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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Waiting On Trivia

Trivia: Take 2

The Feeds Went to Trivia at 3:13pm BBT. How long will it last is anyone's guess. We're in it for the long haul. That much is certain.

Feeds Are back!!
4:32pm BBT

While We Wait Activity Number One
: let's pick up where we left off yesterday with the writing of the new BB Bible. ;) Listing as many commandments as you like, let's put together a new BB Bible for future HGs. I'll start:

1. Thou shall love the lord thy G(r)od(ner).
2. Thou shalt have no other gods before her.

While We Wait Activity Number Two
: Often people remind us of songs. Please take a couple minutes and figure out what the appropriate theme song is for each of the final 4 HGs. Then lets us know what you come up with.

While we Wait Activity Number Three: Since this is an election year... If any one of the 16 BB9 HGs were running for office, what would their campaign slogan be?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall tell at least one lie.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thou shall not have morals

2:42 PM  
Blogger Judy in NJ said...

Thou shalt tell at least one lie...HOURLY!!

Thou shalt whisper in a tone so low that you drive the live feed listeners to the point of buying hearing aids!!

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall keep all lies straight.

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not bitch and complain in the BB house! You signed up for this!!!!


2:45 PM  
Blogger Krock said...

Can anyone explain what the BB trivia is?

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...what happend while on trivia???

2:46 PM  
Blogger Vals said...

Hey Carolyn! I think BB is screwing w/ us now too!

2:47 PM  
Blogger Kurtis said...

Thou shalt use a name from the "LIST" instead of saying DR so the live viewers can determine what is really going on.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not idolize your own boobies

2:48 PM  
Blogger Kurtis said...

Shelia knows she is gone. As in they have told her.. but they are starting the last comps early.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

so can someone explain the live feed deal to me price, is it worth it for next year, etc

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not refer to the Bible incessantly. Especially if you never opened it prior to your joining the BB cast

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tho shall remember food comes from the earth - not from nasal passages

oh baller...you've made me laugh, you've made me cry, you've made me melt, and you've made me gag.

2:53 PM  
Blogger shh_thinking said...

Honor thy alliance and secret alliance! (until something better comes along)

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not constantly remind HGs of thines age or parental status
Thou shall not incorrectly use the term backdoor
Thou shall refrain from using the term under the bus every 5 "frikkin" minutes.
which brings me to my next commandment
Thou shall not use the word frikkin every 4 minutes and every other word in a sentence (i.e She's frikkin throwing me under the frikkin bus I mean r u frikkin kidding me)
Thou shall wash thy hands after every nose picking and ball scratching fest....

2:54 PM  
Blogger Vals said...

Chris, live feeds are worth it! It is $14.99 a month and you even get to see the HG sleep. When BB has something they don't want us feeders to see, we get fish, flames, blue stuff, or what-ever the deal is that season. I have has the feeds since BB6 and I will get them again for BB10. Of corse, if you have things to do, you may want to think twice about getting them because you will become addicted and wind up spending a good part of you life in front of a computer screen watching for any movement in the house...(along w/ having the BB music in your head 24/7)

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt never forgeteth of You-Tube and the damages it causeth.

Thou should not have to speaketh of your past because internet users will find it out for themselves and then hateth you for lying.

Thou shalt have as many alliances as oneth can remember.

Thou shalt bring ample cigarettes withith so that you may supply your
allies, thus protecting your own asseth.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Thou shalt not divulge devastatingly emotional information about yourself on television and to a bunch of strangers that want to plan your demise.

Thou shalt not covet another man's supposed sex stories.

Thou shalt not take Grodner's name in vain.

Thou shalt not count the word 'and' as a letter in the alphabet.

Thou shalt not act like a bimbo and then wonder "gee, why doesn't anyone like me?"

3:03 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Goodly afternooneth everyone!

