Big Brother 9 Live Show Spoiler
Bringing the nitty gritty back up to the top of the post...
Votes to Evict
Natalie "Happily" Votes to Evict Chelsia
Joshuah "unfortunately" votes to Evict Chelsia
Ryan votes to Evict Chelsia
It's official - with 3 votes to evict...
Sheila votes to Evict Chelsia
James: I sadly vote to evict Chelsia.
By a Vote of
5 to 0
has been evicted from
the Big Brother House
Chelsia give Josh a pep talk on her way out the door
She also slams Sheila and Natalie...
And out to Julie...
where Chelsia has great clarity and poise.
She breaks down during the goodbye messages...
Commerical, then HoH
(anyone holding their breath yet?)
We're back...
Election Questions..
The player who is in the lead after 7 questions will be the new HoH
Natalie is VERY close to winning
After 7 Questions...
is the
New HoH
What's in store for the house now that Natalie is the new Hoh? Stay tuned...
Natalie "Happily" Votes to Evict Chelsia
Joshuah "unfortunately" votes to Evict Chelsia
Ryan votes to Evict Chelsia
It's official - with 3 votes to evict...
Sheila votes to Evict Chelsia
James: I sadly vote to evict Chelsia.
By a Vote of
5 to 0
has been evicted from
the Big Brother House
Chelsia give Josh a pep talk on her way out the door
She also slams Sheila and Natalie...
And out to Julie...
where Chelsia has great clarity and poise.
She breaks down during the goodbye messages...
Commerical, then HoH
(anyone holding their breath yet?)
We're back...
Election Questions..
The player who is in the lead after 7 questions will be the new HoH
Natalie is VERY close to winning
After 7 Questions...
is the
New HoH
What's in store for the house now that Natalie is the new Hoh? Stay tuned...
As soon as the Live Show begins, the spoiler will go right here... up to the minute, as it happens...
Here we go!! Opening sequence recapping the week all done... Now on to the opening credits...
And showing the HGs in the living room, while Julie recaps a little more... "But first, it was Easter in the Big Brother house, and eggs weren't the only thing that cracked under pressure."
Lots of Chelsia/James moments... Followed by several clips of Natalie annoying Chelsia to pieces... and Easter Egg decorating... all leading up to... The Egg Smash. And James' follow-up DR: "I don't want to be connected to Chelsia right now. She's ruining my game. I'm voting against Chelsia." James' DR is followed by Sharon, Sheila and Natalie's.
Back.. Checking in with the House Guests. Julie asks Adam which type of baby food he would prefer, and why he likes baby food so much. HGs get to see the tape of Evel Dick in the house....
Sheila - Clearly you like Rock n Rollers, but is Evel Dick your kind of guy? She responds in the affirmative. Julie to Nat - Is Matt still on your mind? Yes, Absolutely. It is easier or harder to play the game? Easier. How many letters in Matt's last name? 8!!
Adam Spotlight Segment... then Family segment... Adorable as a child, by the way... Really funny piece. Nice family too.
Josh, Ryan and James DR sessions about Chelsia... James' is brutal.
Commercial... and back... Time to go to the HoH room and talk with Adam... Julie asks him about Sheila... Where does she stand with you now? "I was never gonna put her up, but I like to get a rise out of her sometimes. I think she has my back to the end of the game." When I told you Alex would've been voted back in, did you not raise your hand because James was sitting right there? "You got me, Julie. I would've voted Alex back in." (Adam was terrific with Julie - just rose another 10 points in public opinion)
Nominees rise and deliver... Sharon first, then Chelsia - Yikes...
weeee so excited!
Thanks Carolyn ....
BB is being pre-empted here tonight for an NBA game.
I'm rooting for Sharon tonight. It's time for her to win something.
This is the episode I've been waiting for... I can't wait to see how things go down tonight. The live feeds are going to be on fire and let us hope it's not a holy fire. lol
Thanks again lovely Carolyn, you rock the web!
tic toc tic toc
hehe :)
let's get this party started!
I am so nervous ...
ohhhhh I'm so excited....4 more mins.
shamrock posts the shows online i dont know if they stream it live or not or when they put it up, but i would bet itll be sooner than 3 am
Votes to Evict
By a Vote of
5 to 0
has been evicted from
the Big Brother House
New HoH
shamrock, I'd love to see Sharon win too, but I have a feeling she might throw the HOH comp. She's in a good position with no one gunning for her and being a HOH will change that, like it did for Adam.
anon - i know it's a pretty foreign concept on th einternet, but here, we express our opinions without attacking other people for theirs...
No, BB voice, It's not manipulation if it's true. Chelsia is done.
im so nervous! i hope james or josh wins HOH!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Charlie and anon ... I'll check to see when it will be on
Got it !!!
You're the BEST !!!
The Easter Egg segment was VERY well done.
I'm not going to watch the show, instead I'm going to gage the reaction from the comments to see who wins HOH.
Did they show the other rage fest when Nat hid up in the HOH room?
