Early Afternoon in the BB9 House
Adam & Ryan
Watching the spy screen, talking about how Sheila's playing both sides...
Adam: It's not a good situation we're in now.
Ryan: She's gonna leech on em.
Adam: She's goes to everybody and says we've got each other's back. She goes to every single person in the house.
Ryan: She hasn't came to me and said that.
Adam: Well that was last week... You know what I'm sayin'?
Ryan: Uh huh.
Adam: She's really setting herself up with them...
Ryan: Oh yeah, dude.
12:06pm BBT
Dining Table
Josh & Ryan
Talking about Sheila...
Josh: She's probably telling James she wont put him up...
Ryan: Which means what? She's not gonna win.
Josh: Her playing pool is just ridiculous. She has not played one time... and now James is playing, she goes out there.
Ryan: When are you gonna unleash the wrath?
Josh: If I win HoH.
Ryan: Why not tonight?
Josh: I think tonight'll be Chelsia's night...
Ryan: There goes Natalie..
Josh: Now she's gonna tell Natalie everything James said. She leaves a little crumb trail.
Here's a clip:
Enter Sheila...
Sheila: I kicked his butt. It was beginner's luck. I'm not that good at pool.
Exit Sheila.
Josh: She doesn't handle the block very well.
Ryan: No.
Josh: that was obvious.. for her 3 days on it... I love how last week she said she was gonna win HoH... Natalie knocked her out.
Enter Sharon.
Sharon: Who?
Ryan: Sheila.
Josh: Well, think about the final HoH comps... She'll never make to the final 2... too much physical. I'll just be pissed if she makes it further than me.
Enter James.
Exit Sharon... (to the Backyard with Sheila & Chelsia...)
12:20pm BBT
James, Josh, Ryan
All are talking about Sheila's playing every possible angle... watching her outside now, assuming she's doing the same thing with the girls. Josh says she's completely transparent. Ryan says she goes week to week, turning everyone against each other.
Josh gives her credit for working the rooms... He's dissecting her game.
Josh: When she says "interesting" that means she's filed whatever you just said away to tell someone else.
Ryan says she is his target. Someone mentions giving the house an easy week and just putting her up and out.
James: (to Ryan) She says she's now going after you.
Ryan: Oh really. (evil laugh)
James recounts his earlier conversation with her... (it's in the morning report)
Ryan: God... Sheila's after me, dude. F*ck.
Josh: Please tell me youre joking.
Ryan: I'm joking.
Josh: I wouldn't tell her anything personal.
Ryan: I haven't told her anything personal.
- ***Ummm...
James, Josh and Ryan continue... They say she has a guilty conscience.
Ryan: She said to me, I see how you're playing this game... I'm like, yeah??
James: I can't believe she openly said she's winning this game.
Ryan: Um, yeah..
Josh: I can't believe she thinks she has the votes.
James: You know what, if she did make it to final 2, I might give her my vote. It would just f'ing baffle me... like.. how?!
Josh and Ryan both say there's no way she'd have their votes.
James: I still can't believe she came out and said it.
Josh: My favorite part is, the whole house is gunning for you, but I can swing it.
Ryan: Same thing she said to me last week... You didn't vote for me sweetheart, and I'm still here.
James: The comps are just gonna get like, holy sh*t, dude.
1:30pm BBT
Ryan's napping.
Adam's up in HoH.
The rest of the HGs are out in the backyard tanning and taking advantage of the pool.
A few minutes ago, Joshuah shared with the other HGs that he has a team working the outside for him: press releases; myspace; etc...
They moved on to talking gas prices, politics, oil, etc...
More random chatter at the moment...
1:47pm BBT
Josh & Sharon
Talking about Sheila...
Ryan doesn't have much room to talk....he is doing exactly what Sheila is doing. Adam better figure it out soon.