So we're back to the BB Bible are we? Think I exhausted my ideas the last time? Think again! hehehe

1. Thou shalt lieth and cheateth, but I shalt catcheth thou with thine pants down. (In Adam's case this is often)

2. Thou shalt not refereth to thine "hooded warrior". That is simply ickieth!

3. Thou shalt not talketh with thine piehole full.

4. Thou shalt learn to pronounceth words.

5. Thou shalt not weareth thine pants around your ankles, and thine cap backwards. Posers are an abomination.

6. Thou shalt limiteth thine "you knows" and f-bombs, and tryeth to learn some vocabulary-eth.

7. Thou shalt talketh of that which thou dost not knoweth, which is considerable in mine eyes.

8. Thou shalt not attempt to maketh water slides if thou art the size of a beached whale.

9. Thou shalt not commit fornication and then denieth it. Shameth on thou! Owneth up to that which thou do. We are watching.

10. Thou shalt not do anything that thou wilt later regret because our eyes are on You Tubeth, and thou wilt be blowneth out of the watereth!

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

TwilightByNite you have me frikkin cracking up over that. frikkin hilarious!

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not wear droopy drawers unless one remembers to pack a belt or at least some rope to keep them up.

3:07 PM  
Blogger ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ said...

Thou shalt honor thy Big Brother Voice in the Sky...no singing, no talking about blacklisted people or subjects.

Thou shall find a new liquid to throw on one house guest...no repeats from previous seasons.

Thou shalt learn basic manners before entering the Big Brother house, or ye shall risk death by an angry mob of Live Feeders/BBAD Watchers. Translation: NO SMACKING.

Thou shall give a shout out to Carolyn and other Dishy Peeps at least once per week, or said peeps reserve the right to annihilate you in blogland.

Upon entering the BB House, you shall nominate one person to keep the Live Feeders entertained at all times, whether it be dates, talk shows, cooking segments, etc. Keep in mind that some of us do get tired of barely there swimsuits and stripshows rather easily. All of us are tired of them by the end of the season.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annon @ 3:04 - Thanks Glad I made somebody laugh

Genie - I love ur #8 & especially ur #10eth LOL

3:12 PM  
Blogger Brother Mouzone said...

It looks like the finale will be on the 27th, as originally scheduled. From the NC Democratic Party:

North Carolina Democratic Presidential Debate CANCELLED

We regret to inform you that the proposed Democratic Presidential Debate scheduled for April 27 has been cancelled due to time constraints and logistical issues associated with such a large, national event.

You have shown tremendous passion and interest in being a part of history as Democrats are poised this year to elect the first female or African-American President. However, there were also growing concerns about what another debate would do to party unity.

3:14 PM  
Blogger KarenAnne said...

I am cracking up! Especially Genie, hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, I just found out my car is ka-put and I need a new one. Crapeth.

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not throw thy brother or sister under the bus

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must learn to walketh on water if you are gonna preach the word.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Kurtis said...

on the dem debate cancelling.. now we have to wonder if they are dismantling the comp in the back yard.

for the BBible

Thou shall not mention splitskie's or reverse cowgirl while driving unless you want everyone to know about it.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok you guys are all killing me! TOO Funny!! Genie you're good!
I have to add to this one... Thou shall not wear droopy drawers unless one remembers to pack a belt or at least some rope to keep them up. Especially, if your wearing TIDY WHITES!!!!

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not lie about diary room sessions telling you what to do.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They cancelled the debate cause they want to see who won BB9. They are taking notes for the Whithouseth... ha ha

3:25 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Thanks twilightbynite! Yours made me laugh too!

Thanks Karenanne! Sorry about thine car! :( Maybe thou canst audition for bb10eth and tryeth to winneth some moulah! :)

Oh crapeth. I canst not stoppeth talkingeth like this!

3:28 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

1. Thou shalt striketh the phrase "________ deserves the money more than __________" from thy vocabulary - especially if the criteria is ANYTHING other than gameplay. (This applies to bb bloggers as well as players ;P)

2. If BB gives thee something to play with, thou are commanded to do so --even if it doesn't interest thee -- for it is much more entertaining to watch than bible reading and/or napping or staring off into space or listening to same old Jacob stories for the ten thousandth time!
(can you tell I'm really irked at Sharon for turning her nose up at the crafts they left in the storage room? And what about beads and clay are for boys only? That made no sense to me at all...grrrrr! Seems to me that playing with something other than her blue blankey would be a welcome diversion even for her -- let alone us!)