That and the rage fest they showed tonight is the real Chelsia. A rotten to the core person who is a sore loser. She trashes others for doing the exact thing that she is doing.
lol, bama
Stupid Sharon, about Chelsia, "she is a gossip monger..." WTF Sheila. You are the biggest stupidest gossiper you and natalie both... RRRRRRRRRRRRR!
They are giving James SUCH a good edit its hilarious. I'm glad they let Chelsia get her colors shown, but the only thing they show of James for the last few days is him supporting Chelsia on bed and saying she was being a raging bitch?
so they show natalie being annoying, and thats what drove chelsia to smash eggs???... nice edit... nevermind that nat gets told shes a meth baby, white trash, murderer, etc. by j/j/c...god theyre making that group seem saintly
ballers brother is so cute! what happenned to baller?
The Adam family segment is great. I agree, there are to many times that Adam has shown his true gentlemen side. Adam is a gentlemen to the core.
I really enjoyed the segment on Adam. We were laughing so hard!
Hello to all the commentators. Eviction night is the most exciting night of the week. Everyone will have to throw their gameplans out the window and start over.
Please everyone watch Shelia tonight. This is when she is at her best. She will be covering her ass and flashing the spotlight on others.
The Baller edit was amazing! I really hope Natalie Baller Ryan and Sharon are the last 4.
I guess there won't be a Eric and Jess-like reunion on the outside between James and Chelsia...the Titanic, that's brutal.
For some reason, Julie just frightened me with her recent "But first..." I don't know why, heheheh. Enjoying the episode so far!
~ Ryan ~
That Adam segment kinda makes me like him....just a little tho. Unless he goes to The other side then I'll like him a lot, lol.
I think I see Adam in a whole new light now after watching that clip with his family! I think he's moving up to one of my favorites!
I LOVED Chelsia's speech!!
Love her and will miss her!
LOVED Chelsia's Speeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(rolls eyes) Chelsia's stumping...just be humble and not crazy....
Nice speak Chelsia...Lady all the way to the end! NOT!!! At least everyone gets to see the real true ugly person Chelsia really is!
Did you hear the HG as soon as Nat got up. They were amazed at the speach Chelsia gave. I think it is hilarious.
Hahaha, I really thought Chelsia was about to drop a bomb there in her little speech she gave.
Also, I'm a tiny bit embarrassed to say that I'm starting to love Adam a little more.
Does anyone else notice that Natalie talks in a annoying sing songy voice during all of ther DR sessions??? Ugh just when I thought she couldn't get any more annoying.
BTW Loved Chelsia's speech
I dunno... I still love Chelsia. :)
Chelsia's speech before the live voting was like walking on a bed of nails. Yikes!
Oh and I want either Sharon, James or Ryan to win HOH. I want Joshuah or Natalie gone this time next week.
i am so sad about chelsia even though i knew it was coming.
james must win hoh (or josh)
please please please
Chelsia is the biggest reason why BB10 has to be older. She was clearly meant for the Real World casting and appeared at the wrong soundstage.
chelsia leaving the house was amazing! haha i loved her commenting to everyone and her goodbye speech to everyone. i'll miss her in the house, though, but that was hilarious.
I can't stand Chelsia- I never could and I hate her even more now.
Yessss! Chelsia said a mouthful and I LOVED IT! Finally she said just what I was thinking. I love you CHELSIA!!!
Chelsia's exit was the best I have ever seen!!! LOVE HER!!
Im so happy you're posting about the live show... an NBA game is on, and although i love my spurs.. i NEEDED to know what was going on on big brother!
Omg .. I am actually tearing up ... James is a sweetheart ...
Gotta love Natalie she's a consistent liar through it all man she continues to give chrsitians a bad name
Cara @ 5:34pm
I noticed that also .. it's annoying .. I mute my tv
goooo sharon! please win HOH :)
I love people hating on Chelsea, especially their judgments of her as EVIL, thats the top. If youve never embarrassed yourself or said or done things at 21 that you looked back on with embarassement not much of a life youve led.
I love how people think Chelsia's age has something to do with her being pissed. What she said was dead on and she did not hold back. Why should she? She just lost $500,000 and 2 people who caused the most drama are still there.
I HEART Chelsia!!
wow interesting goodbye comments as she walked out...?! oh my...bree in co
Go James, Josh & Sharon!!
Cara~ I too notice how Natalie's voice changes when she is in DR, voting or talking to Julie. Just another annoyance to add to the long list.
The only thing that would have made Chelsia's exit better, would have been mentioning Matt on top of telling Nat to get an education.
I'm predicting Ryan will win HOH.
I just hope it's not Nat or Sheila, I'll have to mute the TV almost constantly for next weeks episodes. -_-
Baller dropped some swears in the private Julie interview they silenced out?
im soooooo nervous!!!!!! i cant wait to see who wins! hopefully josh or james!!!!! of all HOH COMPS ive watched these past years ive never soo nervous! omgeeee! go james and josh!
NOOOOO please not Nat.
