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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Overnight Report

The Overnight Report will be going up in sections this morning. I'm making every effort to have it completed by 9:30am BBT.

In light of all the petition & write in hate mail comments I've been getting, I think it's important we all take a step back and review the tapes...

Dreamer, from Jokers, is 100% on the ball as always, and posted the video of Julie's exact words from last week when we were all told about voting someone back in. If you listen closely, you'll hear very clearly that the twist was always there.

She says, "America, it's time for you to get involved in the Big Brother game... Evicted HGs have not returned to their regular lives... With your help, one of them... will get the chance to shake things up by returning to the game. Go to cbs.com and vote for the HG you'd like to see return. Then next week, see if your choice makes it back into the house."

Sigh. We hear what we want to hear. We've never had greater proof of it than right now.

Much more to come. Please check back for the continuation of the overnight report beginning around 8:30am BBT. In the meantime, please have another look at the Endurance Comp post from last night. Videos were added to the end of it.

As soon as the hoopla from the comp died down last night, Sheila went into panic mode. She and Ryan know deep down that they're going up on the block today. There just aren't too many other options, what with the deal between Natalie and James - for Nat & Matt's safety... Plus, both of them admitted to James that they voted for the mystery HG to return, and Adam voted James back in.

Sheila and Ryan had a lengthy conversation about just how dumb it was for the other HGs to vote James back in, and Ryan suspects all his work last week was for naught. Pre-twist, he'd actually had a very successful HoH, managing to end the week with only one person in the house, Chelsia, truly out to get him.

Here's a clip, captured by xx2000xx of Sheila and Ryan's conversation:

12:19am BBT

A few minutes later, James gets his HoH Room, Victory and Redemption all in one night. He's all smiles.

12:38am BBT

12:50am BBT
James and Chelsia are alone in the HoH room. Chelsia says there's a reason he's here. James tells her she needs to figure out who she wants to connect with outside of Josh and Sharon. They toss around the idea of Natalie. James confirms he's putting up Ryan and Sheila, and he will fight for PoV too.
James: I'm not gonna backdoor him, I'm giving him the speech that I'm putting you stright up on the block for what you did to me.... And Sheila put me in situations that burned me.. She knows what's up.

12:50am BBT

1:02am BBT
Matt finally got it last night. He said to Ryan, shortly after the comp, "She really loves me. That was amazing." A little while later, at 1am, Natalie finally got her massage... and game talk. She confirms to Matt that 100% Ryan and Sheila will be nominated. Their plan is to win veto and save Ryan.

bb9dish1:02am BBT

Here the massage continues (with a little overlap, but from a different angle) at 1:04am BBT. Ryan joins Matt and Nat in the spa room...


1:11am BBT
The massage and game talk with Ryan continues. He knows he's completely screwed. Matt and Nat promise to fight for him in veto, if they get to play, and promise him their votes to stay. The three of them are pretty much done with Adam... calling him a fair-weather friend. And they all still think it was Jen that almost got voted back in the house... because James said that when he heard the people voting, he heard people say her name.


2:50am BBT
Massive Diary Room Audio Leak - Massive. Dreamer from Jokers caught it all on video. Here's the first clip:

It goes on. Here are the links for DR Leak, Part 2 and DR leak, Part 3.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh people, it's TELEVISION, not the presidential election. The producers are going to do what they think makes for the best TV. Enjoy it, or enjoy hating it, but you're not going to change it (and do you really want to? They probably do know best, they're the pros).

IMHO, that was worth the price of admission, and some.

I went to bed after Showtime was over, but caught some of the aftermath of the comp, and I have to say it was great. The underdog is victorious (James), his love interest so thrilled, the evil doer starts to see the light (Matt), the vapid one shows her depth and heart(Nat). Epic - as James so aptly put it. It was like a Shakespeare play, only dumbed down for our brainless viewing pleasure. Yahoo!


