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Monday, March 17, 2008

Interview with Sheila's Son: Mick

While the HGs are enjoying their well-deserved Half Way There party, I thought it would be nice to check in with the young man we hear about every day, Sheila's son Mick. As with all interviews on bb9dish, please resist the urge to copy and paste this elsewhere. If you'd like to link to it, here's the url:


Carolyn: We hear about you every day, so I thought it might be nice to actually hear from you. How are you enjoying this season of Big Brother?

Mick: I thought it was kinda cool at first, and now I'm over it. I'm sick of hearing sh*t talked about my mom, just because shes on a reality tv show. It really bothers me. People get way too into this show. Not saying its a bad thing, but once there's really disgusting things said, the line is crossed.

Carolyn: Have people been crossing the line with you?

Mick: I'm managing her myspace, and I'm getting things like, "Oh, I hate you. Can't wait till your gone," and stuff said to me, like "Oh your poor mommy is going home this week. You can count on that."

Carolyn: Wow. That's beyond rude. How do you handle it?

Mick: I'm like, are you kidding me? Where do they get off telling an HG's 16 year old son, who misses his mom, and is just waiting for all this to be over with... stuff like that.

Carolyn: Is it strange seeing your mother on tv all the time?

Mick: It was at first, then I kinda just got use to it.

Carolyn: The season started with 16 people, and after Wednesday they'll be down to 8, and your mom's still going strong. You must be very proud. If you could have a 2 minute uncensored phone call with your mom right now, what would you want to tell her?

Mick: I would tell her I love her and miss her more than anything, and to hang in there.

Carolyn: Since you can see all the stuff your mom can't - house guests talking about her - which one house guest would you most like to warn her about and why?

Mick: All of them! Straight up.

Carolyn: Your mom is extremely protective of you and very vocal about it. Several times a day, she warns the other house guests not to bring you into this... How does that make you feel?

Mick: I haven't seen any of that, cuz I dont have the feeds or showtime.

Carolyn: Really? Wow. That's surprising, and in this case, I have to say, pretty terrific. So, now you know... She spends her days making sure you're as safe from this process as she can keep you while she's locked away in there. How does that feel?

Mick: It doesn't surprise me. She has unconditional love for me, and she's the best mom anyone could ask for, and I shouldn't be dragged into this anyway.

Carolyn: Well said, kiddo. So, who would you like to see in the final 4 with your mom? Are there any house guests you trust with her?

Mick: At first I hated him, but A-Ballah... I don't trust any of the rest... maybe Ryan.

Carolyn: Thanks for making the time to talk with me, Mick. I really appreciate it. Hang tough, and don't let the mean people get to you. No one knows your mom like you do.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another awesome interview Carolyn. You're quite amazing =]

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he "sounds" a lot like his mom

6:36 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

thanks, zana. :) he's a good kid.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

Great kid !!

I hope he gets to see his Mom very soon.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mick, you're a cool kid. Your mom will be super proud.


6:39 PM  
Blogger Seany527 said...

im suprised he didnt tell you he was 16 years old and that he didnt sign up for this! lol.
that was really nice of him to do the interview tho!!
thanks for bringing it to us Carolyn

6:40 PM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

Thanks for going the extra mile for us, Carolyn.

I hope Mick get to see his mother very very soon.

6:43 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

behave, bama. :P

6:44 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

Strong kiddo! Not surprising considering his mom has stood strong through all the whacked out business of BB.

Just in case...

To Mick: Yep I've said a few things about your mom, but always know that from the start I've had respect for because I too am a single mom. Might I recommend that you stop managing her myspace account... those messages sound very demeaning and detrimental. Take care of yourself and stay strong. Your mom, Sheila, said it best when she said she'll still be famous and have her life/family above all the others after this show is over.

Thanks for the interview!!!


6:45 PM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

What? I didn't say anything. Carolyn, When are you going to be a house guest on Big Brother?