Dang, looks like Nat is going to win. :(
fixed game
show is now meaningless
oh boy! a bad week for christianity im afraid
Nat is HOH...bOOHOO
... Wow ...
nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt want her to win! josh pack your bags!
HoH comp..... W T F?
Haha Natalie won HOH after 7 questions. There's her 7. Hahaha.
Lord, have mercy. Natalie is HOH. I want to die.
Josh is going on the block. I am screaming so loud right now with excitement that the entire neighborhood can hear me. Yippieeeeeeeeeeeeee
well this is the last episode and after dark i watch
Good for Nat... I just hope she doesn't say it's because of God... but rather how the questions were asked.
I can take a breather this week.
Ugh...that's all I gotta say...UGH!
~ Ryan ~
wow.....another week with natalie and her crazy theories. OMG! someone evict this girl already!
I think I'm gonna hurl.
good for natalie! Bree
Oh, dear. Gnat won.
Thanks for your blog Carolyn. I think it's going to be my only link with BB for the rest of the season. I'm officially dishing the feeds and sticking to your recaps.
I can't handle watching the "Bible (Below the) Belt "in power this week.
WAY TO GO NATTY!!! get james outta there!! he stinks!!!
YEAH NATALIE!!! I am probably more excited than the HG's. Is that weird???? I am sooooo happy!!!!!
Nat is the new HOH.
Hope my mute button is ready. -_-
James and Josh are in huge trouble, one of them needed it badly this week.
natalie is the worst choice for a HoH.
such a sad, sad day.
That was great.
Did you see the look on Josh and James face.
Nat did really good on that one.
that's it, with Natalie as HOH I'm officially turning off my feeds for the week cause I have no desire to hear her spend the entire week talking about how God has chosen her to get rid of the "evil" people in the house... here's hoping James and Josh can both find a way to pull this out and live to fight another day
Nooooooooo, why natalie?, Im done with this show. BB4 and BB2 seem so far away now. whyyyyyyyyyy?
I'm so happy for Nat! Especially after the crap she's been dealt the last couple weeks!!
Nat is not my number one but GOOD for her after the smack and sh** Chelsia threw at her.
YES !!!!
What she'll probably do:
Josh and James are the noms
Sharon if James comes off
What I'm hoping for:
Josh and Sharon
Backdoor James
Now I wonder if Ryan/Adam are going to try and run HOH during her reign like I theorized.
I am so happy! I hope Chelsia was watching LMAO! WHOOOHOOOO! Go Chatty Natty!!!
Omg i can not believe Natalie won HOH
I think this may be the end of this season for me other than reading recaps.
worst possible hoh outcome ever! UGH!!!
DAMMIT!! Sister Christian got HoH.
Stick a fork in her, she's DUN.
Or is it DUM? Hmmm...
Im dun with this season.
Hahahahhahaha GO NATALIE! Even though she may say dumb stuff and be retarded sometimes, she SOOO deserves this because of the past week shes had. James, your time is up, tick tock!
So... we know that James and Josh will be nominated... and that means that unless one of them wins POV... one is gone.
Boring show to watch.
Sharon for the win.
Could we please maybe make an exception to the expletive rule just for tonight? ;-)
In all seriousness, this may be the end of my BB9 viewing. It's not that I'm not getting my way, but rather that I honestly don't think I can bear to hear Sheila's self-centered idiocy and Natalie's ignorant God-obsessed rants for an entire week. I'll wait to see if I'm correct, but right now I think all suspense about anything that might matter has been removed.
i'm taking 5.. back to publish comments in a few.
YAH!!!!!!!!!!! Go Nat!
Chelsia is probably already missing James, so please send him to see her!!!
Confession: I think I have a little curly crush on Adam! ;)
Man, this week should be interesting...don't know if the house is gonna hold that big ego!
That's it I'm DUN with the live feeds. Def don't want to listen to her all week. Carolyn-My BB life is in your hands now :)
Natalie for the win! This is going to be a good week in the BB household.
Also...Interesting how Julie repeatedly referred to james as chelsia's 'boyfriend'.
Natty winning was about the worst thing that could happen.
Did she win on a question she got wrong?
Yikes...Natalie won HOH...very interesting because she's such an idiot.
James better win POV or his ass is going home. Shelia is going to be a proud peacock.
SHELIA has HOH again this week.
yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!
natalie thats my girl
whooooo hooooo
been waiting for this for a long time!
Too late, they caught her at the end of the live feed saying God gave her all the signs that she was going to win this week.
I think I'm going to vomit
HAHAHAHAHAHA there you go haters! freakin hilarious, 'm so happy for that girl. She's been nothing but nice to people and she been ripped a new you know what for no reason time and again, and why cause she's a little ditzy SO WHAT.. CANT WAIT til the feeds come back up to see josh and james' faces!
