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The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C

Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!


Thursday, March 27, 2008


8:43am BBT
The HGs are getting up. Josh is happy with some of the music from this morning. He's chatting with Sheila about it. Ryan's up too... now chatting with Sheila & Josh in the bathroom...

Josh goes to make the coffee...
Neither Sheila nor Ryan could sleep this morning - both say they woke up (and lay in bed) around 7am.

8:58am BBT
BB: Good morning, house guests. You have one hour before the Food Competition.
Josh: One hour?! That's early.
Ryan isn't buying it. He thinks BB just wants to get everyone out of bed.

9:02am BBT
Josh & Sheila are in the bathroom talking about how much attention her vagina is getting on the show... the mystery...

***Ryan's probably right, but since I can't afford to have his skepticism, I'm running out for my cuban coffee now, so I can make sure to be back just in case they show this one on the feeds... Back soon! :)

10am BBT
No comp yet. Josh, Sheila, Ryan and Adam are in the kitchen talking about the beginning of the season. Josh says he wasn't really attracted to Neil because he had crooked teeth. Further, he only dates white guys. Sheila asks, "Well what was Neil?" Josh responds, "Neil GARCIA." Sheila says she just doesn't look at people like that...

Sharon's in bed reading her bible.

Chatter continues in the Kitchen... Josh thinks it would be fun to have an international BB, where everyone has to at least speak English as a 2nd language... Sheila's game for a celebrity BB.

10:20am BBT
The natives are getting restless that the comp hasn't begun yet... Ryan and Adam are both now in bed in the frilly room. Josh and Sheila are in the kitchen. Sheila's saying CBS got more than they bargained for with this cast...

Ryan and Adam are talking about someone winning out of spite... Talking too low to hear who, though.

James is in bed... not real sociable today.

Last seen, Natalie was up in HoH.

10:25am BBT
Josh has left Sheila alone in the kitchen with her cleaning and gone to the Red Room where both James and Sharon are in the respective beds. Josh is pacing. Sharon's reading the bible. James appears to be asleep.

10:29am BBT
Sharon whispers something to Josh, then points back to James.

10:35am BBT
BB: James, Natalie, Please change your batteries.

James gets up.
James: I didn't go to bed till like 4. What time is it?
Sharon: I's like 10 now.

Natalie comes down from HoH and into the Red Room.

Sharon: What's up girl?
Natalie: OMG, I have a huge headache. I drank too much wine. I'll never drink so much ever again. Oh, God, it's horrible.

11:06am BBT
BB: Houseguests, you have 15 minutes till the Food Competition.
Josh: Whatever.
Adam: That means an hour.

***hehe.. welcome to production, boys.

11:10am BBT
Whole lotta male grooming goin on...

11:18am BBT
Trivia interrupts the male bonding in the bathroom...
Food Comp, anyone? Or instructions for it, anyhow...
I'll be here, just in case they show us some...

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Blogger Alice said...

I wonder who is going on slop this week?

9:00 AM  
Blogger Vals said...

food Comp. in one hour! My fingers are crossed for James NOT to be on slop this week!

9:02 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

James/Josh/Sharon against Adam/Ryan/Sheila. This will be one comp that you will not be able to predict the winner. How well will these groups work together? If they split up into three groups, who will Josh partner with, Sharon or James? Adam and Ryan would try to partner together so who would get stuck with Sheila. Who unfortunately is predictably one of the worst competition players. I want to see James and Josh on slop. Or better yet, put Josh on a pasta only diet. He would freeekkkkkeeee will all those carbs.

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever is on James' team should throw the comp. He would be pissedddd ahahah

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Carolyn for all you do on here!

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love James and everyone else is seriously starting to drive me nuts.
Natalie winning HOH was unbearable.
Will they ever get over bashing Chelsia?!
And I seriously dont think I can handle the "for Mattys Birthday" talk any longer.
I say bring on the Food Comp and POV.
James needs to win it all.
...At least for my sanity.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Ya'll can teall theese are awl city dudes. Rode hard and put away wet is a term for an over worked horse. So was Chelsia referring to Sheila as a horse or as an over (exposed) worked person?
I preferr the song, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy!"