8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even with the word chance I still feel like we were mislead. She should have said could have the chance. I personally wanted Alex back which is probablly the reason I am so fired up. It just bothers me. They knew what they were doing when they lead us to believe that. I just saw it more as the word opportunity I guess.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Monika Fabian said...

So there goes my theory that AGP put this clause in place at the last minute in possibility of losing James. =)

8:24 AM  
Blogger Monika Fabian said...

Besides, thus far, it's been a light season on the controversies front. It was about time that stuff stirred the kool-aid.

8:27 AM  
Blogger LCardinale71 said...

See the problem with this is the word CHANCE is being used in 2 different ways in that statement. The way it was made out to be is if America votes then the house guest with the most votes will be returning. What happened is after America spent 6 days voting(I spent along time voting)They left it up to the house guest who are still in the house. James was not part of the votes. This is the part that makes me mad..

Then next week, see if your choice makes it back into the house...

The thing is CBS deceived America.CBS should be making America happy and what America wants America should get. It shouldn't be who the house guest want they get. They are not paying for the ratings. I'm sorry but I think CBS messed up on this one...NO MATTER what was said or not....Im sorry but Im mad and I might not watch to see who makes it to the end!

8:28 AM  
Blogger Amber Eaton said...

What a night! Someone on the blog commented a few days ago that this exact scenario would happen. We vote who we want in and the HGs vote between that person and James. Whomever that was, I give them props for calling it days before. Yeah, I'm a little disappointed about Alex not coming back, but this is Big Brother. And I don't think I've ever been truly satisfied with the way things go down in this game, EVER. No need to get all stressed out over a reality tv show. Hopefully we'll have a chance at the end to give our favorite player some cash. Natalie is a very strong player. There will be no more underestimating her in this game. And, Sheila, the jig is up! I think she may be a target this week. We shall see...

8:29 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Agree. Its a game and it always has twist. We were just in one of them. It was good tv and got everyone talking.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the game!! I wasn't happy about the latest twist but am still glued to my computer and tv just to see how it all plays out. Unlike last season I don't have a fave. May the best win it all!!

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder at the time what she meant by chance. Not much was being made of it and I just sort of assumed James would be voted out and Alex voted in. I loved that twist, it almost felt like we were a house guest and got back door'd on that one. Good work producers although I have to wonder what they would have done if it was a 4-4 tie??? I think this will be better Tv with James back and not Alex so as the say, ITS ON!!!

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was great that CBS threw a twist in that even got the ones watching the live feeds - like they always say EXPECT the UNEXPECTED.

That was definately UNEXPECTED and definately a good one (in my opinion)

Thank you Carolyn for posting Julie's comments from last Wednesday's show where she said that the ex-HG had a "chance" to re-enter the house.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure we can all agree that it sucks we didn't get to see the voted houseguest return. But in terms of the game this twist has really shaken it up. If you think about it....Alex would have probably sided with Ryan/Nat/Matt/Adam/Sheila. James obviously is going to continue with Josh/Chelsia/Sharon.

I dislike James, but I think that being evicted and getting the blessing of coming back has changed him a bit. Him and Natalie battling it out like that was intense and while I was pulling for Natalie I give props to James because he had a score to settle and now he's in power.

You can't beat this twist, it made for good TV and I was up till about 1:30 watching the live feeds. (BTW--did anyone else continue to hear the audio after they cut the feeds? That was interesting!)

It's going to be an interesting week in the house!

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn! Are you going to update the players on the right side of your page? You have Ryan as HOH and Sharon and Chelsia nominated (James never replaced Chelsia). Not complaining...LOVE your site, just mentioning it incase you'd forgotten the players were down there!

Kas :)

8:34 AM  
Blogger **Lauren** said...

I find it interesting that so many people here are saying that it was unfair because it makes the last week worth nothing. If Alex had come back it would have screwed Chelsia because he was evicted during her HOH week. I guess it doesn't matter because it's her and so many people dislike her?

Bottom line - when someone gets brought back into the house - someone gets screwed.

Carolyn - you were badass last night as usual! Are you a writer of some sort? You are so so so so witty.