I have just ended BB9. I careless who win it now.. With a moron like Natalie the game is over. I believe this was a STAGED OH comp.. If your a live feed person you will know.. How many times Natalie has said BB help me or BB is going to help me get HOH and look what happen.. I believe BB's rating or about to fall big time
I am glad to see I am not the only person here who doesnt like nat, and wanted someone else to win. BOOOOOOO Why couldnt someone else win. Josh? James? Sharon? Even Ryan!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I'm personally glad that Natalie won, I'd like to see Sharon go, however I'd like either Natalie, Josh or James to win the whole thing.Unfortunatly now, we'll have to listen to the "good people" talk, and how since she is good, she won.
I want my money back.
This was the best live show ever, that is, until she won.
Ughh. I am beyond annoyed and disppointed.
But on the bright side, I can get some chores and chit I've been putting off taken care of this week and not spend so much time on BB.
This sucks!
Can someone please pinch me and confirm this is all just a nightmare!
I totally am boycotting this week, I dont think I can handle watching Natalie be HOH and being extreamly annoying. I turned it off right when she won.
OMG!!! I cannot believe that crazy witch won...I am so dissappointed:(
Ugh! This might be my lowest moment of this season... a week of Na-tal-ia as HOH. Please I hope BB10's cast is better. (BTW: awesome job as usual - been lurking this season - my 1st post! *waves*)
omg! can this night get any worse? Chelsia leaves AND now we will have to listen to Natalie all week going on and on! Guess Josh and James better put on some chapstick...they will need it will all the kissing a** they are gonna have to do!!
WEll, this will be a boring week. We'll get to hear the same stories over and over and over and over and over and over (someone stop me)....
Gee, I wonder who Natalie will nominate for eviction?????????
Of course Josh is her main target, apparently, but I wonder if she puts up Josh & James or tries to backdoor James?
She'll definitely have to decide who is more important to get out for her, if she was smart she would put up Josh and someone else, then back door James.
But this should be an interesting and mute-heavy next week of Big Brother. -_-
YESS!!! wow it was a great....Nat just has to not get tricked ...again
This HOh comeptition was RIDICULOUS. Why give a CRAPSHOOT Hoh with the house clearly divided?
The questions were ridiculous, and I, as a viewer, got most of them wrong. Seriously, wtf?
Sorry, but I really do think the DR told nat about ED coming back, they gave her the idea, and then how ironic it's all about sevens in Natalie's head and then there are seven questions? I think the DR is playing alot now.
I hate that Natalie won... it was a crapshoot HOH and the questions were ridiculous.
#1 i cannot stand Chelsia, she's so RUDE, honestly who does she think she is.. she wanted to go out with a bang?! Well she did, and now she's known as America's Bitch so I hope she's happy !
#2 I'm exstatic that Natalie won!! so pumped for this week!!
#3 I love baller
wow, some people here are as sore a loser as Chelsia is. Just. A. Game.
Having said that, go Natalie! It's time she won HoH...glad she gets to see her pictures.
Can never make up my mind about James.....he's too strong though. rom that standpoint, he needs to leave...with Josh right behind him.
Couldnt have asked for anything better!!!! Time to Backdoor JAMES!!! hahahahhahahahah
Nat as HoH??? OY!
There goes my favs... unless Josh can step it up and win PoV.
Be prepared for a week of holy rolling everybody, we're about to get a bible study from hell.
***rolling my eyes heavenward***
I loved Chelsia's speeches. lol. They were great! She knew she was out, so what was the point? You could see her, Josh and Ryan cracking up.
I'm just so mad Natalie won it! Arg! As soon as she won it i got up and announced that i was don e with this game. lol. Grrr, she's putting James and Joshua up for sure. :( Dane it!!! I'm hoping she'll like turn on Shiela or something. I doubt it though. ARG!
I think I'm going to abstain from BB9 for a week...I really can't stand Natalie and don't want to have to listen to her pretend to be Christian this week.
James is DUN, DONE!
Everyone knows Nat talks like a crazy, but again, after what she had to put up with, she totally deserves this. No one can argue with that. Plus, now we get to see James or Josh go :)
yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!.....i'm so glad natalie won HOH...shes playin strong man
Revenge is best served cold.
For the people that are hoping she doesn't bring up some who God thing to this...
I was using the Closed Captioning on my TV while Natalie was whispering something to Ryan, she said "I was following the signs that God gave me."
Get ready for it folks..."God wants all of the Evil People out of this House" According to Natalie. That will be what we get to hear from that group for the next 148 hours...
And Tonight - The Atheist and The Homosexual will not be welcomed into Heaven, so they must be evicted from the Big Brother House!
Seriously...I was considering not watching After Dark last week when Adam won. I may actually skip some After Dark's this week!
~ Ryan ~
Zach - (unpublished) I agree with you, but lose the f bomb so i can publish your comment please...
I Love that Natalie won! It's about damn the bad part, really think it should have been next week since I think it will be a physical HOH and Adam/Ryan will NOT be able to win. That would leave Sheila/Sharon to win. Damn it.
I LOVE it!!! Nat got it D-U triple N
Hahah. I thought she had no shot because I figured she'd answer herself or her crew for all the "good light" answers. We all know she's a lil delusional but I'm SO excited she pulled it off.