Sheila is such a player. Did anyone see last night when she was in the hot tub and told every that the only seasons of BB she watched were 3 7 and 8. Then she went on minutes later to talk about Dr.Will and how he is the Puppet Master. Hello, thats from season 2. Will someone in that house PLEASE call her out on it! No one even questioned it when she said that!!!
I think Ryan really is with Adam, he's just making sure James and Co. aren't primarily targeting him.
Sheila is just up in the air, stirring the pot between the 2 sides. She's no "player"..
Seany-I saw that too. She claimed to not have seen-but then she basically broke down what the whole competition would be like. UGH.
imw atchign season 7 (dl'd from itunes) for the first time as well as following BB9. and i have to say.. bb9 is letting me down..
all stars puts tehm to shame.. plus.. where is the humor. does no one in that house know how to work a camera..
If anyone is playing all sides, it's Josh. Hello Adam and Ryan? Are you ever going to figure that one out?
As much as I would hate this..I have to say Sheila has a great chance at winning the next HOH...
(Next HOH is based on how America voted on that survey..who did America say would mostly..blah blah)
Sheila does know all her house guests well..but does she know how America is seeing them?? And will her ego allow her to answer herself to some of those questions...LOL
(IMO Josh really knows how America is seeing the HG's but will he know he's right? LOL)
Can't wait..
Well...I think Ryan really did just reach out to her in a moment of desperation and because he needed some comfort. If Sheila ever tried to bring it out, she'd just look like an even bigger idiot than she already does.
A,R,J, & J: UNITE! Now!
@Seany527 - Exactly! I was just saying this earlier about Sheila due to that very same segment last night.
She actually said she's only seen like 10 episodes total from those season. She even acted like she didn't know about the clothing comp last year, then when someone was explaining it to her she chimed in and said "Oh..and they spelled unitard!" Whatever......
"I saw it while I was channel surfing." I heard that out of her mouth at least 3 times last night talking about the past seasons.
I don't think she or Nat know how America sees the Hgs. They're both in for a rude awakening.
Let's give the house an easy week get Sheila out and go at it three on three. I would have no problem with this approach, but who is going to give up their HOH to evict Sheila and ignore bigger fish?
If she doesn't dial it back a few notches Sheila could find herself as the secondary target for both Ryan and Josh if they win HOH and can't get James or Natalie out. Personally, I would like to see her sit on the block next week and stew. We'd see how classy she would handle things if she were up, and having to work all week. I have a feeling it would be quite Chelsia-ish.
Ryan is smacking on Sheila for doing the same thing he is doing. But he is also trying to turn Adam and Natalie against Sheila. I haven't heard Sheila try to turn Adam and Natalie against Ryan. I don't think Sheila is gunning for Ryan, I think Ryan is gunning for Sheila, which is a mistake for him because she would still vote for him over J/J/S.
Sheila has contradicted herself about past seasons. She admitted to googling the past shows and winners to get info. So how much she learned on the internest and how much she learned from actually watching in unknown.
As for the next HOH. I think Sheila has a great chance of getting it. She does know the house guest and there are times she is honest about her own faults.
I know Natalie doesn't see her true self, nether does Josh. How much James, Ryan, or Sharon knows about the others and their quirks is uncertain.
I can't wait for the show tonight, but am very anxious to see Wed's show. Instead of constantly checking my watch, I am constantly checking the calendar.
You do such a great job keeping us up to date on what is happening in the BB house, if you are ever in the Baton Rouge area let me know I'll treat you to dinner.
I agree J n J should work with R this week. However, they should pretend to target sheila all week and then backdoor R. R is a much bigger threat then Shebot.
Plus the entertainement value of Shebot and Nat almost require them to stay in the house, BB9 wouldnt be the same with out these two wing nuts
anon @ 12:44- great point! sheila is useless. if ryan won hoh, he would be wasting it. he would put up sheila and joshua. then if james wins veto the house will vote out sheila, but if james doesnt win veto, its the perfect way to get out james. ryans side will have the vote.
