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Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mid Afternoon
Chelsia Makes an Effort to Stay

Videos coming soon...

2:16pm BBT
Chelsia & Natalie
Chelsia tries to campaign with Natalie...
Chelsia: Is there anyway to redeem myself with you? What do I have to do?
Natalie: I don't know. Right before you blew up at me, I was up in HoH campaigning for you to stay.
Chelsia: I love Sharon, but she is underestimated... I know that, at this point, I have to go after James... There would be no me and James... If I stay in this house, he'd be the 1st person I put up if I win HoH.
Natalie: I wanted to work with you from day 1, Chelsia, but I always knew you were with Sharon, and you had something against Matty, and I didn't know what to do to get you to come over to me. You and I have the determination to win this game.
Chelsia: Do you really want James out?
Natalie: I would love to see James out, because he went back on his word... The reason I went back on my word, Sheila was the one that blew my cover, when they were just going to flip it, Sheila blew my whole cover... Then I felt that by bringing James back in, it would show you my word is good.

2:17pm BBT

2:33pm BBT
Natalie & Sharon
Natalie tells Sharon all about it...

2:47pm BBT
Adam joins Natalie & Sharon
They fill him in...
Natalie says there is nothing, absolutely nothing Chelsia could do to win her vote. She asks Sharon not to repeat anything they've said back to Chelsia. Sharon agrees.

2:47pm BBT

2:54pm BBT
Sheila joins in... The conversation starts over again. Sheila's telling Natalie that Chelsia said a lot of good things about her: that she's talented and smart, etc... "That's the only conversation I've had with her."
Natalie: She talked to me, and she said Matty really did try to do things with her... but she took some of it back.
Sheila: I told you nothing happened... She was just trying to get you going.
Natalie: She also said, because Sharon is so confident about staying, how good would it be for tv if Sharon ended up going. I told her she should've thought of all that before she blew up at me the other night.
Sheila: I vote the way I wanna vote. People know that. I knew people would come after me if I voted to keep Matty. Lettem.

2:56pm BBT

Adam gets called in by BB... Picture time soon.

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Blogger David B. said...

Chelsia or Sharon??? I don't have a problem with either. I guess it would be a coint toss for me.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe Nat is still denying the bjs. they all will know the truth when they get out of the house

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found some info about Matty on a list of short bios for the BB9 houseguests.
He considers himself quite the ladies man and likes to be promiscuous. He calls himself a liar and a sweet talker. Some women claiming to be ex-girlfriends say he is not a very good guy at all. One even claims that he is a drug dealer.
Someone needs to send this to the cult of Matty ASAP. The way ARN&S talk about him, you'd think they are ready to bestow sainthood upon him.
Just a thought:if Chelsia really wants to cause a little rift in the "good" team, why not make Natalie aware that Ryan and Adam have been telling everyone that they know for a fact the BJ story is true because they witnessed it.

3:14 PM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

Boy, Shelia and Natalie chatting is a real think tank of revolutionary ideas and thesis. They need to let it go with the Matty crap.

Chelsia mad an ass out of herself, now she is begging to stay in the house....you've got to be kidding. This is the reason you don't blow up on Sunday or Monday. You need to wait until Tuesday to make your deals....stupid game play. These people go on emotion instead of smart game play.

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Natalie going to do when she gets out of there and there are multiple videos of the 4 Hummertime moments!!!! I can't believe how much she is a compulsive liar. I hope Ryan calls her out on it and says "I heard you" and why is it so hard for her to believe that Matt tried stuff with other girls? She is soo delusional...

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

big whoop shes trying to stay let her try gosh they would do the same if they were in the same possion

3:21 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

It would have been a coin toss for me as well, except for Chelsia's horrid behavior the other night. Now I just want her gone.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that Sharon is getting annoyed about Chelsia trying to campaign! LOL

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last! We finally get to see Chelsia grovel, well we didnt get to see it. can we get a clip?