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope James ends up on slop & it weakens his game. He's such a creep!
Do the other houseguests know about the gay porn videos he's made?

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice that Natalie got 7 pics in her HOH room?? Maybe BB was having some fun too :) hehehhehe.... I wonder how long it will take her to notice??

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I SWEAR TO GOD. do any of these idiotic house guests watch Big Brothtr? DO THEY KNOW that God doesn't control this game, and that an athiest one last season? Probably other seasons too?

They're all so freaking dumb. This is the worst season to date. Worse than when those goofy twins were in the house, with Cowboy & Takomis. UGH!

9:43 AM  
Blogger **Mel6418** said...

I don't want any of them being on slop!

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

would like to see James @ Josh both on slop... way to go chatty Natty

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a deep sinking feeling that it will be James/Joshuah/Sharon against Ryan/Adam/Sheila.

~ Ryan ~

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the comment about throwing the food comp if your on james team. good thinking. James really need to go this week followed by Josh.

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the earlier posts said happy nomination day. I thought the nominations were on Friday. Was the earlier post a misprint or are noms today? Please let me know so I can stay glued to my computer.

9:58 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@9:58 -
Because of the altered schedule for winter...

Nominations are on Thursday this season (friday's in a normal season). Veto Comps are on friday this season (Saturday in a normal season).

10:02 AM  
Blogger Cara said...

The sad thing is we can see Josh slowing trying to go to the other side with him talking about God now. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don't go to "Team Christ" The show will be so boring when that happens. And seriously who names themselves Team Christ. It's just sad. :(

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James is a homeless fella. He is used to fighting for his life on an empty stomach. (Perhaps a little over dramatic but it is BB)

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not going to watch the live feeds for a while. BB9Dish will fill me in. I cannot stand listening to Nat one more minute!

Has anyone noticed the look in her eyes/on her face when she speaks in the DR? I am scared she is possessed by something other than the one she prays to.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Corey said...

Josh needs to broaden his horizons, there is nothing wrong with a little color in your life!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

Probably the reason the food comp didn't start when they said it would was because they couldn't get Natalie to wake up from her drunken stuper from last night. I'm wondering if she has passed out again up in HOH.

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

corey @ 10:24AM
"Josh needs to broaden his horizons, there is nothing wrong with a little color in your life!"

Totally agree .... !!

10:31 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

amen, said cuban by injection.

10:33 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@10:23 - It's actually quite bearable... I promise. ;)

10:34 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Jane - whereever you are... re the blond.. I'm sick of her too... She'll be gone next season.

10:40 AM  
Blogger Cara said...

Carolyn- It's been bearable??? Wow, didn't expect that, lol. You have to admit tho constantly going on about Matty's bday is a little annoying, lol. I'm still not watching the feeds. :)

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHhhh can you imagine Josh in bed rofl,

"Careful the hair, no no no thats my bad side, dont ruffle the chiffon!"

Leave him for the white bois more of the rest for us.

yours in voodoo


10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggest you replace the blond with the pic of sheibot you had a week or so ago with the brush in her hair.

yours in voodoo


10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DBLTRBL @ 9:09am- I love it, put Josh on an all pasta diet! LOL...

10:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

to anon@9:37...why just because James did gay porn is he a creep...please tell?!?!?!...he needs to make a living as do you im sure..and judging by his actions in the house with chelsia..he's obviously NOT gay!!..i would say Bi maybe..but even so..who are you to judge someone by their past???

furthermore i think James plays the best game in the house..his last few weeks are prrof of that..and now that chelsia is gone i think he will be able to focus solely on the game..and all of you james haters will be eatin ya words!!

GO JAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Alice said...

I know some people has no sence of time passing but this is getting rediculous. I wonder if Sharon can convince Josh to dump James.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Natalie has a headache from drinking too much wine. Sorry Natalie, you're wrong there. It's actually God trying to tell you "Great job on winning the HoH comp yesterday! I knew a good person could do it!" Our brains can't handle Him talking so that's why ure head hurts. Very common misconception...