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt never milk thine own breast on national television.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Shelly - LOL! You have inspired me!

That's both funny and scary at the same time. And forgive me for what I'm about to say (I plead Canadian) but if they were to elect anyone from the BB house, it would be a dumber choice than who is in office now :)

Carolyn! I have an idea for another game in the near waiting future (which I think would be considerable).... here it is!

Should one of the BB9 HGs (evicted or not) run for office what would be their party line?

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

these are hilarious!!

I've got three to add:

Thou shall not worship at the alter of hypocrisy.

Thou shall not sunbathe nude unlesseth thou resembleth Brad Pitt.

Thou shall remembereth alliances and keep thou promeseth with them, even when thou alliance becometh annoying.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Kurtis said...

Did you capture sharon head bob dancing?

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha Song for Sheila would be: "Same Old Song and Dance" By Aerosmith.
Fits perfectly. haha I love it.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

LOL @ Shelly! That's what I was thinkin' about the debate being cancelled, too!

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can think of is a song for Adam... I Touch Myself LMAO

I will have to think about the others and post later. lol

Tara in TX

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Activity 2:

Adam-Wanna Be A Baller by Lil’ Troy


3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a song for activity numba 2:

For Ryan, Adam and Shelia for backdooring Natalie:

Apologize by OneRepublic

3:40 PM  
Blogger Moni said...

1. Thou shalt not throw anybody under the frikken bus. DER! Ya know??

2. Thou shalt not yell at the BB camera in the Diary Room.

3. Thou shalt not chew on thine cheeks.

4. Thou shalt not make more than one reference per second on thine living situation and pitifulness.

5. Thou shalt not refer to women as "bitches" and "broads"

6. Thou shalt not masturbate, walk around nude, give hotmouth hummertime, and strip for thine BB cameras in conjunction with preaching the holy gospel.

7. Thou shalt not be allowed into the BB house with hideous, horrible, horrific hair do's!!

8. Thou shalt walk around in some damn clothes, not a damn bathrobe!

9. Thou shalt learn how to swallow without sounding like you are trying to get down a small puppy before entering the BB house.

10. Thou shalt not pick at body extremities if not expecting to be called a house trained gorilla upon exiting the BB house.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Depeche Mode "Blasphemous Rumors"

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"George of the Jungle"-Adam

"Only a Pawn in their Game"-Bob Dylan for Sharon

"Dear Mama"-Tupac for Sheila

"Head over Feet"-Alanis Morrisette for Ryan

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant think of four yet, but I came up with two

Ryan: The way I are

Sheila: Golddigger

3:42 PM  
Blogger Noni in NJ said...

Genie, ROFLMAO!! Your commandments yesterday and today are the best!!
Listening to Sharon's last conversation with the other hgs. re her dad. WHY on earth has she bored us ALL to tears(or suicide) with the Jacob stories. I was interested in her talk about her DAd. She might have had some interesting stories from her Dad about Afganistan and their military life. ( not talking violence here) One more inane story about Jacob and I will________.

Thou shalt not boreth other houseguests or feed listeners with thine tedious juevenile tales of thy old boyfriend.

Thou shall not screecheth BEEBBEES or other utterances causing the ears of us all listening to bleedeth.

The name Jacob shall be labled blasphemy. Any house guest uttering said blasphemy shall have his tongue cut out.

To those considering feeds for next season. Can't live without them. However if you have an addictive personality you may be in trouble. I was so afraid something big might happen today I didn't leave the house for fear I might miss something.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not profess to be all good and wish to expel evil when pictures are circulating on internet of drug use.

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thou shall not use "45 year old single mother" in a sentence throughout the duration of the Big Brother stay.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

OK songs...

Adam's will be Alanis Morisette's "Ironic". The line one hand in my pocket (playing with myself) the other smoking a cigarette."

