is going to play out in a one hour segment tomorrow! It's now or never for Adam to state his case. Maybe he is going to stay loyal to Sheila after all!
I have said from the beginning that Sharon and Ryan were my favorites. But Adam has grown on me the last 2 or 3 weeks. AND I am a sucker for the last couple in the house to show they remain loyal to one another throughout the whole game and maybe make it to final two together. Adam's silence the last couple of days has been on purpose. Now he is playing his cards. It's win this hand or maybe loose the whole game. Great stuff!!
BBwatcher- do they show the same thing on the east coast and they west coast? :o )
You're welcome, I'm guessing you found the same article I saw, I wasn't surprised at all since Josh talked about all his drug activities in the house on numerous occasions with james, chelsia, and sharon.
yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee Adam & Sheila to the end, I hope.
LOL David b~~where is the replay button.
ok so im guessing they went to triva to tell them that the "live" show will be the pov ceremony and the eviction directly after that then the first part of the HOH
yay i think i figured it out :)
ahhh i thought getting she-devil out was a sure thing?! grrrr these boys are on too much of a power trip and theyre driving me crazy
If they haven't done the POV ceremony I hope Ryan has enough brains to use the veto on Sharon and put's up Adam.
Then Sharon can vote Adam out.
Adam is getting too cocky now.
His final alliance is to Sheila, not Ryan.
yay SHARON is finally leaving!!
her time is wayyyyy overdue
she is this season's JAMEKA!!
and i am so happy she is finally leaving!!! she doesnt deserve to be there at all
OK... since Loyalty doesn't seem to be a word Ryan holds to with his 'secret' alliance... then I hope Sheila pulls it out in the endurance and then wins by happenstance in Comp 3. She will take Adam to the F2.
Ryan - feel like a fool. Because with Sharon you are guaranteed F2.
Okay, this is the only way it makes sense to me: After they do the pre-recorded "Live" show with the hgs tonight the f3 will proceed to the final HoH. Has to be that all three contestants participate in all three parts. I say this because I don't think they would start the endurance tonight and show it to us edited -- what is in it for the live feeders and BBAD folks that way. So, they do the two shorter portions of the HoH comp tonight (why we are getting taped BBAD -- so they can tape those two parts of the comp) then at the end of tomorrow night's show they will move from the pre-recorded 'live' show to that truly live endurance comp and that way we are all sucked in to watching Wednesday...poorly explained maybe, but does that makes sense? Could that be how they are doing it? And what does that mean for the live feeds tonight?
This is insane! This Bro alliance is going to end up castrating Ryan in the end if he believes Adam! Best bet for Ryan would be to take down Sharon and have her evict Adam.
Oh what a tangled weBB! I need a drink!
cani just say that anyone in the final2 with Sheila will win. Sheila is an actress who didnt learn to save and is now trying to pull the "woe is me act"... by the way this will all end up in her new book after her curent book is a failure... :o )
I would hope that Adam is not stupid enough to campaign to Ryan for keeping Sheila if Ryan hasn't used the veto yet. That would be a big mistake.
I agree with spyke. If the veto ceremony happened, then Adam can do whatever he wants but I think he is tyring to do it in such a way as not to alienate Ryan. There is a 3 part HoH to consider, and Adam doesn't want Ryan gunning for him then.
In either case, either of these boys should take Sheila to F2.
I do want to see Adam and Sheila F2 though. Sweet symmetry.
AAAAAAAAH! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm clinging to the hope that this sets off warning bells for Ryan and he takes Sharon down, and she boots Adam. Or Sheila. Either one. UGH.
I came in late this season [actually, I've never seen another season of BB and now I can't imagine life without it!] but as I was saying, I started watching right when they split the couples into individuals. I took it upon myself to watch the first half that I missed, today. I have to say, Adam is a good man...he has gone en entire season with Sheila nagging/scolding/mocking/making fun of/and just being down right nasty to him! He definitely deserves to win for not only being able to keep him AND his couple alive for this long, but for putting up with Sheila's nastiness this entire time.
Don't get me wrong, I love Sheila now, and I believe they have formed a nice bond and some kind of love for eachother, but sheesh! He really took it all very well!
What a guy, what a guy.
