The DishChicks are back and ready to blog Big Brother 9!!
At bb9dish, we cover the Big Brother Live Feeds, so much of what we write could be considered a spoiler for those who only watch the broadcast on CBS. Now, we don't understand why anyone would choose to do that, since it's like forming an opinion based on 1/10,000th of the information, and they could at least try the feeds for free, but what do we know?! Check bb9dish often for Updates, videos, pics, chops, opinions, etc. xoxo, C-n-C
Big Brother 9 is On!
Let the mind games begin!!
Big Brother 9 Cast Revealed
Then again, thanks to TV Guide, we don't have to wait till tomorrow! Here are the Houseguests for Big Brother 9!! Have a look, and when you're ready, check the left sidebar for their myspace pages. The new HG myspaces are just below the Digg button.
Adam, 29, public relations manager
from Del Ray Beach, Florida
Jacob, 23, electrician
from Dallas, Georgia
Chelsia, 21, college student
from Cedar Falls, Iowa

Amanda, 23,
paralegal from Fridley, Minnesota
Allison, 28, pharmaceutical sales representative
from Boston, Massachusetts
Alex, 24, DJ company owner from Staten Island, New York
Natalie, 28, bikini barista
from Salem, Oregon
Matt, 23, roofing foreman from Charleston, Massachusetts
Joshuah, 25, advertising media buyer
from Dallas, Texas

Jen, 26, bartender from Columbus, Ohio
James, 21, originally from Sarasota, Florida, currently biking around the world
Sheila, 45, former model from Reseda, California
Sharon, 23, realtor from Olathe, Kansas
Ryan, 27, college student from Columbus, Ohio

Parker, 26, Paparazzo from Northridge, CA
Neil, 29, realtor from Los Angeles, California
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I'm liking Chelsia and Jen the most
When do the feeds turn on?
No disrespect to my Caucasian BB fans but why is the house SO white (and orange--um, hello self-tan!)? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yep I'm officially excited, it like its almost here!
Jamie - After the show on the 12th.
Mo - I know!! 1 lone black guy... and he's a paparazzo, of all things.
Samantha - Me tooooo!
Ok I dont know about anyone else...BUT there is defeintely some eye candy in there woooo hoooo....feels weird looking at the pics and not knowing them at all and knowing that here pretty soon I am gonna feel like I knew them my whole life!
One person NOT in their 20's?
and they are alllll in thier 20's except for the 45 year old...crazy!
And just how is someone "currently biking around the world" yet landing a tv show for several weeks. Is he on a stationary bike?
Jessie - LOL
Imo... I'm already rooting for the "old lady." ;)
lol - of course that probably means she's doomed.
So I guess no tranny? lol.. i wish the site were up.. i wanna read about these people already!!!
what a diverse bunch
too bad there wasn't some older ones besides the one 45 year old but i'll be rooting for sharon [ homestate girl, woot] and i think i'll like chelsie!
i hope they can keep up with bb8!
definitely some eye candy this year!!! i can't wait :D
There is also 9 guys and 7 girls... I wonder what that is all about?
I am so excited!!!!!
There are two people from the same place...Columbus, OH. Coincidence? Tricky tricky!
Found on my own searching that Jen and Ryan are together--Myspace pages...private...
i wonder since there is 2 extra men if they are gay and going to be matched up? or just extra men?
Yikes! Seriously. ALL are 29 or under and ONE is 45?? Is she one of their Moms?
Interesting, interesting. Funny to look at them and wonder who we'll like... I'm sure it'll be different than I think.
And, how do you bike around the world? Does his bike float?!
IT'S CRAZY!!! Right now, they're all just pictures... and we're going to be so deep inside of their lives in a week! CAN'T WAIT!!! ;)
too bad we didn't know their myspaces yet. i want to know more than just their pictures already!
Found Parker's myspace:
I'll keep trying...not easy. :)
Joshuah's myspace shows him as bi...
eh...this season looks lame. I think the theme is breast implants. Im a little weary. The only reason big bro was good last year was because the guests. The producers didnt do jack. These houseguests, from face value, look fake.
Allison's myspace
I will be rooting for Sharon as my hometown person!
such diversity. NOT!
Telllaaa~!!! :)
so nice to see you!
I am a bit surprised... NOT, that it is such a young group again. No one in their 30's at all!!!
Of course, I will still watch!
Sorry to judge you Jacob... but please... no more tiny bangs on guys. I see this in Georgia all the time though. This haircut needs to go away along with the mullet...jmo!
Thanks for the info Carolyn!
LMAO..anyone know if the tranny is in that group?? 3 of the "girls" look to me like they could be...
I agree.. WTF .. where are the 30 somethings?? they could have had me...LOL...and almost all white?? how boring!
I take that back after looking at the "girls" I think all of them could be trannys except the 45 year old..she is a woman..but all the others...could be "other"...LOL
I guess we need to wait before we make any judgements. I didn't like Dick Donato at the beginning and ended up being a big fan!
It is kinda weird that only one is over 40 - maybe she's somebody's Mom? Not really a soul mate but...
I don't want to "like" anyone yet. Like you said Caro, it's doomsville for whomever I may choose. I think that for all the things that we may not like... at least we have a BB now. It's way better than nothing. :)
Buxom- I agree about the little bang thing. What's up with that?
I'm a little less excited b/c the cast is so young. And the male eye candy is TOO Young.. Especially Alex and Matt. Lol! But I'm still looking forward to the premier.
young, young, young.... sort of disappointing... but I'll watch anyway!!
I wonder if the the 45 year old is someone's mom too...I think it's gonna be another season like season 5 where everyone has a partner...only like the add said, if your partner goes, you do too. Kinda like biggest loser this season.
I am voting for my girl JEN! Home town pround from Cleveland!!!!!! She is going to go all the way!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I noticed the lack of ethnic and age diversity right off the bat. But when you're pairing people up that's really going to limit your options since folks tend to pair up with people who are about their age and, generally speaking, of their same race.
Which means that only eight possibilities, instead of the 16.
Oh, and how excited am I that there are two Columbus-ites in the house!? I guess those two sessions down the street were fruitful.
Ok anyone notice that there are 4 A names and 4 J names? Kinda weird!
Alex has You guys in his top friends.... I am sensing a favorite emerging already!
oh, and monyc maybe all the fine black men are taken. oh and women.
My vote is on Chelsia for the Tranny.
Why do you all think the Tranny is one of the girls? I did not see a adams apple on any of them I know it is hard to tell. But could it not be one of the men? Some of them do not have a adams apple.
My bet is on the first guy Adam I cant see his adams apple lol.
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