Hey, Sheila is talking about all these clubs and bars I used to go to in NYC at the same time she did. She even mentioned people I knew.
Wow, I wonder if we were friends? Lol.
Sheila has so convinced herself that the power swings from alliance to alliance every week that she is trying to make it happen. That is crazy game play at this point since the veto/replacement nomination has already happened. She is setting herself up to be hated by both sides. I hope they keep her in until the final three and then out she goes!
These guys coming together spells trouble for the girls in the house. With the noms this week, the girls are already in a weak state...
Seany527 and Superflo....season 7 was all stars and Will was the "puppetmaster" on that. So she didn't have to see that on season 2.
Looks like She-bot isn't covering her tracks all that well. I wouldn't have aligned myself with James. Yes, he's a strong competitor but that won't last forever and he seems to me the type of person that would sell his grandma down the river for the money. All the house guests are for them self but some of them stick to their alliances longer or are more loyal. Bad and obvious moves for Big Sheila.
Interesting Info Reporter X....When and how did America vote on a Survey? That sounds like a juicy Hoh Comp. This is the first I've heard of this....xoxo
The boys haven't called Sheila out on her knowledge of prior BB seasons, but they're onto her.They've discussed it!
Reporterx- Thanks for the "heads up".
Monyc- I'll chip in for a banner plane ;-)
Carin ~*~
Joe's Angel:
After Sunday nights show Julie Chen said go to CBS to see how you can get involved...And on this blog on Sunday Carolyn posted a link to the survey on The Sunday Show Post..think a link is still on main blog..
From CBS:
Your votes will have an impact on the upcoming Head of Household Competition. Tune in Wednesday night at 8pm (7pm central) to see how your votes will play out in the game.
Voting has closed for now. Thanks for playing!
I doubt that response to this America's vote was all that huge. I voted once, got bored half way through, but kept going.
Example questions on survey:
Which house guest is most likely to sell their story to the tabloids..
Which house guest would you be embarrassed to take to a fund raiser..
Which house guest would give their BB winnings to charity..
(something like that wording maybe off)
that was a pretty narly toungue dance by the gecko man in that 2nd clip, yeach
Thanks so much reporter X...I guess my head was in the clouds...Thanks for explaining...best wishes xoxo
welcome joe.. :-)
Shelia, Shelia, Shelia, Shelia.....
You gotta love Shelia. She's crazy. She's playing both sides of the fence. She's a single mom. She's playing for her son who didn't sign up for this. She can flip the house. She's famous and a movie star. She's partied with the best hair bands in the 80's. She's understnds your problems. She looks like your drunk aunt at a casino.
Shelia is all that, and a bag of chips! Big Bad Shelia!
Which house guest is most likely to sell their story to the tabloids..
Which house guest would you be embarrassed to take to a fund raiser..
Which house guest would give their BB winnings to charity..
Could it be just what Sheila said it is last night? That she is just playing them to hear there game plan. I think she feels loyal to Adam and Ryan and Nat. Adam and Ryan need to keep both Nat and Sheila so they have the numbers. Besides, I think they would want to keep them so they can beat them when they get down to four. Or let James or Josh pick them off. Keeps the target off Adam and Ryan. Always think game guys not popularity. Works for them not against them.
chelsia did say to Sharon, for never watching bb you sure do know alot about it. That's when she claimed they made her watch the 3 seasons. She is lying and I also want someone to really call her out.
going cross-eyed... takin' a break.
back in a bit. :)
Carolyn @ 2:04 - "Going cross-eyed," or did you *catch* Matty's lazy eye? ;)
LOL @ mikeinbama :D
you make me giggle :D
and Carolyn, as always awesome job on the site (I'm working on the contest pics now)
I am very seriously thinking about applying for BB10 myself, but I know me and I'm kinda scared to go on national television and quite literally show my butt. It's one thing to have a psychotic episode in front of people I know and love and trust, but to do it on national television isn't so appealing to me. I'll still think about it and let ya'll know what I decide to do :)
I hope Natalie does not get them to keep Chelsia over Sharon. I don't have anything against Chel, but I am rooting for James and her staying would make it harder for him.