Ryan's will be BustaRhyme's "I love my bitch" That's obvious

Sheila's will be ACDC's "You shook me all night long". This probably will remind her of Adam.

Sharon' s will be Elvis Presley's "You are always on my mind". WHo else but Jacob Jacob Jacob Jacob (broken record).

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you said for the remaining four HG's but I honestly have the greatest theme song for Matty...

What part of no.... by Lorrie Morgan

How many freaking times did he tell Natalie no and she just kept coming on strong... that girl is a lunatic!

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just thought of an even better one for Adam....

"Big Pimpin"-Jay Z

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not express breast milk, eww.

Thou shall use the power of veto to make those up on the block bark like a dog.

Thou shalt not trust a kid with pink hair!

Oh how I miss James so lol

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall remember that not just America is watching heheheheee!!!!

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Thou shall keep all lies straight.

2:44 PM

ROFL... No kidding!!!

Thou shall cover thy ass at all times!!

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thou shall not derr

3:49 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Thank noni! Love yours too!

Monica... 8, 9 and 10 killed me!

love all the song choices especially acasha's and tara's! haha I touch myself! (should change the lyrics to "everytime I think I touch myself")

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am woman (Helen Reddy) for Sheila

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theme Songs
Adam- Life in the Fast Lane
Ryan- Whomp There It Is
Sheila-Do Ya Think I'm Sexy
Sharon-As Time Goes By

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam - "You can leave your hat on"

Sheila - "I wanna talk about me"

Ryan - "I'm still a guy"

Sharon - "My Favorite Things"

Of course I picture Sharon dressed up as Snow White with all the little forest creatures gathered around her while she sings.

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt never give up thine competioneth, especially an endurance HOHeth, to thine's weaker linketh who "had thy backeth" and expecteth to conquer the half millioneth!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not evict popular players that bring the ratings up.

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ryan- "Everything you do is a balloon"- Boards of Canada
sheila-" I'm moving out" , Billy Joel
Adam- "Animal Man ", Telepopmusik
Sharon- "discipline" Janet Jackson

3:54 PM  
Blogger KarenAnne said...

Drug use? Who, Adam?

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sharon - Fixing a Hole (Beatles Sgt. Pepper)

Adam - I am the Walrus, Beatles

Sheila - I Should Have Known Better, Beatles

Ryan - Money, Beatles

Bonus - if James were still in
The Long and Winding Rope, Beatles

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, Any guess on how long there will be trivia on?

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not be a 2nd previous HG. (This years Evel Dick or Dr. Will....You are neither and you are not as cool as Chilltown)

Thou shall not share stories of 5 day old tampons or a** coke.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon... Diggin up Bones by Randy Travis...

3:58 PM  
Blogger ReporterX said...

thanks for the laughs everyone, great stuff!!! Keep it coming!!

3:59 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Anon - I have no idea. Sorry.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon @ 3:29 - LOL!!

3:59 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

As for addition to the BB Bible, I'm sticking with "Thou Shall Not Kill Thy Producer"

Here's my songs for each of the remaining HG's:

Sheila - Cheapness And Beauty by Boy George

Ryan - The Regiments Of Steel by Chubb Rock

Baller - Heavy In The Game by 2Pac

Sharon - I Loved You by Sarah Brightman

That was fun!


3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan: "Hopelessly Devoted to You"
[to Jen]
Sharon: "Ben" by Michael Jackson [originally a love song to a rat, in this case to the guineas]
Adam: I'll agree with "I Touch Myself"
Sheila: Ball and Chain [Janis Joplin, originally recorded by Big Mama Thorton]

3:59 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

y'all are hysterical :) thanks for being here and contributing.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not put 2 players in YOUR OWN ALLIANCE on the block just because you are jealous your partner doesn't want your junk....(so sorry alex)

4:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry--had to throw two in for Natalie--could have a whole CD just for her!!

