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Friday, March 21, 2008

Veto Comp Spoiler


Oodles of Videos Added!

James won the Power of Veto!

Storage Room
James & Chelsia
11:35am BBT

Chelsia just told him Good Job. James told her he loves her. Here's the clip:

Sheila's Freaking out in the Dining Room

They're talking about the comp, and it did involve drinking gross stuff again...
10 minutes back, and Sheila is rehashing how cool it was to see Dick.

Post PoV
Part 1

Post PoV
Part 2

Chelsia: Do you think Dick gets the live feeds?
James: No.
Adam: No.
Carolyn: Yes, he does! Silly.

The HGs have started talking about the wake up from Evel Dick. It was as we were expecting.

12:00pm BBT
Sheila, Ryan, Adam, Natalie
: Dick told me I was the oldest woman to make it this far.
She goes back to talking about hanging out with him at the Rainbow Room.

Red Room
James and Chelsia are snuggling. Chelsia's excited that Dick was wearing a Harley belt, and so was she. Josh is moping in bed. Sharon is sitting dutifully next to Josh, watching him.

Sharon comes out to the kitchen.
Sharon: Hey Baller. Can I get 15 minutes with you?
Adam: Talk to me, babe.
They go up to HoH.
Sharon: I know this is a tough week for you... just talk to me. I don't want you to feel like I have any kind of vendetta... I know this is hard enough for you... I want you to know I would be ok with you putting me up as a pawn, as long as you can help me stay. I've got your back in this game.. I just want to make sure you've got me.

Apparently Jacob and Adam got on well, and Sharon's basing her conversation on Jacob's recommendation of Adam. Also, if it works, it saves Josh.

Adam: Just tell Josh not to be an a-hole... otherwise I'm gonna have Sheila and Nat in my ear all week.
Sharon: I am and I will. All I need you to do is make sure I stay, and we can get Chelsia out of here. James knows he can't win with her in here.
Adam: She's strong.
Sharon: She's strong and she's smart. As long as we're good with this... I can handle more stress than Josh can... and I have to sleep with him! My makeup is different than his. If we do it this way, it'll cause the house less drama...
Adam: Absolutely. I'll talk to everybody, and if I can make sure you're safe, we'll do it this way.

Storage Room
Ryan and Josh
Ryan's telling Josh he's safe...

12:25pm BBT
Dining Table
Adam, Ryan, Sheila, Nat
Sheila starts pushing for Joshuah as a renom. Adam tells her to pipe down, and if she wants to control an HoH, she should win one.

12:33pm BBT
Sheila has managed to piss off the entire house, including Adam, to the point where she is becoming the likely ReNom. Sheila comes to Adam in the Red Room, and asks to talk to him privately in front of everyone. He declines.. Eventually, she talks him into it.

They go up to HoH. She apologizes. A lot. She tells Adam how she has his back, they have to count on each other, etc... She tells him he has to protect her... etc...

Meanwhile, everyone in the Red Room continues talking about Sheila and how she's trying to run Adam's HoH. Then they quickly move on to talking about the Veto Comp and Dick...

Trivia began on the feeds at 7:10am BBT. The Veto Spoiler will be posted here as soon as the winner is known for certain.

The time is now 11:30am BBT.
We are now 4:20 into blasted trivia,
and I'm beyond cranky w/o my cuban coffee.
Dick said on Housecalls he expected
the comp to last 4-5 hours.

Let's hope it's closer to 4 than 5!

Dick was heard, but not seen, from within the walls of the house before the trivia came on

Last year's Croquet Veto Comp was a 2 parter, if you recall. The first part was done one HG at a time, in private - the HGs had to drink all manner of nasty stuff to determine how many shots they would be allowed to take. The second part brought everyone back together for the actual croquet... It was a long one then too, and Dick won it on the very last shot.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dick said it would take 4-5 hours, so it'll prob be a while.

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, James, you can do it!

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh good a surprise comp! uhhh too early in the am thou...hehe..i wouldnt wake up if the siren was next to my ear! hehe..i sleep hard! xo Bree Im glad to know Dick is hosting i bet it will be fun!

8:14 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...


Now I have nothing to do at work. lol

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Ray. I guess that means I'm going to have to clean and go to the dreaded grocery store UGH!!

8:40 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

I can't wait to see it all go down. This is gonna be great if they don't over edit.

Thanks Carolyn for reminding me about the "Cigars? Cigarettes? Cocktails?"!!!

