12 Noon BBT
Sheila was just cut off mid-sentence, and the feeds went to flames at noon on the button.
12:02pm BBT
Feeds are back. Phew. Sheila and Sharon are now talking about clothing.
Talk turns to Natalie, briefly.
12:06pm BBT
Red Room
Sheila & Sharon
Conversation turns to game. Sheila says those boys are going to stick together no matter what, and that no matter which one of them goes, they need to keep that in mind.
12:13pm BBT
Sheila thinks there's chance Ryan may switch it up at the very last moment, take one of them off the block, and give them a wink or a nod to try to get them to do his dirty work and get rid of Adam.
12:15pm BBT
FLAMES, briefly.
When the feeds come back, it's clear BB has announced an internal lockdown somewhere within the house.
Sheila: Oh my God. Oh my God. I think I better get something out of the kitchen, get something to eat, cause we're gonna be locked up in here. Geez people. This is a lockdown, and you aint coming back.
Sheila goes to the kitchen to grab a snack, cause she has a feeling they're going to be in there for a while.
Sheila heads to the storage room for more intense snackage.
12:19pm BBT
12:24pm BBT
Feeds are Back. All the HGs are locked down in the Blue Room.
Sheila says she heard the people outside talking, but just about stupid guy stuff... sports, in n out burger, droppin some f bombs...
Sharon: Last time we were locked in here, James came back.
Ryan: Oh God. Everything's getting done today. Eviction, 3 comps, etc...
Sheila: No.
Sharon: No way.
Adam: That's the word on the street.
Sheila: No way. Don't believe it.
Adam: Done. Wrap party's tomorrow.
Ryan: No, the live show... Wrap party's the next day.
Sheila: Are you serious? Did you guys get a heads up? I don't believe it. i think you guys are just trying to freak us out. Good job.
Ryan: What would be the point of locking us out of HoH?
Sharon: Why always the blue room>
Sheila: Man, that's stressful. I don't even wanna think about it. They're gonna let us out, and there'll be a box in the living room.
They talk about would they do it again.. Ryan says no way. He'd come back and if he didn't win the first HoH, he'd bail... maybe stick around 5 days to see if he got targeted.
Sheila says she had a dream about wedding dresses, so someone's getting married. Everyone says Sharon!
Talk turns to marriage in general, then Adam steers it to sex. Shocking. ;)
Adam and Ryan tempt fate and lay down in the cursed bed. Adam says, that's only if you sleep there.
Talk turns to relationships... Women v Men...
...and back to Sharon & Jacob stories...
All the HGs are teasing Sharon about Jacob. It's pretty cute, actually.
12:57pm BBT
Sheila turns the conversation to Adam, asking if he's ever been in a long term relationship. He says yes, Alaina... They were engaged, and it ended because of politics... and then he gets graphic, and we get flames, briefly.
When the feeds come back, Sheila's talking about someone named Ronald, who was her longest relationship, but must not be on her list, because we get more flames.
1pm BBT
Feeds are back with Ryan talking about his relationships. He says he's never had long term relationships. He gets sick of them fast, but he thinks Jen is the real thing, and that they'll last.
Sheila: So you're the dumper.
Ryan: Yeah. Never had my heart broke.
Sheila: Me too. I'm the dumper.
Adam: I know your style lady.
Sheila: You don't know sh*t. You're the dumper too.
Adam: See, I never tell them I'm their boyfriend...
Baller infers it's all about sex, but if he loves someone, he will be faithful.
1:05pm BBT
Sheila tells Sharon all she ever talks about is Jacob, and Sharon replies he's all she can talk about... Sheila talks a little about Georg. Then mentions Kiki, and we get flames again!
1:07pm BBT
Blue Room Lockdown is Over! The backyard is still shut tight. The HGs come out to check out the scene... The BB music is playing throughout the house...
Ryan thinks they brought in a maid service, because everything looks very clean. Ryan and Adam are in the bathroom. Ryan's getting the lint off himself. Adam's shaving. Sheila's wondering if BB will play some music for them if they ask nicely. Ryan passes off the lint thingy to Sheila.
Sharon enters the bathroom.
Adam: Mrs. Sharon Heald.
Ryan: Mr and Mrs Jacob Heald.
Sharon: He used to write me letters that said that. Never gonna happen.
Sharon, Adam and Ryan are sharing the bathroom mirror. Sharon's singing along with the BB music.
1:12pm BBT
Ryan starts singing the BB music. He and Adam are still in the bathroom. Sharon comes in and sits on the couch in there.