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! I can't believe that you are getting hate mail. Geese. People need to get a life. I think you're doing a great job! :-)


8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it possible that we may still see Alex return to the house? I do not recall seeing them finalize him not coming back. So in the same way they had the twist last night, I am thinking there maybe a chance we see Alex come back in the future.

8:38 AM  
Blogger dawnie said...

i still feel robbed of my time i took to vote..lol

i really don tget why anyone would vote someone back in that no less than 5mins before they made leave. he may be playing all nice for the moment but he will remember what happened and im sure he will start picking them off one by one. also if josh and sharon think they are safe they are wrong. alliances only go so far...

8:38 AM  
Blogger TaraC said...

Jane, I couldn't agree more. It's THEIR game, not ours, they make the rules, not us. I voted for Alex to come back, A LOT, but I don't feel scorned or cheated, in fact, I think it was pretty darn brilliant.

As for the HGs voting James back, the fear of the devil you know is much less than the fear of the devil you don't. I would have done the same thing, even if I was aligned on the other side.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something to take note of--
After James won HOH last night, Matt approached him and James said something to the effect of "My word is as good as yours was last week."
I took that to mean that his deal with Nat and Matt is pretty much expendable and there truly is no "deal."
Anyone else catch that??

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Sheilah really think that Jen was in the box? Did Ryan think so? Julie said she might be in the box. Idiots. Now they are just all pissed off cuz they got NOTHING!!! And will be hitting the hot and dusty. Although James should put up natalie and sheila, when natalie wins pov, backdoor matty. only in a perfect world. sheila all holier than though. waa waa waa get over it!

8:47 AM  
Blogger HOHscott said...

Shiela tells Ryan that America wanted Jen back in the house. NOT! boy is she stroking him for sympathy?

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it infuriating that America's vote and Ryan's hard work were nullified. So much so that I'm considering not watching the rest of the season. This season has been the worst in so many ways if feels like this is the last straw. The HG's should have at least known who they could have voted back in. There should have been some attempt at fairness by letting them campaign against each other with a short speach.
The rules should have been adhered to.

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"will get the chance to shake things up "

Chance? Yes, the chance they were to get was if we voted them back in. Personally I think that the person they wanted voted back in didn't happen, so they had to mix things up. As much as everyone liked Alex, he was boring most of the time. They needed Amanda, Allison or even James back to keep things el fuego! Personally my house feels "used" for lack of a better term. This is why I as a rule don't usually vote for things like this, though I did cast 1 single vote in this one, but generally I do not. Same goes for things like American Idol, cause as with BB9, the producers will do what they need to to keep the show going and make sure its happening. They will do what they want and why not, it's their show, right? Quite frankly I find it all to be a big joke and somewhere in BB9 land out there are a lot of people happy with themselves, despite we the fans have to say/think. There's only 1 way to get through to them if you really want to and thats to stop watching...

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that this was the stupiest stunt ever to be pulled on america. I can not believe i sat for hours voting to get alex in and for nothing. Big brother means nothing to me anymore.

8:54 AM  
Blogger noangel458 said...

No one should give you hate mail. If they read the morning report for yesterday and read the comments I said this was going to happen at 1:50pm. Maybe they can't read and that is why they don't like you. Just Kidding.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though James has promised safety (and I believe IS a man of his word) I can't wait to see Matt start boot licking James after the way he treated him last week. hehehe
I think Ryan and Sheila are the smart choices to go on the block and I think that James knows how manipulative Sheila has been (FINALLY). But I think that at this point Ryan is James' main target. I think that's unfortunate because I believe Sheila is the bettr manipulator of the two now that she has figured out how to play the game---and is SERIOUSLY enjoying playing it.

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex was boring as all heck, and when he wasn't boring, he was a high school jealous ex boyfriend over a girl who was never his wanna be. who cares? Not me! I love James and I am glad he is back.

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! All the animosity towards CBS, that I don't quite understand.