Oh if only we could have access to full on live feeds 24/7. That would completely satisfy my voyeuristic side. Plus I want to see the unedited version of what's going down with true "Evel" in the house.

Love ya ladies!!!


8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope anyone but james & chelsia get it! :)

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sooooo want to see the outcome before I leave for the beach today LOL
No wireless there, so I'm kinda hoping it's over before I leave :p


8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:46 AM  
Blogger kaitm said...

I am new to the BB9 Dish site, which I LOVE!!! Can someone please explain to me what "trivia" is? I have been wondering ever since I started looking at this page. I would really appreciate it! P.S. Kudos to Carolyn! Wonderful site!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I hate waiting... Today is a day for me to sit and wait.

1. Wishing that they let us out early from work because there is practically no one here and

2. wishing that the feeds come back soon so that Carolyn can post the updates as soon as possible and I can read it here at work and on my train ride home.

8:55 AM  
Blogger cindytexas said...

I bet they had him run through the house banging pots and pans. That's the impression I got from the way Julie described a very special wakeup call from Dick. This should be funny, even though I can't stand Dick.

I'm rooting for James to win it. I think Natalie might be able to convince Ryan to put Josh up and get him out.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the meantime...I hope Dick brings Sheila down a notch or two. If she thinks Josh is mean...what will she think of Dick???

9:07 AM  
Blogger k said...

1. James or chelsia HAVE to get it.
2. Dicks wake up call was so infamus last year, still one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) moment of BB8. I really love him, he was a funny character and wasnt afaid to tell it like it is.

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i saw the heading and thought oh oh oh, the spoilers up!!!! who won???
dang it woman dont tease me like that, lol

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Glad you are here. This is my first year here as well. As for"trivia" that is what is seen on the live feeds when something is going on that we can't watch i.e. food comp, lux comp, veto, comp, nominations, veto ceremony, etc. Although Carolyn and the others can tell who won, who is on slop, etc by the conversations afterwards in the house, we can see the actaul events (such as Dick's Wake Up call) until the sow airs on TV. I gues it is there way to ensure that the feed viewers still watch the show. Hope this helps.

Kim in OK

9:16 AM  
Blogger Boomer said...

i4git -- I think sheila will just say something like "if he didn't like me he wouldn't have said anything to me" LOL Like she did when the kids pulled that prank on her the other night. They didn't do that because they liked her -- they did it to annoy her! LOL

Yeah, I'm afraid we'll have to hear Sheila go on and on for days about how much Dick really LIKES her and wants to date her...and how SHE put HIM in his place...blah, blah, blah!

Grrrr! Wish they'd show the whole thing. Maybe they'll put out a special edition BB dvd -- "Dick's Visit to the BB 9 House" I'd buy it! ;P

9:18 AM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

Hello Carolyn, I hope you have a festive Easter weekend.

9:18 AM  
Blogger tis said...

oh the suspense... I'm not sure if I'd rather see James/Chelsia win the comp or the maniacal sexual deviance that may follow their POV defeat.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Moni said...

Hey Ray-Spider Solitaire makes the day go by faster while your waiting for the dish updates. :-)

Or this game:


Now let me get back to "work"

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not want James or Chelsa to get POV.....its time for James to go, and for real this time......

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn, I was as anxious as the rest to hear some "Dick at Nite" show, and kept the feeds going while I slept until they timed out. I need to try the BBDish link so I don't time out. Thanks for bringing that up. And thanks again for all you do. I can't say it enough but I try to get it in somewhere at least once a day.

Also Carolyn, I missed whereever you told about some illness in your family (if I am understanding that right.) My thoughts are with you and yours for things to get back to normal for you quickly. We would all be lost if we didn't have you to keep us up to speed on the good stuff.


9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes I agree it's time for James to get out....then Josh

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope! Sheila Needs to Go! Keep my Jamesy Boy!!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Lissy said...

I do not want James and Chelsia to win this.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope James or Chelsia wins....


Jesus is NOT on their side!

9:50 AM  
Blogger Dina said...

Go James Go!. hmm I wonder what Natalie would think if James won the POV. Since he doesnt believe in God or the devil for that matter. Would she believe that God was on his side or just maybe that he wasnt on hers.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want Nat to win POV or Shelia it would be nice for James to leave then Josh. If not Josh Chelsia would be fine with me as well, but someone should tell Nat to stop talking so much.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good afternoon all!!!!!
Here's my perfect scenario: Josh wins POV and takes James down so now both of them are safe. They'd prob put Sharon up, I'd be ok with her going b/c she really doesn't do anything. I just dont want j/j/c to leave b/c the house would be terribly boring. All the talk would be Matty, God, and my 16 yr old kid didn't sign up for this, lol.

9:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait in anticipation any longer! i am so bored...i want to know!!

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see either James or Josh win it. Then they can go to Adam and say "look James is staying, you can put up Nat or Sheila and work with us. If Sharon goes up then we'll see if Ryan wants to play." Adam was a little freaked yesterday after noms, worried that James would survive and then be gunning for him. This would be a golden chance for Adam.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thanks for all the updates and your incredible work. I have become ADDICTED to your website and I check it at least 8-10 times a day! You rock!

I'm hoping James will win that POV! GO James and Chelsia!


10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone have any guesses on what this competition is (that it would take 5 hours!)
just to pass the time...

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank-you so much for all your hard work!!!!

10:16 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

Thanks Monica, But I said screw work and left. Now home for the day just waiting..and waiting..and waiting.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They just showed james laying in his bed on house calls "live"

10:18 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

damn thats long i wonder what it is!

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if this was a diamond veto and one of J/J/C/S won and put up Shiela/Nat and we end up saying bye-bye to Shiela? That would make my day :)

10:26 AM  
Blogger RayRayFad said...

I want James or Chelsia to win, but not if that means Josh going up. But, the drama would be fun. Oh, Im so torn.

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Day, Carolyn

How intersting is this? by the way I agree with you cara. I wouldn't stand Nat and Sheila convos for 40 days, lol.


10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The suspense is driving me nuts!!! I wish we could see this comp! I'm with Ray... I have nothing to do at work now... lol!

10:29 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

From what Dick said, the Veto comp is Croquet... with a rock n roll twist...

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO! GO! GO! James !! I can't stand the haters who don't like being lied to when they had no problems doin it all last week! and Ohhhh how I wish Evil Dick was back in the house to rain havok ohh how I miss the dick at night show!!
If this comp isn't over before I close the office at work I may just have to stay over for the update I do not have showtime or a computer at home ..Talk about goin through withdrawl!!

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am seriously addicted to your website, I spend most of my time on here, Keep up the good work!


p.s. Keep Chelsia!!

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see James and Josh be on the block. I think they have been very cocky and one of the two really need to go.

10:31 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Thanks for all the love!! :)

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*drags self outa bed* I miss anything? Nope? ok... Carolyn - where's the coffee?! (grin)

(PS: check your myspace messages!)

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Baller. I don't want to see that gross antics for James anymore. He is so discusting. Bet Chelsias parents are screaming at the set for him to leave.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock n Roll croquet hmmmm...
i need/must go find something to do while i wait!

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just got done watching house calls and it showed dick in the back yard walking back and forth but i didnt see anybody else.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for keeping me sane at work! I was watching the feeds this morning, but could not hear Dick when he came in. I think I need new speakers!

You rock!

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So BB is having an open casting call in Tampa this April. Hmmm should I waste my day and try out for the hell of it? I think I might be too "nice" for BB. I'd prob be a Sharon and just fly under the radar. But then again if anyone like Nat or Sheila was cast I'd prob go nutso and jab a knife in my ears, lol

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we're having to wait forever for this POV comp, I figured I'd leave my first comment! I've been a BB fan for years, but this is my first time "cheating" and reading up on what's going on in the house before it airs on tv...Which let me say, I will DEFINITELY continue to do--as long as Carolyn maintains her site! :D You are awesome!!

All right, I'm a christian, but Nat totally gets on my nerves. No one is perfect, but she does not need to be in the bedroom giving Matt a bj and whatnot, then come out quoting scriptures to people and throwing God in their faces...Just a lil hypocritical in my opinion. You know you're going to be on live tv, practically 24/7, so you know you can't hide things like that. I just wish she'd have more respect for herself and her family.

And now her and Shelia together...It just makes me feel bad for those of you who do have the live feeds!! I can barely stand to watch all of their youtube clips that are posted on here! I will say, it is quite humorous to see Shelia's pity and self-proclaimed but not earned cockiness rubbing off on Nat. hahaha. Somehow, THEY seem to be HOH this week...C'mon Adam, get it together!

I was never a big fan of ED, but I am actually becoming anxious [especially after all these hours!] to hear about how much he rattled the HGs and their responses. [you know Shelia's going to be talking about it for a few days!] I don't remember the "Dick at Nite" thing from last year...Maybe b/c I only watched the show?? Can anyone give me some info on it??