From the 70s--Alan O'Day (I think) "Undercover Angel"

From the 80s--Bon Jovi "Livin' on a Prayer" (Oh Lord, help me to be a better person every day when I'm lying to my fellow houseguests about what I did or said...)

For Sheila, "My Angel is a Centerfold" from the 80s--can't remember who sang it. For those of you who don't like Sheila it could be Meatloaf "Bat out a Hell" But I like her!!

For Adam, Foreigner "Dirty White Boy"

For Sharon, "Trust in Me" (Joe Cocker from the Movie the Bodyguard) or "Goody Two Shoes" Adam Ant

For Ryan, "Two out of three ain't bad" Another Meatloaf tune.


4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

karenanne, i know for ure one of them is joshuah-there are pics everywhere of him

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall respect thy elders and not call them the B word.

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you- this is the first year that I am following BB on the web. Even though I have watched every season. And I am already starting to going through withdrawals with no feeds.

I do not know what to do with myself until July.

Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that you all do a great job here. See ya in July.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...


Chelsia would dedicate this to Sheila... "Rode Hard (and put away wet)" by Diesel boy... hehe

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't a feed watcher last season (am this year) but they showed the endurance comp btw dick daniele and zach on the feeds right??... i mean they wouldn't deprive the viewers of that all of a sudden this season, RIGHT??!...

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For Sheila--Simply The Best (Tina Turner)

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon- "Vaseline" stone temple pilots ("flies in the vaseline we are...sometimes it blows my mind, keep getting stuck here all the time...") or of course "My Sharona"

Adam- "doing the butt"

Sheila- "same old song and dance" Alica you hit the nailon the head of that one...

Ryan- "crush" by dave matthews to Jen

4:08 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Anon@4:07 - Yes, they showed the final endurance on the feeds last year. :)

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie in office:

Trust me, I will BLOW the competition away. DUN-N-N.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Sandy - "centrefold" by J. Geils Band :)

4:09 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Pssst... 3rd Activity posted ;)

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A commandment:

Thou shalt not be a mouth breather because it sounds annoying and gross to the viewers

Thou shalt eat with your mouth closed, for if you see what we see when you eat, you would gross yourself out.

I'll have to think some more on the songs...


4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for BB.
Thou shalt not choseth thy winner in advance and shamelessly conspireth to acheive that end(eth).

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shalt not utter forth the annoying phrase "Der der der" - EVER!

Thou shalt not bitch about the dishes in the sink every 5 minutes.

Thou shalt not wear bikinis without built in pantyliners - we don't care to see every nook and cranny of your crotchal region.

Thou shalt not obstruct your mic or have it improperly attached - doing so is BBs perfect way to call you out while scheming!


4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok**exhale**good i feel better now... here's hoping its competitive

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon~~It's a Heartache (Bonnie Tyler) I think lol

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

genie ~ you win hands down!

nice job to twilightbynite.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not speak of the "jack shack."

Thou shall feel free to bear false witness against your bed mate; afterall, this is Big Brother.

Thou shall blow kisses into cameras daily for respect of thy live feed watchers.

Thou shall not bathe in the sun daily for hours becoming a, very very tanned, sloth.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, I go take a nap and look what you all have been up to!! I can't stop laughing....

For Sheila (the only one I can think of a song for): "I will survive" b/c it seems to fit her era and her incesant ability to rant on and on and on and on......

A commandment for Ryan: Thou shall not use the phrase "you know" as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb all in one sentence separated only by the words "and" and "or".

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn- but they showed the final endurance on AD last year and now they're pretaping for it so that audiencev wont get to see it...thats very strange...

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thou shall not wrap mouth around kitchen faucet to take a drink.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Crisi - ahahaha love Natalie's party slogan!

Sheila - I will get it frikken done. Know that!

Adam - I mumble grabble snort.

Ryan - You know, I will you know, get this you know b*tch you know done.