I would bet that if last week Julie announced that the HGs would vote between America's choice and the latest evicted HG, you all still would have gone crazy casting your votes.

I find it shocking and interesting that the viewers became part of the twist. When you vote, your playing the game with them and I loved that the viewers got a dose of expect the unexpected. Now those so upset over "being used" are getting a glimpse of what the HGs experience every season.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well the producers should know that asking America to vote and then basicly just tossing that would make the millions of people who voted very angry.

We didnt vote for no reason and some of us are Big Brother fanatics.

They should have thought that voting for who we wanted back and then them not getting that chance would make for some pretty bad ratings for those who will not watch anymore since we feel cheated like myself.

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand Matt and Natalie. James is keeping is word to save them, being totally honest and they are going to try to win pov and take Ryan off the block. Nice way to re-pay James for saving them. I hope James hears about their idea and puts them up.

9:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok so I have a question. If lets say James puts up Ryan and Sheila. Now let say Matt wins the POV. He wants to use the POV for Ryan. Could James now out up Matt? Or is safe because he won the POV.

9:12 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Well said! There is no bad taste left in my mouth.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo JANE! Well said!

Besides, I kinda like being on the 'twist' receiving end as a viewer...it was EXCELLENT!

This is the first time I really dont have favorite and just enjoy the show for the drama..lol

Thank you Carolyn for your dedication and hard work! Your the best!!!

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved loved loved last nights twists and turns!!!!! I am a big james fan and was jumping up an down on my couch when it was announced he was back. Im glad i was able to see an ounce of good in matt too, didnt think it was in there. - val

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must admit, I was rather disappointed with yesterday's results.

However, upon reviewing Julie's quote about the vote and peoples' assesment of it, there seems to be some misunderstanding, vis-a-vis a syntax error.

..."they have the chance to shake things up by returning to the house" - in this case, 'chance' is referring to 'shaking things up' rather than 'returning to the house'.

What should have been said : "they have the chance to return to the house and shake things up".


9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! What a night! I was on the edge of my seat the whole night, up til the end of BBAD. I have the feeds, but for some G*d-forsaken reason, I can't get them to play. I get frustrated & just head on over to this blog!

Carolyn, I have to tell you honestly, I think I "refreshed" my page last night at *least* one hundred times! Your coverage of the endurance comp was amazing & so very appreciated!

Thank you for video-capping the "heartbeat" moment. I heard it, and was just choked up ... you couldn't have asked for a better moment than that!

I wish James had known that it was Alex who almost went back in. I would have given anything to have seen Matt's face when *that* little tid-bit got dropped.

While I'm angered at being played by BB, it *is* the name of the game, and if we want to play, we have to accept that twists may be thrown our way. Kudos, BB!!

On an off tangent, was anyone else hoping that Julie Chen would call out Ryan on his "I'm gonna flirt with Julie" comments? I laughed hysterically as he & Matt pondered Julie's age (Ryan originally guessed 50's), and her marital status. Yes she's married, you idiots! To the head of CBS! LOL Ryan went on & on about how she was the one woman he'd cheat on Jen with!

What a great night in the house!


9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm just wondering what IF the vote had gone 4-4 to vote in James or the Mystery HG...how do you think the tie would have been broken? My guess is that they would have had us text in our vote during a commercial break as they did last season (I don't remember the episode, was it the fast forward?)...anyway, what do y'all think would have happened in case of a tie?


9:29 AM  
Blogger ~*~melissa~*~ said...

Wow! What a show. What a comp. What a night.

I know the cast as a whole (and individually) has been criticized.
I love this cast and they are doing an awesome job entertaining me! And yes some horrible things have been said and the HGs may not have a perfect past, but they are human, as are we all. So at times I wish some were more understanding and less judgemental.

I still am in awe over James & Natalie's strength and determination. Very impressed.

I think James is a very geniune, caring person and I really like him and think he is a great guy. His hug and words to Nat after the comp, him wanting to ask the DR to give the HOH pics to Natt and not him (wonder if DR ok'd that?), he is a stand up guy. And my gut tells me he will keep the deal to not put up Matt or Nat, but on the other hand I fear it will come back to haunt him.