1:18pm BBT
Sharon comes out to the living room. Sheila and Ryan are in the kitchen. Sharon mentions BB putting them back in the room for another lockdown soon. In the meantime, food!
1:33pm BBT
BB let them out long enough to use the bathroom and eat a bit, and now they're back on Blue Room lockdown. After a little teasing of Adam, talk turns back to Jacob.
1:40pm BBT
Still Blue Room Lockdown, Part 2
Conversation has turned to Japan. Sheila's telling the others all about it. She was there in the 90s doing some modeling for BodyGlove.
1:48pm BBT
Talk turns briefly to Singapore, which leads into a discussion about littering, and then into people who abuse handicap tags...
2:20pm BBT
Lockdown's Over!
2:27pm BBT
Adam & Ryan have a quick private "I'm good, you're good" conversation in the red room.
Sharon can be heard off camera.
2:30pm BBT
Kitchen/Sunburst Table
Sheila and Sharon are talking about who's won what throughout the season.
2:32pm BBT
TRIVIA on all 4 feeds.
Opening a New Post.. And returning to this one.
2:40pm BBT
Feeds are back. Big Psych out from the control room. Thanks guys. Very funny.
We see Sharon briefly, then all feeds are on Sheila in the kitchen, then Sheila studying the memory wall.
Off camera, we can hear Sharon talking, presumably to the guys.
2:46pm BBT
Sheila beings making comments about the people on the memory wall, "What a character.. Joshuah... Joshuah..." Then she moves to the guineas. "Hello Friends."
Sheila passes through the living room, then into the red room, where Adam greets her, and we get flames at 2:47pm, but only for a moment. Then back, long enough for Adam to say, "Who knows wtf they got set up out there," and more flames, then back for a brief statement from Sheila that "it's like something you see at a waterpark.."
2:52pm BBT
Feeds are in and out. At the moment, they're on Sheila in the Spa, asking "Can you actually die from boredom... or boring stories? Help!"
Sheila gets out of the Spa Room, and the cameras follow her throughout the house.
2:54pm BBT
Sheila: Why do you torture us so? I can't take another story.
Sheila settles on the couch in the bathroom, and all four feeds settle there with her. The feeds blip out for a second at 2:57pm, and return back to Sheila on the bathroom couch.
3pm BBT
Adam, Sharon and Ryan are laughing it up. Adam's telling them about his brother, who he says is funnier than him. Conversation turns to the Finale, and who they think will be coming for them.
Sharon's telling a story of how there's a bounty on her dad's head in Afghanistan, because he was opening girls schools. More war stories... Ryan's impressed by the concept bloodshed. Sharon's not talking about it. He's assuming it.
3:07pm BBT
Sheila joins the talkers in the Red Room. Sharon's still talking about military stuff. Her dad was at the Pentagon on 9-11. Not far from the section that was destroyed...
Ryan: Dude, there's a beach party out back.
Adam: Ya think?
Sharon: Dad's been through a lot of sh*t. The worst is when he wakes up in a sweat... and he'll be in a bad mood the whole next day.
Sheila checks out Sharon's packing job, compliments it. Sheila offers to make fresh coffee.
Adam asks if her dad's often gone on assignment. Sharon says, always. Adam asks if Mom got the checks. Sharon says that she and her mother ran the house. Now her dad is writing a book about all the stuff that's going on over there... all he's seen.. all he knows.
It's actually quite interesting.. a real conversation. Here's a clip:
FLAMES @ 3:13pm BBT
Trivia @ 3:15pm BBT - Back up to the waiting on Trivia post we go. ;)
Sheila and Sharon may have been told to go to the blue room. Since they can't send them outside for the POV ceremony, they have to have them go somewhere while they have Ryan looking at the memory wall.
Sharon is the most experienced at packing so I wish Adam would send her packing after veto ceremony today ! All her real furr-rends are in sequester so that's where she should be and let the other 3 play it out. I'm not sure she even deserves to be there (by default is the only reason).
Anonymous...signed Deb @ 10:39
I soooooo know what yoy uare talking about. I haven't done any work either. I attempt to, but i just can't stop thinking what i may possibly be missing. It's awful (for my company anyway, great for me) I love it. I was just telling my friend i have NO IDEA what the heck i'm gonna do when this is over. My god, i will have to work....YUCK! i really hate my job anyway. i guess if i liked it, it would be a little easier to work a little more.