As Natalie once again denies the bj's I have two words:you tube.
As for Sheila trying to align with James, she has always played both sides. She knows she will come in fourth at best in the pecking order of A,R & N. She would more than likely be fourth with J, S & J also. But, with the exception of Sharon, none of them have pretended to be her friends with the future strategy of dumping her as soon as they don't need her vote. Just because ARN are so blatantly using her for a vote, I think it would be hysterical to watch her flip it. If she makes it to top four and then pulls out an HOH or POV, then she deserves top two.
Is there a chance that Nat didn't give Matt a BJ? I haven't seen the video, so I don't know.
I suspect she did and just wiped the sin clean in her next Bible session. And now is convinced it really didn't happen.
Good for Chel for campaigning though. I don't believe for a second that she'd nominate Josh or James.
@Carolyn said...going cross-eyed...
BE CAREFUL! You'll make Sheila cry!
Feel better now? Tee!Hee!
I think it's hilarious Chelsia is actually trying to get Natalie's vote. haha. And why is she going on about if Natalie is lying about the BJ?! If she doesn't want to tell anybody, that's her own deal. Just because she's not running and yelling through the house about what she's done doesn't make her any less than Chelsia!
omg...chelsia is trying to campain to stay in of course natalie is liike i cant believe shes trying to stay and blah blah blah
i mean come on thats what the game is!
and now sharon is acting all pissy cause chelsia is trying to get peoples votes.
As much as I love Natalie and am rooting for her I really wish she'd back off the God stuff some. You can love God and pray but she needs to back off alittle!
re Matt... I never noticed it on him... truly.
Mike in Bama ....
OMG!!!!!!! Please let one of team Josh win HOH and get Nat out!!!! I cant listen to her annoying bible crap anylonger after last night!!Shes the bigest hipocrit!!! And gives true Christans a bad rap. I think Josh will do amazing if the comp is based on the poll we took. GO Josh !!!!!
natalie did give matt BJ's i've seen the video and i saw it on the live feeds.
and the whole house knows so she can keep denying it so she can make herself look stupider
MikeinBama --
OHMIGOD that was so funny! Dude, you crack me up! I love it
Carolyn @ 3:06 - If you're referring to Matt's "crooked" eye, I'm with you. I was constantly looking at his eyes when the camera on him was at angle to show them, and I could never see what the HGs were talking about. I just had to assume that it was there because EVERYbody was talking about it and Sheila was crying about it. In his pic on Sheila's MySpace you only see 1/2 his face (the right half) so don't know what the other 1/2 looks like.
I think everyone should watch their back when it comes to Ryan and Josh.Ryan nows wants to stir things(keep things stirred up) up about Nat.
It's interesting how people see things differently. It will be fun to see how it comes out. I'll put in my pick after anons.
Anonymous said...
Which house guest is most likely to sell their story to the tabloids..
JOSHUA Mine: Sheila
Which house guest would you be embarrassed to take to a fund raiser..
NATALIE Mine: and/or Adam
Which house guest would give their BB winnings to charity..
SHARON Mine: Sharon
Here's our clip of Matt telling Parker and Alex about it the 1st time it happened: BJ-1
sorry.. the 2nd time... not the 1st
Here's Proof it happened
If you guys want to be a part of the Shelia fan club, I'm taking applications. Shelia needs fans and I'm starting her loyal fan base right here. I know she will want to address her fans so be prepared to listen to her talk for about 13 hours, non-stop.
Shelia is the most intriguing person to be on television in 20 years and by far the best houseguest EVER! Move over Janelle, Dr. Will, Kaysar, Evil Dick and anyone else in previous seasons.....BIG BAD SHELIA is a force to be wreckon with.
hahahahahaha.... I hope you know I'm kidding...GO SHELIA
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