I have to admit I love Chelsia as well. And James and her together, very cute. After the comp, when they were embracing, hearing the heartbeat thru the mics, like Carolyn said, it was intense. I loved that moment.

I have always liked free-spirited Natalie. She rocked that comp and stayed in it, till she was sick and puking. I gotta give it to her.

While Matt was in the DR, I loved how all the HGs realized how much Natalie loves and cares for Matt and they all said he better stop treating her like crap, game or not. And I think they meant it.

And then it was very refreshing to hear Matt's thoughts after he got out of DR. I think after that comp he finally realized how much Nat really cares for him. She fought for him, and not only herself in that comp. Matt seemed very sincere, for the first time, even going as far to say that he doesn't think any of his bros of 20years would do that for him. He then reassured the HGs that he would stop treating Nat badly. I hope he does. And if he doesn't I hope they whip his butt. This was the first time I saw Matt out of his playa role. I am sure it won't take long for that to cease.

It was also nice to hear Josh and Natalie "work" things out.

I was sad when BBAD ended at 3am, I still wanted more. So now...

I'm waiting to hear if Nat got her massage last night. And wondering if Matt finally admitted to voting for the mystery box. They know him or Adam was the 3rd vote, so I want to know if Matt told the truth or deflected the blame to Adam.

I know a little long, but I had a lot on my mind this morning. Waiting for the complete overnight, which is always amazing and then I must pull away from BB and get some things done~ at least for a couple of hours. LOL.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Detox Skin Intervention said...

I thought the whole thing was great. I liked the fact that we got to choose the one person to come back but I also liked that they house made that vote back in or not. The house was really taking a risk either bringing James back or voting an unkown in.

Also, if anyone is sending hate mate over a television show you really need to find something better to do. It's a show about "expect the unexpected" and that is just what happened. CBS doesn't owe us anything and voting was free so it shouldn't matter too much.

Carolyn, once again thank you for all your hard work and I really hope no one is giving you a hard time you are a trooper for keeping all of us posted on the goings on. Do you type in word verbedum and how fast can you type girl!

p.s. can I say this again how excited I am that James is back and he is HOH, how do you like that MATTY and RYAN... LOL

9:40 AM  
Blogger EvelAlida said...

LOL ok, here I was ready to go on and on about my feelings on last night etc and then a sheer ALL ABOUT ME moment came over me when I just caught something to the right of this post Carolyn........

You put my EvelAlida's Den blog up under Cool BB Sites!! Aaaawwww!!! I have no idea when you did that, i just noticed it NOW while reading, and I was so touched, thank you mama!!!!! LOL Pathetic huh, THIS is what I comment on??? LMAO

Sorry, never had a blog to begin with, let alone one that would be actually advertised by someone, so that means something to me girl, thank you, I had no idea.......

NOT to mention what THIS joint is rated, heck, I am struttin! LOL Ok, I won't go all Matty, but I will go soft for a second and again say thank you Carolyn, that was sweet as all hell and I appreciate the shout out so people know about my blog on this site.....

Now, help this computer-challenged gal that i am and show me how to promote the same back with a link to use on my site for here......

Like ya need my help! Wow, I DID go Matty. No, really, I'm gonna be ok, no need to grease the doors down to fit my head through just yet, I promise.....


9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love for Natalie to win POV - take Ryan down and then James put Matt up as a replacement (this is all assuming he is putting Shelia and Ryan up) I seriously think that James is a man of his word and won't nominate Matt and Nat but then if they work behind his back to take one of his nominations down then he is free to put up whoever - and I wouldn't consider it a backdooring - definately not like what they did to him.

9:43 AM  
Blogger TaraC said...