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what if Nat is denying the whole BJ with Matty!!! Would any of you admit to it?! Its not as if she did it in front of anyone! I don't know but they need to get over it (the house guests)

3:31 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@3:29 - refresh the blog. ;) the clip's have been there for about 30 minutes now.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous 3:31...
ummm...it is like natalie did it in front of someone. she did it in the room with ryan and adam.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reason the denial is so pathetic is because there were other people and several cameras present in the room when she performed the BJ'S. Under those circumstances she would actually make herself look better by just admitting the truth and saying that she is an adult and she does not have to worry about if other people approve of her choices. It is the constant denial that is making her look like a fool moreso than the actual BJ.

3:41 PM  
Blogger ReporterX said...


I just got my BB9Dish Mug in the mail today...They are awesome! Great quality mugs!! It's really really nice..

Thanks hon!

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike im with you I could listen to a Nat and Sheila set to for hours, those to a laugh freekin riot.

I wonder is Natalie Bill Clinton's favorite player in this game or what.

Question - After the HG is booted out and they go to sequester, do they get TV, www, live feeds so they can get up to speed on how its showing?


3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@3:31- she did to it in front of people. Ryan and Adam were both awake at least one of the times she went down on him! And yes I would admit it, if you aren't willing to admit it maybe you shouldn't be doing it.. Just my opinion. On another note I totally agree with anon@3:14 about Chelsia telling Natalie that Ryan and Adam have been calling her out on the whole bj story behind her back. That might shake things up a bit

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I found some info about Matty on a list of short bios for the BB9 houseguests.
He considers himself quite the ladies man and likes to be promiscuous. He calls himself a liar and a sweet talker. Some women claiming to be ex-girlfriends say he is not a very good guy at all. One even claims that he is a drug dealer.
Someone needs to send this to the cult of Matty ASAP. The way ARN&S talk about him, you'd think they are ready to bestow sainthood upon him.
Just a thought:if Chelsia really wants to cause a little rift in the "good" team, why not make Natalie aware that Ryan and Adam have been telling everyone that they know for a fact the BJ story is true because they witnessed it.

From someone who knows Matthew very well, if you listen to the voice of his trashy ex-girlfriends, your more stupid than them. Matt may not be perfect by far, but trust me, His is not, or never will be a drug dealer, maybe the ex's are all on drugs. Think what you want but know the facts before you print bogus statments. MM

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon @ 3:31 ~ I am not sure if you are being sarcastic when u say "it's not like she did it in front of anyone". If you are then, good one, lol. If not.....Ryan and Adam were in the room when she gave Matt a BJ once (maybe even twice). I am thinking the HGs can't get over it because she just won't admit it yet, even tho there were 2 HGs that were in the room when it happened!

~ Ryan ~

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really care who goes home. I am not a big Chelsia fan but she sure keeps the live feeds interesting and she might slow James down a little. Who knows? Right now the house is super boring, why not change it up? Watch Sharon come out of her shell. The only thing I have seen her freak out about was Jacob

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree anon at 3:31...nat is doing nothing wrong by denying the bjs. look what some demented hgs did to her when she told them about the abortions. and every1 blamed in on nat for exposing herself based on the premise that you don't tell hgs anything that they can 'use against you.' i wouldn't divulge the bj info. either. of course, i prob. wouldn't have performed the bjs in hearing range of two other hgs either! lol

3:57 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Matty's Friend - MM - Please email me. Dishchicks@yahoo.com

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm wondering if any one thinks josh and james could have know each other before bb

4:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not know Matt or his "trashy" ex-girlfriends and was only repeating what I read. If it's incorrect, I apologize but don't shoot the messenger.
I do know that Matt's whole strategy was built on being america's playa. He said he was going to play all the females in the house, he bragged about the BJ, he was willing to throw anyone under the bus including his "bros" and the week they back doored James he got way too cocky with his gangsta comments and his macho stance. Even without the info I read in the bio, I really don't have any respect for him. Sorry.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a riot that Chelsia is trying to campaign to the one person she's been bashing the most. If I was Nat I would laugh in her face and say Karma is a B*tch.Hell would freeze over before I helped someone who was so mean and vindictive towards me.
Bye Bye Chelsia!