Sharon - I am silent but deadly. Hold your noses.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie... The intern AKA(Monica Lewinski)

4:17 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Anon - What will be will be... In this case, it truly is predetermined. ;)

All we can do is wait and hope.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Random question here...Does anyone know who's eye is shown with the BB tv logo?? I've been wondering that since season one and still don't know...Just curious! Thanks to anyone who can help! :D

* Bridge

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila: Gold Digger.. Kyane West

Sharon, Ryan, And Adam
Rise and Shine
(Children of the Lord)
Written By: Unknown

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gonna try this one more time -- don't know if I'm just impatient, or if for some reason my posts aren't going through. This was originally posted at approximately 3:30 BBT, it's now 4:13. ?????

For the BBible:

Thou needeth to have enough edjuncaishun to knoweth that simply 'calling' a lie a "trick" or "acting" does not maketh it so. Renaming something does not maketh you a "good" person and the rest of the liars "evil doers."

Thou needeth to stoppeth and thinketh before continually ragging on somebody like they are dirt underneatheth your fingernails. They might not wanteth to have your "frikken back" when you demandeth it of them.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

campaign slogans, huh?

"Crisi said...

Natalie in office:

Trust me, I will BLOW the competition away. DUN-N-N"

I'll have to go with Crisi on this one...it's perfect!


4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ryan Man in the Mirror

Sheila Maneater

Adam Friends in Low Places

Sharon anything from Alvin and the Chipmunks

Kellie, GA

4:18 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Hey Ron :)
I'm glad you retried.. That's the first time it came through on my end.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan: Rock And Roll Part II - Gary Glitter
Adam: Greatest American Hero (Believe it or Not)
Sharon: The Marine Hymn
Sheila: Theme song from the Addam's Family

4:20 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Someone asked that of Allison Grodner on House Calls, and she said it was no one known but she won't say. It's an inside joke.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, It would only work if James was running against him, but for Matt it would me "You can't trust the kid with the pink hair."

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, they think its live... but its not, so consecutive POV Cerm. , Eviction, Straight into Pt. 1 of Final HOH?

4:21 PM  
Blogger Noni in NJ said...

Ryan: Vote for me, I've got your back dude.

Sharon: Read my lips I NEVER lie!

Sheila: It's about FRIKKIN time a 46yr old single mother ran the country. I'm tellin yew I deserve it!!!

Adam: Mummble, mumble, unintelligible, mumble, mumble, !!!

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok songs

Ryan - When i move you move by Ludacris (BC of him and Adumb)(LOL)

Adam - I touch my self, Remix by TLC (i love the part --> I won't be afraid to touch myself, It's alright I said it's alright (hey)
I don't think it's wrong to touch yourself, Cause ain't nothin' wrong with makin' it feel good)(and yet again LOL)

Sheila - You talk too much by George Thorogood (it says --> Well I laid out in the afternoon I start to nappin', you walk into the room with them jaws a-flappin'
You keep that motormouth moving morning, noon and night, you keep on talking baby make my head turn white, ?? but its funny!!!)

Sharon -John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (Just b/c of the Jacob in it. and b/c its annoying)

This is my 1st post and i just wanted to let everyone know that yall r freggin funny. really LOL. And Carolyn thanks 4 keeping us all up to date. i havent been worth a crapeth(LOL) at work today, but it will be over soon :(. Thanks again carolyn!!!

Amanda in TN

4:24 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Maybe they will come back from trivia and we find out that Ryan has been evicted... ok I know: impossible wishful thinking...

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the brand of wallet Adam was telling Ryan to get?

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being that I am Jewish and as a Jew we adhere 613 comandments, Here are 10 which I might follow if I were in the BB house....

1. Do not blaspheme the penalty for which is eviction

2. To know that G(rodner)d is One, a complete Unity.

3. To fear the DR reverently.

4. Not to put the word of the DR to the test.

5. To not imitate previous HG's good and upright ways at the detriment to oneself.

6. To tolerate all HOH beings who are of the power.

7. Not to stand by idly when a non-alliance member is in danger.

8. Not to wrong any potential jury member in speech while not on the "block".

9. Give occasion to the simple-minded to stumble on the road this includes doing anything that will cause another to fall from alliance graces.