So what the heck was all the trivia for? This is quite annoying...
YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Sharon's outta here it looks like! Can't wait!
Carolyn, maybe they went over the rule for part 1 of the HOH which has to do with the beach and getting wet as adam has insinuated... they could be bumbed too cause of everything happening at once... :o )
Evening Carolyn, BB dishers....looks like Sheila might be staying,huh? I kind of thought all along Adam was going to keep her.
these boys flip flop more then I change my panties!!
Spyke6666 what Blog are you talking about?
"spyke6666 said...
This is totally off topic, but I was reading Evel Dick's latest blog and I think I know now why Sheila wanted Natalie out so bad! Apparently he promised her a date if she got natalie kicked out of the house! LMAO! This was way too funny, thought I would share with you guys."
From what I just saw ... Adam putting his bag by the door ... someone is definitely leaving tonight.
I'm guessing it's PoV, eviction, then they'll start the first part of the final three comps.
Let's see if my guess is right.
They're all getting ready for something to go down.
woo hoo happy happy joy joy, I knew Adam would stay loyal to Sheila now that is a good man.
If Ryan agrees with Adam then he's a big an idiot as I have thought all along.
Adam wants to take Shiela with him because he knows that on the odd chance that she wins she'll take him with her and not Ryan!
Ryan should make a deal with Sharon and take her off the block and put Adam up. With Sharon's assurance that she'll vote Adam out. This is the best play for Ryan to have a chance at the $500k.
But for him to realize this he would have had to grown a brain or a set! And we all know that ain't so.
replay button is in top right corner of live feed window
WHOO HOO!! Looks like part one of HOH comp is taking place tonight with Adam and Ryan talking about getting wet and what to wear TONIGHT!! I think its a great idea to get rid of Sharon because the boys dont really know what Sharon has to offer in comps. She has either lost, on purpose cause she wasn't a target, or dropped out for the same reason even if she was put up as a "pawn"...it has worked for her so far...
I know its gonna be a long night for this BB fan tonight!!
can't wait.. a little more PMS (pre monster syndrome) from Sheila.. Yippie... Oh I threw up a little in my mouth...
Unless Ryan talks to Sharon in the next few minutes, it looks like Sharon is outta here. If this happens, I want Sheila to be in the final 2. I really don't want Ryan and Adam as final 2. I hope if Ryan betrays Sharon, he will end up getting betrayed by Adam.
Wow, this is great. Getting rid of Sharon IS the best for both of them. Sharon's got three votes and is a much stronger player than she's allowed them to realize. Gotta get her out of there.
I hope Adam can talk Ryan into it.
OMG I was so stressed that I ordered pizza to be delivered for dinner. They called ack to tell me no deliveries till 10pm as deliv boy had a flat. I went to pick it up and left my glasses on the counter. I can't see the feeds or blog and can barely see to type (major squyinting) Now I have to go all the way b ack to p/u my glasses. Damn!! Don't letr anything happen while I'm gone. I am totally lost and have to catch up the last hour. AGH!!! This is so stressful.
These dumbnuts are both afraid of little Sharon. Little do they realize that if Sheila makes it to F2... neither of them will beat her and win the big ones. James, Chelsia, Josh, Sharon and Natalie will vote for Sheila to win.
I really hope.
Usual show time at 6PM BBT.
hi carolyn thank you the clip! I heard adam say in the clip to ryan that this s*#t screwed them all up or their plan..its at the beginning of the clip and you have to listen super hard but its what he said so im thinking they were thrown a wrench and think its easier to keep sheila...obviuosly something got ryan thinking too! xo bree in co
Thankyou david b but lol I still can't find it.
Oh oh. I have a soundtrack in my head again.
This is dedicated to all of us feeders/bloggers/BB addicts as we await the fate of the remaining 4....
"They're coming to take us away ha ha hee hee ho ho to the funny farm..."
Its seems to me that BB has explained how the final HOH works and that the two losers of the 1st part of the Competition fight in 2nd pard of the Competition to get a chance to play in the last part of the Competition. If that made sense...cuz before the HGs kept playing scenarios about the last HOH that were wrong. Maybe, now Ryan and Adam realize they have a better shot at winning two parts of the last HOH against Sheila. I mean honestly I think Ryan was thinking dumb wanting to bring along Sharon over Adam. Who cares if she will bring him to the final two, Sheila wont get to make that choice. Its all whether he thinks he can trust Adam to choose him(Ryan) should Adam win the final HOH.