6:47 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

lol, mike.. that would be a big fat NEVER. not my cup of tea! i need ocean and bike rides by it daily... and peace.. and quiet.. and alone time.. and friends and family and and and... NOT gonna happen. not even if they quadrupled the prize money.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Carolyn that was a nice interview. He appears to be well grounded. You can tell he is as protective of his mother as she is of him. It seems that they have a good relationship with each other. I hope people would think before they make negative comments. This is just a game and should be left there.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was this the interview you were talking about carolyn? i thought i read it was an evicted houseguest??

6:50 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

anon@6:50 - no, this was a special treat. the evicted HG is on the way. :)

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay :D

6:53 PM  
Blogger Evel Girl said...

Cool interview. You're the best Carolyn!

He seems like a really awesome young person.

7:00 PM  
Blogger Heidi Petrelli said...

Mick sounds like a great kid-Sheila should be proud.
How can people talk trash about someone's mother and her son?
Who on Earth has no sense of decency? Horrid...

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks again Carolyn!

Once again you bring back the humanity of BB. If he is already upset baout everything can you imagine if he had the feeds. It has to be SO hard for a teenage to hear all the trash talked about thier Mom. THere is no way to shield them liek you can with younger kids. With that said he seams like a strong kid and is handeling it well. I don't know how I would handle something like that at his age! Can you imaigne the school/peer pressure that goes along with it. My prayers are with them!

7:03 PM  
Blogger David B. said...

I agree with some of his comments. Because people are on TV people say anything they want about them and yes they asked for it but they are still people. No one is completely evil and no one is completely an angel.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou Carolyn, he really loves his mom a lot, I could tell that when he messaged me back last week. Have a great evening everyone.

7:08 PM  
Blogger **Mel6418** said...

He sounds like a very level headed young man. Great interview Carolyn!!

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It whould be noted that Sheila bring up Mick 99% of the time....

7:21 PM  
Blogger ReporterX said...

Thanks Mick...Thanks Carolyn!!

If Mick's reading..we know your Mom misses you so much...

Great answers!!

7:33 PM  
Blogger DisneyMom said...

Very sweet! :)

Great interview and GREAT job Mick! Don't let ANYONE else bring you down.

8:03 PM  
Blogger ǝuoʎuɐzǝɥʇ said...

Great job, as usual, Carolyn. Mick seems like a nice kid, and I feel bad for anything negative I've said about his mom. You get invovled and forget these are real people, with real lives.

Good luck.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he sounds like a gentlemen that really loves his mother :)

8:39 PM  
Blogger Boomer said...

Great interview -- nice boy.

Thanks, Carolyn. Can't wait to find out which evicted hg you interviewed...

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you frickin kidding me? Let me tell you something. That was a nice interview from the 16 year old son of the 45 year old single mother. Know that!! : )

10:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the interview. He sounds like a well-grounded kid who misses his mother. It would be nice to see Sheila win HOH so she can get pictures from home and she can post a blog at the end of her HOH week.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he doesn't watch Showtime or the feeds, how would he know that people are saying bad things about his mom? How would he hate all these people just from what he sees on the show? It doesn't add up.

He sounds like a good kid. Nice interview Carolyn.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Melia said...

Mick you really don't need the feeds and thank you for the interview.

I am sorry your Mom is playing the Mom card but as a mom I can fully understand. You have a great mom.

The blog is great Carolyn and Carla thanks for the many updates for us who can't babysit our computer and the feeds all day long. I get most of my info I need here.

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who posted at 5:49am who wondered how he knew people were saying bad things about his mom: He's getting the comments on his mom's MySpace page.

He sounds like a mature kid who loves his mom and is having to endure a difficult time and is doing a great job. Thanks for the interview.....now when will we hear from the ex-houseguest? I can't wait!

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, I enjoyed the interview with Mick. I just wish I knew what his reaction was when Ryan took the 10 thousand dollars from his mom.

For the record, there is no such thing as a "single mom card". You either are one or you're not one. I think Chelsia is an idiot for making that comment.

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets be realistic. The kid does have a good head on his shoulders and he is doing the right thing by sticking up for his mother but she is the originator off trash talking! She humiliated Adam on national T.V when he did'nt do anything to the woman.Everything she gets she deserves.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Geminat said...

awww...well she did something right, she raised a son with manners

3:15 PM  

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