Evel Dick is In the BB9 House!
6:31am BBT
I hear Dick!! Haven't seen him yet, but he's definitely there! We can hear him on the live feeds talking to people behind the walls.The HGs are still asleep.
6:40am BBT - No more noise from behind the walls, but he's definitely there.
6:44am BBT - Never before have I watched sleeping HGs with such anticipation.
6:54am BBT - A little more of Dick talking from behind the walls, but no visual just yet.
7:00am BBT - The camera on Feed 3 pulls in for a tight shot of the window above Ryan's bed, there's a light shining and moving around the room from there, then pans over to a medium shot of Natalie, then back out to a wide shot of the frilly room.
7:05am BBT - The camera on feed 4 has pulled in for a slightly closer shot on Sheila.
7:10am BBT - Flames, briefly, then Trivia.
7:10:01am BBT - Carolyn curses up a blue streak... then regains composure in hopes of a visual before the comp starts.
7:19am BBT - Sigh... Here's a link if you'd like a Dick Fix: xx2000xx captured the chats from last night... Dick was there in the Amanda Chat, with his webcam on. It's not what we were hoping for, by a long shot, but it's something!
7:43am BBT - Alas... Methinks we have a Veto Comp afoot.
DENIED->Here's what we're hoping comes next: Good Morning, Houseguests! It's time for the Veto Competition! And a special wake up call from Evel Dick! Cigars! Cigarettes! Cocktails? ;)
I don't hear him! Is something wrong with my feeds.... Oh dear!!
no, nothing wrong.. i don't hear him right this minute either...
omg, I'm excited..
I hope it's that he sneaks in through the DR, goes up to sleeping Josh, starts hitting the pan, scaring the crap out of everyone, and saying, "Hey Gay Evel Dick, it's time for the POV COMPETITION!"
LOL im so excited
So awesome
I loved the "Dick at Nite" show. Too bad that my feeds have been messed up for a while, everytime I try to watch, it says it cannot contact the server or something.
Ok so I called it. 7-8 am. That sounds about right.
Yeah! I wish I could log on to my feeds at work! LOL.. I love the "I hear Dick!" I can't imagine if someone heard me say it out loud!
anon@6:39am - Try launching from the left sidebar on the blog. That works very well for most people. :)
Carolyn, you are just too funny for words!!! Love what you bring to this site!!!! Awesome job helping us stay sane. lol
Ha! I love this! I really wish he would move into the BB house and start playing the game....so FUNNY!!!!
anon@6:46am Thank you! :)
Figures I was watching yesterdays House Calls. I believe Carolyn, she is always on the money. I am sorry I missed hearing him. I guess if I have to move to another room my laptop is coming with me. I am so not missing Evel Dick!
Great work as usual GF!
Do you about what time you could hear Evel Dick so I can rewind my feeds and try to listen?
Evel Dick is talking from behind the walls. OMG, That is just too funny for words. It's as if the BB house is now become a haunted house.
I wonder when BB will spring ED on the houseguests. This ought to be very interesting.
~T R
please no flames please BB gods no flames
E.D. is back in the house. AWESOME!!!! This is going to be great, cannot wait to see the houseguests looks on their faces
this is not fair...flames...why do we pay if they won't let us see the good stuff
gosh dang triva!
OH NO Flames!!!!!!!!!!!
that is so WRONG!!!!!!! =(
talk about coitus interruptus.
Boooo fLAMEs!
Good Morning Carolyn!
The pan banging wake up would be hilarious :)
Nooooo!! I spent the last hour or so watching them sleep for NOTHING!! I need my Dick fix!! LOL
One would think that CBS would cater JUST a little bit to the PAYING viewers of the feeds!!
Sooooo disappointed!! I just signed up for the feeds when I heard Dick was back! What a let down!
Im sorry for everyone who wanted to see ED this morning but i must say you'lls reactions are priceless.
Its curious that CBS thinks that if they show this on the feeds you wont watch the show, I suspect the opposite is more likely, in that the buzz created would create more viewers, but consultants need to do somehting for their money.
such a bummer...
no need for them to block the wake up. sheesh.
i still have hope we'll get a glimpse...
posting some links from the chat with amanda and dick last night.
i dont see why they cant show the wake up.. like we still aint all gonna watch it on cbs anyway..
SOB I am so pissed. CBS should of let us feed watchers see Dick waking the hgs up.
