Overnight Lite
The Diary Room called Natalie in a couple times over the course of last night, and every time they called her in, all the HGs thought, "This is it! Time for Veto." They'd all get mentally prepared and dressed and made up and do their hair and... needless to say, every time, they were wrong...
Chelsia, James and Sharon are sleeping in their clothes, just in case. The rest of the HGs participating in the PoV are in their underwear.
In between false alarms, and general testiness surrounding them, it was true confessions night. For most, that meant sexual confessions to each other. For Natalie, she fessed up to God:
- 9:47pm BBT
Natalie: God, Please forgive me for lying about being a Seahawks Cheerleader. I'm having so much fun with it.
God: That's ok, Natalie. But lay off on the vengeance and the homophobic crap.
James, always a late night wanderer, got up 10 minutes after Sheila and Nat went to bed. He roamed a bit, studied the house, brushed and flossed with great vigor, bit his nails some, and was back in bed by around 2:30am.
As of 6:15am BBT, All of the HGs are sound asleep, and we sit vigilantly by, watching the live feeds in hopes of a glimpse of Evel Dick entering the house and waking them all up for the Veto Comp... or better, one last Dick at Night show.
If his call time was indeed 5am BBT (just about now).. I'd imagine they'd do a run through (if they haven't already), and the madness would begin at 6am??
The part of God talking to Nat is hilarious… I am sitting here at work and I could not stop laughing.
alex - if the call time was indeed 5am, i'd guess an hour for hair and makeup, and maybe 20 minutes for wardrobe... then, if they're ready...
i'll be here till it happens.
anon@5:09am - :) thanks.
Well Dick should be there now. Please get a clip if they show it for those of us here at work.
poised and ready, cambik :)
This has the potential to be very very funny- I'm psyched! I just hope we don't get flames, then we'd have to wait until Tuesday :/
alex - i have high hopes... can't see why they'd cut away for the wake up part.
I cant work..I have to see this. UGGG. Thanks for keeping us at work in the loop Carolyn!!!
Good morning Carolyn, hehehheee I can't wait to see Dick
Carolyn I am waiting with you for Evel Dick to appear.
I just ready somewhere that ED won't wake them up until Sat. morning....Carolyn is this correct??
Good Morning Big Brother Lovers!! Im soo ready for Dick to wake them up. I hope he scares the crap out of them and someone pee's themself..hahahaha
"God: That's ok, Natalie. But lay off on the vengeance and the homophobic crap."
Too funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning as I am at work and all the rest of my friends have today off. Where is Dick?
anon@5:46am - I don't believe so.
DebInNY - Morning hon :)
Dawnie :) Good morning!
Corey - I wish I knew! I'd guess he's finishing up with hair/makeup and getting into wardrobe.
Jeannie :) ReporterX is at the ready for us. :)
what the heck
i just watched a video of dick in amandas chat talking about the Pov and he didnt say anything about waking them up all he said is that its going to be just like last year with the crouqets in a rock in roll theme and there playing against him in a way.
he better wake them up i didnt get up this early for nothing.
When Dick was on Housecalls Alex called and told him where Josh slept cause Dick wants to do to him what he did to Dustin last year lol. Also Alex wants to take Danielle to his brothers engagement party.
If I had to guess I would say it is going to be about 7 AM - 8 AM BBT for this to happen. But who knows.
Coffee anyone?
Deb - yes, please. always. :)
You got it GF!
C'mon Dick!
LOL the waiting is killing me and I have to leave in an hour, yoooo hooo come out come out wherever you are. Wouldn't that be funny if Dick was under someone's bed??
Well guess I am glad so far that I didn't get up early for this even though I had to for work, unfortunately. :( Oh well on the plus side I do have my coffee.
i woke up at 4:30am eastern... of my own volition... been waiting ever since.
Well I am Central and I got up at 5:30am so we pretty much got up at the same time.
I also heard from a couple of places that Dick won't be coming in until Saturday morning!
Luckily I can access the feeds here at work. Unfortunately, I don't want to get up from my desk because I know that it will be at that exact moment Dick appears! Grrrr...
I'm hoping we get a little "Cigars, cigarettes... COCKTAILS!" "And that's that!"
Good Morning to all!
Since Adam's awake and just tossing ...do you think he might have been told to be ready at a certain time and knows whats coming?
