Natalie & James Make a Deal
Hi Everyone :) Just got in from a lovely, albeit rainy, day on South Beach. It's official - I'm human again. :) ...So what do I walk in on, but a deal making session between James and Natalie. Color me baffled. I'm guessing I can stand on my head longer than the deal will actually last, but here it is:
5:50pm BBT
Natalie & James
James tells Natalie he did not support Chelsia's actions toward her last night, and he does not want to be associated with those kind of attacks and behaviors. James and Natalie make a one week deal to look out for each other and not go after each other. James tells her that both of their respective sides are using them for protection in the physical comps. Natalie agrees.
Natalie: OK. So do we will still pretend that we don't like each other?
James: We don't have to pretend.
Natalie: ok.
James: I'll look out for you.
Natalie: Ok... then we're working together. I have no doubt we can make it to the end. I can see myself at the end, and I can see you. We just have to get rid of all the weaklings.
Oh, Natalie... Here's hoping for your sake that James actually sticks to his word this time. You don't remember him saying he wouldn't put your Matty up, then backdooring him? It wasn't *that* long ago, was it?
She's clueless.
you're fast, cora! :) do you have the widget? or rss feed?
It will not last...and I hope it doesnt, James needs to get out and Natalie just needs to play for herself...nobody else.
yeah natalie, if she does the dumbest bb HG ever..i mean seriously...i hate you , you pour pickle juice on me..i vote you out...i vote you back guarantee me and matt safety, you back door matt...we put you win pov again...and now we are teamates...hmmmm my oh my i think the only way this woman will ever have a real man in her life is if she finds one that is just about as dumb as her.....she never learns....
Nope, I think I maybe just got lucky? I'm on your blog almost 24/7, Carolyn, refresh refresh refresh... lol!
you have a wdiget for the page?? where where? lol
I don't believe James has kept his word yet in any of the "deals" he has made..........
My what short memories these HG's have!
Carolyn!!! So glad you're back. At my parents for Easter so I'm not watching the feeds. glad you enjoyed your day :)
Yeah, but he promised the Matty thing before he knew Matty didn't vote him back in....I'd have gone back on that too.
Sounds like a deal with the devil. I hope she is just leading him on. Giving him a taste of his own medicine. Then send him off. I wouldn't put it past her. Go Natalie.
earlier, everyone was in the pool and Chelsia was talking about being mean to Nat. At that time, James said that he felt bad for her. He said that she had had a bad week. Chelsia asked him if he had a deal with her. He said no. Of course, at the time, he did not.
Kelley :)
How dare you take time off... especially since this is not a money making venture? ;-)
Tip, tip, tip, tip... raining where you are? Lovely day in SoCal.
jspartan - the widget is right below the polls on the right sidebar. :) if you click on the bottom of it, where it says "get widget" you can add it whereever you want. :)
cora - wow. thanks :)
kelley - thanks! i'm in need of serious updating. :)
Welcome back glad you had a nice time out, and reading thru the posts you can now carry on with your completly biased, prejudiced and oh so untimely updates ;)
Me I look forward to every single one of em
Tella - I'll be in SoCal as soon as the season's over... visit dad (MdR), sisters(PV), new baby niece(PV), bro (Hwd Hills)... friends(all over LA), more family(Valley)... can't wait!
hmmm cant find any widget link
JSpa - It's immediately below the quickie polls... Sometimes it takes a little longer to load than other things... Just hang out right below the quickie polls for a sec.
Charlie :) Thanks! I forget - are you in Ft Laud or the Gables?
im a broward coward, rained all day up here too
Anon @ 6:26 - Are you using "anonymous" because you are really Nastalie? She calls everyone the devil or evil, too.
She always seems to forget the whole problem with James, Chelsia, Sharon and Josh is because she was the first one to betray them and not keep a deal.
When she was "acting" that she was so upset with the way Mattie treated her, Josh and the others came to her defense (yes, Josh came up with the idea but everybody was going to participate, even SheCrow -- who was the one who went to Ryan and told him he "couldn't backdoor Matty" after she had shaken hands with Ryan in front of all the others) and were going to go to Ryan and offer him protection if he would put Mattie up.
Good ol' Christian, word-keeping Nastalie couldn't wait to run to Sheila and Ryan and tell them what was up. I don't feel one bit sorry for Nastalie.
If she expected James to keep his word (after she screwed him and the others), she is truly as stupid as she comes across.