Anyhoo......I hope Ryan and Adam are in the final 2. Shelia is the biggest floater in BB history, or close it anyway, abd that beyach has the nerve to complay ALL THE TIME. I know I swear i would smack her if i had to deal with that in the house ALL THE TIME. she deserves to get the frikkin' boot. Sharon is just as bad in terms of floating, the only thing she has over shelia is that she doesn't complain too much. Christ, sheila complains about evry singe thing, and she is mean. I totally understand why she is single and keep hang on to a man. God, if you gonna be a floater/golddigger, she should appreciate stuff, rather than biting the hands that feed her.
i can't wait for her to get the big 'ole heave ho....KARMA IS A B**CH.....THEN AGAIN SO IS SHELIA!!!
I wish Sharon would lie to Ryan and say she will evict Shiela then evict Adam. Best move for HER game.
Can someone give their opinion on the schedule for the rest of the show?? Are they taping everything today (PoV Ceremony, Eviction, Final HoH-Part 1) today and then showing it all on Tuesday?
...and then on Wednesday we will see the rest of the Final HoH (parts 2 and 3) and then it will be a live eviction to make it final 2.
...and then on Sunday its the finale, etc.
Is that how it's going down?
I cant even get work done today because of the antisipation!
Again Carolyn thanks for all that you do! I dont know how I would survive the day without you since I cant watch feeds at work!!! You ROCK girl!
I remember this feeling from last season. I was sad, not because the show was over particularly, but because the chat was over - and this season I am way more attached to you guys. I was just an anon then, now we're buds.
I may need some therapy.
I immediately went for my BB8 rat and began stroking and chanting
"Pleeeeze not Ryan!"
then again with last nites show showing Adam to be such a liar to his bro I'm not pulling for him either!
We're down to Sharon and Sheila.For me it's ABR!!
What I'm really hopin and prayin for is for this to be over soon!
Let BB10 start!
I did hear a rumor that they may vote in some one from BB9 into BB10.If that IS the twist---LAME but it would go along with the guinea pig thing LAME.
Maybe they'll have fake guinea pigs for the finals so I can have a guinea to sit with my rat.
Carolyn you are a real gift to me!
You're the best!
LOL@ Jane,
I totally agree with you, that's how I was last season 2! It's way more intense this season with the interactions between bloggers!
I don't have the live feeds. And this is my first post. I'd like to thank you very much for all your hard work and keeping everyone up to par as to what is going on in the house! You're awesome :)
Me too!
I enjoy this page more than the show!
I can't even watch BBAD for the last 5 days.
Remember we'll be together for BB10
More pack (dog) time:)
I am not sure if I am being influence by the posters on the comment board, but I am really beginning to feel like the producers manipulation of the outcome is becoming overt. It is almost as though they have developed a, "okay, the viewers have figured us out, now sit back and enjoy the show" attitude.
This is beginning to look like the fake wrestling on TV with the houseguests being motivated and encouraged via the DR sessions.
Oh, well.
I really hope Ryan takes Sharon down. She has played the game the best. She really knows how to get everyone against each other and take the heat off herself... C'mon Ryan! Dot he right thing!!!
Does anyone know why the chatroom feature isn't coming up in the realplayer? or maybe it's just me.
Did they cut the feeds before the show was over last season?
LOL! Ryan just had the best twist in mind.
They do another Big Brother back to back but instead of final 3 they bring in a whole new house added to those 3. Then they up the money to a million. See who stays and who goes. LOL! I would so watch that!! You would need a major thearpist on duty for that one!!
Sharon is likeable from the "girl next door" perspective. But, she would not land very high on many guy's list for the girl in the same room perspective.
She lacks a sense of humor. I have yet to hear a quick wit from her, a funny story or even some good facial expressions.
If she is smart, America is in trouble.
If she is a fundamental Christian, the training and studies I've followed were not about Christianity. Her Christian meme is new to me.
Yep, Adam got caught in his lies. Yep, he continues to lies because that is what you do -- when you 12. Plus, this is cool with Ryan because he is not that far removed emotionally.
Both these guys are emotionially immature. These guys can relate to one another.
If Ryan turns on Adam, that will be a result of BB's influence on the game. Period.
Jane, I thought you were the psychiatric therapist for this blog!?!
It reminds me of last week when Carolyn said she was going to PT. I was wondering if it was physical or psychiatric (because of BB)!
Anyway, my screen has been much cleaner (because I am not spitting coffee/protein shake on it cuz of your comments) since you have been dealing with your sleep dilemma. I have thoroughly missed your input lately.
Love this sight even more that BB!