But yeah, I'm kinda hoping James wins POV--be the Comeback Kid again. hahaha, ruin their big plans for another week!! Thanks again Carolyn for all your hard work!!


10:47 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Hey Bridge :)

Thanks so much! Welcome to the insanity.

The Dick at Nite show was a riot... just about every night, after all the other HGs had gone to bed, Dick would talk to the live feed audience... share his thoughts on everything that was going on... sometimes very funny, sometimes very touching.. always entertaining. :)

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a dumb question...
What is the diamond veto? I have watched BB for many years and for the life of me right now, cant remember what the diamond veto is...lol.
thanks to anyone who can help me...lol

10:50 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

M - all the power is in the hands of the winner of the PoV... they, and not the HoH, decides who gets taken down and who gets renominated.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Cambik said...

Yeah that would be awsome if they had a Diamond POV this year. That would really shake the game up.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you happen to know if Matt was on the early show this morning or yesterday?

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's croquet why's it taking so long ?! :S

11:03 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon - i don't know if matt was on. sorry.

11:03 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

i'm guessing they're doing it one at a time...

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:17...do you think that means James did not win the comp? I hope so!!

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt wouldn't be on the early show because he's in sequester

11:04 AM  
Blogger Boomer said...

So, last year they had to drink some nasty stuff to determine how many tries they got with the croquet mallet -- wonder if they'll do that part, too?

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love it if it were a diamond veto and Josh won!Then he could take Chels out and put up Shiela.Then Chels,Josh,Sharon would vote Shiela out of the house and Ryan and Natalie would vote James out so it would be bye bye Shiela! But I guess that's kind of a long shot...

11:09 AM  
Blogger Cambik said...

Good Thing I am at work and not able to watch the feeds. I would be going Bonkers.

Thanks for the wonderful work Carolyn.....Think you should be able to take a Nap after we find out who got the POV.

11:09 AM  
Blogger corijane said...

oh man, I can't stand the wait and I had to work all morning!! so sorry to those of you who have been waiting since early this am!!

thanks again for everything carolyn!! I wish I would have discovered this site earlier because it is wonderful and makes the BB experience much more entertaining. I also wish I would have been able to see some of the Dick's talks last season...they sound smashing!

BB - please hurry, we are dying of anticipation!!!

11:10 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Cambik - I was just thinking that! :) hehehe. But once the feeds come back on, the real work begins.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh for the love of all that is holy!!!! Get on with it! Hit the balls and take your seat(of elimination) Sheila and Natalie!! Evel Dick does not want to listen to your woes!!!

11:11 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@11:11 AMEN

11:12 AM  
Blogger Cambik said...

I would like to Second that AMEN to anon@11:11

11:13 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

CoriJane - Welcome to the family :)

Now my minions... get to work on her and convince her how much better it would be if she got the feeds. ;)


11:13 AM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

5 plus hours of Dick in the house, and they'll give us five minutes of it on CBS.

I'm not mad at Grodner, I'm mad at Dick. He should have refused to do this if it wasn't shown to the live feeders.

Thanks for looking out for your fans there Evel D.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Carolyn! I vaguely remember that now...I think they only showed very short clips on the show though. I probably would've like ED better if I would've known/seen those!

I wish they would hurry up with this comp--I'm supposed to be packing to leave tonight and go out of town for the weekend and yet I continue to be glued to my chair, staring at my computer screen...You have really made me an addict and I don't know what I'm going to do for 3 days without my BB updates!! aughhh! I'm going to have a lot of catching up to do when I get home! :D

11:13 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Sham - Talent doesn't have that kind of pull... AGP could've at least showed us the wake up.. No harm in that.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not like the HGs aren't going to go on and on and on about for days (i.e. Sheila and Nat);)

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got done watching the croquest POV from last year. I forgot the most important part. THey seperated all the players in the house. Then one by one they went to they BY where htey had to drink as many GROSS drinks (like blood, pickle juice etc) as they could. The most they could get was 10. The amount they drank was the number of shots they got in the game. There was no tiem limit on how long they had to try and drink the things. For some it took awhile and other didn't do it or went pretty fast. Dick & Dustin where the only ones to get all 10 down. So, I am guessing they are doing something along those lines again. After everyone "drabk" they all went to the BY for the croquet game with the number of shots they earned.