She said it, it's her week, God's favorite # is 7 :) ha!
ughhhhh!!!! why!!!!! she's a fake christian. she preaches all this holyness and sane but just a couple weeks ago she was stripping in front of strangers [the HGs] and giving matt bjs. she disgust me. josh and james needs sum kind of miracle. hopefully a twist is ahead.
sher Hi :)
n2realitytv - i betcha mine are higher! ugh.
ughhh this STINKS! james totally deserves to win :(
keepin my fingers crossed for POV!!
Hope all ya want, it ain't gonna happen. I have no doubt she will say she won b/c god wanted her to win and gave her the power to do so. No ifs, ands or butts. She will go on and on and on and on about it.
I used to hope she would get a clue when it came to Matty, but she never did, and is still delusional about it. I gave up on hoping a long time ago.
OMG today couldn't of been a better night :D YAYYYYY!! GOOO NATALIE :D
It was so nice watching cry baby Chelsia [when she made so much fun of Matt for crying] is gone! Couldn't even get a sympathy vote? HAHA. She has such class....NOT!
And so glad Natalie won HOH! I'm hoping not too much on the God talk but if she does oh well she won so it's her week, she deserved it!
So it's going to be buh bye James or Josh. haha LOOOVES IT!!
What a snoozefest this will be. My biggest issue with Natalie is her version of Christianity. I know that God is forgiving God and we are all sinners, but if you are going to go on National TV and profess God's blessings, while giving BJ's and saying the F word and lying about your actions (unrelated to the gameplay) then you are asking to be seen as a hypocrite.
Lastly God has better things to do than worry about this game.
Oh well, it'll be Josh or James.
OMGG i dont understand,
maybe yeah.. he deserve it for wat she got from this house but I DONT THINK SOO...
she's so HYPOCRITE honestly, everything she says just doesnt match! like every GOD thing she says, she dont even do it.. its like losing its purpose and she is basically jsut using GOD for nothing like pointless ugh i hate this. i dont want bb9 anymore. when james & josh is gone... im not gonna watch it anymore. im just gonna wait till the finale to see my fave players come back : ( ugh i hate emmm...
LOL i am hoping there is a redo of the HOH a la BB7. Maybe Julie did something wrong. please CBS
Yes, yes, yes!!!! Go Natalie!
So glad Chelsia is finally gone...sore loser much?! Just knowing how much Chelsia will hate the fact that Nat won HOH makes it all that much better for me-yay!
Wow... I wanted ANYONE but Natalie to win. Dunno if I can stand to read or hear her stupid remarks any longer.
Well that’s it; I'm no longer watching the show. And you all can say goodbye to James or Josh in less they win the POV. But that only saves one of them.
But who wants to make bet it’s going to Josh and James on the block. Oh I'm betting I guess Nat will start praying for me b/c I just went against the bible.
Chelsia ROCKS!!!
One more thing Shiela and Nat can kiss my butt their both the biggest hypocrites I have ever know. Another thing Nat is the evil force and my 8 year old sister smarter than this idiot.
I hope next season is better than this crap.
See you next season,
Charlie -
Adam was in a very serious accident and had to have his face reconstructed onto his scull.
He told (I think it was) Sheila about three weeks to a month ago.
I agree with Scary Bunnies....I can not see Nat's face or hear her voice one more time.
That's pretty hilarious some people aren't going to watch now! We still watched when James won!!
Now I'm *rolling my eyes* at all these comments at not watching :)
Carolyn, I just wanted to say THANKS FOR THE GREAT BLOG! I found this site a few weeks ago, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the work you put into it for us!
Natalie is such a hypocrite with all of her talk about God. She's a nice girl, but I can't stand her. I can't believe she said "Someone who doesn't believe in God shouldn't win the game". Why would God have anything to do with the BB game? I'm not a fan of James or Josh, but I hope which ever one of them doesn't get evicted next week wins HOH the following week and sends Natalie to sequester.
We are in for a week long's worth of Natalie being more obnoxious and stupid than ever before.
As long as Sharon stays, I'll be good.
thanks again Carolyn,
Om the bright side we get another week of the mensa mtg that is natalie and shebot and thats top entertainment.
I wonder can n/s/r/a survive another week they are a fragile group
Kinda figured chels was d.u.n. but man with the whole bring james back and him winning hoh followed by baller's questionable quick answer to win and now nat wins this hoh... it just really seems like they (production) do give some kind of help in the diary room... they mentioned it last season a bit... but man it seems like its almost scripted... im guessing james and josh go up, james win another pov and sharon does the pawn thing again... wow what an exciting week... we already know whats going to happen right up till next week...
Well I guess I am officially cancelling my live feeds for the season and will start going to bed early again. :(
I cannot believe she won & I would imagine CBS is going to see the ratings DROP big time this week, I have had enough of her high pitched voice, bible slamming & being such a hypocrit.
I do hope now for others sakes she will atleast shut up about Yellowcard - good grief. I agree with a PP I'm starting to think BB told her about Dick coming or something - for the first time I'm questioning if this show is even real & I hate it.
Thank you Chelsia for telling it straight up! You rock girl!
