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Friday, March 07, 2008

BB Historical Trivia

Hi Everyone :) I'm heading out for a little while to take my mother out to dinner for her birthday. Before I go, though, I have a trivia question for the BB historians out there.

During Big Brother 8, the 1st Endurance Comp was the 5th HoH Comp of the season. How many other seasons have followed this formula?

I'll be back to publish your responses in just a little while.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's crazy! Today is my Dad's 55th birthday AND my parent's 27th wedding anniversary. I think I overheard that today is Ryan or Josh's Mom's birthday today as well!

Hmm...triavia question...Pretty sure it happened in BB6 with Kaysar. Honestly, that is the only one I kinda know for sure...so I'll say one.

Happy Birthday Carolyn's Mom!

~ Ryan ~

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this week will be the first endurance HOH comp. Because they can't really do triva it wouldn't be fair to the house guest that is coming back.

5:13 PM  
Blogger Stephen Ritchie said...

I am pretty sure that Season 7 was the spider web (because season 6 won the first 4 HOHs and Danielle was number 5 and the first non S6 person to win HOH... pretty sure that was HOH number 5)

Also, I cannot remember what week Kaysar was voted out, but I think it was 4 and then he got voted back in and they had that DREADFUL endurance comp week 5 where they had to be in that box with bad stuff in boxs and Beau got WASTED off martinis inside and Kaysar gave his HOH to that one Jennifer chick at the very end and she ended up backdooring him... but that may have been week 6?! I cannot really remember... I was out of the country for most of the other seasons, but I think the past 3 have had endurance for HOH numvero 5!

5:29 PM  
Blogger nWjoe said...

Hi Carolyn, thanks for the hard work, your site ROCKS!!! Trivia Answer (kinda guess): 4 times I think.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is my first...I think I have seen just a couple of these with this commment.
I have watched BB on and off but wasn't an addict until BB8. LOVED Evil Dick!!
i found myself searching...didn't just want to wait for the show, and I just could not believe what I found! Thank you Carolyn for this site...I am such a loyal fan and chech in too often...work certainly gets in the way..any rate, I degress! I wanted to say, I have been voting for Alex's return DAILY and OMG - I would LOVE it of Matty is backdored..what a game. AWESOME

5:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

0. This is season nine, and we have not had a fifth HoH competition yet.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolyn ....

Y'all should have gotten take-out. :)

Sheila is spilling the beans to Nat on the plan to backdoor Matt. She is crazy.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTH is wrong with Sheila? Am I deaf or wasn't she a part of the whole "slam Mattie" fest??? She's completely turned on the others. She just busted out their plan to Ryan and now he's changed his mind!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have felt SORRY for Sheila for this entire game--no more! Whatever she gets she deserves...ICK

6:22 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Too loopy on Friday martinis to answer that trivia question.

In other news ...

To whomever said it, I never said Josh was in a porno. Sheesh. (Of course, two months ago I would have paid to see that. Now they'd have to clamp my eyes open ala A Clockwork Orange. He just disgusts me.)

And no one has commented on Adam's using the other "f" word about said gay boy.

So we have Ryan, who admittedly has "race issues" and is opposed to miscegenation. But he's not a racist.

And Adam who talks about "retard" and "faggots."

And Matt's general satyriasis.

And Josh's just plain evil and dangerous living (not to mention spreading dangerous misinformation about HIV).

Yeah, they're a bunch of winners.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Cliff O'Neill said...

Oh, and did I mention ...

Sheila. Unitard. Droooll.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for spandex.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me what that blue thing is that Sharon always has on her shoulders?

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the "Power Couple" competition the first real endurance event of this season?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That blue thing is what is left over of her baby blanket (or pillow case)

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~ redheadsmom ~
It is her blanky. She's had it ever since she was a child and was given to her when she won HoH.

~ Ryan ~

7:53 PM  

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