10. Not to indulge in familiarities with HG's, such as kissing, embracing, winking, skipping, which may lead to indecent posting on BBdish.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Noni in NJ said...

Sharon: If Elected I promise to never stop boring you with speeches about Jacob.

Sharon, at the convention : My running mate is my blue blanky.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presidential slogans

Natalie- "Got Milk"

James- "Size Does Matter"

Sheila- "Because 46 year old moms know what's best for this country- ya know?"

Adam- "We're all retards, in our own way. Lets unite!"

Ryans- "Dudes, let eat."


4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks anon 4:18 and Genie. It was just too easy. I couldnt resist.

I also liked your Adam Genie. Too much!

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For newly posted #3 - Presidential Slogans

Sharon - Full Dinner Pail BEEBEEEES! (McKinley)
Sheila - In your guts, you know she's nuts. (anti-Goldwater)
Ryan - The food stops here. (Truman)
Adam - What was the question? (Adam)
Natalie - Milk in every pot, a hummer in every garage. (Hoover)

4:28 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Perhaps a silly question but...

Does CBS or Real Player ever post news about feed blackouts. Meaning if they were going to black the viewers out for an extended period of time would there ever be a news release or is it just a sit and wait game?
Getting tired of the trivia.... Can't wait to know what happened... although enjoying your waiting on trivia games

4:28 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Laughing myself silly on this end. :)

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Songs for the remaining HG's

Sharon = Michael Jacksons "Ben"

Sheila = Elton John the "Bitch is Back"

Ryan = Meatloaf "all revved up and no place to go"

Adam = Queen "we are the champions" cause, unfortunately, he is gonna be the winner

4:29 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Sarah - the last time there was a very extended blackout was during season 6... they did finally post something on real, after a while...

it's barely been an hour though...

4:30 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

OK I am laughing so hard, I scared my cat!!!

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila.... Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

Sharon.... Every Step You Take by the Police

Adam and Ryan.... Eye of the Tiger I could imagine them all pumped up like Rocky...lol...

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie, On the road again..by Willie Nelson .. (From Oregon to Boston for Matty)

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie, On the road again..by Willie Nelson .. (From Oregon to Boston for Matty)

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just incase it hasn't been said yet... Shelia's would be, "I'm 46 and a single mom!" LOL

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.k. I did some soul searching and came up with a few songs:

Sheila: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

Natalie: Hung Up (on you) by Madonna.... poor Matty

Adam: Building a Mystery by Sarah McLachlan (take the name for face value here)

Ryan: Hey Ya! by OutKast since he's the fun party guy

Sharon: I don't feel like I know her well enough to pick a song... weird to say but true.

A couple songs that could apply for the house and this game in general:

The Way I Are by Timbaland (dont need your $, just like you for yourself) and,

You Get What You Give by New Radicals

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Carolyn: thanx. If you want to post this, fine. If not, also fine.

Don't know what happened. I did type a "less than symbol, an i, and then a greater than symbol" before a word and then the same three characters after the word, in hopes of being able to get the word to italicize. Could that have messed up the unreceived post?

I've been trying to figure out how to make some words bold and some words italics, and thought maybe I'd try the HTML tags listed below this comment box. Since I'm totally ignorant about HTML tags, thought maybe I typed something in the post that sent it into cyberspace.

Can you tell me how to create bold, italics, etc.? Quotation marks become annoying (and confusing) when overused.

Thanx for any help you can offer. :)

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO you all just made my day..too funny


4:35 PM  
Blogger Kurtis said...

They are back ... where is Adam... BB is messing with us live feeders bad.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan ~~ I've Got a Golden Ticket
Adam ~~ Oompa-Loompa-Doompa-De-Do
Sheila ~~ Pure Imagination
Sharon ~~ Cheer Up, Charlie

I don't know it has someting to do with the fact that my kids just watched Willy Wonka for the million time but I felt they were fitting. I can just see Sharon singing to Josh. Oh and who could deny Nat singing ~~ I Want it Now! LOL!

4:36 PM  
Blogger Chris said...