So depressing... Not even worth it to watch the live feeds anymore. I can not handle listening to Sheila and Nat for any period of time. Poor Chelsia. While she handled the whole thing poorly I still feel like she got screwed.
Here's hoping James survives another week... Though either way we'll probably lose either James or Joshie and they're the only ones making this show interesting anymore...
Could NOT be happier! GO HOLY ROLLERS!!
WTF? Which candidate would most likely lock themselves out of the white house - Adam or Sheila? After all the 'dumb' edits Natalie got, I am shocked at the votes. And people thought her speech would be more inspiring than Josh?? Unbelievable!
This is a game people. You're going to cancel your feeds and not watch any more of this season because you don't like who won? I'm not personally happy about Natalie's win either, but it is what it is. The DR is NOT feeding information to any of the house guests. Are you kidding me?! Seriously?!
Carolyn, thank you for keeping all of us updated! I'm on the West Coast and can't wait for the show to start here.
im sure your tracking your hits on here, be interesting with everyone swearing off the show now to see if that gets reflected in your hits
I loved tonights eppy! Am i the only one who loved how chels went out??? I loved that it wasn't the same as all the others..Please keep me here i want to stay.... i will miss you all ....boohoo.. I loved every part.
BUt not Nat winning HOH!!!!!!!!If I am on the feeds my MUTE button will be on at all times
I noticed you don't seem too excited about Natalie winning Carolyn lol. I was just wondering who you are rooting for?
Josh is sulking. BooHoo for him. His free ride is over. Let him try to talk Sharon into going up for him again. I don't think it will work this time.
Stay tuned folks. Next week is sponsored by the number 9. I could swear I saw nine clumps of grass in the corner of the backyard...
Okay, with Natalie as HOH and James or Josh now leaving, I am officially done D.U.N with BB9 :(
I don't think I can endure Nat and Sheila, by association, in power.
Wow! It was getting tiresome watching someone self implode on national television and I can't wait to see what Natalie does this week - obviously still gunning for James - and more importantly the paranoia that will ensue with Sheila.
The best part of the live show was the bit about Adam and his fast talking ways. LMAO!! Up there with the bible buddies.
WOO HOO Pinky & the Brainless are finally split up.
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you all know how happy I am right now omggggggggggg I am so happy Natalie won HOH haha James and Josh time to go up. Chelsia is a twit and humiliated herself when she left looks good on her and how dare she say that to Sheila and Adam what a sore loser. I am glad they finally showed Chelsia smashing the eggs since they were portraying her as the innocent one on TV all the time when we saw her for what she really was on the feeds. Oh yes and lmao she didn't even get Pinky's vote 5-0, I love it.
GOOO NATTY!!! I am soooo happy!!
Huge Adam fan and loved his family!!
I'm from Philly (Cherry Hill, NJ is right over the bridge from Philly) and after the first show aired the news taped his family and friends watching the show... and when Sheila was bashing Adam everyone of his friends and family were dying laughing!!! It was so funny watching it!
Oh and big Sheila fan as well!
Everyone who keeps saying they're going to boycott BB9 just because Natalie won HOH, you're as much as a SORE loser as Chelsia, James, and Josh. It is a game and just because it doesn't go in YOUR favour, you people get a hissy fit? Its REALITY tv, everyone is not perfect. She deserved it fair and square, she played the game, and she's a tough competitor. You people have to look at it in a game point of view, and not look at it so personally. Geez.
well my feeds will officially be off for the week. i can not handle annoying nat and sheila. she needs to stop with the god stuff. coming from this chick it is laughable. i absolutely can not stand her. someone evict her dumb ignorant butt.
i am so very disappointed right now. first we lose chelsia and now we cre stuck with this.
can't get much worse.
dbtrbl @ 5:28 said, "Adam is a gentlemen to the core."
Well, he does have his moments, but it hardly goes to the core -- obviously you've missed his 'bragging' about his sexscapades. UGH! Disgusting!
That said, I do like Adam -- but he is a pig when it comes to how he talks about women and sex.
And I'm totally bummed that Natalie won HoH. Not so much because she will be putting James and probably Josh up, but because she is NEVER going to shut up this week! And Sheila will be right there beside her. Aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!
Even though I am not a big Chatty Natty fan I am glad she got a chance to be hoh before she leaves.Some of the other hgs definitely crossed the line in some of their rants at her and behind her back. No matter who you like in the house you can bet it will be Josh and James up and will create somw real excitement in the house, Especially being a possible tie week so those uo will have to kiss Nats behind. Can/t wait to see Josh's temperament on the block and how he and James will turn on one another. Will be riviting!!!!!!
As for Chelsia, I'm not a huge fan of hers, but it bothers me how many people who loved Dick despise her. They played a similar game, with the only difference being that Dick's cast was too stupid to evict him. As dumb as some think the BB9 cast is, they actually evicted someone who plays the "bully" role.
I don't really take sides in the game, but I was hoping Sharon/James/Josh would have won HOH just to balance the playing field. After this week, it will be 4 vs. 2. If one side is completely gone, that will make the game so much more boring.