Lisa -

Matt would be safe. You can't be nominated for eviction if you win POV.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expected that some people would be angry at the twist, I was just shocked. And, honestly, felt a little like WTH when they announced the twist, but as it went on, I just got excited about it. I loved the twist even though I had voted for Alex. I think it turned out better that James got back in. *LOVIN IT***

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dear Carolyn:

Well, it finally happened. You told me it would. I didn't believe you at first. I thought it was bad enough to watch a TV show three times in one week. Then I was going online to watch the snippets I missed. Darn that washing machine...I don't even use it now from 8-10. Then there was that week my Mom just had to call. Three days. Yup...you know the days. You can't hang up on Mom. So I went online again...but that fateful night I found your website. I immediately put it on my favorite list. And there it has stayed.

But Last night was it...I finally had to know...I couldn't wait even for a few more hours. Yes...it's true (sniff, sniff) I NOW HAVE LIVE FEEDS!! Dear Lord...How have I made it this far??!

My name is Bubbles. And I am a BB Addict.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Eileen said...

Can someone transcript the video of the DR leak? I'm at work and it's against policy to watch or listen to streaming video or audio.


9:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

to many posts to read, but last night James also told Matt and Nat that if either USE the POV their deal is null and void!

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was very disappointed they broung James back into the house what dumb move. I didn't wanna watch Alex either but Nat would have won HOH and that would have been great. I shead a tear for her last night even though she annoying she is so sweet and a very nice person who loves Matt. I think they should put up Sharon and Chelsia again imo. I don't want Ryan to go home and if he goes up againt Shelia she's out of there. I think nobody but Adam would vote for her.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I hear Chelsea say the phrase "in this game" one more time, I am going to pull out all of my hair!! She's so very annoying and starting to get on my nerves. It is funny that she is so obviously in to James and yet, she tries to act like this is all gae play.

10:16 AM  
Blogger ~*~melissa~*~ said...


Thanks for that info. I am so glad James let them know not to mess with the noms, or no deal!!

That way Matt can't "work" him.

Bravo James.

I just hope keepin Matty this week won't come back to bite em like it did Jess & Eric. Time will tell.

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon @ 10:01 -- I don't even think Adam would vote to keep Sheila.

I still can't figure out why Adam was so giddy to vote James back in? Anyone got a guess? I mean he was almost more excited than Chelsia! That just amazed me for some reason...


10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@10:31 I can't figure that out either or why Ryan trust Josh I don't get it but Adam gave Shelia the 10,000 and he said he wanted to "beat up the guts" in serquester. I can't really call but Shelia playing the game well but they're on to her.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, it feels like everything was a waste. They were in sequester for no reason. They didn't give the viewers a fair chance or Alex a fair chance. They should have shown alex instead of the mystery box!!!!!!! I think it was pointlesssss. It truly brought all my hopes downnnn.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sick of this CBS crap. i think this is the worst season and messing with our heads on voting someone in is really messed up (to say it nicely). i have stopped watching honestly, i just read your fantastic blog to hear the results and see what CBS has done to be stupid next and im dropping them, because they suck, and apparently don't care about what the viewers want.


12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!!! Hate mail shmate mail! Last night was great!!! I was really pulling for Alex to return but James returning to the game really should be much more exciting!!! I love your site and all of the work you put into it! Thanks for all of your dedication!!!


12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "twist" wasn't that bad, but a bigger twist would have been to let them pick from two boxes without knowing who was inside (just that it was James or evicted hg)! I just don't understand James' logic sometimes. It IS a game! It IS BB!
Anyway, I am only posting my opinion to say thank you to Carolyn. This site just rocks! It was reaffirmed when your internet went down this week and I had to go elsewhere for info.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

12:53 PM  
Blogger ale said...

"And wondering if Matt finally admitted to voting for the mystery box. They know him or Adam was the 3rd vote, so I want to know if Matt told the truth or deflected the blame to Adam."

He never admitted to being the 3rd vote, but it was really obvious when Josh was counting out all the votes, and Adam saying he voted to bring back James. So, obviously it left Matt out. I don't get why Adam voted the way he did, then later said "we shouldn't have voted him back into the house" I think HE is agent 009 in this one, that sneak. I am wondering though why they didn't reveal who the mystery houseguest was after James jumped out of the box?!