What happend when the feeds went to flames the first time, and is there a special deal on the feeds for bb10. after viewing this sight, im seriously considering, and do you get if a bouns if i sign up through your links?? if do i will!!!

4:38 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

BB9 HGs campaign slogans

Amanda - BUENO! Vote for me! BUENO!
James - While bicycling around the world I figured out that peace is the answer to all problems ... not to mention loads of beer dude!
Neil - Do you remember me? Vote for me anyway because my mother's divorce is now over and I can fully focus on this country!
Parker - Wake up America! I have something to tell everybody!
Josh - I'm very inspirational so vote for me you horse faced ugly people!
Natalie - Hug a tree, love a beaver, I'm an Oregonian!
Matt - Hmmm... this is very difficult for me! Hmmm!
Jacob - The few, the proud, and oh yeah I was given a dishonorable discharge, but that shouldn't matter because I love this country and Sharon! Did I mention I'm a Chistian?
Sheila - I'm a single mother, know that!
Chelsia - Free harleys for all who vote for me!
Ryan - I can not lie... I am not a racist!
Allison - Being a reformed gambler, I am willing to take the chance of running for Precidency!
Baller - I promise to change and never touch myself in public again!
Alex - Free DJ's service for the entire world! Music makes the world go round!
Sharon - As you all know, I am a devout Christian... just what this country needs!
Jen - Free alcohol for all who vote for me, let us all come together in a state of alcohol induced blackouts and party!

Too cool, I just finished and the feeds are back!


4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan: We just gotta stick to the plan
Adam: It's not an easy game, ya know?
Sharon: Courage, Honor, and Commitment...from my father
Shelia: ??? I got nothing that hasn't already been done.

Natalie: We just gotta get rid of all the evil-doers

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, maybe they're just pretaping for AD tonight cause if the viewers see it that will be the entire show on tuesday.... well then again you basicly figure it out on that show too and most people love to see how they edit the show for cbs... i dunno you know we're all gonna watch now cause we're missing something....or everything leading up to the HOH tonight. I really hope they show it on the feeds cause otherise thats way too long for this addict to go without seeing BB....well at least without a proper warning... :o )

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about the theme from the old tv show "the munsters"? seeing sheila as lily, ryan as herman, adam as eddie and sharon as marilyn munster!

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet! feeds r back : o )

4:45 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Chris - When the feeds went to flames the first time, they came back very quickly, after like 15 minutes...

There will no doubt be a special deal on the feeds for season 10, and yes, please sign up for the feeds through the links on bbdish! :)

Feed signups really help support the blogging! :)

4:46 PM  
Blogger chachi said...

Thou shall lie all the time, make secret alliances with everyone, and after all is done, be nice to their face and then stab them in the back.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a great campain slogan "except the unexpected" perfect ain't it

4:48 PM  
Blogger chachi said...

Thou shall always lie, form secret alliances with everyone, and always be nice to the other house guests face to face while you turn the knife in their back.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan - "Apeman"
Sharon - "Jacob's Ladder"
Sheila - "Bitch"
Adam - Anything by Wilson Pick-it

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheila I am a 46 year old single mom raising a 17 year old by myself and I know what I mean. I can turn this country upside down and flip the place just read my book.
Sharon I am a Marine Brat and I am here to kick some butt. I want Jacob as my Vice Prez.
Ryan What up dude. Give me some drugs and I can do anything.
Adam I am running with Ryan and we will share our drugs and party to the limit.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Louisiana's Mende said...

I thought of another one....
For Matty and Nat after the show.... Bitch Stop Calling Me

4:56 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Genie - I love the idea... Saving it here on my end so I wont forget about it.

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since this is an election year... If any one of the 16 BB9 HGs were running for office, what would their campaign slogan be?
Shelia: I'm a 46 year old single mom so yeeew should frikkin vote for me!

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, Who was the older guy that played sometime in the past few BBs, and while he was there, they celebrated his wedding anniversary? LOL little vague, I know...
I have always thought that was his eye on the opening...sure looks lik it!

7:12 PM  

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