Kim in OK

11:18 AM  
Blogger Moni said...

Kim, I forgot that!!!

If that's the case I think James would have no problem getting all 10 down....maybe Adam too.

11:20 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@11:17 - exactly... and as recompense for having to listen to them go on even more about dick than they already do, we shoulda gotten a treat this morning.. that's all i'm sayin' ;)

Kim - thanks for the recap... i may have to steal some for the front. :D

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be cool if during comps and other times they don't want us to see what's going on in the house if they'd show edited versions of such things like the wake up call instead of trivia? Short teases, like commercial blurbs even...just a few little crumbs....ya know? How hard would it be for them to edit out a few gems to keep the excitement and enthusiasm going?

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did somebody win a diamond veto in BB? I can't remember.


11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Cigars? Cigarettes? Cocktails?"!!!
that was funny, i think ill try to find a clip of Dick saying that last season

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think i'm having some sort of withdrawl pain

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank GOD for All My Children and Day of Our Lives! It makes the time pass a bit faster waiting for the feeds to come back, and to see what Carolyn digs up on this ridiculously long morning.

I'm not sure which I hate more. Triva or Sheila & Gnat's chatter.. wait... hands down. Trivia is much better.

Go JOSH. I know he is safe this week, or I think so, unless Adam caves from the craziness of those who THINK they are the Hos.. oops, I mean HoH's :P

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post should be renamed the veto comp "letdown" instead of spoiler. NOT because of Carolyn but because of CBS and their lame brain antics!!! Thanks for keeping us up to the minute Carolyn!!!!!

11:27 AM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

I'm gonna be so pissed of if it a diamond veto and james gets to stay AGAIN! Seriously how many chances is BB gonna give this kid to stay in the game!
Oh and thanks Carolyn for all the updates and all the great work you do on here, I'm ADDICTED to your site. I have the live feeds too, but sometimes they get soooo boring with nat and sheila talking about the same things over and over that I just come to your site to check out the crucial things going on. This season is not as entertaining with Dick not in it, and with America's Most Boring Girl in the house, amongst some other players I don't like, that I don'
t feel the need to be glued to the feeds like I did last season while Dick was on. So thanks again for all your hard work.

11:28 AM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...


I'm upset. You didn't say hello to me. You know how much I enjoy your sexy words to me.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:55 AM
cindytexas said...

I'm rooting for James to win it. I think Natalie might be able to convince Ryan to put Josh up and get him out.

Sorry cindytexas, but Adam is HOH, not Ryan or Nat or Sheila

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is getting a little Re-Dick-ulous. LMAO!

Come on BB!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Christina said...

Carolyn, poor thing. I'm just picturing you tired, no coffee, scared to even go to the bathroom on the chance that you will miss the comeback of the feeds!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

I'm pretty sure that James won, based on the convo he's having with Chelsia.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woo hoo...feeds are back!!!!!

sounds like james won it

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Carolyn You are awesome! YES YES YES I am sl glad James won! He better NOT take Chelsia off. He has played this game great! But falling in love can ruin everyhting he has worked for. Sheila should be freakin out and So should Nat and Adam. He needs balls...lol. I mean seriously has no clue the bug eyed man!

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No! No! No!

11:39 AM  
Blogger Boomer said...

Yes! Great job, James! LOL

Could ya hear me screaming there, Carolyn?

Gosh, I so WISH I could get the live feeds! But since I cannot, I am ever so grateful you and all the BBDish helpers are here! Thank you, ALL!

11:39 AM  
Blogger SPC said...

Yes! I am so glad James won! I love that they hate him so much and he is pretty much a nice guy. Now maybe Natalie will do something else than quote the Bible out of context and pray for God to smite James. We can only hope!

11:40 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Hey Bama Lover... I missed you somehow. Forgive me. ;)

11:40 AM  
Blogger Jay said...

damn that sucks

11:40 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Sassy S. said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, 2 POV wins and a HOH win in 2 weeks, impressive.

So I guess Josh is going up then?

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who wants to take bets on how long it will be before sheila and nat start talking about Evel Dick "respecting them"?

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so effin excited!! Yay James!! Just hoping they don't put up Joshua and put up Nat or Sheila and get rid of one of them instead of Chelsia. If Adam is smart he will see which side is winning everything and line up with them instead of annoying Sheila! If Adam plays his cards right he will make it til the end I think , he just has to start thinking for himself and not listen to gnat(lol-i like that). Did any of ya'll read that article about him(I think it was in US) about his pot bust a couple of years ago...they say it was like 20 lbs....dirty little secrets...