Anyway. The siren. It seems like it will continue to keep going off, and I'm sure it will at least one more time(for a double eviction, maybe?)

This season is out of control, it seems like it's being run by a bunch of fickle 12 year olds.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, forget all the hate mail. Expect the unexpected, right? That goes for us, too.

I can't believe that Matt was nice to Natalie simply because he thought it was the right thing to do, not because he needed her for something. Expect the unexpected, indeed.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Esco said...

Why bother even watching again? If they're going to keep vetoing the eviction then what fun is it? It's like watching the same thing every week. Just from James' reaction on being on the block he should have left. I'm very disappointed with Natalie voting to keep him, she has completely lost all my respect towards her with that vote. She let herself get abused so much last week by James/Josh/Chelsia and still gave him the vote? I do not feel sorry for her no matter what happens anymore.

Why would CBS ask America to vote if they're going to ultimitaly give the option up to a bunch of retards? Do they not know that people spent $3.99/txt msg to vote in some cases? They might have worded it so that they could do this, but it was all a marketing ploy because they know what we thought, they knew we thought we were voting in someone new.

It's as if though Simon, Paula and Randy veto 11 million votes and give the America Idol comp to someone they prefer. Completely stupid and complete disregard towards the viewers (AKA: their cash flow).

This season not only has boring people in it but now we have to watch the SAME boring people over and over because they keep getting saved. I can't bare to watch James act like a victim anymore, it's irritating to just sit there and watch James get all pissy and promise revenge on Ryan for "F-ing him" when he did the same thing to Ryan the week prior. Also, he claims that people gave him their word and they all went back on it so he has no respect or trusts no one now? I'm sorry, didn't James give Matt/Nat his word that he wouldn't put them up a couple weeks ago? What did he do? He put them up. He needs to step down from his high horse. Stop acting like a victim because you are one of the most abusive and untrustworthy characters on the show.

I have canceled my real.com account because of this stupidity.. I will probably still check in here and read the updates but it's not worth money to watch people get voted off then voted back in as if saying "just kidding!"

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does the dairy room leak say?!?!?!? i'm at work with no sound and i don't think i could wait til i get home tonight. omg i'm so patheticly obsessed.


1:55 PM  
Blogger Mademoiselle To You said...


Gotta disagree with your interpretation of the Chen;s words. "Chance" applies to "shake things up". "By returnig to the game" seems to indicate they will return to the game where they will have the chance to shake things up. Otherwise she would have said "HG has the chance to teturn to the game". I suppose it is somewhat ambivuous but I read it differently.

Either way, CBS is usually quite unambiguous in their language. I always pay attention to this. And for James to be brought right back in is simply ridiculous and undermines the integrity of the game. He was evicted, by himself and was out. This arbitrary handing out of second chances is ludicrous. If Jakes were to win this, there would be an asterisk in the BB history books.

I am suddenly so not into this. First you have a bad cast of people who cannot play, then you undermine the integrity of the game by bringing back evicted people twice in a row? No cast, no rules, this is just stupid.

If they decide to bring Alex back bc of public outcry, that would be strike three. This revolving door business has got to go.

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to "Pablo" - i completely agree! except, i thought Natalie voted for the mystery box... but yeah, the twist was absurd and i canceled my account too... and i don't miss it.


4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i completley agree with Meredith. the exact quote was "With your help, one of them... will get the chance to shake things up by returning to the game", implying that they had a chance to shake it up when they returned back in the game. This chance for shaking it up could have meant them winning HOH, or POV or whatever. If they were evicted out within that week, that would mean they didn't "shake things up", therefore missing out on the chance to "shake things up". it was made clear that one of the people voted by america would be "returning to the game", the chance being to "shake things up"

i think by the way things went down, what they could have said was "with your help, one of them... will have the chance to return to the game and shake things up" If they said that, the whole chain of events would have been more justified

9:57 PM  

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