God saying anything is Completely tasteless. Thanks for ruining my morning. Disgusting. Plus what are you Heterophobic? What is the point of your Misogynistic disclaimer? I've noticed the rampant woman haters on your board. I guess it all makes sense now. Equal time for both sides. Enough of this already.
anon@6:09 - i would be very surprised if the saturday predictions are correct. veto comps this season happen on fridays.
Lauren - Good morning :)
i can't wait...i love evel dick...come out come out wherever you are....
Helena - I of course am just speculating but on Wed. night Julie said that ED would be returning and giving the HGs a wake-up call like never before. I took that to mean pots & pans.
This should be great! Can't wait to see it when it happens either! I have been "out of the loop" since Wednesday.. and totally forgot that it was POV comp Day!
anon@6:12am - re rampant woman haters.. not here. they don't get published... no matter which one they're calling names.
as for the God comment, we agree to disagree.
heterophobic? lol. no, quite the contrary.
Good Morning all! First Season for me and probably first time Dick doesnt get a rise out of me ;)
Hope the family stuff works out OK Carolyn.
Now on to my Good Friday thoughts for the day:
1. Folks there are NO forces of good or Evil in the house, its a bunch of Kids, save Sheila, trying to win a game. Each of them displays varying degrees of maturity and immaturity, confusing this with good or evil is ludicrous.
2. Thinking like Natalie that God gives 2 sh.... who wins this game is fantasy. She doesnt have a dog in this race.
Comes down from the pulpit for another cup of joe.
Morning, Charlie :) Thanks. I'm dying for a cafecito, but I can't leave!
i thought dick said on housecalls that his call was 5am on Saturday. did i mis-hear?
he may have... since he's accustomed to PoVs being on saturday, but this season they're on friday.
I have heard from several different places that Dick is coming on Saturday, not today.
namegoeshere - we'll see...
I'm sittin here at the edge of my seat here at work,Come on ED wake them up.......I sure hope that Shelia doesnt wake up early as she does everyday, but then again she was late this morning.....Come on ED, all this coffee is making me want to jump up and down.......
was someone just talking/singing in their sleep or did i just want to hear something so bad that i was imagining it...this is killing me....wake up houseguests
Refresh the blog... Dick is talking to people behind the walls.
If ED does come in on Saturday morning then what was the sence of the LD and picking the names for the POV...talk about mind games lol..haaaaaaaa now i will have to wake up early on my day off..grrr
Carolyn - I bet thats the first time you have been called "Heterophobic". Thanks for responding to that comment, that MADE my morning. Us GAYS Love ya!
Dick said on House Calls yesterday "SO SAD". I wonder who he will say that to this morning?
This waiting is killing me lol.
More coffee Carolyn?
what is going onnnnnnnnnnnn I wanna know
Why does is say that sharon is the HOH???
anon@7:31 - cuz i goofed in proofing... thanks for catching that..
ray - MWAH! lol, that was definitely a first, but also far from the worst i've been called this morning. my comment to another anon wishing it a happy holy week was a very turn the other cheek statement.
Oh Carolyn,
How I wish I was into chicks (and you were into chiks - I mean I don't know if you are into chicks, but you would have to be for my plan to work). Your direct line to god is just so damn hot!
Jane - lol.. thanks... backatcha...
Hmmmm, as much as I am hoping that Dick will exact some truthful, but biting comments to houseguests letting him know exactly how he feels, do you think production is really going to let him do that? The HGs (at least some of them, Sheila comes IMMEDIATELY to mind) will be whining that they lost the pov comp because Dick rattled them and there will be cries for lawsuits and accusations of game rigging....blah, blah, blah....still hoping for some great zingers from Dick, though. I hope Sheila gets the opportunity to find out if she really can hold her own against Dick. I'm guessing NOT! and I wanna see it happen! ;P
But all we are gonna get is an edited version of events -- maybe 5 minutes of 5 hours? Bummer!
Thanks, Carolyn, for being here just in case they let us see something this morning. You are so appreciated.
It seems like the DR has given the HG's a big heads up about what's going on, which will take away from the drama, in my opinion.
Natalie is turning into Amber more every day. Didn't she watch last year? Everybody made fun of Amber's out loud praying, and here she is doing it and sounding just as stupid.
It's always amazing to me how the HG's think they're going to be so well loved and famous when they are in the house, only to have a big "reality" check when they get out of the house.
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