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap!! I didn't want James to win. Anybody but him!!


11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think james won.


11:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh, you've got to be kidding me.
boooo james!

hopefully adam isn't stupid about the renom. he needs to put up josh or sharon and get chelsia OUT.

11:44 AM  
Blogger Biskit said...

Will James save Chelsia OR will he save himself....inquiring minds wanna know!

11:45 AM  
Blogger Boston Chick said...

whoooooooo so glad James won! I love the drama he causes in this game!! It's to soon for him to go.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:45 AM  
Blogger Biskit said...

Putting up Sharon would be the smartest move to replace whoever comes down, no doubt.

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy the feeds are back!!! but then again now we have to listen to Shedevil. sigh I was watching the feeds with James and I could STILL hear her in the back, lol.
Yay James!!!! He is the comeback kid. Please for the love of the viewers put Sheila up!!! She's already bitching(as i stab my ears)

11:47 AM  
Blogger Moni said...

All that waiting...and then this.

I'm thinking Sharon will go up and Chelsia will go home.

Chelsia and Matty in sequester???


11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder if J/J/S/C can convince Adam to put up Shelia....
that would ROCK

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I just hear Nat say it's not right to attack peoples personal stuff??? OMG miss hypocrite. She is out of control.

11:50 AM  
Blogger JPAKAJR said...


Delurking to say I heart James! He keeps the house entertaining:-)

Glad he is staying another week. Now we need to just hope Chelsia stays too!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GOSH!I really hope that somehow someone can show Adam how fake shiela is.She despised him before and critisized every single thing he did, but now that he has power she is kissin his ass! James was telling chels it's not over for her so i guess that means he's taking himself off the block.I DON'Twant josh to go up cause he causes so much drama. & he scares the hell out of shiela which is an added bonus!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures just as I was starting to get productive with my day the feeds come back,lol.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Amyfi said...

oh my gosh im so happy james won!! i've been on the edge of my seat allllll day at work refreshing and refreshing!! i was kind of curious to see if chelsia would've given the veto to james if she had won, but this works out even better!!

ps. love the site soo much I would never survive a workday without it. i've recently subscribed to the feeds, and it's definitely an addiction. thanks for all the work that you do.

11:53 AM  
Blogger chasingxscars said...

sooo, i guess no blowjob for james for throwing the comp now...

haha oh well, yay james!

11:54 AM  
Blogger spyke6666 said...

This is the WORST thing that could have happened! So disappointed. This kid just won't go away! And I'm not sure where some people are getting that he['s such a great guy and so nice! Really? Are we watching the same show? Maybe it's the people that don't have the feeds and don't see the real James for what he is. And as far as will he use it on himself? LMAO, if anyone really thinks he is so self sacrificing and that he would pass up a chance to win this game just cause he "loves" chelsia, then you really don't know the real James, he's made it perfectly clear he's there to win and no one is gonna get in his way.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Biskit said...

Apparently from the conversations I am hearing, ED DID bang pots and pans over...JOSH. They said he was PISSED! HAHAHAHAHAHA! TOO FUNNY!

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet Chelsia is glad. Again, James made a deal with her and shook her hand on it and went back on his word to her as well. Nice guy. I hope Josh or Chelsia go. Jemes is getting more annoying to me then Sheila and Nat. He is even gross to watch anymore ( I turn it down when he come on the screen). Whats it going to take to get him out of there?

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Biskik that's the only thing to do put Sharon up against Chelsia and she's out of there then if they win HOH next week put Josh and Ryans since they have an Allicance and hopefully James doesn't get picked to play in POV and backdoor him.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should have put up Sharon and Josh and backdoored James if he wants him out. James is going to win this thing..I hate to say.

12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:01 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...

Biskit- Glad Josh was pissed. I adore Dick! HAHA on Josh :P

Yay James!

12:04 PM  
Blogger virginia said...

yessssssss HOT james stays.

i want some kinda miracle so that him and chels both stayyyy.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James as POV is AWESOME! No 500K BJ, but this should mean that Adam will replace him with Josh and BYE BYE JOSHIE!


12:08 PM  
Blogger Biskit said...

Nooooooooooooo anon@ 11:59

Next week HOPEFULLY the "RYAN EXPRESS" wins HoH, and whoever doesn't get evicted this week goes up, along with either Josh or Sharon. And THEN start picking off the others.