I gotta say, I'll miss many of you too! It was more fun to read comments than it was to watch the show itself!
I keep thinking that they may bring back the final 4 partners to compete for the final prize -- til death do you part.... That would be Sheila & Adam, Ryan & Allison, & Sharon & Joshua -- your final 3. They've done alot of bringing back this year...
Ryan is probably set up the best, as long as Sheila goes...if Sheila doesn't go, Ryan STILL has the knowledge that Adam tried to cut a deal with Sharon.
I've had enough of Sheila. Give her some hormones and let her breathe easy in sequester.
Thanks :) You guys make it fun.
anon @ 12:29
i couldn't figure out a "nice" way to put it... and YOU it!!
it really *has* become the worst soap opera of all time!
it's soooo apparent what AG thinks of us viewers... i'm insulted!!
I hope the surprise is on us. I hope they evict Sharon. Otherwise they may as well hand her the half mill. I think they could put up with Sheila for a little while longer. I think both those girls are annoying as hell, but they need to think about the $ not who irritates you. Ideal situation would be one right after the other.
I was all for the girl power earlier on, but these girls just bug the crap out of me with their whining, bit**ing, spying and conniving ( and thats just a starter).
Then I was hoping for Adam and Sheila but she must be going through the change because of the way she is acting (irrational, moody).
Right now It is any ones guess. I can't seem to get a read off of Ryan. He seems to be playing all sides and it is going to bite him in the butt.
Dbltrbl -
No they didn't cut the feeds last season, we saw everything on there! Even after the jury asked their questions before the finale, they showed Dani crying and Dick comforting her cause of the way the jury members treated her during the questions. Hopefully they will not cut them this year, eventhough it will be super boring with this crew!
Bringing back the couples would ROCK.
Probably won't happen.. but that's a good twist.
does any one rember what they did last year for the feeds at this time in the season? or was last year not like this at the end of the season?
Thanks girl you rock I would get so much work done if not for you lol thanks makes me want to come to work lmao love ya can't wait to dish bb10 with ya!
Anonymous 12:45
No way Alision has been out of suquester the knows to much she couldn't come back
WOOOHOOO the boys are on the cursed bed, I can only hope Sheila stays.
Anonymous @ 12:32 lol they would have to send SHbot to a loonie bin lol she would loose she "freekin" mind ( what little she has left) lol
Thank you Carolyn,is it true,do you think it's all going to end this quick?! so sad...what will we do?! :) thank you so so much for the hard work,the fun,and all the joy we get from this..xo bree in co :)
Sheila's the only one I feel like rooting for at this point. Both of the "boys" are misogynist oafs, and Sharon looks and acts like a bug-eyed Manga. Adam can redeem himself by voting Sharon out instead of Sheila.
I have been reading the spoilers here for the last few days, and by far this is the best and most dedicated site to those of us who do not have feeds, I thank you very much as well....I guess that all the uncertainty that is going on with the show today lends to that it is a REALITY show, and outside of the DR infulence is not scripted such as many others that represent themselves as reality......I have noticed that most of us have a real hard time choosing who we would like to win based on game only, and not who the person is....... I am so influenced in that regard that Sheila has to go. Does anyone else see her as different than all the others in as much as I could see the others all being friends, game aside. After seeing Sheila, I would never want to be friends with someone like her....Her backstabbing is not just a part of her srategy in the game, but in life as well....I would love to be with all the HG when they watch this season on TV when the get home...She couldn't give Ryan a hug when they won the LuxComp, last night she kept trying to embarass Adam when all four were in Adams room looking for his cigartettes, She is the kind that is so jealous of anyone that has something or gets an experience that she feels she is only good enough to receive.... She is so hung up on being a celebrity I thought she was going to have an orgasm when they announced the prize for the lux comp....No matter how good of game they play, and that is what I feel it should really be based on, I can't help but let my dislike for some one infulence who I would pick would be the TRUE WINNER.....With all that said in my long Rant,,,, I would be good with it Ryan winner Adam runner up....Ryan did really play a great game and with more dignity than most of the others on a season with the weakes cast in BB history.....thanks so much
well somethings on .. lunch is over in cali and we get fire. or maybe not..
I like Sheila's freak out at 12:15. It's as if the world has come to an end!! Run for your lives everyone....
Tim & Twilight - Thanks :)
They did cut the feeds last season because it was a live show and Jameka got the boot, we didn't get to see the jury questioning Dick and Danielle on the feeds. We saw them after in the kitchen with Danielle upset. On the Allstars one they shut the feeds down and when the feeds came back on the next day Howie was gone.
um its only 1:08pm bbt right now.