Well I guess its a good thing I didn't call in sick so I could stay home and watch the feeds. Sorry Carolyn......BTW Dick said during housecalls it was going to be a 5 hour POV comp. So you could probably go take a nap.
i think it is time for us to complain to CBS. if they want to continue having fans like us they need to stop this...flames...give me a break...what do we pay for..they keep the feeds up for the sex talk and sex acts..some of us are interested in the game...show us the game...please....
Doesnt BB usually make the HG get up at 8am? If so, they might be waiting until then and have Dick do the wake up...
for 50 cents a day... i wont be writing to complain... it's still the best bang for your buck, no matter the flames during comps.
bummed for no dick though.
good morning carolyn, sending you smiles and a happy saturday to you..thank you for everything..we love you for all your hard work! PS loved the amanda interview! xo Bree in co
diamond veto???
Amanda, Dick, Parker, Jacob, and Jen all made an appearance at the chat. Was pretty good. Dick was HILARIOUS! And had some very strong opinions on the current HG's....especially Shiela and Josh.
oops happy friday! sorry havent had my starbucks yet..im not alive until coffee fix! of course during BB show its always in this order 1. wake up run to computer go to carolyns website! hehe! 2. then coffee... LOVE YA bree in co
oopsie! re:sharon
thanks for catching that.
morning, bree :)
morning, biskit :)
Aghhhh! come on show us some Dick!
I would also like to know what the diamond veto is?
The diamond veto happened in season 3 I think and whoever won the veto could use it on someone and then replace them even if they werent HoH. They never said anything about that happening in this veto comp Dick said on housecalls yesterday that Danielle wants them to bring it back thats all.
Mornin' Kitten
I was hearing something about a Diamond veto too. Any words of wisdom, Carolyn?
BTW - people were INCENSED on the live feeds this morning.
The diamond veto: the houseguest winning the pov does not turn it back to the hoh, the winner gets to name who will be put up in the place of the one on the block that is removed.
5 hour competition? We have to wait that long? Noooooooooooooo!
Diamond veto would be sooo awesome, especially if James won veto! Cuz I'm pretty sure he would put Sheila up...We can dream, I guess.
At any rate I'm hoping James wins veto and takes himself down. I won't miss Chelsia quite as much as I'll miss James -- that kid with the pink hair has grown on my. Well, I don't like HIM so much, but I have come to enjoy how he plays the game and not ready for him to leave just yet.
Yea, I'm glad I didn't have my feeds on so I didn't have to hear Dick's voice...blech.
I am excited about hearing the outcome of the POV. I'm hoping for a James win.
Carolyn, you do a really good job with this site. I always check it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Thanks for all you do....even though I obviously don't agree with your choice of HG's - lol!
Interesting little quote from very late last night before I turned off the Sheila & Gnat show.
Adam came into where they were and they were telling him to use they would use the veto to pull Chelsia down and he should too. The ultimate goal would be to put Josh up in her place. Sheila is on another tear about Josh and 'knows' he will start on her again before the week is out.
Adam: You want someone gone, you win HoH and put up who you want.
Finally, Baller has grown some, and stood up to Sheila. Surprisingly she and Gnat didn't go off on him. I don't think they caught his point because, as we know, they are really HoH this week, so what he says, they don't really hear.
Anxious? Try this stress releaver:
1) Place scarf over shoulders
2) wrap fabric over right index finger
3)secure with right middle finger
4)push fabric over right index and middle fingers with ring finger
5)use left hand to pinch fabric at base of right hand
6)twist fabric in right hand into a rosette
7) slide right index and middle fingers in and out of rosette folds
8)straighten scarf with both hands and repeat process.
Lila ~*~
I'm hoping Dick wakes them up by banging pots and pans over their heads. Hope he starts with Josh.
I don't understand how every year someone like Shiela and Natalie just slide through without everyone in the house seeing that they are the real threats. I can't stand either ones voices, it just sends chills through me... Please for the love of god, get rid of those two... I can't imagine how boring this game will be without James, all we will have is Nat and her hypocrite bible reading, and Shiela and her boring whining and I personally am sick of the single mom card. Does anyone else feel the same?
My sentiments exactlty. No fan of anybody really... I just know who I don't like to win.
And since James is a worthy player of this Game and also the one most are gunning for... I hope he uses the Veto on himself.
Imagine how jealous Nat will be when another pretty girl is in the sequester house with "her Matty".
Anxious? Try this stress releaver:
LMAOOOOOO now that to funny... reminds me of Sharon with her rag miffin rag
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