12:09 PM  
Blogger susieq said...

Like Sheila said last night: James your like a cat, you have nine lives.

It looks like he just used another one.

12:12 PM  
Blogger David B. said...

James is thr new janille! LOL

12:12 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Anon @ 12, you are so right! James is going to win this game and he wasn't even a fan of the show!

12:17 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

So much for throwing the competition for a bj!

Wouldn't it be funny if he uses it to save Chelsia?

I seriously cannot wait to see the POV show with Dick!

12:18 PM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

James needs to broker a deal with Adam.

No threats, no intimidation ... just the truth.

Adam leaves next week unless he puts Sheila up on the block as the veto re-nom.

I'll bank on James winning the next HoH. Adam should start packing.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that James and Chelsia can open up Adams eyes so he can see that Nat/Shelia are playing his HoH and he will put one of them up instead and that way Chelsia can stay in the house.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoooHoo James!!!! Now just convince Adam to put Sheila up!!

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just have to say what is up with everyone bashing James. He's a great player to watch. To the people who are bashing him,, are you telling me that if in his shoes, you wouldn't play the same way. You would all be honest, upfront, and never go back on your word with the people who just voted you out of the house? Yeah right. I adore James and Chelsia, and I think they are adorable together, but I also know that they both know they are playing for themselves. A few nights back, Chelsia was saying to someone in the hot tub that even though they care about each other, they knew they were going to have to throw each other under the bus to advance in this game. All I can say is don't judge the people in this game, because we all know that if given the chance, most of us would do whatever it took to win that money as well. As much as Nat and Sheila make me want to rip my hair out one strand at a time, they must be doing something right, because they are still in the game. Don't judge, until you've been there is all I can say.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Biskit said...

"Sheila starts pushing for Joshuah as a renom. Adam tells her to pipe down, and if she wants to control an HoH, she should win one."

HAHAHAHA! Thats what I'm talkin' 'bout!!

Tell her Baller!

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally missed the comment from Adam to Sheila about winning HOH. If you have it can you please post it. You could just see the wheels in her head turning when she was sitting at the table thinking"that f-er James isn't going anywhere" lol Love it

12:36 PM  
Blogger **Lauren** said...

I wonder how long it will be until Natalie & Sheila start talking about how "selfish" James is for using the veto on himself instead of Chelsia.

I love love love love love the outcome!!!

12:39 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Running away for an hour!!

It's Cuban Coffee Time :)

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sure the fights are amusing, but she has to be one of the most annoying people EVER on BB. Maybe even on reality television in general.

She needs to go next week.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree w/spyke6666.These people are soooo boring! I hope CBS's ratings are lower than George Bush's.There's already been 3 players wimp out on Survivor( Johnny Fairplay,Chet & Kathy).At least BB players get voted out.Survivor players just quit on their own.How on earth do they pick these people? BTW if a..h.le James doesn't believe in GOD, why does he have I AM GOD tatooed on his left ass cheek? I guess he doesn't believe in himself!

12:44 PM  
Blogger koolkitten18 said...

Hello all. New to this great site.
I think that Natalie should get nominated and sent home for Matt's birthday gift.


12:49 PM  
Blogger ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ said...

"Sheila starts pushing for Joshuah as a renom. Adam tells her to pipe down, and if she wants to control an HoH, she should win one."

OK, I actually love Adam right about now!

12:52 PM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

You gotta love loud mouth Shelia. She can't stop herself. Why can't she just lay low and let everyone else piss each other off.

Oops.. I forgot Shelia is the star of the show and she needs to get her camera time.

12:54 PM  
Blogger ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ said...

Oh!! And just for **Lauren**....

GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!!!!!

lol *squishy suishy* for Carolyn. If I could afford it, sweets, I'd give you a chunk of change. Instead, I send everyone your way. I have friends that get the feeds but know nothing about you...I think I've converted them!

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with the veto comp but has Nat mentioned anything else about being 2 weeks late?

1:07 PM  
Blogger cindytexas said...

8:55 AM
cindytexas said...

I'm rooting for James to win it. I think Natalie might be able to convince Ryan to put Josh up and get him out.

Sorry cindytexas, but Adam is HOH, not Ryan or Nat or Sheila

It was a typo. I meant to say Adam.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

WOW, that clip in the storage room shows a lot of tenderness other than their usual sexual banter and carefree way of being. I think Chelsia and James would make great friends (with benefits) outside of the house being that both are very original and not following the norm of what "good people should be". I find them refreshing, even if I at times have hated the game play... especially when Chelsia attacked Amanda.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Dina said...

