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At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Let the mind games begin!!
It's so sad that Adam is just now realizing how great of an ally James could have been. James excelling in endurance and Adam's dominance in mental could have been a pretty unstoppable force towards the end especially if they accomplished getting Natalie out this week. Oh to dream! :-/
Yea James is the pro that is why he is leaving this week.
James was not always so willing to work with others. You guys make it sound like he is a victim.
He sorta made his own bed.
I think by teaming up with Josh. And the way Josh treated the girls.
Made the girls not like any of them guys. And you know what they say about paybacks.
I think the thing that makes me the maddest is the houseguests have this game figured out. Or at least they all talk like they do. Hey, Big Brother! When are you going to wake up and give us the unexpected?!?!?! It's been a pretty flat season so far and all the "surprises" have been duds. Shake things up a little! I don't even care how it is done, just give us some ENTERTAINMENT! Or this BBFan is going to become HISTORY.
That really sucks that James is going to be going home this week. He was so fun and cute. Hopefully there will be some kind of twist that will keep him in the house. I doubt it but you never know.
Amen to you comment Anon 4:27! You are so right. James a victim my butt! Only after Chelsia left did he want to make deals with others because He & Josh were on the block.
Wouldnt it be great if tonight American could vote on something like "to keep or not to keep Adams nominations the same" or replace someone on the block with another.
Come on CBS, ring that siren and get America involved. That would surely create some drama and keep this show from becoming predictable and dull. I cant stand Nat and Shebot and their better than you attitudes anymore. If it is a double eviction week, I can only hope that James and Nat can share a plane to sequester.
yeah i like the way big brother uk does everything compared to here. in the uk all of the houseguests choose who they want nominated and then the public votes on who gets evicted. then the evicted housemate walks out of the house to a huge crowd of people cheering and/or booing them. i'd love to see natalie walking out of the house to hundreds of boos and laughs.
Anon @ 4:35 -- Don't you mean ANOTHER twist that will keep him in the game. Think he already got one!
Anon @4:27 - what DO they say about paybacks?
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