The only hope that Sharon/James/Josh have is for Sharon to win POV, pull down Josh and hope Natalie puts up Sheila or Ryan as the replacement nomination. Then, they could strike a deal with Adam to vote out someone on the "Good Side" (as Natalie, this season's version of Amber says). This isn't likely to happen, but it's the "Bad Side"'s only shot.
Ray @ 5:53pm. I thought it was fixed too. There were way more than just 7 questions on the poll that I answered. Why did julie only ask 7 questions??? Whatever she is an idiot...This was the only way she could answer questions and get them right. She's dumb remember.
Oh yeah one more thind did you notice how she was offended when Chelsia told her to get an education. And I could hear her saying something to the effect, "yeah thats why I am still here" Huh? What does having an education have to do with being in the house. DUMB GIRL! Yeah I am verrrry bitter that my girl left..
What I am upset about most is the competition. The competition was a crapshoot, majority of America voted from EDITED TV. I think it was ridiculous... I could care less Natalie wins a competition... but this competition was ridiculous.
YES NAT Got HOH!!!!!!!!!! I'm So Excited !!!!!!!! Now To Get Rid Of James And Josh!!!!!!!!!!
Very Happy And Excited Psycho Is Gone!!!!!!! That Girl Is Really A Child! Sharon Got That One Right On Nose....
Great Show Tonite...
Have Great Nite Hugs Susan
i've been watching bbad every day all season...until now. natalie is crazy and talks too much. unfortunately i think james or josh is going home and they are the only 2 in the house with personality and make it interesting to watch. no more crazy joshy monologues =(
genie -
Yes !!! Number 9 ROCKS!
Nine houseguests have left the show so far. It's Big Brother #9. Nat won HoH on a Wednesday (nine letters). Is this the beginning of their NINTH week in the house?
i agree tweeterfan, its a game. im not a fan of either nat or sheila but i confess they are exceelent entertainment. i dont take the bible pumping personally, it actually reflects badly on here and chrsitianity as a whole. plus we get a lot of it from all sorts of places, im glad its not contagious thats all.
im fasinated byt he personalities and all of their interactions. who wins or losses at the end of the day effects me naught. unless u subscribe to nat;s voodoo, its hardly a reflection of god's will or who the evil one's are. but if you read the posts there are quite a few voodoo practitioners who watch.
Well at least now Natalie will get her Yellowcard. But I know we won't hear the end of her holy rolling and ranting now. Looks like I will actually be getting things done this week since I won't need to follow so closely since I don't want to hear her. But I won't totally turn it off (well I don't have the live feeds but I follow this page and another one and I have Showtime) Well like I said at least this week I should be able to get some stuff I have been neglecting done.
You said it Shamrock! It must be a heavenly sign! Haha..
Tottally agree Charlie! ô¿ô
after the live show, congrat Nat!!! I don't like her but i'm not a sore loser.
I really enjoyed the J/J/C/S alliance but if Nat is really smart she puts up Shelia and Josh. Prays to her dear God that James doesn't win POV and then she sends him packing by a backdoor...
I have a gut feeling and you always stick to with what you feel. BB9 is over because next week there's a double eviction and both James and Josh will be seeing Chelsia next week.
Yeah you had to be a pretty tough competitor to win tonights competition. I saw em all sweating and over exerting themselves. Whatever, I could hear the crickets chirping whenever they panned in on natalie.
To all those against natalie, I am shocked that people would stoop so low as to condemn her for the rough life she has led!! She may not have the best education, and she may have showed a little more of herself than others, but she is a human being and she does deserve to be treated as such.
The way chelsia acted was absolutely rediculous. She showed just as much of herself as natalie (and fooled around with ally) so where does she get off being such a hipocryte. I am glad she is gone!!!!!!!!!
i don't even wantto watch anymore...natalie will multiply her already annoying talk about her stupid beliefs by 10!of course i am gonna watch cause i wanna see the drama but this is gunna suck....i really really really hope jamesy wins pov..and i miss chels already;she was my fav player since day 1!gonna miss uchels & Go James!
bye ~ bye chelsia! so glad we won't have to listen to your foul mouth anymore.
nice job nat......a well deserved win. hope chelsia got to see it! lol
i also enjoyed the clip on adam and his family. i think maybe he IS a nice, smart guy.....who's been pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.
Oh real classy Chelsia. My family in Iowa are crawling under a rock right now. Maybe you should stay in college and grow up.
I just called and canceled Sho2 starting tonight. I simply can't... since Nat has already started her Bible crap. I am not canceling my LF since I am an annual member... but I won't keep watching much. I'd rather be going to the dentist than hear SheNat go on and on about evil.
The HoH comp was a let down for me, because the way the questions were asked they won't be as zinging for the HGs... as for analyzing. It should have had all HGs as options. Boring.