Woo-hoo! Congratz Jimmy! you are now 1 person closer to the end.

1:41 PM  
Blogger corijane said...

Yes! I am so happy right now... this smile will not leave my face all weekend - at least until I find out who is going up instead of James. This will be a tough few days for Adam - I have hope that Sheila and Natalie will annoy the crap out of Adam trying to make sure they have a say in who will go up as a replacement and he revolts and puts one of them up!! Crossing my fingers and toes :)

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a fascinating convo with my friend who used to be a psychologist for reality TV. Not sure I want to share all the gory details here, but I'll tell you a few things. Caveat, my friend didn't work for BB, so I'm not claiming this is how BB works necessarily, but ...

Diagnosed mental illness is not a bar as far as producers are concerned. In fact, past drug addiction, suicide attempts, hospitalizations, eating disorders, and other "entertaining" problems are a plus. There is often a battle between the mental health people and producers - mental health says no, producers say "work with me." Yes, people may be on medication. They are looking for extreme personalities and people with problems. Makes good TV.

Two things producers look to avoid - anyone who might be violent, and anyone with a propensity for litigation. Bottom line, they don't want lawsuits. Short of that, "healthy" is hardly the ideal.

Charlie - friend agreed on Sheila and Borderline Personality.


1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very diappointed that James won POV. There can be very little argument that James is an excellent competitor when it comes to the physical contests--but my problem with him is basically two-fold--First, I don't like his sexual conversations (or his ideas about hiding pubic hair in the mouthwash, etc.) I am not a prude, but come on!, have some decency on national TV. Disgusting! Second, I know this is a reality show and the goal is to get to the $500,000-- but when he said something to the effect that his word was the most important thing in this game and then put Matt up (after he promised not to--I heard it!), he fell a long way down in my eyes. I have seen alot of reality TV and I have seen many promises made at the end of competitions--when you go back on these, they are usually fatal for you in the game. I know, I know...its a game and people lie and cheat...but I just don't admire lying in this kind of way--for all to see. I think that is bad gameplay! I also think that James better win every competition from now on or he is gone!
Thank you for your hard work Carolyn--love your site!

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Shamrock that Adam should cut a deal with James, but not to renom sheila but Natalie she is a much stronger player


2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did your psychology-friend have any comments about borderline psychotic James?

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This week is going to be so good!!! Chelsia knows she is going home so she's not holding out. She was just told Nat that Matt hated you when she was talking about Matt in front of her. They're talking mad crap about shedevil too, too funny!

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read on another site that SHeila is a single mom youthinkthis is true?

I still dont understand people wanting the most entertaining folks to leave? If they all left we'd be left with sharon and adam, and I cant imagine that those 2 would create the buzz of all the HGs that stimulate such ire in some of us


hey jane ;)

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 2:10 - sorry to dissapoint, but friend thinks James is a healthy and interesting young man, creative, open minded, and self confident. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but from a mental health standpoint, doing fine.

I have to agree.

But no one says you have to like him.


2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clips carolyn. Post POV clip 1 encapsulates the show in its entirety. For 8 minutes you never see her but constantly in the back ground all you hear is sheila shreiking :I dont wanna f.... deal with it. I just wanna get through the week" We never see here, but boy we never stop hearing from her.

Love it, cant stand her, but love it. PLease keep sheila!


2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so just something I was thinking about, does anyone notice that no one has ANYTHING nice to say about She-Witch?

Also, did all the HG's forget about her lesbian stunt? Allison got all the rap for that one and it wasn't all her, or really even her idea... jeez! and She-Witch says she isn't a liar....

I can't stand anymore of her usless whiny chatter

2:42 PM  
Blogger Dina said...

If I was Chelsia I would so mess with Natalie and be talking about all the ways me and Matt will have fun being in sequester and maybe for his birthday, spend the whole day in our birthday suits, lol.

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap! This sucks. This is getting boring. He should have been gone a week ago. I thought that was totally unfair. Someone please fart in his face and send him home. Its becoming the James show and I'm ready sick of it. All I can hope is that Chelsia or Josh go home this week. Adam need to keep Sheila and Nat for the numbers. Sorry, but let the other side take them out. Keeps the target off Adam and Ryan. If they give up Sheila or Nat they might as well just call it quits.

3:22 PM  

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