4:07 PM  
Blogger **Lauren** said...

To Matt's friend - MM -

I don't know anything about Matt except for what he said when he was in the house.

He told James and Ryan (or Adam) that he was a drug dealer. I don't remember exactly when but it was the one late late night that they stayed up.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Got people. They use the abortion card which is as low a blow as possible. Do you actually think she's going to sit there with Chelsia and other, "Yeah, I gave Matt a BJ. Now you have more fodder you can throw at me"...

She probably already feels used, so why give them ammo to throw at her. Get over it.

4:19 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

ReporterX - hehe - I just got mine too! First time I've ever actually ordered anything. Love em!

4:32 PM  
Blogger chasingxscars said...


i'm not entirely sure but i know they get a dvd every week of what's been happening in the BBHouse. whether its edited or its the show aired or just a compiled bunch of video from the house, i don't know. i have seen made videos of sequester house during the All Star season show up on youtube, just home video kind of stuff, just the All Star HGs messing around w/ a camcorder. Marcellas made a big deal about being stuck in sequester w. Howie (i think it was Howie) and having nothing to do, so I would guess no. Also, Howie said that they don't get their cell phones back in sequester, and that he didn't get his back until a while after even.

4:52 PM  
Blogger chasingxscars said...


i'm not entirely sure but i know they get a dvd every week of what's been happening in the BBHouse. whether its edited or its the show aired or just a compiled bunch of video from the house, i don't know. i have seen made videos of sequester house during the All Star season show up on youtube, just home video kind of stuff, just the All Star HGs messing around w/ a camcorder. Marcellas made a big deal about being stuck in sequester w. Howie (i think it was Howie) and having nothing to do, so I would guess no. Also, Howie said that they don't get their cell phones back in sequester, and that he didn't get his back until a while after even.

carolyn- if this comment appears twice, sry. my computer just blinked and i dont know what's happening.

Cant wait to see Dick on BB tonight!

4:53 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

i think nat should just tell them all she gave the bj's and be done with it. i am so sick of her lying every time she opens her mouth. if she's so ashamed of it, maybe she shouldn't have done it in the first place! she is my least fave houseguest b/c she had abortions and i am very much against that, she acts like a christian and she is a far cry from what a real christian is, she lies when she opens her mouth...except when it's to give a bj, she is completely delusional when it comes to matt, the list can go on for days. i just can't wait to see her go. i can't stand a hypocritical christian.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if Nat gave Matt a bj, so what. It has nothing to do with game play. Maybe she just doesn't think its something to discuss. Has nothing to do with being a liar or not. I think everyone should get over it and play the game. Lot more gameplay to talk about then whether she wants to admit it or not. Has no bearing on the game she is playing.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Tillman Girl said...

Does Natalie not realize that EVERY stinkin' word she says is on video tape? I get lying in this game, but her lies are not strategic ones, at least as far as I'm concerned.

I really think she's not all there.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

This is to MM, Matt's friend ....

YOUR friend admitted on BBAD that he was a drug dealer. It took place in a conversation with "8-Ball." In one of their *many* "who's is bigger" conversations, they both admitted to dealing drugs, and even suggested setting up a "run" after the show was over. The discussion was primarily about cocaine, but Matt also admitted using "Special K," which he claimed to especially enjoy!

Don't get angry reading what we're saying, when our base of fact is the horse's mouth!

If people who claim to know "it" say "it's" a duck, and then "it" itself claims to be a duck, well hey, sorry if I believe "it's" a duck!

5:24 PM  

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