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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!! At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On! Let the mind games begin!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
How Far Will Matt Go to Secure His Safety?
6:55pm BBT Jacuzzi James, Matt, Joshuah
Matty's still working for the votes.
Josh definitely gets the Quote of the Night Award.
Josh: I mean, if you wanna blow me in front of the house, that could guarantee you a vote.
Matt has another idea: he offers to put Natalie up on the block. The others shoot him down immediately.
Last week Matt was all Big and Bad thinking he was pulling one over on Josh,James etc. Now I find it really funny that he is crying because he is going home,unless he gives Josh the BJ? even then Josh would still not vote for him to stay. LOL!
Is Nat reminding anyone else of Amber tonight? First the "good people," and now "i can't lie, i don't know how to lie, i couldn't lie if i tried" in her conversation with Sheila...
There is no way to take the "I can't lie' moral high ground in this game. You have to be deceptive to advance. It angers me when someone tries to take the moral high ground after they have screwed someone over and they no longer have an advantage. I was wondering if Natalie will feel the dame way about Matty after she watches the tape of the show. I can't believe he was willing to throw her under the bus. That was a good move by Josh by telling him not to do it, but it shows Matts true colors.
All I can say is, it's really, really good to know Natalie is there with all those nasty-minded boys. I feel I can sleep soundly tonight because of her. There's just nothing like having a nun with her vows of holiness around to keep everybody on the straight and narrow.
This season is turning out so GREAT! Why do I say that? Because you never know what will happen next with the HG's. I hated season 6. The line was drawn in the sand and it NEVER changed! This year, lines have been drawn, but HG's continually cross sides again and again. It keeps the game interesting, to say the least! Just when we thought we knew who was on which side this week, along come Natalie and Sheila, sharing info and plotting their atta for next week! This season is shaping up very nicely! I can't wait to see if Natalie and Sheila are successful with their plans!.....
Nobody seems to have considered the fact that Matt was put up only to give him a taste of fear, the same as James did for Sheila. Since Ryan is the only one who has remained on the block, and Ryan received the severest comments from James at the Nomination Ceremony, I find it completely within possibility that either the HGs or James (if there is a split vote) will vote out Ryan. It sure is fun to watch Matty squirm though, since he delights so much in making others squirm. Can't wait until Wednesday to find out who gets the ax. I think either one of them deserves being evicted since they both are claiming what they did was justified, but what James is doing is not justified???!!!?
Does Sheila ever stop running her mouth? The only time I know of that she isn't being heard on feeds is when she is in the DR. She is still acting like she is on the block. I can't even tell what side she is on. grrrr
Natalie told Shiela the truth... and lies. Natlie told Shiela that the four (Josh/James/Chelsia/James) were getting rid of her this week. I sat here screaming "SHIELA, THEY TOOK YOU OFF THE BLOCK! THEY DIDN'T WANT TO EVICT YOU!"
Shiela... is playing this game. Her insanity might win her this game because she is so easily MANIPULATED and so STUPID!
n2realitytv - i dropped the ball on that one... kinda intentionally. after all that she said last season, i just couldn't bring myself to request an interview.
Okay, I'm torn. Having never watched Big Brother seriously before, I can't decide if it just drags out the darker part of my human nature, of if these folks are really that unlikeable. Each post I've made contains my honest feelings at the moment, but I've become more and more aware that I feel more vengeful and negative than anything else towards these people, and it shows in my posts. Do I need to go to Big Brother rehab, or is this normal? 'Cause really, I'm usually a pretty nice and forgiving guy, I think.
I have a question...When the lights are out and the night vision is on, dark hair appears blonde, and blonde's appear to have darker hair....Why is it that Matts' hair is always black? If you go back to Amanda and Alex in their room at night, Amanda's hair looked blonde, and her hair is as dark as Matts'.
She split into two people and morphed into Sheila and Natalie. By doing so, the best "good person" of BB8 is a Christian single mom, America's Top (Penthouse Pet) Model, and the #1 gal of the cool guys in the house.