Well for the first time I am glad I will be at a convention for a week in ca. We will be doing a lot of working so I don't knwo how much time I will have to catch your blog much less even see a show, but now that Nat won HOH I really don't even care I am missing it. The preaching will be NO STOP and her ans Shelia will go skipping to looney land holding hands. So, I guess I am glad I will be out of touch because I wouldn't be able to stomach it any other way. I feel for you guys having to endure Nat's HOH. Justg know this, I adoe you and I have your back during this terrible time.
Kim in OK
anon @ 6:08 -- Natalie has been saying EVERY week is HER week -- she was bound to be right eventually! Geez, even a broken clock is right twice a day....
All I have to say is that this should be a very interesting & entertaining week!
I was angry when James got back in the house but I held on and watched the show just because I invested so much time into it. So for those of you that are angry now, take the advice that I was given then. GET OVER IT! :)
Oh and I said Hi to Parker last night while I was out. He's actually not that bad looking.
did anyone ever tell you that you look like sharon.........
I think I like Adam now... I've always liked him, but now I really like him. My hopes for the final three is - Ryan, Adam, and Josh. I can't stand the girls, except for Sharon, but she has done anything in the game! And I can't stand James for his HOH week.
I threw something at my tv when I found out she was hoh. I just wanted to vomit! seriously this season is going down hill WAY to fast for me to handle anymore.
okay i notice that many of you are saying you'll not be watching for a week and im tottally with you. it's not even about my fav player being voted out and then 2nd fave(james) probably getting evicted this week. it's more about natalie and her going on and on and on about howgod loves her and will make her win this game.but that's not even the biggest reason tht i don't like her. i still remember her saying "people who don't belive in god don't deserve to win this game" and since that moment i hated her. no body"deserves" anythign in this game. you gotta earn it by winning comps and votes. she does not have the right to determine what type of people can and can't win this game. and yes, i realize tht everyone, even natalie, is entitled to her opinion but i was really offened by that remark. i could care less that she goes around all day quoting the bible and then gives blowjobs and then denies them. isn't she the one who said something like " if you deny your sins you are forgiven" or something like that...anyways, i'll be happy if anbody BUT her wins this game.i would rather have shiela win this game than natalie.
I just changed my opinion of Chelsia...I didn't think much of her until her brutal truthful honesty tonight. I feel bad for her having to go stay with that knob Matt. She should be allowed to go home. She piggy-backed James right back into the game and she ends up leaving. Hasn't she ever watched this show, the girl never ends up winning in that situation. I felt bad for her.
Sheila can stuff it. She should shut her mouth about class. She was nothing more than a p-o-a when she was 21.
hope sharon goes home
I think its great that Nat won HOH, not because I like her, because I don't really like anyone in the house this season all that well, but because she has wanted pictures of her family for awhile now and she won it fair and square and everyone should have a chance to be HOH at least once. James was HOH twice, and Josh/Sharon were already HOH once, and also Ryan and Adam, so now its Nats turn and Sheila hasn't had a chance yet, so maybe she will win one too. Nat is apparently smarter than everyone thinks she is or at least a better guesser.. lol. There are certain qualities from each of the house guests that I like, but none of them have really gotten my full backing, so at this point I don't really care who wins what. Its just interesting watching how it all plays out. But I absolutely COULD NOT STAND chelsia after she showed her true colors, she is just a downright meanspirited sore loser. She thought she was going out with a bang, but all she did was make herself look totally dumb in front of all of america by showing her crappy attitude when she knew she was going home. Instead of having fun her last few nights, she chose to make everyone's time uncomfortable and she really just showed her immaturity. Glad to see her walk out the door, and I am sure her daddy wasn't proud to see his little girl acting like that on national tv.
Anonymous said...
As for Chelsia, I'm not a huge fan of hers, but it bothers me how many people who loved Dick despise her. They played a similar game, with the only difference being that Dick's cast was too stupid to evict him. As dumb as some think the BB9 cast is, they actually evicted someone who plays the "bully" role. There is no way that Diick and chelsia played anything similar.
Great show until the end!
Loved the way Chelsea went out. For everyone who thinks that she is being a poor loser- she is only saying what every evicted house guest wants to say. I don't blame her for being ticked that Nat and Sheila are still there. Love ya Chel! You did lose it a little, but it was great TV. Unfortunately, Natalie and Sheila won't get it.
Adam seemed a little more likable after seeing his family and background. He will be worth watching for a little longer.
I just hate that Ryan and Adam are connected at all with Nat and She. I am sure it is just for the game... but arrrrgh, I want to like them!
James or Josh... win the Pov, stay as long as you can.
I will not cancel anything...LOL, but I will catch up on some needed sleep this week. I cannot listen to Nat's craziness.
Chelsia really gave a low blow about Nat's education(or lack of)
Chels has artistic ability and has managed to live. She also is still in the game and Chels isn't.
That had nothing to do with 'playing the game'
It was just a cruel outburst.
WTG Natalie!!! Bye bitch Chelsia you just make yourself look more of a fool then you already are lol.
I loved the way CBS made Chelsia look tonight. Can we say lunatic lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO at the haters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josh & James pack your bags one of you are going home.
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