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Big Brother 9 is On!
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Chelsia to Infiltrate the Bro's
& a Half Way Party from BB

6pm BBT
James, Chelsia, Josh and Sharon have just cooked up some covert operations for the next 36 hours. Chelsia is going to infiltrate the other side.

She'll pretend she's had a big fight with James and possibly Josh, and she's voting against him now, and keeping Matt, and she wants to join their side, and she'll tell them they'll have the numbers now, and she knows she can pull Sharon over to their side.

Big Acting job for Chelsia... Can she pull it off?

Sharon has warned her to be prepared to hear the same stories over and over again for the next 36 hours. Chelsia goes off.. They tell her they'll miss her and not to lose too many brain cells hanging out with the others.

The goal: They want to cause a tie, and leave Adam and Sheila blowing in the wind with both sides.

6:05pm BBT
Chelsia joins the boys... Spark up the feeds. This should be very interesting.


After a brief few moments of flames, the feeds return, and the HGs have been given lots of food, a cake decorated with all their faces and beers.

They are all ecstatic!

Josh does the math - "that means this is an 80 day season. Today is day 40. We're half way there."


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't we get to watch the party. thats stupid

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glued to my puter waiting for the flames to end. I'm starting to wonder if I have a life outside of BB9 ...

I'm so happy that my fav's J/S J/C have come up with such an awesome plan to throw the house into chaos.

When will these flames end and the fun begin???



6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are probably getting some music for the "party" thats why flames

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question - What will this plan essentially do? It woulda been a good idea with Sheila being the one who would get pissed, but all you would be doing is pissing Ryan off. And we all know that all you have to do is explain to Ryan what a big threat the other side is (i.e. - manipulate him) and he will completely forgive you and go back to getting J/J/S/C out.

I see the whole putting Adam n Sheila out in the wind, but that will ONLY be with Ryan...Nat, Sheila n Adam will still stick together... Someone help me with clarification here please!

~ Ryan ~

6:48 PM  
Blogger mikeinbama said...

Staged fighting never work...why are they going to do this? I guess it will bring some drama to the house.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow what is with the trivia is has been on forever now. I hope something exciting happens!

6:57 PM  
Blogger Shamrock said...

Flames .... trivia.

I guess they don't want us to see the 1/2 way party.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how long will they keep this up? Will Chels actually vote to keep Matt in order to keep up the rouse??

6:28 AM  

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