To Carolyn re: ". . . it's not who you all think." I've already made the suggestion (7:58 in this set of comments) that Ryan is and always has been James' true target and that Matt and Sheila were just being toyed with in return for their lying to James. Even suggested that Matt might want to stop acting like he is the one going and stop annoying people. If he keeps up this current 'tude, James just might change his mind and vote out Matt, if there is a split vote. Unless someone makes a drastic change in loyalties in the near future, a split vote does seem most likely. Anyway, just wanted to be on record that I don't think Matt is the one going. ;)
5.6 million hits!
Un-Real! I still feel like the little blog that could...
Thanks so much for making this the best season ever on the dish! :)
I'll be checking in periodically to moderate comments, and after a couple weeks,
we can look forward to some interviews with some of the final 9 HGs. Of course, if there's big news before then, I'll be posting that too. :)
Happy Spring!!
Go Joshy!! LMAO
hahahaha oh joshy
That is too funny. Matt has been trying to "play" all the women. I wonder.....
For half a mil ... I'd do it. Lol.
the sound is gone out on my feeds. Anyone else?
That is great. Love it.
Go Joshie Go!!! This is exactly why I love this guy and he's one of my favs for the season.
Much love and kudos to the Dish Chicks... may your tip jar fill rapidly for that well deserved vacation after the show.
LOL!! That is just too funny!!!
Just don't claim he didn't give you a chance to earn it, Matty! *grin* was just operator error :) *blush*
Oh MY Damn! Matty did say he'd do anything... LOL
Heck, Matt has already kissed Josh, so why not take the relationship to the next level? :) it. to love Josh for that even if you dislike him...that was a good one!
I don't think there is any deal Matty can make to keep him in the house.
rude anon - please refer to rule #1.
LMAO....we all know after seeing other sites that James would sure do it!!! LOL
what was rude?? I must have missed it...
Last week Matt was all Big and Bad thinking he was pulling one over on Josh,James etc. Now I find it really funny that he is crying because he is going home,unless he gives Josh the BJ? even then Josh would still not vote for him to stay. LOL!
don't address the "rude anons". Doing so only gives them attention which is what they're craving.
polite anon@ 7:33
excellent point. :) hehe. i usually don't. just wanted to give that one a heads up on why the weren't published.
Is Nat reminding anyone else of Amber tonight? First the "good people," and now "i can't lie, i don't know how to lie, i couldn't lie if i tried" in her conversation with Sheila...
mind boggling, i tell you. ;)
Carolyn - Nat saying she can't lie... while lying, even! She's the one who said she'd put Sheila up until she breaks if I remember right. (chuckles)
There is no way to take the "I can't lie' moral high ground in this game. You have to be deceptive to advance. It angers me when someone tries to take the moral high ground after they have screwed someone over and they no longer have an advantage. I was wondering if Natalie will feel the dame way about Matty after she watches the tape of the show. I can't believe he was willing to throw her under the bus. That was a good move by Josh by telling him not to do it, but it shows Matts true colors.
Remember what happens to "smug" HG's J and J...KARMA BOYS!!
I HOPE Ryan and Nat go on a tear, and pick 'em off one by one, starting with Josh, since he has never even been nominated....then
#2 James
#3 Chelsia
#4 Sharon (this chick is dangerous!)
#5 Sheila
#6 Baller
OH and I guess I can't use NERD HERD VOLUME #2 anymore since it "offends"...GEEK SQUAD's already taken....
i can't believe he suggested putting natalie on the block, what a jerk!!!
All I can say is, it's really, really good to know Natalie is there with all those nasty-minded boys. I feel I can sleep soundly tonight because of her. There's just nothing like having a nun with her vows of holiness around to keep everybody on the straight and narrow.
This season is turning out so GREAT! Why do I say that? Because you never know what will happen next with the HG's. I hated season 6. The line was drawn in the sand and it NEVER changed! This year, lines have been drawn, but HG's continually cross sides again and again. It keeps the game interesting, to say the least! Just when we thought we knew who was on which side this week, along come Natalie and Sheila, sharing info and plotting their atta for next week!