James really makes me made that he's treating Chelsea the way he is. She supported him when he acted like an A hole last week while he was on the block. Even when he threw the pickle juice on Natalie--Chelsea didn't turn on him. But last night, as soon as Natalie ran off to the HOH room, James went up and told her (and Adam) that he didn't want to be held accountable along with Chelsea for HER actions. Then he came down and told Chelsea that her actions were going to come back to bite him after she was gone. hmmm he didn't seem to care how much HIS actions last week would come back to bite HER though, now did he????
oops...james makes me MAD--not made LOL
Glad you had a nice, relaxing...albeit rainy day.
You deserved it!
Hey Carolyn :)
Did you all hear that Chels won 21K before the movie started? Must have been a promotional give away to go along with the movie.
Grats Chels!!!
Angie @ 6:43 - I was thinking exactly the same thing, the very second he started in on her -- "who are you to ask her to stop anything when she didn't do it to you for throwing pickle juice, and you asked her not to join you in the HoH room because you wanted the HGs to not think of you two as a pair. What's good for the gander is good for the goose." Up to that point I was really beginning to appreciate the way James was playing, but his request of Chelsia was totally out-of-order and unwarranted. Hope she later told him where he could put her "reflection on him."
I would love to see the video clip of Nat asking if they need to pretend to not like each other and him saying we don't need to pretend her saying ok. PRICELESS
You know she does not get the fact that he is saying we still do not like each other. LMAO!!!!!!
Angie - Exellent point.
I don't like James or his skinny jeans.
Carolyn, babe. I'm glad you are refreshed so that you can come out and play with us. :)
P.S. my girls are watching the "Ten Commitments"...that's what the oldest one called it. LOL
I didn't even know the it was coming on tonight. They CHOSE to watch it...and I'm no Bible thumper so no influence from me and sinning self. Go figure!!!
its a bunch of sh*t
he doesnt even believe her.
I would doubt that Natalie believed James, but when she didn't vomit the conversation back to Adam...who knows. Here's my hope for poor, pitiful Natalie (haha). I want BB to do a similar reveal for natalie during the finale much like that did for Erika on BB All Stars. I want them to show the 4 bj's, comments from Matt bragging to his boys AND his DR comments about Natalie (and his makeout sessions with Sharon & Chelsia). She's been so holier than thou for too long and needs the humiliating wake up call to MAYBE finally get that there is no Matt & Natalie! I wish Julie would call her out on her hypocrisy this week! Should be another interesting HOH comp. Can't wait!
Natalie broke her word to James more times in one week than James has broken his word in the whole game. Matt was playing a slimy game from the beginning. He was talking about back dooring people the first week in the house. He played every side and was willing to throw anyone under the bus. He just wasn't smart enough to pull it off.
James was absolutely correct about their respective alliances using them. If he and Natalie could pull this off it would be the smartest move in the game. The sides are even now with Sheila in the middle.
If Natalie wins HOH she can put Josh and Sharon up with Sheila as a pawn in case one of them wins POV. Then James doesn't look like he betrayed his friends, he is just being put in a position where he has to choose. If James wins, he puts up Ryan and Adam with Sheila as a pawn. James, Natalie and Sheila as final three. Barring an act of God James and Natalie should be able to take out Sheila. They would even be going into the jury with equal footing. Ryan, Sheila and Matt would probably vote for Natalie. Josh, Sharon and Chelsia would vote for James. Adam would be the unpredictable swing vote. It could be an awesome plan and if they can win the competitions to pull it off it could be great tv.
How many time has James promised and never delivered on his word.
I hope Natalie is not believing James. Now if James is sincere, it is a great move for him to want to team up with the other strongest player in the game. Natalie needs to play for herself.
Cool... You know what, I live in Mar Vista right next to the Marina... and if you are not too busy and feel like it... I'd love to take you out for lunch... and not in a chatty Natty stalkerish kind of way... but as a Thanks for all the time and energy you share with us addicts.;-)
I'm off to Sweden (postponed from the fall) Apr 24th for two weeks... is that when you will be here? It's a good thing I don't really care who wins BB9... because I think the finale is the previously stated 27th.
Tella - I would LOVE to! I think I'm gonna head out late may/early june... and I'll be there a couple weeks.
Cool... we'll make it a date as it gets closer. ;-) I know how to reach you.
I wonder what we can have to talk about though... BB to infinity and prepare for the next one to hatch.
Natalie is so stupid if she thinks that James is going to keep his word. That dude would throw his own Mother under the bus given the chance. Remember what Matty said about trusting a kid with red hair!
James made a comment the other night... "We are all gunning for each other", and that is true. Why can't they realize that? It is a one winner game, grant it there is a 50k winner, everyone hopes that they will win the big prize. And why would you expect to be able to trust anyone in this game? I mean please this is the ninth season, why are these people so surprised, the only thing that has surprised me is the stuff about people coming back that just got kicked out. That's my big thing, why are you so surprised, have you ever seen the show? It is all repeating itself.
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