Okay! Ryan officially surpassed the biggest idiot ever! - Something should register in that ham brain of his that Adam has more to gain in this deal! With Sharon staying he is definitely final two! I am sure Jen is screaming at him through her computer right now! Sheila will pick Adam and Ryan needs to remember that Adam lied to his face! I hope Sheila somehow comes off with the biggest win in BB history and then maybe he will realize he has got meatloaf for brains!
I have to agree with copper, Ryan would have to be an idiot to agree with Adam and vote out Sharon. I don't really care which one of them win at this point but letting Adam vote out Sharon would be a realy dumb move on Ryan's part.
The CBS preview for tomorrow night's show said there is going to be an emotional eviction.
Ok...so I just saw a commercial for BB on Tuesday and what they say is-POV Comp and an "emotional eviction at the end of the show"...so there should be yur answers. No live evict and you should prolly know that in advance maybe? Which will leave Wednesday for the 3 parted HOH comp? They made it seem on the commercial that maybe Adam was going---I dunno. All speculation and you know they try to make it look like something its not...
Hope this answers some Q's.
Buh-Bye Sharon!!! Go tell your boring stories (over and over and over) to the people in the Jury House. You're toast!
jeannie - if you're launching off the blog, you wont see it. you must launch directly from real...
the links from the blog wont time out, but they don't have chat and other features like that.
Yay Adam, boot Sharon out the door...just get that back stabbing two faced superiority tripping phoney out of our sight and audio range.
I must say my thank you to Carolyn and her Dish Helpers. This site is fantastic, the absolute best, your time and dedication is so appreciated. All this info, and games too!!
Thanks, Penny :)
Okay, I'm soooo confused! How do they know it is an emotional eviction if it hasn't happened yet? Maybe everything they've been showing on the feeds is pre-recorded? WTF is going on!???? LOL
Are they just figuring that no matter which one goes it's bound to be emotional or what??????
Good day and evening to all, So many thanks again to Ladies. Such support and help also, like a family here.
I have a question, my son as me, How is the price money given out, is it broken down after $50000 for second place, and a bit less for each place after?
Crap!! Now I gotta change my fantasy team AGAIN!! I wish they'd make up their minds!!!
I love BB9!!! Can't wait till BB10!!
Thanks Carolyn for all u do!! U are AWESOME!!! :0)
The Evel Dick blog I was talking about is from his myspace account.
Here is the link if you wanna read it
The houseguests that make it into the jury house receive what is called a stipend, they all get the same amount, I believe it's about $10,000 each
i think ryan sets himself in a great position by keeping the noms the same...wat hes doing is testing adam's word by giving him the power to essentially choose which one of the 2 girls leave. If adam decides to vote sharon out against ryan's wishes, ryan won't feel too bad about taking sheila to F2 if he wins the final HOH, which might better his chances of winning the half mill. I think adam would still take ryan to F2 even after keeping sheila just out of sheer guilt(adam's a softy)...and ryan will defently take advanatage of the chance to milk the guilt card and maybe even threaten him with no vote. Keeping adam and sharon guarantees him a position in F2, but keeping sheila and adam leaves him with a good chance too.
I think ryan benefits much more with keeping the noms the same...why should he mess with something good
I don't think the feeds are coming back any time soon - if at all. Why does it have "WATCH REPLAY" on the live feeds??? I wish they would say what's going on!!! I feel cheated if they aren't going to come back.
Question: I didn't see Ryan shake on it with Adam in the feeds you posted? I saw them bump chests in a "bro hug," but no shake.
I did cancel the feeds when I said I did, so I couldn't confirm.
[Is it just me, or has the quality/accuracy/spelling of Joker's gone way down with BB9? I'm not complaining, because it's free--mind you. Just an observation.]
I'm very confused what's happening in the house vs. TV right now, and I shall sing a song (if R&A did indeed shake):
Goodbye, Sharon...
Goodbye, Sharon...
I hate to say it,
But I think you're a bore.
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