This season is shaping up very nicely! I can't wait to see if Natalie and Sheila are successful with their plans!.....
Nobody seems to have considered the fact that Matt was put up only to give him a taste of fear, the same as James did for Sheila. Since Ryan is the only one who has remained on the block, and Ryan received the severest comments from James at the Nomination Ceremony, I find it completely within possibility that either the HGs or James (if there is a split vote) will vote out Ryan. It sure is fun to watch Matty squirm though, since he delights so much in making others squirm. Can't wait until Wednesday to find out who gets the ax. I think either one of them deserves being evicted since they both are claiming what they did was justified, but what James is doing is not justified???!!!?
~ Ron ~
Does Sheila ever stop running her mouth? The only time I know of that she isn't being heard on feeds is when she is in the DR. She is still acting like she is on the block. I can't even tell what side she is on. grrrr
Whatever became of Amber anyway? After last season was over I never heard anything about anything. Just curious.
Sheila and Nat are in the middle of a lie fest with each other at the moment.
I'm loving it!
yes, I hear it Carolyn...Natalie really sounds like Amber tonight..
Natalie told Shiela the truth... and lies. Natlie told Shiela that the four (Josh/James/Chelsia/James) were getting rid of her this week. I sat here screaming "SHIELA, THEY TOOK YOU OFF THE BLOCK! THEY DIDN'T WANT TO EVICT YOU!"
Shiela... is playing this game. Her insanity might win her this game because she is so easily MANIPULATED and so STUPID!
biskit, lover, you can say whatever you damn want.
n2realitytv - i dropped the ball on that one... kinda intentionally. after all that she said last season, i just couldn't bring myself to request an interview.
I'm with you on that one Seffie!!
These HG are always shaking things up.
isnt the hummergating only josh and natalie and james?
Awwwww....thanks, Kitten!!
Just trying to think of a new one NOW!!
Thanks Carolyn, I don't blame you dear I really don't. Still I'm curious ... where is she now? LOL
Okay, I'm torn. Having never watched Big Brother seriously before, I can't decide if it just drags out the darker part of my human nature, of if these folks are really that unlikeable. Each post I've made contains my honest feelings at the moment, but I've become more and more aware that I feel more vengeful and negative than anything else towards these people, and it shows in my posts. Do I need to go to Big Brother rehab, or is this normal? 'Cause really, I'm usually a pretty nice and forgiving guy, I think.
I have a question...When the lights are out and the night vision is on, dark hair appears blonde, and blonde's appear to have darker hair....Why is it that Matts' hair is always black? If you go back to Amanda and Alex in their room at night, Amanda's hair looked blonde, and her hair is as dark as Matts'.
N2RealityTV -
What happened to Amber? Didn't you hear?
She split into two people and morphed into Sheila and Natalie. By doing so, the best "good person" of BB8 is a Christian single mom, America's Top (Penthouse Pet) Model, and the #1 gal of the cool guys in the house.
sorry for the comment posting delay...
i was working on the 1st evicted HG interview ;)
and it's NOT who you all think :P
lol. so there.
To Carolyn re: ". . . it's not who you all think." I've already made the suggestion (7:58 in this set of comments) that Ryan is and always has been James' true target and that Matt and Sheila were just being toyed with in return for their lying to James. Even suggested that Matt might want to stop acting like he is the one going and stop annoying people. If he keeps up this current 'tude, James just might change his mind and vote out Matt, if there is a split vote. Unless someone makes a drastic change in loyalties in the near future, a split vote does seem most likely. Anyway, just wanted to be on record that I don't think Matt is the one going. ;)
~ Ron ~
Rumor has it she was fired and moved away from Las Vegas... I think Ohio. Apparently she is happy. But who knows...
I am sure her God is looking after her... unless Jameka needs help too.
He'll do it and then deny it just like with Natty.
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