We never get to see the QnA... that's normal..
I think the last major blackout was during season 6...
I think the couples idea is awsome, Shelia and Adam, Ryan and Sharon, play the comps as couples, winner of the comps are the F2s, and the other 2 are both evicted. Jury house votes for the couple that won...Vicki
Please fill me in... when they mention a person's name and you say "it's not on their list" what does that mean?
Thank you, Shelley
I tried looking back to see what the comps where like last season, but couldn't find the right part. I know the endurance comp was them standing on the blocks jumping over the rabbit thing when it came around, while getting wet. What were the other two comps?
Tim::: I for one would love to be friends with Sheila, lol @ Ryan and dignity. He sure didn't show it when he let one of them do a lap dance on him and his better half isn't to happy about it.
I just read on a political blog that the proposed April 27th Democratic debate on CBS has been canceled. It was to take place in North Carolina and be hosted by Katie Couric but logistical issues made it impossible.
Wasn't this the debate that was potentially creating a scheduling conflict for the BB9 finale? Just thought I would pass it along.
i really have absolutely no idea why....but i really want ryan to win. the only reason i don't is b/c i don't want him to spend one red cent on jen, and i know he will. ryan really played a good game when you think about it. he won things, he lied and formed aliances he is likeable, a little boring, but all in all a good guy. i'm sorry, but you CAN NOT play this game and not play all sides and lie. even holier thaqn thou sharon has lied and manipulated. you have to otherwise you will be gone. there is no need to be down right evil, but sorry folks, you have to do a little lying to get far in this game. i do wish there would be one more cool twist. that would be sort of fun. it was cool in the beginning, then it just died. it was like AG pulled all of her rabbits out of the hat right away, then boom.....zzzzzzzz boring TV. i read this blog all day and all night. i watch the live show religiously, but the sunday and tuesday shows....ah sometimes i do sometimes i don't. they are boring compared to this blog. thanks again carolyn!
Not sure if anyone else has posted this but there is now a BB9 Reply button now. They are still one week one I think with the past live feeds. :)
NOT ON MY LIST>>>> only people who signed waivers allowing the houseguest to talk about them may be mentioned by name. to cut down on libel suits I would imagine.
Carolyn, you are absolutely amazing for what you do. At the end of the season i'm going to put something sweet in your tip jar. Thanks for all that you do.
Last season 1st comp was the endurance with the rain, hanging on to the key while jumping over the moving rabbit
2nd comp was they had to dive in a thing of water and arrange some plastic signs underwater in the right order to where the finished product was the picture of a maze
3rd comp was mental true and false I believe about past events in the house
hun, not to be a nag but you've got the times wrong. i'm in Los Angeles and its only 1:21 right now.
can someone please explain to me why they go to flames when they talk about someone? what does it mean that they are not on their list?
Anon Shelley
When they say a person's name isn't on the list, it means that person didn't sign a release so they can't be talked about on the show.
re times... please refresh. i fixed em a few minutes ago. sry bout that.
Anybody else notice that Sharon won't let Ryan out of her sight? That is driving me crazy. Some of her actions are creeping into her mind as to how she has played the game by spying behind peoples backs and she getting a little paranoid now.
Anon@1:16 PM re: Debate.
Not to get too poitical but the reason for the cancellation is Obama was not happy with the ABC debate last week and doesn't want to face Clinton again. They have been waiting for him to agree.
SO YaY! Finale will be on the 27th! I can hardly wait. I'm sure Carolyn feels the same.
This is my first year to watch BB, but from what I have been reading there is usually only one BB per year. If this is the first time to do two in one year, do you think they got enough viewers to continue doing two per year. After only my first time watching, I am already stressing that after next week I will have to wait 2 and 1/2 months before the next one starts. I really need my BB fix.
Marci - I may be the resident shrink/lawyer, but all that means is I'm crazier then the lot of you combined.
Yeah, the blog has been more fun than the show (except when James was naakid).
Note to self: next season pace yourself with the sleeping and post a picture of naked james on the keyboard for the slow times. I like the porno shots pretty well myself. I'm a straight female, but you've got to give credit where credit it due.
Baller tries to help BB clean.
I am so over Sharon talking about Jacob! Get over it girl, if you swear you'll never take him back then why keep talking about him. If I were there i'd evict her just so i wouldnt have to hear her blab about him anymore.
Where is the bb9 reply button??? I heard they are showing the feeds over again.