6 more days for Team Christ...

~ Ryan ~ :)

* I'm just gonna start using smiley faces to show that I truly am happy underneath all of this dripping sarcasm*

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can you call James a creep based on his gay porn past. That is something he has done-not who he is. Who then would you have us root for? Ryan-the alledged racist. Jen-the girl who was willing to ruin the reputation of the man she loved for a cash prize that was never guaranteed to be hers. Parker-he makes a living out of stalking people. Allison-the gambling addict and compulsive liar. Jacob and Sharon-they were both willing to cheat on a long term relationship. Josh-he verbally abuses and threatens women. Matt who uses anyone he can get his hands on for his own gain (along with the talk of drug dealing.) Adam-he also has a criminal record involving drugs. Natalie and Sheila who have both sold their bodies in a sense along with other questionable acts. If all can be forgiven and you can find rooting value for any of these other people, why can't we forgive a 21 year old kid for what is most likely a mistake he will probably regret for the rest of his life.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think James was just trying to psych them out - I am sure he could deal with slop - I am sure he has had worse - and those drink last week seemed pretty nasty - he got them all down - yeah he ended up throwing up after but he got them down which is better then the other people did.


11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a Mexican version of BB with spanish celebrities. So I guess what Josh and Sheila wished for has already occured. By the was it was also called Big Brother. I wonder if it was by the same producers.
I hope they do one here in the US with celebrities... they need to have celebrities that are enemies. Lets see their true colors come out.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I could have lived without the shot of Josh and his tightie whities...

11:21 AM  
Blogger Detox Skin Intervention said...

If James can pull off getting Natalie to keep him off the block then he desirves to win this entire competition. I love James and I don't see why everyone slams him. All I see is a sweet gentle guy. Look how we all felt about the loveable Ryan. At first I loved the guy but he is turning out to be a tool as well. They are all in here to play a game and each one of those house guests have been an ass at one point or another.

I say... James you go boy and win this entire thing. Honestly if he goes home I don't think I can watch anyone else win.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Detox Skin Intervention said...

all I can say to the comment below is Amen.....you hit the nail on the head...

Anonymous said: "How can you call James a creep based on his gay porn past. That is something he has done-not who he is. Who then would you have us root for? Ryan-the alledged racist. Jen-the girl who was willing to ruin the reputation of the man she loved for a cash prize that was never guaranteed to be hers. Parker-he makes a living out of stalking people. Allison-the gambling addict and compulsive liar. Jacob and Sharon-they were both willing to cheat on a long term relationship. Josh-he verbally abuses and threatens women. Matt who uses anyone he can get his hands on for his own gain (along with the talk of drug dealing.) Adam-he also has a criminal record involving drugs. Natalie and Sheila who have both sold their bodies in a sense along with other questionable acts. If all can be forgiven and you can find rooting value for any of these other people, why can't we forgive a 21 year old kid for what is most likely a mistake he will probably regret for the rest of his life."

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics!

I say can we all chip in and get them a pair of nail clippers. Im tired of watching them bite thier nails and then spit em out. Yeach!!

yours in voodoo


11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I posted yesterday - as far as celebrities - I have a friend who is a celebrity. He is in sports enternainment (read professional wrestler). And BB is ACTIVELY persuing him for BB10. So you never know..........

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Heather. As far as what the anon post that you responded to above - the very last thing - I don't know so much about if he will regret his gay porn days - it just seems like he was happier on the outside of this house with his life then the life he is living inside the house. I am sure he will be the same person he was before the game when he is done with the game. It just sad seeing him so misserable in the house - especially now that he has NOBODY. I just want to give him a hug.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Jane said...

Shebot with the brush in hair is a mighty fine pic, but Josh bent over in his undies, grooming his, um, privatal area is good too. Then again, there is always James at half mast. I have to admit I'm rather partial to the mast.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

Anon 11 AM.

AMEN! I agree that it is getting on my nerves with all the self righteous people in the House and the 'righteous' people commenting.