"When the feeds come back, Sheila's talking about someone named Ronald, who was her longest relationship, but must not be on her list, because we get more flames."
I have heard you mention this list there only certain ppl they can talk about? I am always so interested by the production part of shows too!
I'm taking a little break.. brb
i dont know if any of them noticed, but it looked like there are only 3 chairs and a mini table.
whats the "list" that keeps getting referenced? are HGs only allowed to talk about people on a certain list?
Oh puhleeze can somebody muzzle Sheila...shes always talking about Alex & I cant wait til she sees the stuff that he said about her. Especially the thing about not having nookie with her and how he would have to clear out the moth balls if he did! LOL
it is so interesting to hear Sharon and Shelia referred to as floaters, have you seen the boys doin any work? Who cleans, cooks and empties the trash? Oh, I did see Adam change his sheets..probably the first time in 3 months! Aren't the boys floaters also? What do they do?
OMGosh Sharon is a major liar she just said she didnt make out with Matt in the HOH. She even told Sheila that he wasnt a good kisser. And now there talking about Sheilas age range for men she'll be with hers is 27-60. Well she has to keep her options way open...wouldnt u agree
BB blastin' the theme music.. classic!
Doesn't look like I missed much. Just woke up from a nap and I'm glad I did nap because it seems everything is going to happen later tonight... maybe? possibly?
Oh boy, I better go to the store and pick up some snackies. I polished off all the celery, carrots, feta cheese stuffed green olives and pimento cheese with jalepeno's last night.
I eat weird, but I'm from Texas. LOL
OK did anyone catch the Adam eats.... guinea's eat adam back to rats back to adam .. creative camera work...
OK there should be a text service to go along with the feeds. letting you know they are back on and not on the trivia.
Hey, I've never commented before but I visit bb9dish all the time (it's wicked) and I have a question. Do house-guests only have a limited amount of stuff they're allowed to talk about referring to their real lives outside the house? Like, are they only allowed to talk about a few people?
I checked the FAQ's and I didn't see anything about it.
Tyler - Thanks. The Houseguests are only permitted to talk about people who have signed releases for the production company saying it's ok to talk about them.
Ryan's in DR doing POV ceremony stuff huh?
I am thinking that Shelia knows she is gone. She made the comment she was going to have to watch the comps.
we need a vote which is worse. flames, triva or watching shelia sleep.
Can someone please explain why when a houseguest talks about someone "not on their list" - that the feeds have to go to flames?
Kurtis~~It's watching Sheila sleep for me, this is the last time I'll see her dang it. I sure hope Adam gets a clue lol.
Im getting so aggrevated with the live feeds that I keep switching to the replays which is good for me because I didnt get the live feeds til the Disco ball comp so im getting to see a bunch of stuff from when it all began. Makes me kinda mad that I missed so much b4.
Its official im addicted and BB is my drug. Help....
maybe not with the Ryan/DR/POV Ceremony thing.. ahh... BB quit messing with our frail little heads! haha!!
I liked Sharon better when she didn't talk...
How do we do the replay on the anyone lol
If those two morons really keep Sharon then like her or not I've gotta say, GOOOOO SHARON!!!! You've got it in the bag over those two dipsticks.
This should prove that Ms. G. can't pull all the strings in this game in the DR, as there is no way she would have wanted Sharon to stay in over Sheila. Sharon is about as boring as watching grass grow... in the WINTER, when it's dormant!!!
At least with Adam and Sheila still in there, there would have been more fights and comedy.
It's going to be so boring.... yawn.
So how long till BB10?
Caroly, if HG believe they doing a live eviction, wouldnt it stand to reason they wont do anything till 5pm BB time, which is their "normal" live show start time? Just wondering.
TY, Kellie
As always a HUGE thank you for the wonderful hard work you for us who come here each day. This is the 1 site I can count on for the BEST coverage & the BEST blogging :)
I have watched BB since season 1 and I have to say I really can't wait until this "mess" is frickin' over. "These people, that house, their game...wait...WHAT did I just say, what GAME?" Ha, silly of me to think any of them "actually" have played a real game & are deserving of the money!
All of the people who were actually playing a decent "game" got voted out already, these guys & girls have all been floaters all along!
Anyway, just my opinion. I'll be waiting like the rest of you all for BB10 to start & see what "they" have to offer. I guess after BB8 it's kinda hard to follow in their footsteps (which I think CBS is trying to cast to do).
Thanks again Carolyn, you're the BEST!
I guess not - oh well.
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