No HGs are perfect. THANK GOD! Personally I can't stand porn, but having been part of it does not make James a bad person. FOr the same reason, Sheila was one of many girls that traveled to Bahrain to be a 'guest' of the Royal there. She has talked about it and it is part of her book. That story made the newsmagazines a few years back... because the women could not leave when they wanted. For me... it sounds like she was an Escort of sorts... a naive young woman. I doubt this is She today.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am saddened to the depths of my soul that Natalie won HOH and on the 7th question!! God, it's not funny....please stop playing with us....I hope James kicks a$$ in the pov comp again....I don't want to see Josh go but I think James has played a hell of a game. No offense to anyone who are their fans but I can find nothing appealling abot S/A/N/R. And why does Sheila keep referring to herself as famous...she's famous like Matt loves Natalie....I am just hoping for a miracle that James can pull this off once again!!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Tella @TellaKG said...

Naughty Naughty Jane! ;-)

12:11 PM  
Blogger **Mel6418** said...

BB9 is starting to get very boring for me. I don't see the "game" being played like we have in other seasons. All the twists have only been used to prolong the season. The secrets they are all holding are so normal these days that there is no shock value in it.

12:22 PM  
Blogger krissey said...

i agree, i too am sick of hearing nat talk about mattys b-day. infact i am kinda sick of hearing nat talk period. i at least need a break from it.
i will be sitting here with my fingers crossed for james too! i don't want him on slop and I want him to make it through this week. the one I can't wait to see on the block again is sheila! as adam said , "man dude, she is looped" lmao! let her sweat it for awhile. Ha! never did care for her

12:27 PM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

Tella -
Sheila did a "tour" of Bahrain?

12:45 PM  
Blogger Stephen Ritchie said...

Carolyn- here is a great line up of celebrities in the BB house-
Naomi Cambell and one of her previous assistants (Dont let her win a phone call from homme... she may give her assistant a concussion)... Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie... Tom Cruise and Brooke Shields (dont let her bring any of her prescribed meds into the house....) Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears (WAAAATCCCH OUT.. hopefully we see a lot of Pink Hair Britney!) Rosie O'Donnell, Donald Trump, Star Jones and Barbara Walters (the 4 of them would be HOUURRRSSS of entertainment.... just don't bring a harness into the house for Rosie to hang upside down in) hahahaha! Who else would make good celebrity houseguests?

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sharon can go on slop. Doesn't she have a slop pass??

12:51 PM  
Blogger Stephen Ritchie said...

Anon @ 12:51

Good point... I forgot that she had won that? It was an all season slop pass, right Carolyn? Not just a one week one?

12:55 PM  
Blogger Corey said...

Carolyn, I could have gone the rest of my day without seeing those pics of Josh and Adam but thanks for the laugh!

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh is making it really hard for me to like him with comments like that. Fatties shouldn't complain about something as trivial as "crooked teeth". Neil is so much hotter then Josh will ever be tbh.

Still, he's the one that annoy me the least in the house. So I'll keep rooting for him.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

Stephen Ritchie -

Sheila would make a great celebrity houseguest. Remember, she's famous!

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gay porn is nothing. I guess you haven't seen his many videos. The guy is on self-destruct big time. And yes, I think he also has a very tender, caring side, and he's probably very bright.

The uberChristians are another story. I think the conflict between them and James (if they really knew him) would be great to watch.

Now really, folks, how many normal, grounded people with decent jobs can leave to live on a sound stage (and under a microscope)for 2+ months? That's why we are addicted to BB - the same as we turn our heads to see a car wreck.

P.S. Natalie may not be real bright, but I think she'd be a real nurturer and is genuinely sweet in real life.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Josh's comment on Neil having crooked teeth and wouldn't date him because he is not white is pretty typical of gay Dallas culture. I am gay and live in Dallas and the guys here are notorious for being very superficial and materialistic. I stay away from that scene and live in my little middle class suburbia home away from that pile of hooey. Neil is so much better looking and hotter than Boy Wonder ever will be. God someone tell that boy to put a shirt on! Bleeechhhh!! He is so out of shape and has no room to talk about anyone.

3:33 PM  

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